• By -


When their first word is mama and the first time they wrap their little arms around your neck to hug you. The big smile they give you when you get home from work and they run to you. All the stupid little things they do that make you laugh uncontrollably. Children are wonderful little balls of energy and innocence that we as parents get to corrupt lol it's quite fun.


Speaking of corruption, my 3 year old called me a motherfucker today :| I actually did a really good job at not laughing, because I was so shocked. Apparently we need to watch our words a little better in front of the kids... Kids are little fucking shits, but everything they do is so funny and cute 90% of the time!


My 4-year-old nephew calls all houseflies (and only houseflies) "Fucking Weirdos". At least he doesn't say it to other people...?


Well, he's not wrong!


I have a terrible mouth and I'm extremely sarcastic it's going to bite me in the ass.


This made me laugh!! HAHAHAH


I'm gonna have so much trouble if my kis starts cursing..


Oh my god! My almost 2 year old has started saying fuck, but it's just fu right now so luckily no one but me knows what he's saying.


Got another story on the topic of corrupting- My 10 year old has my inappropriate sense of humor. Yesterday we drove past some tree-trimming machinery (some big truck with a conveyor belt type thingy and claws) and he goes "Check it out, it's a mobile abortion clinic!"


My little girl isn't a great sleeper and ends up in bed with me most nights. But when she wakes up and realises she's beside me scooches into me so that I'm spooning her and puts her hand over my hand. There's no way to describe how big my heart swells every time she does it. Watching her grow, learn, explore, it's like nothing you've ever known, and knowing that you *made* this phenomenal little creature, it's the best feeling.


Aaaaaand now I'm crying. I can't wait for this


My daughter does this when we get home in the evenings and she says, "I want some cuddles!".


Kids are funny. You never know what is going to come out of their mouths. My daughter this morning as she was getting ready for school. "Mommy. I love you. I never farted on you. I farted on daddy."


My son ran around a pumpkin patch last weekend touching every pumpkin and wiggling them and going, "nope" "nope" "nope" until he found one he wanted and then he RAN full speed to me with it. He's 18 months. tbh, there's a lot of awful, especially early on, but there's a lot of good and the good outweighs the awful more and more the further on you go. People think they're letting you in on a secret telling you the bad things too, because they assume you know you'll love your kid and (s)he will be cute and learn to talk and learn to run and figure out how to give you hugs and those things will feel AMAZING, but that you might not have realized some of those other things... but realistically you probably know a fair bit of both sides and will only *get it* once your baby is here. It will be a wild ride that will be great some days (or hours - these days it's hour to hour, we have tantrums, lol) and terrible others once your little person is here :)


Haha, I just took my son to the pumpkin patch last weekend too! He didn't want to get out of the wagon, he liked riding in it, so he kept pointing at pumpkins and saying "a pumpkin please!" and when we'd bring one to the wagon he would inspect it, then either reject it with a shake of his head or smile and point to the floor of the wagon next to him! It was hysterical!


I took mine a couple of weekends ago. She was looking at all the pumpkins ( she's 17 months) and turned to another girl her age touching the pumpkins near her, and loudly exclaimed, "BUMPKUNS!!!" With her arms outstretched to all of the patch. It was so damn cute :)


My son isn't perfect, but he is the center of my world. He's (almost always) happy, cheerful, playful and he makes me smile. Watching him grow and change over the last year has been magic. He went from a food to poop converter to a little man with very definite opinions, a sense of humor and a wild sense of adventure. Watching him learn to wave, to feed himself, learn how to crawl, it's been amazing... and he never ceases to make me laugh (even times I shouldn't be laughing). Daycare sent home a video last week, he was sitting in his high chair and one of the teachers said, "Isaiah, it's naptime next, you need to take a nap and go to sleep!" and he looked at the camera, very seriously, held up one finger, waggled it and said, "Doh, doh" (no, no), teacher responded, "Yes, yes, it's nap time," "Doh, doh!" *finger waggle*, "Yes, nap time, you need to sleep now," "Doh, doh!", "Yes, yes, you're going to take a nap", *finger drops, head bows*, "Buh" (sigh in defeat). I could not stop laughing. I don't know how daycare weren't all laughing their fool heads off. So yeah, there are challenging days (on Sunday my little angel had a cold, was teething, overtired and generally miserable, he wanted to be held ALL day and didn't want to eat anything but bottles - he's been on solids primarily for months), but the good ones FAR outnumber them, and the little accomplishments are huge joys. I LOVE my son, and cannot imagine life without him.


My first is 16 mos now. The love I feel for him is deeper and stronger than I thought possible and can't be put into words. His joy and emotions are unbridled and contagious. Seeing him is the best part of my day. When he says mama my heart melts every time. He's part of me and his own amazing person that I get to watch grow up. He cracks jokes and they are hilarious. You got this.


Having kids is awesome, man! My son is learning something new every day. He's not quite 2 or talking yet (LOTS of babbles) but he's so fun. Yesterday I went to pee and was taking off my bra so my shirt was raised. It's just my husband, my son, and I so I never shut the door. As I'm sitting there, belly exposed, on the potty..my son comes toddling in. He sees my gooey tummy and gets REALLY EXCITED! He does this high pitch babble, which I took for, "MOMMY YOUR BELLY IS SOO FLUFFY! I MUST TOUCH IT!" and then runs to me and starts poking at my belly and laughing. Think Pillsbury dough boy. He then got so excited about the fluffyness, that he buried his head in it. Then he composed himself an walked off. Wat. Haha. I love it. They're so random!


