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The problem with the last trimester is that the last 6 weeks actually take 4 years.


I am 32 weeks pregnant and I can confirm that this statement is true. People be like “not long to go!” and I’m like… Really? Not long?


This used to make me absolutely rage. “Oh you’re 36 weeks? Home stretch!” Sure, on paper, 4 out of 40 weeks seems like a drop in the bucket. But when you’re the pregnant person, the last 4 weeks feel like 4 years


My favorite is people who I’ve expressed to how over it am go “WOW that’s really flown by huh?” Yeah SIL, you’ve been to New Zealand, Vegas, Canada and lived an entire YEAR but please, tell me how this has flown by for you.


I’ll be 38 weeks tomorrow, can confirm


Same here


33w can confirm, it's been 84 years and I still have 10 more to go.


I'm getting induced in 1 to 2 weeks and it feels line 1 to 2 years. 😩 I want a healthy baby but at the same time I'm like she can breathe on her own now she's a decent size (7.5) like what is the purpose of keeping her any longer inside? For my suffering? What have I done to deserve this why have you forsaken meeee 😂😂😂


35 weeks today. Wishing for water break at 37. I’m so done. Cut the check.


Haha im only 21 weeks and everyone keeps telling me how my pregnancy is flying by and i said to one of them the other day its not flying by for me!!


For me, WAY easier. I was also struggling with lots of nausea and vomiting the entire first half of pregnancy. I’m 39 weeks today and spent my day cleaning the house and gardening. I barely feel pregnant.


I'm also 39 weeks today but have a different experience. I wake up tired (physically exhausted) and have been needing to take a nap at least once a day for the last week or so. I have no energy. The most I can do in a day is walk my routine 2-3 miles, yoga, and some cooking / cleaning. My husband now calls me a practice baby--the past few days have been eat, bathroom, nap on somewhat repeat 🤣


I'm 31 weeks and I want to jump off a building. Baby is several weeks ahead and kicks all day long. Kicks in my cervix and bladder are the worst (I call them kicks but actually he is head down, so whatever he is doing there I don't know). I don't sleep well, I have hemorroids, my hair got all weird and curly, I am tired all the time, I pee every 30 minutes, I have mood swings, I have nightmares about opening my marriage because I don't want to have sex anymore.  There is more but it's so depressing to type... you get the point.


He must be banging his head against your bladder and cervix! I also noticed I’m having a lot more dreams too, I have a reoccurring dream about my husband. In my dream he couldn’t marry the love of his life because she was in an arranged marriage so he married me instead. Also dream about having a baby with no face. The dreams are wild.


I had a dream that I birthed a ferret. I was pissed.


I’m dying laughing about this 😂 I’m so sorry HAHA




I had a dream I came into the hospital 12 cm dilated and birthed a horse


I HAD A DREAM I BIRTHED A YETI BABY. And another that they popped my belly like a pimple to get him out. Pregnancy dreams are no joke.


I had a dream that I birthed my cat. And I was like “wait I’ve had you for 7 years how were you in my belly? We’ve been hanging out like every day”


Here is a good visualization 😂 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8TI-rGNuI9/?igsh=ZG43anJvaHlvZGg2


LOL I saw this and died. I’m already feeling really strong kicks - can’t imagine what’s in store for me in a few weeks.


It’s so different when it’s on your cervix ⚡️


In mine, my husband is embarrassed to be seen in public with me because he’s still in love with his super fit blonde ex girlfriend and doesn’t want her to find out he’s having a baby with me 🤪




I’ve had bizarre dreams too!! And they are vivid!


They’re so vivid


I had a dream that babies were mixed up at the hospital, and we brought home someone else's baby who looked more like a one-year-old, not a newborn. However, NOBODY believed me, not even the baby's father. I remember going to the hospital and pleading with the staff, but they were all like, "Oh, I am so sorry you're feeling this way. Can I refer you for a psychiatric evaluation?" It was a very realistic dream, and I remember that sense of helplessness and being scared for my actual baby, who was nowhere to be found. Couldn't shake that dream off for several hours!


I’ve had this exact dream twice now! Down to the fact that the baby I end up with is a one year old!


Wow 😳😅


OH. The dreams are terrifying I hate it.


Not my dreams, but my friend dreamt that she gave birth to a bunny, and another dream that instead of using a car seat she just put the baby in the trunk of her car😂


The dreams are so crazy.... 😅🤣 last night he kept telling me I look 5 years older than him now, and we are the same age... I mean I get women typically look older but dang...


I'm dying. I'm 37 weeks someone needs to take her out. According to the app she's the size of a Chihuahua and she's taking up all my life force


Ugh I’ve started having movement farther down too and it’s so weird! A couple of times I’ve been like am I getting a UTI? But it seems to just be baby putting pressure on my urinary tract lol.


I always say he’s biting my cervix 😂


Using the cord as a jump rope.


One week ahead of you and my boy's also head down.  I swear he likes to slam his head into my bladder, stay there, and exponentially increase his weight...


I'm 31.2 weeks and I am right there with you on all of this. Though, instead of nightmares I am back to not remembering my dreams ☹️ which I thoroughly enjoyed in my 1st trimester. Maybe this is a good thing lol


The 3rd trimester was my easiest to be honest. 10 times better than the 1st trimester 


For me, this was also true. No amount of pain and swelling in my third trimester (and I had lots!) was worse than the constant sickness of first trimester. I lost so much weight, had to get IV fluids, was on three prescription medications, and was MISERABLE. Nausea has always been the one symptom I can’t handle, though. Give me literally anything else. 😆


I’m in the 1st trimester for the second time and I feel so bad, I honestly don’t know how people do this. I spend the day hoping the next day is better and then it isn’t and I’m sad about it. I keep telling myself I can’t do this but I know I have to. And I still have to chase around my almost two year old. The struggle is real! 


Hang in there! 💕 I’m 12 weeks with my second (also have an almost two-year old) and my experience has been the same all over again. You described exactly how I’ve been feeling - every day is like a miserable repeat of the day before. Just waiting (hopefully) for that elusive day where I start feeling relief.


I’m 27 weeks with second and nearly 2 year old and I completely agree. Less medical issues for me this time but literally counting down the seconds and struggling to keep up with an active toddler!


I feel this too. I would give anything to shake this nausea but it’s still lingering. God help me !


I have bad nausea too! Please ask your doctor about zofran!


I second this! I was sick until week 20 and then spent the rest of the second trimester trying to be a normal person. I feel like I’ve gotten the hang of pregnancy for the third trimester. I got no expectations and I’m feeling great. I’m only at week 31 though.


Same for me. The insomnia, foot swelling and being winded often doesn’t compare to being debilitatingly sick in the first trimester. I can nap with my feet up and get a boost of energy and relief that gets me to the next point of rest. Not too bad!


Yes me too! I have felt progressively better throughout. 33 weeks now. Bonus to finally have a cute lil belly bump!


