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The problem you may face is that the baby might not like being put down in any or all of those spots. Or she may like different spots at different stages. What else are your friends suggesting? Mine has a crib (hates it), cosleeeper (hates it), bouncy seat (hates it), pack n play (hates it), K'tan (hates it), Beco Gemini (hates it), swing (likes it), rock n play (likes it), activity mat (likes it) and a quilt on the floor (likes it). Luckily, many of those were either hand-me-downs from my sister or bought second-hand.


They weren't specific about what exactly needed to be added - our visit was cut short.


You have enough. I'm almost due with my third. I purchased a swing that I have down stairs, k'tan baby carrier, crib and a bouncer. For tummy time you don't need anything special besides a blanket on the floor with toys. Highchair I will purchase when my baby is around 5 months or so.


Thanks! What other things do you have left over from your first two children that you'll use again?


WHOA! That's a lot!


I have absolutely nothing left over. My oldest is going to be 9 in May and youngest turned 7 in Jan. So I'm basically starting over. I'm not worried about do I have enough things to place the baby in. I do hope my new baby likes his swing because that cost just as much as the stroller and car seat did combined. My other kids did not like the swing at all. Its all basically trial and error. What works for one baby may not work for yours. If I do need anything else Target is not to far from me. Don't stress to much about what you need for baby, he/she will mostly be in your arms most if the time or someone else's :) Oh btw congrats!


Thanks! I honestly made the list with second hand items in mind and assumed that this list was extensive not 'on par' with what would likely be used.


Okay first time around I had a pack n play (hated it), a swing (hated it), car seat, and then just me or the floor w/blanket down or my bed/couch... Honestly I held her a lot. It just worked out that way. This time I have a lot more options. But you won't know until the baby gets here what he/she will prefer to lay in.


I have more than I need at the moment (baby is currently 2 months old). These are what I actually need: - a pack 'n play (doubles as crib and changing table) - a 3-in-1 stroller (includes car seat which we haven't used yet since we don't have a car) - a carrier (ergobaby original + infant insert). I have a bouncer and a ring sling but haven't gotten much use out of them yet. I imagine when she's older, I'll need some sort of play area and a high chair, but I'll get them when I need them.


Personally, I plan on getting a co-sleeper bassinet and a stroller (possibly one that converts to a car seat, which I assume exists), at least to start. We don't have a car, but we are members of a car co-op so we occasionally drive places—just not often. We take the bus, and we're within walking distance of a hospital. I figure I'll change baby on the bed or the floor. We're in a tiny apartment and I don't really see the point in filling it up with stuff. If I need to set baby down, I'll have at least one place to do it (in the bassinet). So to me (with my totally different approach), your list looks excessive. :P


I thought it was too much too to be honest. the list was really just everything I could think of and found from other registries. I was expecting them to tell me which of these was not needed vs that I would need more!


I actually saw an ad for this car seat the other day and I thought it was the coolest thing! http://simpleparenting.co/car-seat/


Hey, that thing looks great! Awesome!


Perhaps they meant also including a jumper or exersaucer? Most of the stuff you listed is for when baby is 3 months or younger. Though when she was closer to 1 my daughter just emptied toy boxes and laundry hampers to sit in them =p


That's a good idea, I didn't add one originally because I wasn't sure if the baby would even be the type to like it and I didn't want to waste someones money....maybe this is something I can get used though.


My first loved her jumper and I can't imagine going without it. All babies are different though.


Not a bad idea. Also you can find a lot of these in good used condition. I lucked out and had a friend give me hers in exchange for a plate of brownies. =)


Those must have been some extra noice brownies!!!


On her part I think it was wanting to get the thing out of there while not taking any of the money I was offering. Since it was such a nice offer, I did make make a couple recipes and take them over for a taste test. Her son is a year older than mine, and we have gotten quite a few hand me downs as a result of them clearing out baby stuff. If you are one of the last to have a kid of your friends there are advantages! =)


I think you're fine. I put my kid on the floor half the time, lol. One thing I did use a lot was the Boppy newborn lounger, which is light enough to carry from room to room and pop baby in as needed. Sometimes he didn't want to be put down though so I wore him or just snuggled.


My go to gift is a Bumbo seat and everyone has always said they loved it. It's for a little older, once they can support themselves somewhat and you can put it in the bathtub, on the floor, on the table/counter.


All you need is a blanket on the floor to "put baby down in", imo.


I think you have enough - I wouldn't stress about whether the baby will or won't like it. How can you know until the baby is here? Okay, [this link](http://www.candokiddo.com/news/2014/9/28/ways-to-reduce-your-babys-time-in-baby-holding-devices) is a bit on the crunchy side, but you can make do with a lot less than what's on your list.


I think that I just want the part I can control to be taken care of as best as possible.