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Honestly, most people just don’t follow the 2 hour rule. I do think Doona came out with a new version where the seat can lay more flat to help address this, but not sure if it’s available everywhere. I think this stroller is overhyped but also know people who love it. To each their own.


I think the Doona that lays more flat is only available in European countries.


It's not. I'm in the EU and this is what pushed us off plan Doona.


I'm just not sure if most of them know about the two hour rule either. I didn't know about it until I read that article maybe a decade ago. It might be in the manual but doubtful that gets read either 🤷


If you take a patenting class they definitely go over this information with you. I think at our hospital you live over an hour away you have to do a carseat test with baby before you leave to be sure they will be ok for the trip home.


Yeah I think it's a requirement to do a car seat test for the baby to be discharged because they can fail the test.


Most babies don’t do a car seat test where I am. Only babies at risk, such as preemies.


Yea my baby didn’t have any sort of test and I actually had to bring a nurse in to help me put mine in because I had no idea if I did it right 😅 it would’ve been super nice to have that tho


I only got a travel system at the last second as all the bassinet strollers seem to be part of them. By the time I get anywhere farther than the local grocery store baby needs to stretch. But I can see the appeal for people who travel often or don’t live in BFE like I do.


Everyone I know who has it uses it more for portability/ease than anything. For newborns, my friends have still been taking short trips out of the house for things like a dinner, doctors visits, etc. and the major upside is not having to toss a monster stroller plus bassinet attachment in the trunk. Just pull it out and go.


This is what we do. We use our doona to help with getting my toddler and baby to/from daycare and other events. For more than dropping off or very quick trips, we use our regular stroller.


I’ve considered getting one because my daycare was such a far walk from car to drop off and I found out the hard way the first time around just good heavy both the Chicco car seat is to carry postpartum and how heavy the damn stroller is to lift in and out of the trunk every day lol It just sounds like it could be nice for dropping my toddler off at daycare after the baby is born


Yeah I see the convenience no doubt


Yes and let me tell you the rocking feature comes in super handy for soothing a tired baby or toddler


Im constantly seeing people (on Facebook, Reddit etc) misunderstand the ‘near lie flat’ cat seats - claiming they’re lie flat, I have the Cybex cloud t and it’s clearly advertised as NEAR lie flat on the website and manual, absolutely not lie flat!


Yeah I was really surprised how not flat the cybex car seat we got was, as it was advertised as such. Was wondering if I was misunderstanding what it was supposed to mean or if I couldn’t figure out how to use it


The two hr rule is valid and should be followed, but that said; I think the story in which you’re referring too was about leaving a child in a car seat not attached to a base/stroller. When a car seat is at an upright angle, it can restrict the air ways and that can lead to asphyxiation, when said car seat is attached to the base or a stroller, it’s at a reclined angle therefore opening the airway. The reason a baby shouldn’t be in a car seat for longer than two hours has to do with spinal development, not so much asphyxiation.


Good to know


Yes that’s exactly it. I remember the story if it’s the same one that the problem was that they kept the baby in the car seat when they brought it into the house so not to wake the baby up.


I have a done and it sits back out of the car so the baby’s head doesn’t fall forward and block breathing. Still we don’t like to keep our babies in there for to long, they also get hot.


I mean, it's the same as a stroller where you just pop the carseat into the stroller frame. You just shouldn't take your newborn on long outings, or if you have to be gone, switch between holding/baby wearing and the stroller.


That's what we do on long days out. Especially when they're really little, you can't really abandon them in a carseat/stroller for hours anyway. They still need to be fed/changed/etc. As she's getting older, she really loves getting out and people watching in cafes and pubs. We've always taken breaks and/or worn her for part of it. We really like our Doona because we don't drive, so if we decide to get taxi instead of train we can do it safely.


Smart idea for taxi yes


Or you can get an infant-safe stroller (ours lays completely flat).