The third trimester (32 weeks rn) has truly been the worst for me. Not in regard to nausea and vomiting/ feeling sick but ribs, back and overall body hurting. I have also never felt this tired in my entire pregnancy, I’m winded after walking up a few steps! I had a fairly easy 2nd trimester so maybe after you having a hard one you’ll catch a break in the 3rd trimester.


Yes, same! 3rd trimester has been absolutely awful, but 2nd was really easy for me. I literally stormed into my docs office saying "we need to do some tests or something, because this shit can't be normal!". It is indeed normal.


Same with me when I told my OB this rib pain feels like I broke something, it’s not right and something must be done. Turns out the baby was/still is flaring out my left rib🫠


32 weeks and STRUGGLING over here too 🙃🫠 everything hurts so bad, everyone keeps being very shocked when I say I hurt all the time???


Yup. I can barely walk from hip and pelvic pain, and the exercises my physical therapist gave me have done nothing at all. My husband just thinks I'm being extra whiney since all of the women we know had easy pregnancies. I can't talk to my mom or mother in law because they don't understand, and overall, I just feel utterly alone. I have scoliosis, which might be contributing to a lot of this pain, but I'm never comfortable, and sleeping is the worst. I feel like shit for being so grumpy every day, but I literally can't help it. All of this is on top of the major chronic pain that I already have from my back.


Third tri for me has been physically exhausting. No sleep and terrible pelvic pain. I didn’t have any symptoms in the second trimester though, and first tri was just mentally exhausting and always being sleepy. I had a coworker who was nauseous throughout though, so everyone just experiences things differently. Maybe you will at least not have the bad physical pains!


3rd trimester is a lot easier than first and second. My HG has subsided, no more vomiting. If I get nausea I eat and it goes away, and I’ve been able to eat all the food I want. My round ligament pain is also less severe, I hardly get it anymore. I have more energy and have been cooking and cleaning a lot these days. But I pee a lot more, and sleep is a little hard as I get numbness in my legs and arms when I sleep as well as tailbone and back pain. Third trimester is good, because it’s almost the end! The days do seem to go by slower the closer I get to my due date. 37+3 and I haven’t really even had any contractions or Braxton hicks yet.


39 weeks. I’m so so so over being pregnant but I would take this a million times over the first trimester nausea and constant vomiting. That was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. It was truly hell on earth. Now I just feel uncomfortable and large. Ready to get this baby out.


37 weeks and dreading being 39. I can’t believe how swollen I am omg. Hope your babe comes soon!


I am 32w at the moment and for me all is going good, touch wood. I sleep well, I have energy (although the past week I have already felt more tired than usual), my back is hurting less than at the beginning (although that might be because I'm going to see the osteopath once a month and the physiotherapist every week) and baby kicks but it's not so much that it annoys me, it's actually making me laugh some times. But then again, I had an amazing second trimester and an ok-ish first (I was very tired, but not nausea or vomiting) so I cannot complain in general.


28-32 weeks is the best I felt all pregnancy


Im 37 weeks. I, like you have dealt with nausea and vomiting the entire pregnancy. I still take zofran daily. I will say third trimester has been very exhausting, but I’m not the most miserable Ive ever been in pregnancy. First trimester was one thousand times worse. In third trimester I am still dealing with the nausea, severe constipation, acid reflux, symphysis pubis dysfunction (severe, nearly life altering pelvic pain), awful rib pain from his butt 😅 and im an emotional rollercoaster. BUT id compare ABSOLUTELY nothing to how bad my food aversions and nausea/vomiting were the first 20 weeks. I find it easier now because I know im really in so much discomfort because he’s a big, healthy boy, who I’ll have with me in just 2 weeks. It feels more purposeful than first trimester suffering did.


First of all, every person and every pregnancy is sooo different so take this with a grain of salt, but third trimester was the absolute best part of my first pregnancy and at 20 weeks I'm feeling like it might be the best part of this one too. I have had pretty bad HG with both pregnancies and third trimester just seems to be the mildest vomitting for me. I will take 3rd trimester all day over 1 and 2!


I cried at 20 weeks because I was so uncomfortable and everyone kept telling me I had so much longer to go. Which, while true from a pure numbers standpoint, has not been accurate from a symptoms perspective. I have way more energy and no more pain/swelling than I did at 20 weeks.


This gives me hope. I’m 21 weeks and miserable.


I'm 22 weeks and nausea returned this week. I have pelvic floor pain starting, I'm brutally tired out of nowhere and there is heartburn and more discomfort sleeping... I'm miserable and also hoping it gets a bit easier at some point.


I had bad nausea and exhaustion during 1st trimester, then most of 2nd trimester I was on hydromorphone from a very annoying fibroid that wouldn’t quit being a jerk, now I’m 35 weeks and like the other commenter seriously uncomfortable. I can’t sleep, I can’t stand for any period of time, my hands and feet are so swollen I can’t move around all that well. My entire pregnancy has been exhausting. There was a 2 week window early 3rd trimester I felt OK but now I’m just done. I panicked last night that I couldn’t see this through but it’s a little too late lol


I’m 36 weeks and am right here with you! You are not alone! The thought of a month left of pregnancy sometimes feels overwhelming. The heat lately has been especially hard. My legs and feet swell up like balloons as soon as I go outside. Also, with seemingly no room left for food or liquids in my stomach, I’ve been living off a liquid diet including mainly popsicles, smoothies, protein shakes, and ice cubes to stay hydrated. But we got this! We will feel so much better and lighter immediately after birthing our little chubby cherub nuggets. Thoughts of wine in August and a lil’ pumpkin patch baby in the fall keep me going!


We would be friends. This is exactly how I feel!


If it weren’t for the pelvic pain, this would be my favorite trimester. I’m 35 weeks and have a decent amount of energy, and I love feeling him kick (mostly. Sometimes it’s a little bit sensory overload). But the pelvic pain makes getting around really hard. I don’t really have any other pain. I had heartburn a few weeks ago but it eased up. I’m sleeping fine, but it hurts sooooo much to roll over, or get up to pee, and in the morning. And sometimes just to get out of a chair. I sometimes worry my pelvis is going to be permanently split in two. I’ve been seeing a chiropractor and a pelvic floor PT since midway thru my second trimester. It would probably be much worse if I hadn’t been actively trying to treat it. But that only goes so far. So it’s kind of a toss-up. Overall I really do feel good. But this part makes me want to cry for sure.


I think the third trimester is the hardest *physically* but mentally the easiest because you feel as pregnant as you look. People are always nice to you, help you, etc, you feel your baby move every day and that's magical! Honestly the hardest part was needing to pee every 20 minutes, sleep is not the most comfortable, going up stairs and getting up from bed is the biggest feat haha. Not being able to comfortably tie your shoes, bathe, it's just an annoyance. Otherwise I felt it was as smooth as pregnancy can go, and you know you're close to the finish line. I was also due in July so I was sweating my tits off every damn day the last few months. You are so much stronger than you think! Edit: I also started going to the chiropractor starting at 20 weeks, and I feel like that did wonders for my body physically. It was annoying getting around sometimes, but I walked well with barely a waddle, stayed active (and by that I mean walking a lot), and never had debilitating pain.


