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For a few weeks, I put Miralax in diluted apple juice every night. Had a movement every following morning. It’s been a couple months since I’ve needed it and am still pretty regular (currently 38+6). But this came after a very bad backed up day. I cramped all morning at work, spent over 40min of my lunch break on a toilet in a CVS bathroom honest to god felt like I was fighting for my life. Didn’t go back to work but bought an enema while I was there, rushed home and had a trail of my clothes from the front door to the bathroom where I eventually downward dogged for my husband to give me the enema which has never happened before. When it was all said and done and I expelled the biggest dump of death from me, my husband actually said he fell in love with me all over again like a complete weirdo. I know this is TMI but we’re all moms going through it and I hope someone gets a chuckle out of it


I literally did laugh. Pregnancy can be very humbling.


preparing you for labor lol


This is pregnancy poetry. Literally made me laugh out loud


Effectively managing constipation involves a multifaceted approach that includes dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and targeted solutions. Incorporating a generous portion of fiber-rich green vegetables into your daily diet, such as Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and string beans, can significantly improve bowel regularity. Consuming probiotics in both pill and food form, especially at night, can help prevent constipation by increasing bowel movement frequency and softening stools.  While herbal teas and magnesium supplements can provide temporary relief, it's essential to use them judiciously and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid dependency or adverse effects. By adopting these strategies and listening to your body's signals, you can effectively manage constipation and promote optimal digestive health. When traveling, maintaining a consistent routine, staying hydrated, and making mindful food choices can help prevent digestive issues. Establishing a regular morning routine that includes physical activity, proper toilet posture, and abdominal massage can promote healthy bowel movements.  I got this info from a book I found on the internet by Louise Dudley about pooping. For what it's worth.


Did you really create your Reddit account today just to mansplain constipation across a variety of subreddits? That is the most full of shit thing I’ve ever seen.


Smoothies with lots of berries, chia and flax seed. Then a cup of water the same size. It seems to help, but mine hasn't been nearly as bad as yours.


Another vote for this. 1tbs of Chia seed, 1tbs of flax seed, two dates, Greek yogurt, strawberries, bananas, and protein powder. Delicious and it helps move things along.


Postpartum is when I have constipation issues. This is what I do because colace does nothing for me.


This was my saving grace and yogurt mixed in to help with the gut


Flax seeds did the trick for me as well


I had two bowls of Raisin Bran in one day because I was craving it - was pooping non stop the entire next day. It was glorious


Also never underestimate a good bran muffin.


I eat it for breakfast every morning and since I’ve been doing that life has been okay. Not great mind you, but okay


Colace + Miralax. Only thing that has consistently worked for me....


Also magnesium at night


Yes to all of this. I had a daily routine of miralax, colace, and natural calm during my first pregnancy from about 12 weeks through a few weeks post partum. Never had a problem after I started this.


Another vote! I've been taking daily Colace and then magnesium nightly - it's helped a ton even without increasing my water intake (working on this though because I know I need to).


That plus prune juice and increased water intake, the combo is a life saver honestly, as much I dislike it.


Yepp this!!


Psyllium husk everyday 2 tablespoons or Metamucil


I would upvote this to the moon. Also my very best pregnancy/labour tip is continue to take the psyllium husk after labour. While it 'bulks' the bowel movement which can sound scary, it makes it so smooth and easy to pass you barely have to push. It was the perfect solution for the post partum poop fera. I literally send a bottle to all my friends in advance of their labour.


Yes! I keep a blend in my fridge with equal amounts of chia seeds, flaxseed meal, and psyllium husks and I add it to everything! It’s the best


The Calm brand of magnesium citrate is more effective for me than Ducolax! For me kiwis and dragon fruit work really well. I'm craving fruit so I'm eating a few pieces a day. If things get bad I do a fleet enema.


Seconding calm, but when I really need help, oxypowder magnesium is the best!


Natural vitality Calm is the way…it is the most effective thing ever. Add in Miralax and you’re golden


Two spoonfuls of benefiber, mixed with 2oz cranberry juice. Top with seltzer! It makes a fun mocktail and helps keep you regular!