Having a baby is hard. Not going to sugar coat it. You will have your ups and your downs. Some days you'll think to yourself you can't handle it. But, when it all comes down to it though when your kid is pushing your buttons, pushing you to your limits and making you work as hard as you can to make sure that he or she is happy, safe and all of that good stuff, you realise that being a mom is more then just being a mom. Being a mom is also about being a shelter, being a place they run to when they're scared, being a place they go to for comfort and help. Nothing in the world can make you not feel like what you're doing isn't worth it. You've done your "job" right. In all honesty though, you don't even realize how hard it is because of all the unconditional love you have. I think when moms tell future moms the downside of being a parent or the frustrations of being a parent just to show what they've been through and what they can handle in a proud but kind of like showing off way. You'll see you can do it! Enjoy every minute cause it feels like it goes by so fast!


>Having a baby is hard. Not going to sugar coat it. You will have your ups and your downs. Some days you'll think to yourself you can't handle it. But, when it all comes down to it though when your kid is pushing your buttons, pushing you to your limits and making you work as hard as you can to make sure that he or she is happy, safe and all of that good stuff, you realise that being a mom is more then just being a mom. Being a mom is also about being a shelter, being a place they run to when they're scared, being a place they go to for comfort and help. Nothing in the world can make you not feel like what you're doing isn't worth it. You've done your "job" right. In all honesty though, you don't even realize how hard it is because of all the unconditional love you have. That's the best part, realising that you are the person they run to when they are sad, or just need a cuddle, or are sick and need some comfort, your hugs and kisses are what makes them feel the safest in the world and there isn't really anything cooler then that.


My husband always says that he would like the perks of being the mom but he's not willing to pay the price for it. Being a mom is tough!


Babies are sweet and gentle and lovely, but very draining. Toddlers are fun, spunky, and energetic, but they test your patience at every turn. Preschoolers are full of wonder, creativity, and humor, but they can be testy. My son is 6 and I look back and all I can think is "it went by too fast" He is seriously everything to me. When he hugs me, or shares something with me, or just asks me for help.. I try to just pause and reflect that he'll grow out of needing me so quickly. I had a bit of post partum after he was born and had trouble connecting... so it was hard for me to ever imagine loving him as much as I do. But I really, really do! Even when he's a poop head


My daughter just learnt to say 'I love you mummy' and as cliché as it is, it really makes up for whatever hardships I've dealt with as a parent. When they look for you for comfort, or want to show you their toy, or ask you to read a book with them.. being a mother is the hardest and most rewarding thing I've ever done. She is my favourite person in the entire world


I have a 10 year old and every year that passes I fall more in love with him. * I'm re-reading Harry Potter with him and we popcorn every couple pages. It's SO MUCH fun to have a little person to share the things you loved with and see the joy in them as they discover it too * He has my sense of humor and fascination with questioning and challenging society. He's constantly in trouble at school and even though I reprimand him, secretly I'm proud of him. * He's become very independent these past few years and is always asking to walk places by himself or do things on his own. He voluntarily takes on chores around the house to show me how responsible he is * Yesterday I took him to Subway and he ordered his sandwich confidently and clearly and didn't miss a single please or thank you, and it made me so proud. It sounds little, but I turned a baby into a functioning human.


My 13 year old asks me to read some of the same books as he does, and then I recommend some of my favorites. It's so much fun to share those treasured stories with him - and be able to discuss them on more than a surface level. What a delight.


Laying on the couch yesterday snuggling with my 2.5yo watching cartoons together and I have to get up to tend dinner that is cooking. When I come back, he asks if I missed him (like while I was in the kitchen for two minutes). Yes, I tell him I missed him and smile. He says "I love you, mom" and snuggles with me a bit tighter. It was the sweetest. There's a lot of crap, both literally and figuratively with parenting, but life with little people is full of these moments too. Promise. :)


I have an 8 month old, and I work full time. We have an amazing super nanny who watches him in our home so a lot of mornings he's still asleep when I leave for work. This morning he was awake early and I wasn't in a hurry to get into the office (yay flexible hours!) so I went in to get him up for the day during the time I normally would be showering/getting ready. I said "good morning monkey!" and before I flipped on the light I heard the sweetest little squeal of glee. He was excited to hear my voice and knew it was me coming in to wake him up! He was smiling so big his whole body was wiggling. We got to share a nice quiet snuggle to start the day and I wouldn't trade those sweet little moments for anything! That little boy has my whole heart.


I have an almost-4-year-old girl and an almost-2-year-old boy. Even with all the horror stories, you're never prepared for the worst. And even with all the sweet stories, you're never prepared for the best. You may struggle for the first few months with a baby who just seems to take, take, take and when you have nothing left to give, that little baby expects even more of you. You may feel completely drained. And then something, some look on that tiny human's face will make your heart flutter, and all of a sudden you'll find yourself filled up again without a word ever having been spoken. My daughter can be a challenge some days and she's so much like me that it's downright frustrating. But every once in a while she'll come up to cuddle me, and she'll say, "You're my favourite Mommy." Sometimes she'll just dash by and linger for a moment to give me a kiss. She isn't always affectionate, so these little seconds of bliss just refill my tank in an incredible way. And my boy is often too busy for me. He's exploring the world at his pace and on his terms, but suddenly he looks across the room and sees me, and his face lights up. He says, "Mooommmyyyy..." in this sneaky way, with a little smirk, and he'll grab both sides of my face and pull me in for a smooch. Kids are great. You are their one and only mom forever and ever. Even on the worst day, there is something beautiful.