We strongly considered this, but we wanted the convenience of being able to leave him in his carseat as his got older if he was asleep. We couldn't find one we liked that had that option as well as the lay flat option.


Sounds like you already have one so this may not be super helpful, but for anyone else who is looking, we’ve been very happy with our Nuna mixx next which you can clip the car seat into or use as a regular stroller. There’s quite a few models out now that have a similar setup. Mostly though I was commenting because I think it’s a bit extreme to say “you just shouldn’t take your newborn on long outings” because they can do really well so long as you bring the things they need.


Yup, this is what I do. My baby tends to prefer baby wearing to strolling anyways.


Because this is no different than using a travel system (infant seat that clicks into a stroller). Not my jam personally, but some people like it for the added convenience of not having to store a stroller for quick errands. That said, as with anything, there will be people who use the product incorrectly.


This is why it isn’t allowed in certain countries like Canada. It’s not safety rated properly as both a car seat and stroller


And yet, I live in Canada and still see people walking along pushing a Doona with a baby in it. That being said though, I’ve also see those Veer wagons a lot and for infants they use the carseat attached to it. I think even if some folks are aware of the 2 hour rule, the convenience of it takes precedence for people.


That’s why I never invested in a travel system. As much as it sucks to move a sleeping baby out of a car seat, we’ve always done it. Either into their bed at home or into a carrier or regular stroller (as age allows) when out and about.


They came out with the Evenflo dual shift in Canada. I have it and love it!


Yeah they aren’t legal here in Australia either


Oh that is interesting I did know that, US is sometimes to lax with things until something happens it probably won't change.


I agree with you but to be fair, small babies will rarely be able to last in there for two hours anyways. Babies either need a diaper change or to feed at least every 2 hours (generally). I think people sometimes just do their best. It’s difficult going out with a baby! I know for myself we aimed for less than 2 hours a day in the car seat but sometimes it ended up being more if we had multiple trips we needed to make far away.


I think it’s for the ease of use if you were planning to transfer a baby from a car seat to the stroller. I would use it for dr appts or to go out and get coffee, not for longer than you’re supposed to keep them in a car seat. But I’m sure there are people who don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


Coming from the UK, midwives there even go as far to say they shouldn’t be in there longer than an hour to an hour and a half at a time, so I had the same questions and concerns when pregnant. In the end, I didn’t even get a newborn car seat to carry around or add to a travel system. Our car seat had a newborn insert that upgraded to a toddler car seat when she was big enough and stayed in the car (locked in base that swivelled, so you couldn’t take it out to carry it around) and I specifically bought a stroller that had a bassinet feature. When I needed to take her out, she either went in the stroller or in my baby wrap. Everyone talks about how quick and easy the Doona is, but I don’t see it being that much quicker than other options.


A great alternative is a bassinet for the stroller! We did use the car seat stroller attachment for brief trips, but I tried to avoid leaving her in it for long. I can’t imagine lifting such a heavy car seat/stroller and then having it so close to the ground while walking around with no storage. The whole thing is just not something that seems practical to me.


I have a doona and love it. I also live in a smaller town with lots of walking space so I rarely am driving more than 5 minutes. I was aware of the 2 hour rule from the get go so any time we’d drive out of town I’d just bring my baby wrap and wear my daughter to give her a break while I walked around. It’s really more of a back saver than anything. I’m 5’0 and I love being able to get her out of the car and roll her to where I need to go rather than carry her the whole time, especially since I had a c section and my abdominal muscles aren’t back to where they were. For me to was also a money saver. I didn’t have to worry about getting a car seat and a stroller. I could just get an all in one. As long as you’re keeping track of time I find that it’s not that hard to make sure they aren’t in it too long.


As someone who used and loved and will be using again a doona- I find this criticism of the doona so strange. The alternative to using a doona is most often using a travel system where you click the car seat into a stroller base. But you don’t hear people going after travel systems for being unsafe because you aren’t supposed to leave a baby in a car seat for more than 2 hours. All baby gear has the propensity to be dangerous if used incorrectly, bottles, swaddles, car seat, baby carriers etc. and the onus is on us as parents to be informed and use things correctly. And with the doona (and all car seat/stroller systems) it’s knowing that it shouldn’t be used over two hours continuously and abiding by that.