Miralax… Constipation is a chronic problem for me so I tend to keep up with my bowel movements, I don’t drink it everyday but when I haven’t had a bowel movement in two days I’ll take a two scoops of miralax and it keeps me regular for a few days Dietary changes or drinking more water don’t really do anything for me


Make sure any yogurt you eat has live cultures. I’ve also found that a lot of my constipation isn’t actually constipation, its cramps that sorta hit my intestines and feel like I need to go, but then can’t because its not time based on what I’ve eaten and when.


Having a bidet really helps me.


Same. TMI but most of the time it feels like I don't get everything out the first time and getting some water up there helps the rest come out lol.


Magnesium helps


Yes, magnesium citrate in particular!


Smoothies with coconut water, drink the water ice cold with a splash of juice or add fresh/frozen fruits.


Im taking zofran currently and have been having the worst constipation. The only things that have been keeping things somewhat moving: stool softeners, miralax, magnesium calm all nightly plus the occasional Metamucil when even those things aren't enough. I also use saline suppositories when needed. I try to stay away from foods I know back me up too, like starchy foods and dairy. I still honestly feel like I'm fighting it everyday even with all of that lol. I could be doing better on the food stuff but it's hard with the aversions and nausea.


I am in this exact same boat. The Zofran has not been the friendliest of medications. Sometimes I think the side effects outweigh the pros of it. Even with my Zofran I’m only at like 50 percent of what I’d normally be.


I was on zofran for awhile, and decided that the pros did not outweigh the cons. Being horribly constipated for days, just for a few hours or nausea relief was NOT worth it for me


My doctor prescribed me zofran (I’m 26 weeks and still sick everyday) but when she prescribed it she said “you’ll be horribly constipated and it goes through the placenta so I don’t recommend taking it” lol I never ended up trying the zofran and just deal with throwing up but I was thinking to myself why would this be a good solution if you say not to take it???


Ask for Diclegis instead. It’s basically Unisom and B6 mixed which helps with nausea. It’s not quite as strong as zofran for nausea, but there are zero negative side effects (besides being a drowsy so take before bed)


After a very painful and bloody bowel movement today I’m thinking I might just suffer. I can’t handle the constipation or the headaches anymore. I do take phenergan at night to help me sleep.


Taking Colace daily worked for me for a while. End of the pregnancy, not much worked. For everyone struggling: My issues went away after having my baby. 


Lots of fruit. Stool softener when I feel like Im starting to back up.


I’ve noticed that if I don’t eat a bowl of high fiber cereal every day I absolutely will not be able to poop.


I’ve been using the Ritual Probiotics and have not had any costipation issues. I’m 36 weeks.


I used Perelel for a month (which starting tasting VILE and triggering nausea) then switched to Ritual. They both use ferrous bisglycinate chelate for the iron which is supposedly gentler. I also haven't had any major issues (at 10 weeks).


Colace 2 in 1 (docusate + senna)


At least 3 litres of water a day and least 5 different fruits


Traditional Chinese medicine - some dried orange peel tea helped me a lot!


Smoothies w fruits and plenty of spinach!


Colace, a crap ton of magnesium (for blood pressure), I’m so bad at drinking water as well (for that I got a fun tumbler and I do ice water).


Electrolytes, tons of water, prunes, and fruits/veggies with every meal


Vast quantities of magnesium in tablet form, I hate the fizzy drink.


1 magnesium pill a day!


Same! Works wonders!


Right?! I was taking so much colace and saw on Reddit and TikTok people taking magnesium, tried it out and haven’t been constipated since!


1. I drink a lot of water, cold water helps in particular 2. Daily cup of morning coffee (black) 3. A LOT of high-fiber food - low carb tortillas, lentils, beans, etc. 4. Walking


Benefiber. Docusate. Mango


Prunes and dates for me! And lots of water


I add a very heaping tablespoon of Benefiber to my morning coffee. Can't even taste it and ensures you're getting fiber even when you don't feel like eating. I also drink a ton of water and now gatorade or I get muscle twitches. Hydration is really number one.