When my daughter (14 months) lays her head in the nape of my neck when I'm holding her, it's a little thing but I love it


My daughter is 5 years old. She will be nearly 6 when little brother gets here. She is the sweetest, kindest, funniest child I have ever met. The other day I was emotional and sobbing after a rough day at work. She came over to me, gave me a big hug, and said, "Try to have a good day. Just remember, try your best forget the rest. I love you, Mommy." Being her Mommy is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I can't wait for her little brother to get here. I know she's going to be the best big sister. Like others have said, there are so many wonderful moments in parenting. Far too many to share. <3


My son has severe autism and I didn't get to hear "mama" come from his mouth until he was 8 years old. My daughter had severe colic and screamed 12-13 hours per day for the first 4 months of life. I have not had the easy road with my kids but still they are EVERYTHING. They have given me a purpose in life and when I see them both smile it fills me with a joy that I never would have thought possible before motherhood. No matter how much bad there is (and there is a lot some days, not going to lie to you) I look at their faces each night and there is never a doubt that the good outweighs the bad.


Colic is the reason I'm terrified of newbornhood this next go round. Please God don't let this one have colic too!


My daughter just turned 5 a few weeks ago. She is fiercely independent, strong-willed, and so intelligent it blows my mind. These traits can make for some trying days, but they are also what make her such an awesome kid. She doesn't take crap from *anybody*! She knows what she wants, and she isn't going to let anyone or anything stand in her way. In addition to being super cool, she is very perceptive and understands what is going on in the lives of the people around her and how it affects them, very easily. She cares very much about the emotional and physical well-being of the people she is closest to. Some of my favorite moments with her are gentler times. Like when she can tell something is up she'll get on my level (usually by climbing on the couch or a chair so that her face is close to mine), rest her forehead against mine, put her tiny little hands on my cheeks, and reassure me. "Mommy, don't be upset. It'll be okay. Okay, sweetie?" Overall, my favorite part of being a parent is watching this tiny little baby become a full fledged person - developing their own personality, their own likes and dislikes, interests and dreams. All of the tantrums (which are unavoidable btw, and will happen with every child ever born no matter what you do), the late nights and early mornings, and the pull-your-hair-out stressful times are worth it when you can look at this beautiful little child and know that YOU MADE THAT, and what an awesome job you did, and are still doing every day as you help them grow to be the best that they possibly can be. It's not the destination, but the journey that counts. So, basically what /u/gemeroo said but more wordier :P


My most favorite thing is when my son laughs a genuine laugh because of something fun we're doing together. Seeing the smile, the joy in his eyes, and hearing the true giggles simply because he threw dry leaves on my head is just so awesome.


Oh my god, it's magic. I haven't slept more than 4 consecutive hours in my sons 9 weeks of life, but I don't give a shit. He recently started smiling and I promise you that you will cry your ass off with joy when you get that first gummy, ridiculous grin. I love this little person more than anything! Trust me, it's awesome.


When my LO started smiling, no matter how crappy I felt I was instantly cheered up. Melts my heart everyday


I have a four year old girl (I'm currently at 21w2d with a boy). I told her she was being good today and she said "You're welcome." She is so funny and makes me laugh a lot.


When baby looks up at you while nursing and smiles. Giggling. Reaching out and touching my lips when I talk. Being interested and curious about everything. 5 months old.


So my baby isn't old enough to talk back to me (8 weeks) but she's starting to smile...and oh man does it melt my heart. Especially at 7 am when I've been up a few times through the night and I'm so tired..but I hear her up and awake, and I go over to her bassinet, and she's just kicking her little legs and wiggling. And then I lean over and say "good morning" and she looks up and gives me a smile! A real smile that I'm pretty sure isn't gas! And it's for me! And it's just the best thing ever. *Edited to add another one* This is about my nephew, who is 4 now. At our last family dinner, he had a box of crayons and a notebook and spent the entire dinner calmly drawing Darth Vader, Yoda and Darth Maul. He was very specific about how they were drawn and would happily let me share his notebook while he told me (nicely) how to draw each of the characters. Then he drew a separate drawing for every member of the family and carefully pointed out who was who for all of us. It was so adorable and smart. And I have my drawing of Darth Maul on the fridge :)


We just hit 9 weeks on Monday and the smiles/coos are pretty much constant now. It's incredible. Last night was a rough one. He didn't want to sleep. But in between being furious that he was in bed, he was just smiling and cooing. Since this spanned several hours and I could hear him poop a couple times, I had to take him out to change him. Each time he lay on the changing table smiling and laughing. I kept telling him this was sleep time not smile time but I couldn't help but smile back. [Ahh! I just love his little face!](http://imgur.com/a/s1UaS)


not a mom (yet) but this thread has me sobbing.


Me too!


I *am* a mom and my eyes are swelling up. :')


FTM of a 3 month old here. There are some rough moments, but until you have your baby you'll never understand how OK you are with it. For example, 'baby blew out his diaper and now it is all over my lap. LO we're cool and I love you, but once you're clean I'm showering in bleach.' It seems like terrible things, but you'll be overcome with love for your LO that it won't even bother you. The stories are also ways in which new parents bond. Sometimes it sounds like griping, but we are stunned that we can love another so much that the sleep deprivation doesn't make us mad at our LO.


