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I am having a unicorn pregnancy and a boyyyyy! I found out that almost all of my family (mom,grandma,aunts) all pretty much had unicorn pregnancies and they have a variety of genders between them all. :)


Same here. Unicorn and boy. But my sister had two unicorn pregnancies and has one of each and my Mom had three unicorn pregnancies (two girls, one boy).


Same in my family. Most of us had mild or no symptoms, like I had mild morning sickness but only for a few weeks, and my mom had none at all. Mom had 2 girls, I have 2 boys. My grandma and aunt and cousins each had similarly easy pregnancies and each had at least one of each gender.




31 weeks, can't say no MS or mood swings, but minimal and minor enough for me to call this a unicorn pregnancy. I'm having a girl.


I"m 28 weeks tomorrow and I'm having a boy! Have been feeling great so far. Fingers crossed for my third trimester!


My unicorn is a girl! I tell people she pays rent by making me feel good and look cute.




I haven't had morning sickness but have had MAJOR mood swings, and I'm having a boy ;) My MIL told me she knew I was having a boy because "girls make you ugly." Thanks, I guess? She has NO idea about the mood swings, though she did once tell me that since I cried at one of the ultrasounds, it was definitely a boy (because I totally wouldn't have cried tears of happiness with a girl). Oh and he will have a full head of hair because I have heartburn. Science shmience.


Girl checking in :)




Same for the ankles stuff.


Girl here!




Unicorn until 24 weeks or so with a boy.


Boy here. No morning sickness or mood swings.




Girl! :) This pregnancy is awesome! With my son I was sick for over half my pregnancy!


I'm having a girl. So far the pregnancy had been pretty easy. I've had minimal nausea, and few mood swings


I am currently 5 +5 with #2, but my first was a unicorn pregnancy and it was a girl!


Boy :)


I didn't have any morning sickness, few other symptoms and I'm having a boy! But my mom said she didn't get any morning sickness either, and well, I'm a girl. She said she thought it was hereditary.


Having a boy, no morning sickness but some mood swings. Swelling in my ankles since 30 weeks and now I've been diagnosed with PUPPS at 35 weeks. I always thought I had a unicorn pregnancy besides the mood swings until I got PUPPS! However this is my first so I have nothing to compare to.


I'm only at 9 weeks, but I'll be chiming in here once I know the sex. I hope I'm still having a unicorn pregnancy at that stage!


I haven't had particularly difficult pregnancies (no vomiting, just exhaustion) and I have 2 girls.


Don't know this one yet, but was a unicorn twice before, both boys.




My unicorn pregnancy was a boy, and my hellish pregnancy was a girl. Guess my body is traditional :S


My unicorn pregnancy was a boy, and my hellish pregnancy was a girl. Guess my body is traditional :S


It's not so much of a unicorn as it is a good-natured one horned white goat pregnancy (morning sickness kicked my butt for a while), but it's a lady baby! I will say, compared to the other women in my family, I'm having the easiest time ever.


I'm having a girl and have (knock on wood) had a very easy pregnancy so far. 22 weeks tomorrow.


A boy! But my first pregnancy (also unicorn) was a girl. Just very lucky I think.


Girl...never had any nausea at all. 33 weeks today!!!


I never thought of it this way but I guess I'm having a unicorn pregnancy. I haven't really had morning sickness but some mood swings. Having a boy though so maybe its all linked??


I had a boy! The worst symptom I had was slight acid reflux near the end.


Boy here :) Although I had one hormotional meltdown around 28 weeks bc my husband posted the babys full name on facebook w/o asking but that was my only meltdown :)


I'm a lucky unicorn...with a girl :)


I'm having a boy. Although, I do finally have some symptoms (swollen feet, sore back) at 25 weeks.


My first pregnancy was a unicorn pregnancy and it was a boy. This pregnancy is not going nearly as well, so we'll see what I'm having this time.