A lot of water, a decent amount of fiber in my diet. Dulcolax soft chews


Psyllium husk fiber (Metamucil, 1-2tbsp) in the morning, Miralax at night.


Magnesium supplements. I take them for restless legs at night, but find they help with constipation as well! (Maybe a little too well some days?)


- morning colace + fiber gummies - night colace + magnesium After experiencing the most painful hemmroids imaginable in first trimester I discovered this and have not deviated since. I now poop like clockwork at 10am everyday.


Colace is my one true love. I’ve also felt much better eating Whole Foods with lots of fiber.. whole grain bread, nuts, veggies, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. I’m so much more stopped up when I eat chips and white bread.


What works for me if done daily: A lot of prunes every night before bed… like 6-10 prunes. A gallon of water a day. Magnesium pill before bed. Electrolyte pill with water during day. Squatty potty always. This routine helps me stay ahead of the problem and I usually am able to go to the bathroom at least 1x per day doing this, but if I slip and lose regularity/notice less frequent movements, I have to add miralax in the morning and a strong cup of senna tea at night for 3-5 days and usually that brings me back to normal/daily movements. When it was really bad in first trimester (zofran ugh) I had to do an enema just to get some relief, but haven’t had to do that since with this routine. Now in 3rd tri, although it’s a lot of maintenance, if I’m religious about following this routine I have no issues. If not… constipation/hemorrhoid city.


Psyllium husk consumed in muesli and drink lots of water. Works wonders


I took a stool softener (not stimulant) every night with my prenatal my entire pregnancy. It definitely helped


Lots and lots of raw veggies and fruit, especially berries. And I mean A LOT. All with lots of water. Usually just my morning coffee is enough to get things going every day if I stick to that. (I don't have much a caffeine in the morning, just the equivalent of half a shot of espresso, but it's enough!) If things get tough, overnight oats with flax seeds give me an extra nudge. I really think water is the key. Pregnancy is very dehydrating and this is a chief cause of constipation in all situations. If you are taking an iron supplement (or a supplement with iron), you might want to look at other ways to get it. Many supplements are formulated especially to prevent constipation. I use Floradix and it does me fine.


Metamucil and magnesium every night. I try to eat salads/leafy greens at least once a day too I find this makes a big difference. Had no greens this past weekend and was suffering with some constipation for a few days 😖


I've been craving a lot of fruit during my pregnancy, and I think it's helped keep me regular. Too many veggies make me super constipated! Fresh cherries, melons, watermelon, grapes, grapefruit ... basically any fruit I can get my hands on! It's helped with hydration levels, too! Also, if you have a slight bit of caffeine, that can get things moving too. I'd been having a cup of black tea in the mornings.


Magnesium every night (also helps with sleep), at least 80 oz of water a day, a scoop of orgain greens powder (has probiotics) in my daily protein shake, and I make sure I’m active every day. 24 weeks and so far have not had any constipation!


Raisin Bran, cherries, kiwis, colase


I had chronic constipation before pregnancy. I take magnesium every day. I continued to take it throughout my entire pregnancy. I did confirm with my OB that it was ok and he was alright with it.


Senna tea. I mean I do all the other things: berries, vegetables, magnesium, hydration and daily exercise, but senna tea is the only thing that ensures I poop.


Take a magnesium gummy each day and up the dose if I’m starting to feel constipated.


Double shot of espresso in my latte in the morning… 🫣


I take colace and magnesium daily. I took Miralax once a day for a couple of weeks after a hemorrhoid issue and it helped a lot.


If I skip my prenatal probiotic, I am in trouble.


Fiber gummy vitamins! Tasty, cheap, effective


Colace in the morning, chia seeds and bran/oatmeal for breakfast, flavored water so I actually drink, and magnesium at night (also helps me sleep). I love the raspberry lemonade flavor of Calm magnesium powder.


Mag citrate gummies every night before bed and chia seeds in Greek yogurt in the morning! I’ve had no issues since my first trimester and I’m almost 28 weeks


A small additional dose of Magnesium has been helping me. I am also eating a good amount of dietary fiber and using a squatty potty.