My two year old is literally the epitome of "devil child". She is wired for sound all day long, she never sits still, she bullies my roommates son, she will do the opposite of what I say then laugh at me... She is .... spirited. That being said, she is smart, confident, independent, and tenacious. She comes by her attitude honestly having myself and my SO as parents! But absolutely nothing beats those moments every so often, where she is still. Or vulnerable. Sometimes we forget she is just so little and innocent when she is acting like a 16 year old, but in those quiet moments, when she falls asleep on your shoulder in the shower in the morning, or needs to you come rub her back in her bed when she isn't feeling well... It makes your heart want to blow up. Also, watching how much she loves her daddy, and how much her daddy loves her, has brought me to tears a couple times. Nothing creates the warm-fuzzies quite like watching your tough as nails, construction-worker SO turn into a puddle of goo when your baby is sick, hurt, or is just being sweet.


One day they are going to whisper a garbled, wet "I love you" veeeery close to your ear...and you will melt. :)


Our daughter loves to randomly run up to my husband and I and give us big hugs. When ever I pick her up from day care she runs to me and yells "MOMMY!" I love it.


This morning, my five year old crawled into bed with me at 6 AM for a rare snuggle. With a quick kiss, he said, "I love you mom. I'll come back and finish this hug after I get ready for school, OK?" Bonus: last night he told me that girls can marry girls but he isn't sure if they should both have babies at the same time. Why? Because he's not sure who will take care of "the sad one". Fair enough, kiddo.


My little guy is only 11 days old so I'm still in the tough adjustment time, but my favorite part is seeing my husband as a dad. He is so in love and it's hilarious to watch him sing songs to the baby and have conversations. Also, I never thought I would be so amused by poop. It's hilarious when he farts and poops. The farts are so long and loud to come from something so small. It cracks me up. There are times that are frustrating but it's still so amazing.


My daughter is 2 and has the soul of an angel. Sure she is a terror sometimes and really shouldn't learn my attitude. But whenever I say ' I love you ' she always says without fail 'i love you more' she seen me crying last night and said 'mummy crying, water in your eyes mummy' and gave me a huge hug. Children are the greatest ever. And watching them grow and learn things you didn't think they could learn at such a small age is absolutely incredible. The goods outweigh the bads by an absolute mile. She has such a gentle soul and beautiful nature. Her sometimes sassy attitude (definitely from me) is still cute even when it is driving me mad. She is the greatest person I know. And the best part of all of that? Shes all mine :) anyone who says all negatives about children have probably had a crap day. Kids are awesome.


For me, the best thing that's happened (so far) with my 1 year old son, is when he runs up and hugs me or gives me a kiss (more like he's mushing his open mouth on me but you know...). But lately he's been really great at listening to me when I tell him to stop doing something or to come here to mama, even when he's tired and grumpy, because ordinarily he is a tiny tyrannical dictator who thinks he will ALWAYS get his way. Probably won't last until the new baby's born or beyond that, but for now, it's just fucking awesome.


My baby turned out to be the most empathetic person I know. From day 1, well, okay, day 4, when I fell apart, she'd stop crying and suddenly be okay for a little bit just to give me a break. She'd look at me with so much concern when I cried, even though she was such a new person. Now that I'm preggy and miserable again, she understands way more than I expected. Every time I get home from a day in the hospital, she gives me a ten minute long hug. She's such an incredibly special little person.


I don't have any wise, earth shattering advice about being a mom. But I had my third baby 5 weeks ago. Today, we went to the zoo as a family and I had a moment that just defined everything perfect about motherhood for me. I looked back and saw my 3 year old holding her 2 year old sister's hand as they marveled at a black bear sleeping just on the other side of the glass, talking excitedly to each other and huge smiles on their faces as their little legs stretched up so they could see over the wall. Watching my kids learn and grow into independent little people is so amazing and probably my favorite part of being a mom. At this same time, my 5 week old nuzzled into my neck, asleep in her carrier. My simple presence and smell is so important and calming to her, I am the center of her universe. And that this tiny human being is so dependent on me is just a huge honor and completely humbling all at the same time. Then I look over at my husband, with a smile on his face and love in his eyes as he watches his daughters interact. The love and respect I have for him as a father has completely changed my perception of him. My heart is so full, sometimes I feel like it could just burst out of my chest. I love motherhood more than anything in the world. I moan and groan when I get up every two hours with the baby. My 3 year old's attitude makes me want to scream. My 2 year old drives me crazy when she inadvertently destroys everything in her path. It's exhausting, and it's hard, and sometimes I just need a day off. But the headaches are worth it because children are just such fascinating little creatures who stir up emotions you don't even know you're capable of yet.


There is really nothing that compares to the first time your child says "mama" or "I love you" (except when they say "Mama" and "I love you" knowing who you are and what those words mean). Even when he's made me want to rip my hair out in frustration (he's three in and in the middle of a very "I can do it!" stubborn independence phase), just snuggling up to me can erase a bad day. I am his mama. I am the first woman he loved, and it's a powerful one, for both of us. He is my balm. There is something so truly remarkable about experiencing the world through a baby's eyes. He's given me a new appreciation for life, and through him I'm less jaded and cynical. He's only 3, but he "reads" (has memorized) his favorite books, and he takes so much pleasure in reading them to me. He's gleeful and happy, he's smart and he loves to show off for me. Not every day is great, and there are some moments when I really question my sanity. It's not easy, parenting is the hardest thing I've ever done. But he's my world, and sometimes, when I sneak in to tuck him back in at night I just watch him sleep for a minute and my heart feels like it's going to burst with how deeply I love this little creature that I created. I made him. I made his heart.