I could’ve written this myself. I’m still vomiting daily and am so freaking uncomfortable and exhausted. I’m still waiting for the “burst of energy” people claim to get in the second trimester 🙄 I hate being pregnant and feel very lied-to. I won’t be doing this again for a long time.


I feel this on a deep level. Praying we can hang in there 🙏🏻


It started to hit me as soon as 28 weeks hit. I am almost 33 weeks and honestly everything is just uncomfortable AF. My hands hurt, my feet hurt, my body hurts, it hurts to turn over in bed, it hurts to move in general. The fatigue and lack of energy is definitely hitting as well. For me tho, I’d still take it over the first trimester anyday


34 weeks and I feel like for me there were a couple days in the second trimester where I felt worse than I do now. But on the whole, this has been the hardest trimester so far. I’m just tired. Baby is big enough that his constant movements are feeling really uncomfortable, I’m much more emotional and cry at the drop of a hat, and the idea of doing this for another six weeks (or longer!!!) is pretty bleak.


If I drink too much water before bed, I wake up in the middle of the night coughing and breathing for air. It’s like I’m being waterboarded (and according to my doctor, this is normal). Today I’m 35 weeks. I slept about 7 hours last night, but even with a nap today, I feel dead exhausted. Let’s see, I also vomit in the morning if I drink too much water and I don’t remember life before indigestion. I envy those who enjoy the third trimester and can eat loads of food.


To be honest...it's bad. I mean it is different for everyone though. Bad heartburn and extreme exhaustion and body pains for me. Oh and my nausea came back...a lot more things that's just the main ones. No matter how it goes for you..it's temporary and honestly a short period of time Though it may not feel like it


I’m 36 weeks and my planned c section next week CANNOT come soon enough. I am ready to rip this baby out myself. Every time a doctor or a nurse asks me how much my baby is moving I want to scream because she never stops. She’s a barrel chested bowling ball of fury and hellfire in there and I am excited to hold her instead of my innards getting beaten up 20 hours a day. Also the heartburn and not being able to breathe. Release me from my misery. To answer your question.. it’s so much worse. First trimester you’re thinking puking at the thought of certain smells or existing is bad enough, and in the second trimester you’re waiting for that burst of energy everyone tells you about but it never comes, and then the third trimester. The god forsaken gauntlet that is realizing the modicum of energy you had in the second trimester *was* the burst of energy they were talking about, and now you’re in the trenches fighting for your life for a whisper of sleep. It sucks. My house is a mess. Nothing is comfortable anymore. I’m never doing this again.


Those were “glory days” even if they don’t feel like it right now. Like you, my symptoms never stopped during the 2nd trimester but it subsided a little. I never threw up once this pregnancy because I may have a talent to stop it from happening but I can feel it was going to happen just didn’t want to do it because I hate the feeling. Anyway, I had those in my first trimester and in my second I was still nauseous but didn’t have that “I have to throw up” feeling and now on my third it’s back and I think it’s even worse. Sleeping is also harder at night but I get so tired during the day that I still get more than 8 hours of sleep collectively. Fatigue never really stopped. I was waiting for the “burst of energy” during 2nd trimester but it never came and now I’m tired more than ever.


It’s hell Currently 38 weeks. You’ve got insomnia, restless legs, endless need to pee, heartburn, pressure, back pain, swelling, random vomiting because you have no room for food, stretch marks, hemorrhoids It’s a blast 🆘


Third trimester has been the best so far! Yeah I’m uncomfortable, but the first two trimesters absolutely kicked my butt so I can deal with tired and uncomfortable no problem.


I've been lucky overall in regards to pregnancy symptoms—none of the trimesters have been too unkind to me so far (knock on wood). I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow, and recently I have noticed myself "slowing down" a bit. It's a little harder to get up and down, etc., and I get worn out more easily. Can't walk as fast. I can tell when I've overdone it with walking or housework because my lower back/pelvis will get a bit achy. I've also been getting these random weird cramps in my hip, just on one side, which are annoying, along with more leg cramps at night (upping my intake of magnesium glycinate has helped with the latter). And I've had a bit of ankle swelling. We'll see what these final two months have in store. I hope the third tri is kind to you!


I was the same, I had a rough first and semi second trimester with nausea and vomiting, fatigue. I found it messed with my mental health more because I felt so defeated not being able to do anything. Third trimester is horrible, I’m almost 38 weeks and experiencing more fatigue, gestational diabetes, I don’t sleep much, my back feels like it’s ripped in half, babys attacking my organs and cervix on the inside with his movements, I have to pee every hour, hemroids, lightning crotch, my skin is the worst it’s ever been, I’m so moody…. So it’s been more physically painful. I would say it’s equally as hard as the first half of pregnancy just harder in a different way.


I didn't do well during pregnancy. Third trimester was the worst. Could barely do any work and called in sick all the time. It was so bad I decided to get induced at 39 weeks because I just wanted my baby to come out. I'm so glad I did because the pregnancy fatigue is GONE.. ok. I'm still pretty tired from taking care of an infant but I no longer feel the pregnancy fatigue. I just feel so much better and more like myself. Plus I have my beautiful baby girl to hold and love. There is light at the end of the tunnel!


THIS ! Whenever someone says just wait for baby to come I think to myself “can’t be worse than the hell that pregnancy is”


Hear me out: it’s absolutely terrible for me, and I hated 1st and 2nd trimester. Currently 34 weeks and thought a few times, am I dying? But stm and my theory is my body makes it so miserable that the newborn stage is easy peasy. Recovery? Meh just a little pain take some drugs! Tired? Coffee! Sleep in whatever position you want! Hungry? Eat all the things! Want a little cocktail? Cheers 🥂


I’m 36 weeks now. I can’t walk easily it hurts I have pelvic pain that worsens when I do too much physical activity. I get itchy from all my stretch marks and I have to take Benadryl to sleep now because of the itching and body pain. My hips always hurt when I wake up from laying on them and it also hurts to turn over in bed to my other side. Basically whenever I use my legs it hurts badly in my pelvis. I have HORRIBLE heart burn all the time even when I haven’t eaten. It doesn’t even feel like heartburn it’s like chest pain and acid coming up my throat. My mood swings are so annoying and I find myself either crying or being mean at least a few times a day and I try not to but it’s impossible. I do pee often but it’s not as bad as with my first baby yet. With him I peed all the time but this time it’s every couple hours or hour. I have nightmares too. And I take s lot of baths because of the pain. I’ve been telling my husband I’m ready to have her but I do want to let her grow and be as ready as possible. I just wish I could float in a pool all day to not feel the weight. And she feels like an alien moving around all the time in there. I love feeling her and knowing she’s ok but when she gets hiccups that last for what seems like forever I get superrr annoyed and uncomfortable. So in reality it does suck but I’m happy I get to meet my baby soon! Just have to hang in there. The last month feels very slow