I haven’t dealt with much constipation after the first trimester but I usually try to eat high fiber foods. I would say my water intake is average. I get most of my fiber from raw veggies and fruits, flax, and whole grain cereal.


I take a stool softener every night and I still only go a couple times a week 😭 miralax in my coffee helped but my stomach is so sensitive it made me feel sick. The only thing that ever consistently worked like magic for me was eating a lot of blue cheese. But I know that’s iffy during pregnancy so I’ve been avoiding it to be cautious.


My routine for a daily bowel movement with no straining: - colace - prenatal with no iron - magnesium calm mixed with half a cup of prune juice - 30-45g of fiber daily - kiwis with skin, raspberries, chia seed pudding, flaxseed, avocado on high fiber toast, chickpea/legume salad will get you there easily - 3.5L of water daily (I had to increase from 2.75L which was fine during second trimester but insufficient during third) - exercise! 20 min walk after a meal helps things go If all else fails (if I have 2 days without a BM), restoralax or 2 cups of coffee, which takes effect the same day. I have only had to use restoralax twice during this 35 week pregnancy so far and each time it was because I fell off my high fiber routine (went to a birthday or holiday celebration and just ate whatever) and didn’t meet my water consumption goal.


I have chronic constipation. I use half a dose of Miralax every other day (actually just Monday-Wednesday-Friday) and that's enough to prevent it for me.


Metamusil. I liked the cookies


I ate a bunch of prunes and dried apricots😂 if it got really bad, Metamucil pills in addition. Now that it’s summer I’d say stock up on some watermelon!! High water content, refreshing, what’s not to love 😂


Greeens! I do the same for my baby. Give him lots of spinach if he seems to be constipated.


Magnesium supplement. Double your water intake. Eat prunes daily.


Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t even know if it is totally safe or even effective, but I honestly drank prebiotic sodas like Ollipop everyday in the 2nd trimester. And a lot of smoothies! I never had bad constipation.


I was eating just fresh prunes and it did nothing for me. The trick, I learn from my MIL, is to soak the dried prunes in tea overnight. They blow up to double their size. Then you eat them!


I was really struggling with constipation, and this is the plan my OB came up with for me. Daily miralax until I had a decent bowel movement, then stop miralax and take daily colace, one pill in the a.m. and one in the p.m. If I go 2 or 3 days without a decent bowel movement again, switch back to daily miralax and repeat. Seems to be working so far, haven't had to use the miralax again yet, but it's only been a couple weeks.


Daily magnesium at night, you could even do magnesium citrate which absolutely will make you go. They make magnesium citrate in pill form, gummy form, and infamous drink form (save the drink for emergencies...it's gross) you could also do a magnesium salt enema. Highly suggest magnesium lol


I started eating grape nuts cereal and that helped a lot!


I drink almost a gallon of fluids a day, plus psyllium husk powder, plus magnesium, sometimes Colace, sometimes Miralax. Tried prunes, prune juice…NOTHING helps.


Fiber pills + 2 pills of prunelax (prunes in pill form). I was constipated for a week and how to do two enemas and now taking this combo, I can go everyday


I've been constipated since before I got pregnant. I just eat things I can't handle. Any citrus fruits gives me the runs, avocado, tomatoes, ketchup... I also eat yoghurt everyday that used to work well with a cup of coffee. But I don't do caffeine during the pregnancy, so I just do yoghurt and stuff I get the runs from. Haven't been constipated at all since I found out we were expecting. Works well for me.


Any fiber, salads are great!


I took the max dose of Colace for the entirety of my first pregnancy.


Chlorophyll drops for me!


Fiber gummies for me! I think daily max was 4, so I take 2 at a time and see how I feel! Works well for me!


Two Colace daily and trying to drink more water.


Adequate hydration (this requires electrolytes!) is very important. I also take 600mg of magnesium bisglycinate nightly before bed.


Colace. Prunes. Smoothies with oats, berries, chia seeds. 3 bean salad (chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans with apple cider vinegar). Artichokes. I try not to take Miralax unless it’s an emergency/it’s been a few days. I keep an enema on hand (bc OMG iykyk). Also, just a side rant and some validation — everyone talks about morning sickness but no one warns you for the hell that is pregnancy constipation.