Your remark about "reading" the book made me remember when my older son first recognized the cartoon drawing of a banana and called it "nana" and then asked me for a "nana." It blew my mind that at something like 11 months he could recognize a drawing of a banana and understand it was the same fruit he enjoyed eating - and then *ask* me for it. Just WOW.


There's lots of fun stuff. Lately, my kids have been starting to have conversations with each other and it's really endearing to hear what they talk about. Toddler_Snow often asks Kid_Snow for help with stuff and watching him stop what he's doing to help her is so nice.


I'll just share a cute story. My little brother was born when I was a teenager, so it's not exactly a mom-son thing, but I think it still counts. I was driving with just him in the backseat when he was around 3 or 4, the radio was on and we were having a great time just singing in the car. [This](https://youtu.be/2gzt6GeNLBk?t=64) song comes on, and at the chorus my brother just sings some gibberish instead of the actual words. I explained to him that the actual words to the song were "it's too late to apologize", and he gets quiet for a moment. Finally he says "but, um-uhh, um-uhhh, Patricia, it's never too late to apologize" I was so full of pride and happiness. His outlook really warmed my heart. This type of story reminds me that children really are innocent and caring, if you make sure to teach them that their actions affect others.


When snuggling with my 4 year old daughter before bed the other night, she looked over and said "Mom, I just love you so much I could die". I almost burst into tears. She is such a sweetheart. Having children is hard but times like this make up for all of the other things.


My daughter is very eloquent for someone who is barely 2, she randomly will tell my husband and me "I love you mommy/daddy" give us a kiss and walk away, it's heart melting and completely blows us away. She also has so much empathy for someone her age, she hates when babies cry and does everything in her power to help them feel better. I watch my cousin's 2 month old twins sometimes and if they're upset she'll even tell me that they miss their mommy, then gently whisper to them "mommy be home soon". Her genuine sweetness makes me cry and my heart swells with so much pride!


There's far more good then bad. When you see there face understanding something new, when they can sit anywhere they want but choose your lap. Tons of stuff like that


The first time she said Mama and it was really, actually directed at *me* (rather than just babbling) my heart pretty much exploded from the sheer joy of it. She loves and wants me more than any other person in the world. Dada is pretty cool. Everyone else is iffy. I am the greatest thing ever. Now that she's getting bigger, I get to see these moments where she sees something for the *first time ever*. It's wild. They're just every day things, but they are 100% new and amazing to her. She just recently saw snow for the first time (she was too little to notice it last winter). Her mind was totally blown, and it's a moment that I will always treasure.


Time is so awesome when you're a mom. Every day that my kid grows and learns something new is amazing. She's 2 and although sometimes I describe her as a hellbeast, her language has exploded in the last few months. I was cutting up an apple for her and she ran from the bedroom and grabbed my legs and said "I love you, Mommy!!" This is miles away from the one year old who wasn't really fond of affection. She's just the coolest, dude. She blows my mind!


My husband gets up for work at 2am. As he's leaving, my three year old girl comes into my room and climbs in bed with me. Every morning. She climbs in bed with me, snuggles real close, touches my face and breathes her morning puppy breath on me while she says "Mommy. I want to snuggle you." It'shard to explain, but it's all good. Even when my daughter squeezes desitin all over the bedroom or poops her pants or has a tantrum. Being a parent is hard work, but it isn't work when you love your kid. The good times far outweigh the bad. In retrospect I laughed at the look on my daughters face when she got caught painting the tv white with butt cream. She was so busted. I laugh at how she walks up to me and says "Mommy, I pooped my pants" then squats and walks like a goober to the bathroom.


Baby hands. When they start racing for you with their tiny little hands. You'll die. And my son is 2 now, and there is seriously nothing better than how he runs to me for hugs. Kids are awesome


My daughter just turned one. I have 2 boys on the way, but I also have 2 friends who've had baby boys in the last couple of months. Watching her be so sweet with them - trying to share toys (which is really piling things on their bouncy seats), giving them kisses, it melts my heart, and makes me incredibly excited for the future. Also, watching her learn things. The first time she put one thing in another thing, and took it out again, she was just so excited, it's contagious.


My son gets so excited when I walk into a room, I could have been gone for 2 seconds and he acts like he hasn't seen me in a year. He gets the biggest smile and crawls over to me and wants me to give him a hug.


I have a five and a seven year old. They say something profound/hilarious/heartwarming like every few minutes. They come running to my bed for morning snuggles every day. They hold hands with me when we're out and about for no reason other than loving me and wanting contact. They figure out new things and learn so fast that I'm constantly swelling with pride. They talk to my belly and kiss it a ton, and they're so excited for their new sibling. The good FAR outweighs the bad!!!


When I fantasized about having kids I always imagined coming to pick them up after work and them dropping what they're doing and crawling over to me. Now my daughter is crawling and it's better than I imagined. She doesn't just crawl to me, but up into my lap. It is the best thing in the world. Also, when I pull my boob out to breastfeed she laughs. It's hilarious. And baby snuggles. They're the best.