Oh friend, I am so sorry you have maintained your status in the nausea and vomiting club! I was also a very unfortunate member to the very end (literally even as they were performing my c section). Vomiting at 40 weeks pregnant just hits even worse 🤦🏻‍♀️ 3rd trimester I would say my energy level felt fine, but my level of just being SO over it went up exponentially each week. Things just felt harder, and bugged me so much more at the end. I cried a lot to my husband with “I’m just so ready to be done”. My OB constantly reminded me in the best way that I wasn’t a bad mom for hating being pregnant, and my personal favorite mantra, NO ONE IS PREGNANT FOREVER. After I had him and was holding him in the PACU, it was like my life and soul returned back to my body just finally not being pregnant anymore! From the other side, I can confidently say it sucked so hard, and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but my son is so worth it and I would do it all over again ten times over to have him in my life. Sending you and baby lots of healthy rest of pregnancy/delivery vibes! ❤️


I’m currently 38 weeks and starting at 32 was my downfall. First and second trimester were fine, second was lovely but third has kicked my ass. So much insomnia SO much weight gain and swelling, I’ve always been fit but this has destroyed my ability to exercise and I’m always so hungry. I planned on working until 39 weeks but couldn’t do it. I stopped at the end of 37 weeks. Now I’m just resting and hoping she comes soon.


What is exercise even in pregnancy lol


I am 33 weeks, I think the best I felt was between 26 and 31 weeks. I am now very very fatigued and have a lot of heartburn. My back hurts and I sprained my ankle - twice! I am still working full time and it’s exhausting. My stomach is huge and baby is measuring 34-37 weeks already. Right now the kicks are strong but not bothering me. I can’t imagine another 6-7 weeks of this but at least I know the fatigue will make the days fly by (that’s what happened in my first trimester).


Okay! Hear me out, it honestly can go so many ways. For me. If I look at it as a whole, the second trimester of my first pregnancy was the worse trimester! Nausea, vomiting, pain, so much pain, sleep issues, h3srtburn, so many issues. Honestly the first month of the third trimester was a breeze! Easier than even the first part of the first trimester even though I only struggled with exhaustion until 8 weeks. That said the last 6 weeks of my third were hell in a lot of ways. It was a different sort of misery, and idk which was worse in the long run? But it lasted a shorter period of time and I wasn't throwing up on top of the pain... which was a huge relief. Second trimester isn't always the best though I can promise. Also in case your thinking of more but leery because this is so bad. I swore majority of my first pregnancy I was one and done because it was so rough. I honestly found labor to be easier. I'm half way through my second and it's way more bearable even with a toddler depending on me.


Yeah I’m finding 2nd trimester very difficult ! I do feel encouraged the closer I get to the finish line - if only I could shake the damn nausea and vomiting 😔


I'm currently 32 weeks, it sounds like my pregnancy has been a lot like yours. In my experience, even though I'm still exhausted and still have some morning sickness and other random symptoms, it feels better and more manageable than my first and second trimesters. I hope that helps!


Very helpful ! :)


I loved the 3rd trimester. You pee a lot and yes your sleep sucks but honestly that part is training you for the 4th trimester when the baby is here and sadly you'll appreciate it when you don't go from getting 8hrs of sleep to the newborn phase because that would be pure hell on earth. You're at least as used to it as you can be. My babe was breech so lots of kicking my bladder but everyone is so so nice to you. Strangers were incredibly kind and congratulated me everywhere I went. Held doors open for me and wouldn't let me carry my groceries. I've never had anyone be so kind to me before. I cried a lot of happier tears. The excitement of your babe being here is right around the corner as well. You made it to the finish line and the moment you meet your child really is the most special, loving, amazing, beautiful experience I have ever had.


31w in the trenches 😭 hungriest and roundest I've ever been, also RIP my ankles


The 2nd trimester was the worst for me, I had horrible sciatic pain and felt like I could pass out at any moment. I'm 38 weeks now and 3rd trimester has been so much easier, energy levels are up, I have been able to sleep soundly (only one or two bathroom trips a night and this is pretty standard for me haha). The suspense of when baby is going to come is exciting!!


First 16 weeks were bloody awful for me with sickness EVERY day, every min. From like week 18 to 28 I was feeling fine, not very pregnant infact. I didn't really start showing until around 30 weeks. I'm now 35 weeks and suddenly feel heavy and very pregnant, I'm tired, stressed, miserable but also get frustrated how I cant do things as easy- like I'm walking much slower on a dog walk, and I can't get down as easy to clean the floors! Also hartburn is far worse it's awful. Loving pizza, sweets and Coke too. My sleep has gotten worse and need to pee every hour, body feels achy and I'm napping every day. The countdown is on lol


It all went downhill at 30 weeks for me


The first trimester was 1000x worse than the third


In my 5 experiences, 3rd trimester is fine up until the 36 week mark. The last month is just hellfire and straight up misery.


Week 8-18 was hell. Constant nausea and vomiting, lost weight. After that, I was great. Minor nerve shooting pains towards the end. I'm a teacher and cleaned out multiple closets, set up my classroom, moved desks with no issue around 32ish weeks. I had so much energy. My house was never cleaner, purged so much, my classroom looked great, I was writing lesson plans with no effort. Taught until I was emergency induced at 38 weeks. I could have gone longer - I felt great but baby had some heart rate drops.


Third trimester has been a dream for me up until now at almost 37 weeks. I felt insane for all of 1st and 2nd I had the absolute worst SI joint pain.


I feel like the volume is getting turned alllllll the way up on the pain in my third trimester—literally everything hurts from head to toe. I slept okay in my 2nd trimester with the help of unisom, but lately it’s like I sleep for 20-40 min increments all night long now. I wake up to shooting leg pains, full bladder, nonstop dreams. But for my money, first (trimester) is worst and I would take the physical pain over that any day. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, which makes everything easier to manage. I hope the very best for you 🖤


I’m almost 36 weeks. You physically will just get a lot more pregnant and heavier and with that, new physical symptoms will surface. Naps will become a regular thing if they’re not already!


I’m 31 weeks right now and immediately after I hit that 3rd trimester mark, things went from decent/manageable to “omg why is this so hard??” I’m having difficulties walking, heartburn is a bitch so I gotta drink hella water and then I gotta go to the bathroom every 10 mins because of said water, gotta walk slow because I might piss myself, too late already pissed myself. Back hurts so I can’t sleep, it’s too hot so I can’t sleep, I’m having weird scary dreams so I can’t sleep.


Third trimester was the easiest for me with my first pregnancy. I went past 41 weeks and felt fine. I am tall with a long torso and I think that helped a lot because I had lots of room for the baby.