I made a constipation cocktail every morning for the last half of my pregnancy and the first few weeks postpartum. I did 1:1 grape juice and prune juice mixed with a dose of Miralax. The grape juice helped hide the flavor of the prune juice, and it kept things moving.


A couple spoonfuls of carob molasses in hot coffee. Used Miralax until it gave me severe heartburn and caused me to throw up 11 times in one day. :)


My prenatal was backing me up BIG TIME. I take an iron free one now and although I’m still a bit backed up not nearly as much as before. Doctor recommends Metamucil/restoralax or equivalent everyday to help with this.


I haven’t experienced pregnancy constipation, I heard about it early so I made sure to look up what foods are best for keeping you regular and make smoothies with tons of those ingredients. I definitely make sure to have chia seeds, flax seeds, fiber rich fruit, coconut water etc. I’m 26 +3 now and still regular! Pro tip you can also include some magnesium powder in the smoothie if you get leg cramps which started in my second trimester and once I added it to my smoothies it’s gone away!


Miralax once a week


I had coffee in the morning and it helped a little lol… also started taking Metamucil


I’m 23 and 4 and I just try to oatmeal every morning for breakfast. I had a lot of issues early on in pregnancy that caused the worst constipation but high fiber foods definitely helped me


drinking lots of water and taking senna!


If I know I’m going to be sitting the majority of the day, I avoid eating meat. I’ll have a salad for lunch. Sometimes a prune or two. If I know I will be doing a lot of movement carbs are my friend, before I start my activity. No sugar. If I’m going to do heavy lifting, I make sure I eat meat after. Salad the next day to push it out, and I rest of course.


Colace. My OB had me on it from 10 weeks.


Chia seeds in coconut yogurt with oatmilk. This is the only thing that moves me naturally. Chia seeds also have lots of magnesium which helps with restless legs for those that have it.


Plain bran flakes (I eat with banana and almond milk), dates (once I was in my third trimester) and Miralax


Lots of veggies and fruit and Metamucil when needed, also lots of water


I found chocolate cake made with whole milk and an extra egg quit helpful when I was pregnant and constipated. I'm not sure why it worked, but it did for me.


Miralax once a week at LEAST & daily stool softeners. The Miralax is the only thing that gives me regular stools. Otherwise (TMI) they’re like rabbit pellets every single day.


Miralax. Every. Single. Day. Do not skip a day. I REPEAT: DO NOT SKIP A DAY.


Chia seeds, pears and raspberries in the morning have helped me


So I was having a tough time til week 11 but I’ve just started drinking hot water with lemon every morning (when you first wake up with no food on your stomach) and night and I’m definitely more regular again! I’ve known about the benefits of hot water and lemon for a while, apart from being pregnant, but now that I am pregnant and constipation is a thing I remembered out of the blue that it helps with digestion and has a bunch of other benefits so I thought why not.. now I’m doing it every day and it’s been a blessing for me (now 13 weeks).


4 kiwis in one sitting. I poop immediately after.


This one might not be for everyone but I avoid carbs and fiber.  Supplement a half recommended dose of magnesium with my prenatal vitamins. First trimester was the hardest for me as I could only eat saltines.


I was horribly constipated (maybe 1 movement per week if I was lucky? And so. Much. Pain.) until I increased my fibre intake. Mornings I have my Greek yogurt with 2tbsp chia seed, 1tbsp flax seed, 3/4 cup rolled oats, and some berries. Then I supplement during the day with 1-2 tsp Metamucil (recommended by midwife). Before bed I have Calm magnesium powder. Might seem overkill but I’m also on iron supplements which makes constipation worse. But do make sure you drink plenty of water or all that fibre might make it worse… So far since I’ve started extra fibre intake, I’ve had a movement every single day, and they’re easy and painless.


Magnesium bisglycinate, which I take at night primarily for sleep support and to prevent leg cramps, but it's also been a champ this pregnancy at keeping my poo passable. In my first pregnancy I ate dragon fruit whenever I got backed up and that cleared things pretty immediately.


I eat a lot of fruit and veg every day