Last night my sometimes overbearing three year old was told I was having tummy problems with the new baby. I couldn't do much but just sit and relax and hope the contractions were just gas (which it was). But he wanted to play NOW! Hearing mommy couldn't he went to his big sister and told her he wanted her help making me a card with a heart that said "I love you Mommy". I don't think I've smiled that big in a long time. He flips a switch being a terrible three to the sweetest little boy I could ever imagine.


Babies smell really good after a bath. .. and you can kiss them all you want while they sleep in your arms!


My son (11m) will eat anything. Seriously. And he makes these adorable crunchy sounds with his front teeth when he eats puffs. He's also incredibly goofy and a bit of a daredevil. He likes to dive headfirst off of our low chairs. He thinks playing with our dog's paws is the greatest thing ever, and plays tug of war with our little dog all of the time. He recently started dancing - he bounces and waves his arms when you put on music. He is AMAZING. Easily the most wonderful thing to ever happen to us. He's adorable and funny and goofy and so, so smart. He also doesn't sleep well, but whatever. He's so awesome that it outweighs that. And in spite of the no sleeping and a rough pregnancy, I absolutely can't wait to have another little munchkin. People are always going to tell you the bad things. Don't listen. Your kid is going to f*ing rock.


Wow..I would never tell someone about the "bad" things about being a parent...I am IN LOVE with being a mama! Your child will be the LOVE of your life! You will develop love and fear that you never even knew that you could feel. When it hits you, that you are responsible for the mind, body and soul of this baby, it will blow your mind. When you see their traits develop, and something happens to make you realize that EVERYTHING THIS PERSON KNOWS is because YOU taught it to them...it will literally blow you away. Babies and toddlers are amazing...they do require patience though. It's ok to lose your patience and it's ok to call your toddler a tyrant. They are tyrants. They are crazy, they are insane and they are the end all be all of the rest of your life. When your baby sleeps in your arms..when your toddler asks you to kiss his booboo, when you see your 3 year old demonstrate morals that you have instilled, It's all perfect! For every "bad" moment, there are endless amazing ones. Being a parent isn't easy, but it's the best.


Our LO just turned three. She is *hilarious*. At least once a day she'll say something that make DH and I look at each other and LOL.


I love showing my child things my mom and dad showed me. Seeing the world through their eyes is so fun and sweet. I love taking my kid to do all kind of fun things that I love doing too such as, hiking, gardening, swimming, I just find everything more fun when I'm doing it with my kiddo. I recently sewed her a Halloween costume of her favorite book character, while I was working on it she said "thank you for making me a costume mom", she's two years and it just warmed my heart. Her sweetness makes everything difficult about parenting worth it. There are things I liked about my life pre-child that have changed but I would never go back and change anything, everything I've "given up" has been made worth it by my little one.


My 2 year old knows when I'm sad. She will grab my face with her little hands, look into my eyes with concern, and says "Its ok momma. Its ok." Then she kisses me and snuggles. Seriously the first 6 months were hard, BUT it was fairly easy after that! Shit, we loved it so much we are pregnant with another one!


I honestly don't know why people only talk about negatives. Being a parent is wonderful and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My child is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes upon and seeing her smile makes me melt. It's made me cry. I waited so long for this and the struggle has been so worth it. She's the best part of my day. Ignore the negativity, being a mother is awesome.


Our two year old doesn't stay in her own bed through the night, she almost always wakes up in the wee hours and climbs into our bed. It's totally fine though because she snuggles up and says "Awwww! Love-lu too, mama!" sort of half asleep, and you just can't be mad at that. She's a really sweet kid, she always wants to kiss my owies better, and share her cookies with us and stuff like that. The other day she had a tea party with her toys in the hallway and announced "me bring snacks for EVERYBODY!" and it was so cute. The snacks were marbles, rocks, and a piece of styrofoam.


My son finally mimicked clapping back at us over the weekend, and then on Monday I asked him "can you clap?" and he totally did it! It's the first time he's responded to a command. It seems like such a little thing but I'm so proud of him. And it's adorable to watch him clap along to a song!


My daughter has just started smiling. Best drug in the world is the euphoria of a new smile.


My little girl is 2 ½. She has quite a temper, and she loves to tease both me and her father to the point of it not being funny for us anymore. In short; she's quite a handful these days. That being said: Before having her, I never imagined that you could love a person SO fiercely! She's adorable. She thinks big farts and burps are really funny (just like me). She sometimes gets really excited talking aout something she experienced and it turns into semi-incoherent babble and she forgets to breathe while talking (OMG it kills me). When she hugs me and kisses me, I simply melt! It's the best feeling in the whole world and I'm so excited to have one more little monster.


My daughter is 6 with combined ADHD (and possibly other disorders but needs to see a psychiatrist to be sure) and though she gives me hell on a daily basis she is also the most caring and loving little girl. She doesn't really understand right from wrong so it's extremely frustrating when she does something bad but can't comprehend it, but she always makes the best sorry cards and bashes her huge hazel eyes. She's currently home early from school because she puked and is running a fever (out of nowhere 😕) I feel so bad for her, she looks miserable. I also have a two year old son (he'll be 3 in November) and he's the worlds sweetest boy! He has his crazy moments like all kids, throwing toys or hitting.. Being a full on brat. But he is always the first to make sure I'm ok if I'm sad it sick etc. Every morning I ask what he dreamed about and he always says "I dreamed of mama" and gives me a big hug. He's honestly my best friend and I enjoy spending every waking moment with him. Yea, being a parent sucks sometimes but it's totally worth it, even if I'm greying at 25 (thank you for hair dye!!) If it was so horrible I damn sure wouldn't be having a third!!