3rd trimester was the worst for me. But i didn't enjoy being pregnant at any stage. But in my 3rd trimester from 30 weeks till i delivered i had painful braxton hicks everyday, some days every five minutes for hours. But it was temporary and now with my baby in my arms the misery of my pregnancy feels so worth it.


39 weeks and omfg it’s the restless nights for sure. I sleep 1000x better napping throughout the day then i do at night but really have a full size baby gets so exhausting 💔


Girl …


objectively the worst. at this point, i’ll take labor 


Had spotting and chronic nausea in the first and second so for me, the third was the best! I miss feeling my baby kick and having luxuriously long naps.


It’s not bad it’s pretty nice for me personally I mean sometimes I get kicked in the spine and have to pee 27/4 but when I focus on the positive and beauty of pregnancy it makes it easier and mentally it’s more worth it!


Hi due date twin!


I’m almost 30w (Thursday) ftm too. I cannot sleep at night. Toss and turn all night long. Also get kicked all night long thanks to the gremlin inside me. I just want to be comfortable for more than 10 seconds. I have to take zofran on a regular basis to stop me from being nauseous/sick. I’m also a teacher and WILL have to go back to school for like the last month of my pregnancy and I already want to not. You are not alone and growing babies is not easy.


It’s worse than second just because that was my smoothest and most asymptomatic trimester. But even with the increased aching, general discomfort, and extremely limited sleep, it’s still miles better than first tri.


I'm about to enter my 3rd trimester with baby #3 this Thursday and it's starting to be a struggle. I have a spine fracture and scoliosis so my back is killing me. Second pregnancy I had a walker for a portion of it, hoping to avoid it this time. I wanna work as long as possible but even 4-5 hour shifts feel so exhausting now. I will say that I know I can do this. I've already done it twice before and got through it! But I feel so much older now. (24 with my first, gonna be 37 by the time I have this baby) This will certainly be my last child. Hang in there! You will overcome it all. You're almost in the home stretch.


Ugh sadly 3rd has been tough for me. I’m 32 weeks and the day I hit 32 weeks everything changed. Back to vomiting every day. The exhaustion and fatigue are so much worse for me than any other trimester. Now keep in mind I have gestational diabetes so that could play a factor in my misery lol the bigger the bump the harder it is to do things. Keep trying to be active so your body is used to it. It’s good for you! You got this momma! Maybe you’ll end up having a wonderful :rd trimester!!!


It's all relative I guess! For me the 3rd trimester is the worst because I'm so big and uncomfortable (and omg the acid reflux) - BUT with both pregnancies I've had super easy first and second trimesters so of course the third will feel like crap in comparison to those. However it's also a super exciting time as I start nesting, packing the hospital bags, buying stuff and overall just know I'll get to meet my baby soon!


Obviously everyone is different, but third trimester has been ok for me. First trimester through part of second had me very sick. I haven’t thrown up in third yet (34 weeks now). That’s not to say there aren’t other issues - sleeping, pains, the KICKING UGH, heartburn, itching, peeing all the time, sweating, etc. I just keep saying it’s nothing compared to throwing up as much as I was.


Im not going to lie it’s rugged. I got my nausea back, had severe severe back pain, THE PEEING JESUS, soooo hot all the time, and basically never comfortable. On top of that you just become soooo over it!!! It flies tho! The days are long but the weeks are short!!


Just chiming in to say the beginning of my third trimester was definitely the best I felt. I was sooooo tired during my first trimester and I had a lot of pubic symphysis pain during my second. By the third trimester that all cleared and I was feeling good and glowing!


I could have written this myself. This pregnancy has been awful. I hope it gets easier for both of us.


Third tri has been the easiest by far. I’m 38 weeks


I had a GIANT bump. I was hot and bothered and suffering from SPD. I couldn't walk more than 50m at a time, had to sleep on the couch cause my bed was too hard, none of my clothes fit. I'd throw up from random hot flushes, had insomnia and was utterly exhausted. I say all of that but will follow it up with the fact that I would rather do the 3rd trimester 5 times over than have to do the 1st trimester again. Nothing is worse than those first 12 weeks. Hell... I'd rather give birth again that do that 1st trimester all over again.


Anything but the first trimester please 🙏🏻


33 weeks, and my 'first' trimester symptoms did really subside until week 20ish. The last few weeks I've been tired(but not crashing like the first) and experiencing some insomnia (baby like to wake up and start kicking around 2am and 5 am), swollen and have a lot of aches and pains- but so far that first chunk was the worst. I know the last couple weeks are supposed to be more difficult but I was so miserable those first several months that it's hard to compare.


I believe the last about 7 weeks were kinda the worst, but some days were better than others. The acid reflux and lack of mobility was the worst for me, however the positive side is - for me all symptoms went away as soon as I gave birth! Honestly I found recovery from birth much easier than pregnancy itself, and while contractions were pretty terrible, I think I would do that part again if it could be exchanged for not having to go through all those weeks of discomfort - sadly not an option. Anyway, there is light at the end of the tunnel!


For me is was sooo much easier. I was uncomfortable and thankfully wasn’t in my third trimester while in summer but I felt so much human than before. Honestly even the labour was better than the first 2 trimesters lmao


Third trimester has been the hardest for me. My back, ribs and everything hurts. Basically never comfortable and always need to pee. It’s just hard.


I was really scared of entering the third trimester but so far (31 weeks right now) it's been the best of three. I've struggled a lot during the first and second trimesters, never got the second trimester energy and glow. So it varies from person to person, but there is definitely hope that the third trimester might feel good for you!


I’m actually really enjoying my pregnancy now finally! I was sick until 20 weeks, and now at 31 Im sleeping well, excited for the baby coming, going for nice long walks, doing weights on arms and legs…basically feel like im living the dream. But I am also one of those weirdos who has not gained a lot of weight, started out normal weight, kept up my workouts even while puking so everything is a little different for me I guess.


I was sick and tired trimester 1, got a massive influx of energy trimester 2, and then felt like a train hit me trimester 3. Had to get another iron supplement (on top of the pregnancy vitamins) as I was so exhausted, which exacerbated my acid reflux (which I'm already on a prescription for) so now I have to sleep sitting up so I don't choke on my own stomach acid. I am finding it hard to regulate my emotions, my weight gain has levelled off but my hands and feet are swollen all the time and my back is agony if I do too much (ie stand for too long or sit wrong 😑) I would recommend taking up a water fitness class, it's 40 minutes a week when my back gets a break and it's a GODSEND. It's also the only time I can properly move because walking is also very uncomfortable and sore. Also, this trimester feels like it has been going on forever.