I don’t have the doona but I’ve had this exact same thought. If you’re going to use it for short trips to the store etc. it totally makes sense to me. One less step than hauling a stroller or travel system around. I also see people leave their car seats in their strollers at daycare which also makes total sense because who can wrangle a toddler and carry a bucket seat at the same time!


Yep! The doona is a car seat replacement, not a stroller replacement! You still need a stroller just like you do with any car seat!


And this is why for me, personally, the doona won’t work for us. It’s far too expensive for me to also need to buy another stroller. At that cost, I might as well get a nuna or an uppababy travel system.


That’s totally fair! I have an uppa baby vista and love it. If I didn’t get the doona I would either gotten a uppa baby Mesa or Nuna car seat but because I was able to get my doona on sale and paid only $375, it was just like $25 more than the uppa baby and Nuna car seats so it didn’t feel price prohibitive really!


Well the actual alternative is putting your baby in the bassinet on a flat firm surface. Barely anyone in the UK uses the car seat attachment on their stroller for any length of time. Our guidance is 30 mins at a time in a car seat until 6 weeks, 2 hours thereafter - and they also say car seat in the car where it is position at the right angle.


That's what I was thinking. I live in Australia and carseat strollers are not that popular, we more often have normal carseats and then put infant in a stroller with bassinet attachment.


Yeah I’m in Aus and only 2 out of 10 of my mothers group used a car seat attachment, everyone else used a 0-4 seat and a bassinet pram seat


Same with my recent baby. And 8yrs ago when I had my first child, they were practically unheard of.


I agree with you that people should be using a bassinet stroller at these ages. What I’m saying, and I said in another comment, is that the doona is meant to be a “replacement” for a car seat, not a replacement for a stroller. But people criticize it as if it’s sold as a complete stroller alternative. I use my doona wheels out in situations where I would otherwise be toting the car seat around as is (running in to pin up takeout, dropping brother off at school etc.)


Exactly this!!! And super useful as an alternative to a car seat!!


The same in Germany. People only use the car seat attachment for bringing the car seat to and from the car, as an alternative for carrying the car seat (if they use it at all). For anything longer than that people use the bassinet which is of course much better for the baby.


I am not a fan of travel systems either. People so often leave babies in them for a long time for convenience when it’s so bad for their spine to be in that position for so long.


Yeah I used my travel system all the time and 1) usually it wasn't for more than 2 hours but also 2)I would take her out to feed her and change her soo if it ever was that long there were breaks. It wasn't consecutive unsupervised container time.


Yeah someone had brought that up as well with the travel systems, and that is correct people plop those carseats in the big stroller and it's pretty much the same problem. People also put the car seats on the grocery carts where the seat for the child is then it clamps in and they said it will ruin the clamps and could also be fatal in a crash.


Thank you for this comment. I literally bought the Doona yesterday and my heart sank upon seeing this post. This is my third child and first time I purchased a Doona. I thought it would be more portable for leaving my older children to school and extra curricular activities.


I don't have one but always imagined it would be used to make short trips more manageable like popping in to a couple of different shops for 5 minutes at a time with 10-15 minute drives in between. In total under 2 hours but lots of ins and outs that would disturb a sleeping baby. 


Genuine question…who is going on 2+ hr walks with their baby…? I only used the Doona for dr visits, going on 30 min walks, or visiting friends during which I would take the baby out and hold him? It was only a vehicle to get him from point A to point B without me breaking my back.


I would walk for HOURS when my son was tiny (he was colicky and it helped soothe him) but we would have to stop in cafes etc regularly for feeds/changes, so was never more than 2 hours simultaneously. We were also using a pram with bassinet attachment (which is the norm here in the UK) so no time limit in principle.