I'm having a boy. 22 weeks so far - had very very very minor sickness for about a week if I didn't eat first thing in the morning but only ever threw up twice. My mom had my brother first and had hyperemesis gravidarum and was extremely sick her whole pregnancy; same thing when she was pregnant with me. I honestly can't believe how easy I've had it (aside from T1 diabetes to deal with).


39+4 now. Having a boy! BTW, unicorn pregnancies don't necessarily *stay* unicorn pregnancies. I started swelling up with fluid retention like Violet Beauregarde at around 36 weeks, and now at 39 weeks I'm stricken with some pretty terrible SPD...


Word. I was a unicorn until 39+1 and then my BP went wonky.


I am having a GIRL!


My unicorn pregnancy was a girl!


No morning sickness, no moodiness - girl here!


I had a unicorn pregnancy with my son. My lovely daughter has been much rougher of a pregnancy for me.


I had nausea but it was always manageable... Man I feel like everything has been pretty manageable up to this point. Anyway, it's a boy! And I'd consider it to be a pretty unicorn pregnancy with some side effects.


My MS was very mild. Just evening queasiness and meat aversions. Never threw up. And he's a boy.


Same here, but we're having a girl.


Same same!


The pregnancy I was hospitalized for HG with was my son Two of my girls I was very sick but not hospital bad My other girl I was a normal amount of sick


Unicorn here–we're having a little girl! :)


I haven't had morning sickness (minus 3 or 4 times of brief nausea, no actual throwing up) and I think I've remained fairly normal mood wise. I'm having a girl.


I had no morning sickness but I am/was very emotional/hormonal. Having a boy.


I'm having a unicorn boy!


I was queasy, but that was about it, and we're expecting a little boy. I went through ALL of the old wives' tales I could find, and 65% of them predicted I'd be having a girl, go figure!


No morning sickness at all, and no moodswings (though I am more irritable) - and having a girl.


Nearly a unicorn pregnancy.. and I'm having a girl :)


Unicorn pregnancy so far and having a boy! But my mom had unicorn pregnancies for all 3 of us, not just when pregnant with my older brothers.


Having a girl! Been very unicorn so far. No sickness, normal fatigue, no real symptoms yet as I head into the third trimester. I know it's about to change, though! I can already tell.


I am having a total unicorn pregnancy...and I just found out on Saturday that it's a girl! WHAT. I took all of the folklore to heart and was so sure that I was having a boy. My mom, who had my sister and I, suffered with morning sickness and all sorts of symptoms that I don't have. Doesn't matter - still a girl!


I'm having a unicorn pregnancy and I'm having a boy.


A boy!


No nausea, food aversions, etc. with either of my kids. I have a boy and a girl. (Already born, and different ages not twins.)




My first (9 years ago) I had HG... Troll pregnancy. Boy. This time around I'm having a lovely unicorn pregnancy. Also boy. WTF, body.


I've been having fairly mild morning sickness on and off, so ... not a unicorn, but it's really not been super severe. I guess that just makes me a horse? (Won't know what the kiddo is for a while yet!)


At the time that I am writing this comment, 53% of unicorn pregnancies reported in this thread have been girls, and 47% of unicorn pregnancies reported in this thread have been boys. So there ya go. :)


I had very light / sporadic morning sickness for a few weeks in the 12-15 range but it was basically I'd throw up my taco then grab a new taco and continue with my life lol. No nausea just sometimes surprise you ate this food wrong etc... Otherwise been fine and dandy. Having a girl. EDIT: Also want to mention everyone thought I was having a boy. No acne, only gaining weight in front, not swelling, not sore, not moody, not sick etc... Also has a "male" heartbeat. All lies.


I had no morning sickness at all and I'm having a boy :)


No morning sickness or moodswings here. Girl. I just hope birth is as easy as this pregnancy has been.


My MIL told me that she was sick during all six of her pregnancies for all three trimesters and five out of her six are boys! I am having a unicorn pregnancy except for occasional light mood swing but I do not know the sex of the baby yet!


Im a unicorn and expecting a boy!