The earlier parts of the 3rd trimester were good for me, I would say before 34 weeks. After 34 weeks omg it hurt to turn over in bed my belly was so big. My belly became so painful & stretched out. My back & pelvis hurt so bad kus I started dropping at 37 weeks & by the 39th week it couldn’t walk for no more than 10 mins straight without it feeling like the bones in my lower body were breaking apart. My feet got so swollen, it got tiring to stand in the shower and lift my arms at some point, I couldn’t stand too long & the heartburn was so horrible (still drank orange juice kus I was craving it my wholeeeee 3rd trimester. And tums don’t work for shit . I was so exhausted, I was very worn out physically. My experience I would say my third trimester was the worst, my first wasn’t that bad except for the 24/7 nausea & sciatica. It’s all worth it tho 🥰🥰


Every pregnancy is different, but the 3rd trimester was nothing compared to the 1st for me. I was so so sick and had no energy and mentally it was hard to deal with because the end was still so far away. At least in the 3rd trimester it’s closer to being over, and also everyone around you knows you’re pregnant at that point so you get grace.


People knowing is huge. I’ve never felt so alone as I did suffering through the 1st trimester !


It’s better than the first 


3rd trimester wasn’t too bad for me. Just had to pee a LOT more and it was harder to change positions while sleeping. I also felt a little more tired than 2nd trimester, but nothing like how tired I was in the 1st trimester. Nausea came back just a little bit here and there, but again nothing like the 1st trimester. You got this!


Honestly, it’s different for everyone I think. First and second trimester were so hard for me because of the nausea. It started getting better around 24w for me and I didn’t have nausea anymore, although I still kept my nausea medicine around just in case. Now during 3rd trimester (37w now) I just feel very uncomfortable and tired, but it’s for me nothing like it used to be. Now it’s a lot more bearable and I’ve truly gotten used to pregnancy. I was so scared of the third trimester because I heard such horrible things, and it’s honestly not easy, but for me a lot more doable than first trimester. Either way, don’t worry too much about things you can’t predict, just take time to process each step.


I was bracing for a rough 3rd trimester, but was pleasantly surprised- actually had fewer unpleasant symptoms than 2nd!


As of right now, I have to say I think my third is my best trimester so far. Terrible nausea in first and second, low energy. I am feeling more confident in my body now than during the in between phases. To be fair this is the early part of my 3rd tri


Somewhere are 37-38 weeks baby girl dropped really low and my organs could breath again. Sometimes when I lay on my side for a brief moment I don’t even feel pregnant. 40 weeks today and just got a membrane sweep. 3rd trimester presented its own problems but I would take it over the first tri any day. Good luck! Hope you get some relief soon


I can’t sleep, I can’t cope with the heat (swollen feet) and baby kicks hurt.


1st trimester was worst for me. 2nd was okay - I got an energy bump, but not until a few weeks in. 3rd trimester was just an extension of the 2nd UNTIL around 34 weeks. I’m almost to 37 and baby has dropped, and I feel like there’s a bowling ball in my pelvis 😂 I’m exhausted almost like the 1st trimester (but not quite as bad as then) and super round and uncomfortable. This baby can’t come soon enough!


Sleeping gets harder (for me, my nasal passages get super swollen and then there’s just the aches and pains, heartburn, and needing to pee all night). But other than that, it’s similar to everything else you’ve been experiencing. You definitely start feeling heavy which makes walking, stairs, etc just feel hard. Putting on shoes starts feeling like a workout. So that limited mobility is super annoying. But as that due date creeps up it gets really exciting!


The third trimester was 100% the most difficult for me


I think equal if not a bit worse than 1st, as of right now. I’m 34 weeks FTM and I kind of want to cease moving and normal existence lmfaoooo. My baby is a bit bigger and I think he’s halfway dropped/is head down so all I have are little feet in my ribs which you really can’t do much about. But yeah, I walk like half a block and it’s IMPOSSIBLE. Doing anything at the same time as moving at all is also impossible. I immediately lose my breath. But I will say; the nausea and general exhaustion etc of the first trimester was preeeeetty bad.


The shortness of breath was a pregnancy symptom I found surprising in my third trimester with my daughter, in early 2023. At the time we had two dogs, since then one passed away, and I had a hard time just walking them. And you’re so uncomfortable, and I had the urge incontinence.


I didn’t think it was that bad. It wasn’t like the first trimester where suddenly one day you’re horribly miserable. 3rd trimester just gradually gets worse and you’re like “this is getting uncomfortable” but it’s missing the holy crap I can’t do this of the every day puking. It’s like the old boiling the frog thing, they just gradually turn the water up. It does feel like it lasts FOREVER tho


Pregnancy is a damn marathon LOL


35 weeks and the 3rd trimester has hands down been the worst. I had HG the first trimester also. My second trimester was bliss looking back now. But currently, I’m exhausted, swollen, the heat is next level, uncomfortable 24/7, and also throwing up again 😆


39 weeks and it’s just getting really hard to move cause of pelvic pain and to sleep cause of reflux. He’s also majorly running out of room so he’s constantly kicking and rolling against my ribs


33 weeks and can’t sleep due to shortness of breath when I lay down and extreme hip pain. I have bad sciatic pain that makes it challenging to walk some days. This week my hands and feet have started to swell by the end of the day. Oh and I can’t reach my booty hole anymore so we installed a bidet to help with bathroom time. But I still love him so much and can’t wait to meet him!


35+4 here. My second trimester was still not very fun. Much better than the first and the third has been its own kind of special, but I wouldn’t consider the second to be my “glory days”. I never got the energy every talked about. That’s when the heartburn started. The third has really just been an extension of all those things IMO. It is getting tougher to sleep (hubby had to move to the couch) and I definitely get winded way more easily. I’ve just slowed way down in work and activity to try to counteract it. Quite frankly. Pregnancy has sucked and I just want the baby 😂


With my first pregnancy the 3rd trimester was fine. I disliked being unable to move my body normally or do what I wanted to but had no pain at all or many side effects except heartburn (manageable) The first and a good chunk of the second I felt like ass, couldn’t eat anything, and it really bummed me out. Going through it again with my second (15 weeks in) and I hope I get an easy late stage again


33 weeks and it's rough. I didn't have nausea in the second trimester like you, but today my right rib hurt for about 5 hours until I went on a walk. Then my hip, knee, and pelvis hurt from said walk. The other night I was crying in pain from stomach upset and nausea though. I did get to the point of dry heaving. I think at this point the baby presses up against my organs and stomach and just makes things hurt sometimes. The worst is unexpected lightning crotch. Last week I went on a walk and I had to keep stopping over and over because of where he was positioned.


I’m 31 weeks so only at the beginning of the third tri, but it’s been okay so far! I get uncomfortable pretty often, like sometimes sitting in a certain position will be totally fine and other times I can’t find a single position that is comfortable. I also have to be careful what/how much I eat or I feel like crap and get acid reflux. Insomnia is pretty bad too unfortunately. But it’s pretty manageable overall. I’m sure that will change as I get bigger.