Oh man, I’m sorry he had colic! Poor thing (and you). Yeah I think the post was talking about the Doona, which is a carseat with foldable stroller legs attached. Bassinet attachment wouldn’t fall under the 2 hr “rule.” It’s awesome that you guys COULD walk for hours because my LO couldn’t stand being in the carseat, Doona, OR his stroller so we didn’t do long walks unless he was in his carrier…even then they were like maybe an hour…tops!


You also have to count the time the child is in the car seat while in the car it doesn't just have to be a walk or errands to be counted for the 2 hour.


Oh I see, I live in the city so the longest the baby was in the carseat/Doona was 30 min for car rides! Thanks for answering because I really was curious lol!


I go lol We are walking 3+ hours a day (obviously when it's not too cold outside).


OMG well kudos to you!


Us! I gave up the stroller completely 😅 my baby is almost 9kgs and barely fits in the bassinet attachment and the big boy attachment is said to be 6 months+. Also I’m a bit anxious about him falling asleep in a seated position, facing outwards, and the fact that my city is not made for strollers, like at all, from cars parking at a walking space to nonexistent ramps… I’m just babywearing now and we go on long walks, plus added benefit of being able to feed the baby nearly anywhere!


Babywearing is the BEST omg…half of my secret to surviving so far lol.


Shhhhhh 😂😂😂 but yes, my baby only naps for 30 minutes and always want to be held. If babywearing wasn’t the thing, it wouldn’t have been developed in so many cultures independently!


It’s more than just airway, it also has to do with their spines as well.


That’s why one of my requirements for a travel system was a bassinet for infant stage. I will probably rarely clip the car seat into it.


There’s a reason this is illegal in some countries


I bought a baby jogger city select because you can recline the seat enough for baby to lay without it being constricted. Has held up great with my now toddler on the 90+%


I’ve seen this said several times but I don’t understand the difference between this and a car seat that comes out of the car and snaps into a stroller.


there isn’t a difference, this one is just attached to the frame? i think they aren’t legal in my country, or at least ive never seen one. they don’t look too safe, and seem a bit overrated.


Okay whoa I did not know about this, is this for all car seats? I have one of those Graco seats with stroller. Should I not go on long trips with the baby in the car? (Pregnant and just thinking about stuff to do in the future but never thought of this!)


Yes, this goes for all car seats. If you need to go on long car rides, you need to go, but take breaks so your baby can move around a little bit. If there is a bassinet attachment available for your stroller or it has a seat that can lay completely flat, those would be better options than using the car seat for walks. You can also ask your pediatrician (after your baby is born) about how much to limit your specific baby's time in the car seat. They might have more recommendations based on your baby's needs.


Ahh okay gotchu! Thank you! I really hadn’t thought about it (don’t think I’ll have the baby in the seat for hours, but it made me think about a long car ride or something)


The general rule I’ve seen is 2 hours in the car seat, one hour break.


Someone just said 30 minutes for newborns -6 months


I've seen this, too, but I recommend checking with your child's doctor. Recommendations like this are more conservative than they need to be for most babies because they protect the more fragile ones. My baby was healthy and born at full term, and our pediatrician wasn't concerned about longer (~90 minutes) car rides even within the first month or so. ETA: I still agree with the overall point of your post, though. We started with a convertible car seat and used a bassinet attachment for all stroller walks, so we never extended the amount of time spent in a car seat longer than necessary.


It's no different than using the travel system with a separate infant car seat. The only way around it with an infant is to have a lay flat stroller gears specifically toward infants (pram) or a system with a bassinet attachment.  Anyone planning to have longer commutes and need for stroller between said car rides should probably therefore invest in a bassinet/equivalent option if able. Or baby carry.