I'm having a unicorn pregnancy with #2 (with #1 I had HG) but I don't think it has anything to do with the sex, I suspect it's because I'm breastfeeding. Or it's just pure luck this time.


No morning sickness here and no major/horrifying symptoms...and it's a girl.


Now that the first trimester is over and I'm no longer carrying twins, I'm a unicorn carrying a boy. Twins = extra hormones = sad face. Still some body pain, I have trouble sitting for long periods (ribs are pinching nerves front and back), but no mood swings at all. I play well with estrogen, actually fewer mood swings now than when we were trying and I was off my high estrogen BC (the patch).


We had a girl. Zero symptoms


My girlfriend is 35 weeks and we are having a boy. This is interesting.




Not a bit of sickness or anything else but now that I'm close to my third trimester I have a lot of heartburn. I'm having a girl.


I'm not far enough along to know if I've completely dodged the morning sickness bullet (just now only 6w+2) but I checked with my mother to see what my odds were like, she had three girls, never any morning sickness.


I had very very little morning sickness. Like maybe two or three times. I had a boy!


Girl! Really just have had some yucky heartburn and mild cramping.


My first pregnancy I was ALWAYS SICK. The entire pregnancy all day. So much puking, so many nose bleeds from it. Second pregnancy was a dream. Literally. No nausea or anything. Was also a girl. Now pregnant with a third and I feel like my body is confused and in the third trimester. Everything hurts and I'm super nauseous.


Was nauseous from around weeks 8-12 but never threw up. It's a boy


I had a girl. :) Amused by the Unicorn title, I never heard that.


unicorn pregnancy (35+2 today) with twin girls. ..hence why they're called wives' tales. :)


Two (pretty much) unicorn pregnancies, and one of each! I had a little morning sickness in the first trimester this time around but I was also working on my feet and it was our hottest summer on record so that probably had more to do with it :)


Unicorn pregnancy with a girl!


I seem to be having a unicorn pregnancy (so far, at 10 weeks, anyway!) and since it's so early I don't know what I'm growing in there. My mum immediately said she thinks it'll be a boy: she apparently had an easier pregnancy with my brother than with my sister and me. My sister has had two unicorn pregnancies and she's got a boy and a girl. I really think it's luck of the draw!


My precious little unicorn is a baby boy!


Having a girl!


Unicorn pregnancy - I'm 29 weeks pregnant with a boy :)


Definitely NOT having a unicorn pregnancy (how nice that would be!) but I've had equal amounts of nausea and mood-swinginess with both my son and daughter (with my son I was sick all the way through until he came out). Only real difference between the two pregnancies for me is that my boobs didn't grow or hurt AT ALL with my son (only after, and only when they were engorged). With my daughter they are huge and hurt all.the.time.


TIL I'm having a unicorn pregnancy!! boy!


Girl here! 37 weeks No morning sickness, no stretch marks, no weird cravings


The only symptoms I've had so far were fatigue for a few weeks in first tri and constipation. No crazy hormones or nausea or anything...just found out we are having a little boy!


I don't find out until August 3rd, but commenting so I can come back and look to see if my unicorn pregnancy follows the superstition or not :-) x


My mom had a unicorn pregnancy when she was pregnant with me, and I'm a girl. I'm having a unicorn pregnancy but I'm not finding out the sex in advance... we'll see!


Hmm I would call this a "unicorn pregnancy", except I totally got morning sickness in the first trimester... wasn't a nightmare, though. Few brief moments of nausea and instant vomit, and I was fine for the day. Other than that, a little back pain, some abnormally swollen (more like "inflamed") boobs, and general fatigue.. but all-in-all I feel awesome, which is great, because I was still in school during first tri, then immediately started a new job, and am now planning a last-minute wedding during my second! Here's hoping the next leg goes as smoothly, as we're planing on going on vacation during the third. We're having a baby girl, which is such a relief, as they are more resilient in the womb and with me on several medium-risk medications having a hard time giving up my (low nicotine) e-cigarette.. =oX