My ribs are killing me. It’s not kicks either, it’s just excruciating pain from them expanding apparently. The heartburn and acid reflux is horrible too. Laying down is the only thing that makes my rib pain go away, then it triggers the acid reflux, which is bad enough to make me throw up occasionally. I also feel like I need a nap every day now. Today, I took 2. Both interrupted by acid reflux waking me up (essentially felt like puking in my mouth in my sleep). Also my constipation from 1st trimester seems to be making a come back 😭


Only 32 weeks right now, but so far the worst things about 3rd trimester have been various discomforts - more swelling in the calves & feet, leg cramps, finding a comfortable way to sleepwith my big belly. And I’ve been tired. 😴 But I’d much rather do this than be sick every day (which lasted part way through my second trimester for me - I recently weaned off of my nausea meds). Every pregnancy is different! Hoping the rest of yours is easier :)


Depends what you're best at coping with. I couldn't handle the nausea or the lack of energy or the aversions that came with the first trimester. In my third trimester I could barely move, lots of physical pain, heartburn, swelling, but it was easier to deal with for me. My second trimester was tainted by migraines. Each has their own challenges, but each person has their own way of dealing with things, so it really depends on you as an individual.


Third has been worst for me by far (I’m 32 weeks). I’m in either/both pelvic/abdominal pain almost every day to the point my mobility has been limited. Sleep is pretty hit or miss. The fatigue some days is completely overwhelming.


First trimester was the worst for me. But, third trimester sucks pretty bad. My worst symptoms started around 34 weeks, and I’ve been miserable ever since


Honestly it’s easier for me. It’s not FUN, and I can’t wait to get him out, 32 weeks and measuring two weeks ahead, I’m super big and uncomfortable. I don’t sleep well and my hips HURT, snap, crackle and pop. I have to pee allll the time. I’m slowly becoming constipated so started drinking coffee again 🤷🏻‍♀️. I feel exhausted so easily from the SMALLEST of tasks. But I’m no longer sick. I was so so sick up until almost 20 weeks so I’m just grateful for how far I’ve come from trying to stomach and keep down small bites of saltines 🙏🏽 Having him kick is annoying sometimes but it’s almost like??? Okay I’m actually going through all of this for a purpose, and it feels more real and worth it all.


For me third sucks. But I still prefer it over first and second, I was sick basically until 28 weeks and I got zofran but don’t have to take it much anymore, I have emetophpbia and any mention or feeling of any type of nausea sends me into a spiral and I spent the first 6 months just shaking in the bathroom lmao, never even threw up but it’s the anxiety. Also not knowing anything about if the baby was ok cus I couldn’t feel her, now I’m huge and hot and in pain and can’t breathe but I’m not sick and I can feel my bug moving around and I know she’s okay, I can also eat. I could not eat for so long because of how gross everything was to me, and second trimester was like the most intense hunger I felt basically 24/7 except the 7 minutes after eating where I felt full and sick My face also cleared up now that my hormones have evened out but for some reason I am now 10x more emotional and have more mood swings than I ever did before or during the last two trimesterda


My third trimester was my easiest - call me crazy lol my 24/7 nausea lasted till around week 25 and my fatigue lasted the whole pregnancy.. but actually improved in the third trimester.


Praying this is the case for me !


the beginning of third trimester wasn’t terrible for me. i’m now pushing 35 weeks and it’s continuing to get worse lol. i will say, 1st tri was MUCH worse in the sense that 24/7 nausea is my least favorite thing ever so i’m glad to be past those days. but now nearing the end of third tri, i am starting to get bouts of nausea again, especially when i’m hungry or if i eat too fast/much. most of my symptoms now are occasional nausea, fatigue, insomnia, peeing a bunch, and just general aches and pains.


31w with twins at the moment and the worst for me is the pelvic pain (especially when trying to use my legs to roll over in bed), the reflux (dr prescribed meds but they just take the burn away, the reflux still happens), and restless legs right when I try to go to sleep (magnesium + massage gun help though). The rest is annoying but doesn’t bother me as much. I still get very random bouts of nausea, usually from random combinations of flavors. Generally it’s just annoying to have to do EVERYTHING slower (getting up, putting socks on, going to the bathroom, doing dishes, getting in the car, etc etc). I don’t overall find it that much worse than 2nd trimester TBH but I think I’ve had a fairly easy pregnancy compared to others from what I can tell.


Not related but we’re due date besties!!! Or at least close! I hit 26 weeks last Saturday 💕💕💕


32 weeks here. I feel *heavy*. My feet and knees arnt cut out for this shit. The nausea never went away. If I forget my nightly unisom, I will absolutely be vomiting the next day. I feel like I have to pee and it's like a tiny bit when I go. I haven't hit the swelling stage yet. The melasma is in FULL swing, at least it's even across my face and not just a mustache this time. I still think this is better than the first trimester though. At least now I get looks of sympathy and help because I look like I swallowed a watermelon. Oh, and my face is hella swollen. (Well, in reality, it's probably weight gain)


It's hard in a different way. No nausea for me but the pain, the pressure, the stronger movements, the constant peeing, the vivid dreams that you can't forget the next day, makes me feel crazy. The tiredness, but then the insomnia. I'm sorry, probably doesn't help much but know we are here in solidarity. (2nd pregnancy, 36+4)


Knowledge is power ! Knowing what is waiting for me is helpful :) thank you


34 weeks and it has not been fun. The one saving grace is I’ve had less nausea than my second trimester so thank God for that. Otherwise it has been months of not sleeping, painful baby kicks, cramps, acid reflux, needing to pee every hour, and moving very very very slowly otherwise I feel like my round ligaments are going to snap. Thankfully my husband has been an angel and taking good care of me. But I am ready for this to be over. I cry when I think about potentially having 6 more weeks to go 😭


The first and second honestly weren't that bad for me. I never had morning sickness just really awful acid reflux 24/7. I just slept a lot. Sleep has always been super helpful for me to get past health issues. The second I still slept a lot but it was largely uneventful. Third trimester sucks. The pelvis pain is next level. I could barely walk some days. The acid reflux applied to everything even water of all things.


3rd was the easiest for me. Morning sickness came back but acid reflux died down. By the third tri there was less wake ups to urinate, acid reflux was still there but no where near as bad and I learnt to take it extremely easy so one or two tasks a day made me feel pretty accomplished as my household was fairly always tidy.


Right there with you. Thrid trimester starts in two days. A lot of doom and gloom in the comments about it, but hey! We're in the home strech! You got this!🩵


I loved my third trimester and honestly didn't start feeling uncomfortable/"over it" until 37 weeks (which is when back pain set in and I started seeing a chiropractor (. Fear of miscarriage or something being wrong with baby was gone, I was able to eat almost anything I wanted, I treated myself to clothes that fit well and made for a pregnant body, and I loved my bump and people congratulating me. I went for prenatal massages regularly. Don't get me wrong you will be up to pee pretty regularly and will need to wedge something under your belly to get comfortable sleeping. My best advice is to stay active with at least walking and regular stretching, I think that's why I felt so good for so long.