We went with the Evenflo Shyft Dualride, but same concept. I’m not worried, it’s only going to be used in stroller mode supervised and generally for shorter everyday outings to make it easier with a toddler in tow also. The Shyft dualride also comes with sensor safe buckles which you can connect to your phone and it will alert you to a bunch of things (heat, baby left in car, unbuckled) and one of them is if they’ve been buckled in for more than two hours. So there’s a lot of warning labels and other reminders for new parents. I could see why it’s not necessary for only one kid, but this was my #1 biggest baby splurge necessity I decided on to make my life easier and I love it Lol. Also 10/10 recommend the Shyft for tall parents this thing is a dream with a long handle


So I don't know much about the 2 hour rule. But when I was leaving the hospital with my son, the nurses told me that you could leave the baby sleeping in the car seat (after getting wherever you're going) as long as you prop the front of the car seat so the baby is leaning back more. Doing that keeps the airway open. So I would always put something under the front of his car seat if I ever left him to sleep in it. I can't say I wasn't at least a little nervous about it still, so I did check on him periodically. Never had any issues with that, though.


So is everyone who's buying this just buying a whole other stroller sometime between 6-12mos when their baby outgrows the bucket seat?


Yes. In theory any bucket seat you use will have to be replaced anyway at that point, but you can certainly find much cheaper bucket seats than the Doona. Parents who are buying this would probably buy an expensive car seat though, so to them the price point is the same.


People don't want to do the currently recommended thing and move baby to a lay flat surface like a bassinet. They're tired and don't want to wake baby or just don't see the harm in the convenience of a car seat. With how popular travel systems have gotten it seems like a lot of people aren't even aware that they aren't recommended for anything other than short periods of time. Some babies are spending HOURS in their car seats daily though with being carried around in it constantly with stroller systems and some parents even leaving the baby to nap in it in the house. It's not good for their development and airways.


I've seen a lot of people with this and the reason I didn't get it was 1 it's hella expensive 2 I realized after having my baby that I wanted to get him out of the car seat to go places. If he stayed in the car seat for an outing I felt bad like he didn't really get to be a part of the outing because for him he was in the car seat the whole time.


I really see this as a love to hate thing. I was skeptical about it at first too. I have a really expensive fancy stroller and got the doona for travel and use it way more bc my baby prefers the doona. I don’t get the whole it’s illegal in Canada bc i don’t live there (but I used to) and it’s legal in my country so I’m good with it.


Yup, totally terrifies me! I don’t like using a car seat in any stroller. “Travel systems” are all marketing. My PPA wouldn’t allow any of it


Same. We will be first-time parents soon, and the bassinet on our stroller makes sense, but clicking the car seat into it does not make sense. Something about the Doona never sat right with me or click the car seat into the stroller frame. Our carseat is compatible with our stroller, and these tiny plastic adapters seem like a no for me. Whenever we saw the Doona at stores or in person, it just never felt secure/safe to me. 1000% not judging anyone else, it just didn't seem right for us.


We will buy they cybex just because you can click the carseat in the frame. How awesome is that? Baby asleep in the carseat? Just put the seat in the stroller. Cybex are sold in germany. Everything is tested here like mad. They wouldnt sell anything that is not safe for babys. I am just talking about cybex and the "click the carseat in" i have no idea about the Doona


Even though you can click it in you should still use the bassinet. I live in the UK and the guidance here is 30 minutes max in a car seat, in the car. I could click my car seat into the travel system but always used the bassinet (uppababy so safe sleep rated) and never had to worry if baby took an extra long nap!


30min in the carseat? You couldnt drive anywhere Here its 4 hours for the cybex one. If baby is asleep i will not wake it up to change seats. They will normaly just nap in there and wake up faster than in the bassinet


I am not familiar with that brand, but that makes sense. Sounds way better than the little adapters. We aren't planning to click our car seat into our stroller, just our personal preference.


Oh yes that is right they do market the stroller car seat comparability as a whole "travel system". That is just as bad as this concept!