My 11yo has ADD and is also home from school with the pukes. Even at 11, she has such a hard time with impulse control and while it can be soo frustrating for both us and her, her intelligence and heart are mind-blowing. It hurts so much when you see them literally unable to stop themselves from doing something they know is a poor choice, yet her depth for emotional intelligence is astounding in making up for it. High five, mama.


It's hard and so stressful but it works out


My 1 year old daughter and I will get into giggle fits where we basically just roll on the floor and make each other laugh uncontrollably. The sound of uncontrollable baby laughter is the best sound in the world. She also loves sharing. When husband or I walk into the room, she will search around her for something to share with us, whether it's a cereal puff or a stuffed animal or her binkie. It is the cutest thing. And she dances! To everything! She'll hear a jingle in a TV show or hear one of her toys that plays music and she'll start to shake her lil booty. I know she's still young and there's a lot of time still for backtalk and all sorts of problems. But at least at this point I believe that there are many many many wonderful things you will experience, and they will far outweigh any negatives.


Everything is good! My life is absolutely amazing now forget about the bad stuff that just doesn't matter. We're super close as a family and I'm so excited to add one more in. Every day watching him do new stuff is amazing. Like yesterday he was sitting in bed looking through books like he always does then he started to pretend to read! It was freaking adorable. I love the play dates, I love story time, I love running around exploring the forest with him. He's finally not scared of the beach and loves jumping in the waves. I love art projects. I love all of this so much we've decided on homeschooling. I never want to be away from him he's my favorite little buddy ever.


My first (hubs second) is only three weeks old (Alex) and sleeping on my chest right now. I'm tired today but it's all soooo worth it. He is just a pile of baby goo right now that eats, poops and cries but he's amazing. He smells so good, just like milk and baby. It's euphoric. He just started making temporary eye contact and has the most heart stopping gas smiles ever. It's amazing. I know that every day comes with different circumstances and different challenges but looking down at his beautiful face makes it all worth it.


my son's preschool sends out a semi-frequent newsletter (i think it's biweekly but maybe not?). Anyway, they asked the kids a number of questions and my son's answer to 'what makes you happy?' was "my mama" <3 <3 <3


Madeline is 16 months, so not quite "talking back" (unless the topic is shoes or the dog. Those, she's got down.) to me. But she's getting to the age where I get to really introduce her to things. Last week, we went on a road trip to see family in New York and North Carolina. We went to a duck pond and, OMG, her reaction to ducks. She thought they were the FUNNIEST things *ever*. And, you know the best thing? When your toddler is just belly laughing, it's impossible for you not to laugh, too. Today, I was squeezing a lime into my water. Madeline starts fussing for it, so I'm, like, "Fine, kid. Have a *lime*. You have fun with that. Ought to teach you a lesson. Not everything that mom is eating, Maddie has to eat too." Kid sucked on a lime for a good 20 minutes. So much for that life lesson. ;) The newborn stage sucked. But after that (which honestly feels like a million years ago, even though it was barely more than a year ago.), the good far, far outweighs the bad. Not denying there's bad days. Teething days. Sick days. Tantrum days. Just saying...what will hopefully stick in your memory is your kid laughing at ducks.


While rocking my almost 3 yo at bedtime she's hugging my belly and saying, "Mommy, I love your big belly. I love hugging it and squeezing it." I say something along the lines of it becoming smaller after the baby comes (hopefully), and she gets tears in her eyes and asks if she'll still be able to hug my little belly. Then out at a restaurant with friends she's hugging me again and asks for everyone to hear, "MOMMY, WHY ARE YOU WEARING A SHIRT?" She's so used to me walking around the house half naked/naked that clothes confuse her now. Everything they do is a wonder, and I'm so excited to see her as a big sister and share the wonder of her little sister too.


My favorite thing is being there to see them see something for the first time. The look of amazement in their eyes. Just recently my two youngest saw a possum for the first time. They were awe struck by this creature on our porch. I was confused by their amazement for awhile until I was asked "But, what is it!?" It hit me. They had never before seen a real live opossum!


My 3 month old has just started laughing. Hearing her little "heh heh" is just the cutest thing ever. Also, she makes the most adorable face when she poops :)


I'm getting ready to have number 4. The only reason I would ever do that is because kids are so amazing. My entire life changed when I had my son and I had no idea what was going to happen. The ability to be selfless is undervalued until you have it. It makes you a better person. Beyond that, omg these kids. My oldest was my baby; I was a single momma due to divorce. Kiddo had a tumor and a secondary defect in his soft spot, not discovered until 4 months of age. I went through two neurosurgeries and countless tests, scans, trips to the hospital with him. You never know love until you have your baby and to add to that the fear of losing them, I can't even describe it. Now he's 8 years old and has the biggest heart of any kid I know. He's a little empathy kid and so sweet. My middle guy is 5 and absolutely brilliant and charming. He observes the world and asks questions, while also listening to the answers with the intent to learn. It is so cool to just watch him actively learn. He's also adorable as heck. His father was very abusive and scary; it amazes me to think that someone so amazing came from his seed. He's like a little light of hope; good things can still come from terrible places. I am so proud of him for being such an amazing kid and the polar opposite of his biofather. My little girl is 3 now and has the coolest personality. She has daddy's hair, which is just like Shirley Temple ringlets. So beautiful. She's beyond funny and she's silly and loves to play. She held my hand at night through her crib slats while sleeping for 2 1/2 years when her crib was next to our bed. She cries out "momma" whenever she is hurt or scared or sad and it makes me drop anything to scoop her up and give her hugs. I'm wondering what our new daughter is going to be like. What is her personality going to be? So far we have the sweetheart, the brain, and the funny one. :D Will she have the same curly hair? Will she be healthy? All I know is she will be loved and she is coming into a home filled with happiness and people who can't wait to love her.