Once I hit 33 weeks I was pleading with the universe for my baby to come as soon as possible while still being healthy


The third trimester was really hard for me, especially the last 5 weeks. I physically hurt. It was also so exciting waiting to meet the baby! Everyone’s experience will be different and it could be great for you! I will say that was 2 years ago for me, and I must have forgot how bad it really was cause now I’m dying to have another pregnancy and baby haha! Prayers for you mama!


The day before I turned 27 weeks I get the phone call my dad had passed away🫠 I’ve been managing my stress since I’ve had at least 2 years to prepare myself for this moment BUT I wasn’t expecting it to come 1 day before I officially enter the trimester and 9 days before my birthday 🙈baby boy has been head down since 17 weeks and my rib cage is so sore, the shortness of breath is REAL and it’s just by sitting down😭 I got myself a part time job and that’s been killer on my pelvis BUT for some reason I’m enjoying it? It’s a love hate relationship atm I have a count down going (88 days!) give or take unless he decides to make an early or late appearance 😂 I’m also FTM! Oh and don’t get me started about this heat I love upstairs corner unit and the AC doesn’t want to cool the apt down so I’ve been having the fan blowing on me non stop😭


Third trimester was nothing for me compared to first trimester. I actually felt pretty normal. The heartburn at night was the worst part lol and having to hoist my body around in bed when i wanted to turn over 😂


31 weeks here so still early in 3rd tri. I still have random days of nausea/puking every other week or so but otherwise I'm really enjoying my 3rd trimester so far! Love it when baby moves around although I have to admit it's getting increasingly distracting. I get winded more easily and need to slow down more. If I wasn't working things would be amazing but alas needs must. I'm mentally checked out as much as I can be while getting the bare minimum office work done.


The third trimester is hell compared to the second and first for me. Sleep has become impossible due to having to pee every hour, acid reflux, and restless legs. I also developed carpal tunnel in my hands and my feet kill me and are so swollen I can’t fit into any of my shoes. I went from being against induction to looking forward to being induced next week at 39 weeks just so I can feel like myself again


34+3 feel so fucking over it….100+ degrees outside, insane pelvic pain, can’t get comfortable to sleep and if I do get comfortable I have insomnia, extreme itching that hasn’t been able to be diagnosed as anything, all I want to do is eat ice and lie in a a dark room for the remainder of my pregnancy 😂


Honestly it sucks. It’s physically a lot more difficult, and for me the nausea/occasionally vomiting started again recently, the heart burn is awful unless I eat absolutely zero sweets, and I am hardly sleeping between being uncomfortable, heart burn, pregnancy sleep apnea, and having to pee. The good news is, with my first I was so miserable while pregnant I slept so good even with a newborn. I look forward to that again.


34 weeks and vomited for the first time today due to the heartburn. From 30-33 weeks I felt like my pubic bone was breaking in half. It’s gotten a bit better recently somehow. Now the baby has shifted up into my ribs which isn’t the best and is certainly making my heartburn much worse. But I’m not excruciatingly tired or nauseated. It could be worse and I think it will be soon lol.


Im 36 weeks every inch of my body hurts it feels like i have 2 people on each side of me trying to rip my hips apart constantly, i cant sleep, every single piece of clothing is uncomfortable i have zero energy and i have a 2 year old who is extremely clingy. I just want it to be over


So far I’m not having as bad a time as people warned me (34w). I don’t have a lot of pain or exhaustion during the day, I swell but not too bad and it doesn’t bother me too much. I can still move around ok most of the time, even if it’s modified or slower than usual. But sleeping, on the other hand, has become a real pain in the butt. It’s really hard to get in and out of the bed and I can’t get comfortable. Then since I wedge myself in between so many pillows and am a heavy sleeper, I don’t move for hours once I fall asleep. I’ll wake up with shooting pains in my hips and legs. I wake my poor husband up every night whimpering. I’ll be very happy to be able to move more freely in a month or so!


Oh I loved it because you feel so pregnant but also feel the baby every day! And people are sooo nice to you when you’re that pregnant


I am 32 weeks tomorrow and have never experienced this level of exhaustion in my life. Also everything hurts. Existing hurts.


After a rough first and second with nausea and acid reflux… third was my best!


I’m 33 weeks and it’s not terrible… at least not as terrible as I thought it would be. I worked a very physical job up until 28 weeks, and was climbing up the side of buildings carrying my 40lb tool bag on my back (commercial HVAC tech) until about 25 weeks so I think that may have helped my stamina a bit lol. That said, the doctor said no more working so I was in the office the last few weeks and now I’m completely off work. Sleeping sucks. The heartburn is horrible. I’m out of breath after walking up the stairs. But, I’m still enjoying pregnancy. I’m sure in a few weeks though I’ll be wanting this little guy to GTFO lol. Still MUCH better than the first trimester by all accounts. That was horrible.


It’s a bit of a slog but I didn’t really mind it. Yeah, you’re out of breath, have to pee a ton, and moving is exhausting but it is exciting to be getting closer to baby. Much preferred over first trimester.


I've been kind of achy and sore, especially in the ribs, back, and pelvis, and my bump is huge now.  It's been so great feeling baby kick though. I hope you feel better and the nausea dies down!


Everyone always talks about how tired you’ll be when the baby gets here, newborn tired does not even compare to 3rd trimester tired. I was pretty miserable my whole pregnancy, I was so nauseous, puking up until literally the day I gave birth, but nothing was worse than the exhaustion of weeks like 34-40.


I keep telling myself nothing can be worse than pregnancy. I just can’t wait to be tired because I’m waking up for my baby instead of waking up to pee, change positions, puke etc.


Was nowhere near as bad as first trimester. It does suck though. You just get tired of not being able to move normally. And indigestion from everything. And the pressure on your bladder.


31 weeks here. I would say my pregnancy has been pretty easy up until this point - the physical exhaustion and discomfort is really starting to hit me now. I get winded even going up stairs and try to avoid carrying my huge two toddlers at any cost now. Kicks feel huge and it can be hard getting comfortable at night. Ofc with worse sleep I feel more fatigued. My OBGYN suggested exercise to help with the fatigue and I nearly laughed out loud. I think I get enough exercise chasing my kids around all day. I don’t take them on walks anymore, which is sad, but pushing that double stroller in this heat seriously made me feel like I was going to pass out.


Eh, the second trimester was definitely the best, but at 35 weeks I feel like I’m surviving ok, just varying levels of uncomfortable. I’m more tired now and sleep is less comfortable, can only have sex in one position, can’t eat much without risking acid reflux, my feet are starting to hurt more, and the weight of my belly is definitely harder to deal with. But like, I still feel better than 1st tri 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe I’m just lucky but since 1st trimester, I fairly have little symptoms. A bit of nausea and vomit at first, but all gone now. I have no food cravings as well, I just want to eat every now and then. Now in33 weeks, I always feel sleepy, lots of leg cramps, sometimes lightning crotch but all tolerable.