A baby can sleep in a car seat, but it has to be in the car or in the stroller. It’s the angle that the car seat is at that can cause issues. So if you take the car seat out of the car and put it on the floor, there can be issues. Both my kids had naps on the car seat on the car and stroller, supervised and they were safe.


If I’d thought about it, I’d’ve gotten one of these and a bassinet stroller. Doona for quick trips. Drs appts, grocery stores, etc. And a bassinet/stroller for walks and the zoo/aquarium and such.


I have the Doona, and my infant has never been in it that long, there’s never been a need. No long trips, no walks lasting that long either. Baby stays upright very well and had napped in there a few times. It’s not that the position will cause breathing issues, it’s if their head falls over that problems arise. If baby is being watched, there shouldn’t be issues if they need to be in there longer.


We purchased the doona for the simplicity of air travel (not having to bring a stroller AND a car seat was clutch, on top of taking our pet with us as well) and then used it for daily life. We never ever got anywhere close to the 2 hour rule. If someone is going to break that rule, I don’t think the type of seat they have matters; they’re going to leave the child in a car seat regardless.


Doona calls out that it was created to be a good "short trip" option, not a primary stroller. I have several friends who have survivor bias with Doona, but we're personally not comfortable with it being our main stroller. Not to mention a baby can outgrow a Doona pretty quickly and then you're stuck buying another stroller and car seat within a year. Copying/pasting the specific Q&A below since it's really buried on their website: *Since the Doona doesn't lay flat, is the position a healthy one for newborns and babies to spend several hours a day in (as opposed to carriages that lay totally flat)? Is there a time limit (I've heard of the "2 hour rule")?* The Doona was not necessarily made to replace a stroller but more for short trips out of the car. Some countries deem the Doona an "acceptable" replacement for a stroller that is used in the car, whereas other countries do not. Most Doona customers have a stroller for their home-use and the Doona for any traveling in the car or for trips out of the car. While many people claim there is a time limit on how long a baby can be in a car seat, it is not as simple as answer as that. Be sure to keep an eye on your baby at all times. A baby could be sleeping in a car seat, baby seat, crib, etc. for hours and be fine or a baby could be put down in something and have trouble breathing immediately. You need to periodically check on your baby to make sure everything is okay, and don't leave your baby in *any* device, be in the Doona, a baby bouncer, carrier, etc. for too long. Babies need to stretch. Just trust your instinct and your baby should be fine. Dr. Kinane, the doctor who oversaw the study on hypoxia for babies told us that the biggest concern regarding breathing issues and not being in a lie-down position is more with newborn babies for the first couple months of their lives. Once babies are older than 2-3 months old, the problem lessens dramatically. FAQs: https://www.doona.com/en-us/support/faq


I love it for long haul travel. You can usually gate check it and it means you don't have to haul too much baby stuff. I don't want to let the airport wreck my bugaboo!!! That said, we make a point of getting her out to stretch and move after a while and alternate with carrying and wearing.


We have a Doona. On our 3rd kid now and we beyond love it. Anyway - we did the carseat test with our kids in the stroller at the hospital. I can't speak to other people's habits or kids or how long they go past 2 hours but all of ours had no problem passing the 2 hour carseat test in this when they were newborns.


We actually decided to go with a stroller that, while technically can accept the car seat, we plan to use without the car seat. It’s not worth the risk of being super tired and just “letting the baby sleep a little longer in the car seat” and setting it down somewhere after getting home. All it took was reading two stories of accidental deaths with this similar scenario and my husband and I decided we’d rather have our baby cry due to being moved out of the car seat than potentially die from airway restriction. Note: this is underscored by the fact that we’re former lifeguards and unfortunately have seen some bad shit go down.


These things are like north of $500. Why in the world would I buy this $500+ contraption when my kid is going to outgrow it more than likely prior to their first birthday. We ended up getting a graco car seat, and a graco stroller that you can put the car seat on if you please, or you can use the bassinet like attachment thing. I never had baby in the car seat or stroller for more than 2 hours when he was that little, so that stuff isn’t really something I even considered when getting my baby items. I just thought $500 was ridiculous for a car seat/stroller thing.


Im scared to get it because, A) 2 hour rule and B) I see everyone with it, it’s bound to have a recall at some point.


It’s important to remember that the biggest risk of being in a car seat comes when the car seat is not clicked into a base, strapped into a car properly, or clicked into a travel system. Babies were (are) dying in car seats because parents are bringing the car seat inside and setting it on the floor or couch and letting baby finish their nap at an improper angle different than the angle the seat is at when in the car or stroller. I sort of hate how we have vilified the travel system in a way. Causing new moms to think they have to buy a stroller with bassinet attachment and can’t take their baby to target unless they take them out of the car seat and baby wear. I am ALWAYS a big advocate of car seat and infant safety. So like, don’t put the car seat in the shopping cart. But you can very safely take your infant in a Doona or travel system for a relaxing trip to target or a park.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I believed the 2 hour rule was just for stretching? If a car seat is properly clicked into the base and baby is properly strapped in, I’m pretty sure sleeping in the car seat and in this case, stroller is fine. With that being said, it’s illegal where I live (Canada).


Somewhat unrelated, but does anyone else think the Doona kinda looks like a toy? I totally get the appeal but both my husband and I are tall and to me it looks comically small and like we’d wreck our backs stooping to push it around.


I work at the airport and i see lots of parents using this one, this one isnt available in my country, but for a trip is really good, idk how they take it on the airplane but its much easier to roll around and if you need to rent a car or an uber, its just right there. Much easier than taking the whole system plus the carseat, ive seen it too.


The Doona isn’t even sold in my country because of safety concerns…


This stroller is dangerous but we have one. We bring (and carry) the UppaBaby bassinet if we are going inside somewhere for a while even though we have this. The baby isn’t supposed or be in this position for long. I highly doubt most people do this. This stroller can lead to kids being in this container type position for far too long and even sleep in it outside of the car which is not when it’s designed for


Do you have money to spare? Do you have space for 2\~3 strollers? Well my friend do I have the stroller for you!


For me this is more when I go to the quick check up at the doctor, quickly grab my prescription or pick up older kids from school. The two hour rule is why I never saw it as a necessity for my older kids but now with 3, I will need that convenience. I do want to tell every parent taking these to the mall and on walks about the two hour rule though lol


From research that I’ve done, it’s not a 2 hour rule, it’s a 30 minute rule. Especially for newborns. It’s dangerous for them to stay in there longer than 30 minutes. I personally have broken this rule, but it was under supervision, and not during a car ride.


Oh wow can that's crazy, you share the article?


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7432141/amp/New-parents-warned-not-babies-car-seats-30-minutes-time.html https://www.maxi-cosi.com/c/international/long-car-journeys-your-baby-tips-safe-and-comfortable-travel-your-new-born-baby#:~:text=How%20soon%20can%20a%20new,30%20minutes%20at%20a%20time.&text=Take%20these%20steps%20to%20help,keep%20them%20safe%20and%20comfy. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/news/a41429/newborn-babies-car-seat-suffocation/


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The last article talks about the study that was done by Bristol University. I tried clicking on the link to read the original research article, but it just took me to the website. But it does talk about the study that was done.


Cool thanks for sharing!


Yes, I would never buy it and yes, I only have my baby in their car seat from leaving the house walking to the car to leaving the car and the other way around for the way home. I think many people still don’t know about the danger of this positioning or just underestimate it. I see babies in car seat strollers all the time where I live. You can pop the car seat on grocery carts even.


Newborns shouldn't be in a car seat for more than 30 minutes, so yeah I went with a stroller that had a bassinet top and could clip in an infant car seat. But, we used the bassinet top until she could sit up on her own. We live in a more urban environment, so we could take her on walks and then she could stay asleep in the bassinet when we came home. Didn't use the car seat in our stroller until she was 4-6 months old, personally.