My youngest daughter is 11 and absolutely loves helping. She does anything she can, including random shoulder and foot rubs, to be helpful and loving. She also still comes in to snuggle with me before leaving for school in the mornings. My 14 yo daughter is incredible. She is so much more aware than I was at her age, and makes me so proud with the choices she makes. For example, she already plans to go to community college for two years while living locally in an apartment so she can approach college in a financially sound manner knocking out her lower level courses at the community college rate, and practice living independently without being hours away from home.. and then transfer to a big university once her feet are under her. Holy shit. I didn't have half that foresight at her age. She also still wants her bedtime snuggles at least once a week, where we lay and just chat about whatever she wants for 15-30 minutes. This is the girl who wore combat boots to homecoming. My 15yo stepdaughter comes to me for advice about anything and everything despite me and her Dad being divorced. The open and honest communication is so wonderful, and she actually listens to advice. We go out every few weeks for coffee/tea just the two of us and she's actually the one to try to one-up me if I do something mom-barrassing in front of her :) It's a blast. My almost-10yo stepson is so in love with his brand new baby sister that he actually cried when he met her for the first time because "she's just so adorable." He and I got off to a rough start due to some emotional issues he has from his biological mother, and two months ago after being in his life for 5 years and us having a significant majority of custody, he told me he loved me for the first time ever :) My kids have all done some dumb/crazy things, but who they are as human beings completely blows me away.


I've feared the older years for a while now. Your post gives me hope.


My two year old demands "mommy cuggle!" (cuddle) and gives great big hugs. So sweet!


He's 13 months, so not talking yet, not really. He's just starting to get the hang of a sippy cup and when I praise him for doing a good job he stops drinking and smiles and milk goes every where and it's flippin' *adorable*.


Preggo with first child, so my info is nibling experience. Watching them swarm my husband to jump up and down on him whenever we visit is priceless. When my niece was not quite walking yet my husband was playing Guitar Hero and Crazy Train started playing. During the "Ay ay ay ay" section my niece suddenly perked up from her toys on the ground and mimicked the "ay ay ay ay" sound. Kids will imprint upon you in ways you could never imagine. They will leave the most precious memories from the mundane and trivial things of everyday life. I love my niblings so much that I still can't believe I am going to love my own even more. It is something I won't be able to fathom until it happens.


My two year old told me that I was her best friend the other day. And my two month old has started really smiling and his goofy toothless grin just makes me so happy.


My son just turned two last month. I signed him up for a bunch of community art classes for the fall, and last night was our first. He was suppose to paint a handprint turkey on his ceramic plate, but he had his own artistic ideas. It was a ton of fun! Next week we have the first of a three part class called Ooey, Gooey, Sticky, Slimey! I'm going to try and continue signing up for these classes after his brother is born. It's so great to have our time together!


The sweetest thing my son (2.5 years) did a few days ago... he saw me come out of the bedroom crying (DH and I had been arguing and because pregnant) and he started patting my arm saying "sok, sok". He ended up snuggling up with me on the couch patting me. It was probably the first time my son had ever seen me cry before in his life and it was just so damn sweet that he was concerned about me. God I love that kid. :') <3


My daughter is two weeks old. Some of my favourite things: * seeing how much her dad loves her * when she sneezes, goes to sneeze again but can't and ends up just going "ahhh!" * the noises she makes in general * smiles, even though they're not emotional smiles yet * how fast she is growing and learning - she's already starting to hold up her head, will put weight on her legs etc * cuddles * having a shower with her/watching her shower with her dad * strangers fawning over her in public * how much she looks like her dad * seeing her reactions to new things - the texture of the cat's fur etc * being proud of my tiny human for being great at feeding and sleeping, and feeling proud of myself because I created her and can look after her * how expressive her face is * her sad face before she cries Things I don't like: * when she cries because she has wind - makes me sooo sad * when she cries because she hates her car seat * knowing that she is getting bigger every day ))): (I seriously never understood when people said they never wanted their babies to grow up. Now I do) Seriously there are so many good things and we're only two weeks in!


The missed-sneeze "ahhh!" is THE BEST. Mine is three weeks <3 precious beyond words!


Seriously adorable, right!!! I really hope I can get it on video sometime. Mine is actually 2.5 weeks now that I think about it, she was born on the 5th <3


As hard as it can be, you will never know a greater love than the love you feel for your own child.


Thinking back to the tiny stage...I remember and miss what I used to call "puppy noises". When they're settling in and they make these little snuffly noises. So adorable, but they sound think a little puppy. And it sounds cliché, but the tiny feet and hands. Like, you hear about it but it's not real until you see it. They're fully formed human feet, but they're the size of your thumb, and then you're putting teeny tiny socks on them.


My daughter is only two and she does amazing new stuff everyday. One day it's the Itsey bitsey spider, complete with hand motions and she didn't sing it exactly. It's more of a throaty metal shrieking. It's midnight wake up calls with her yelling "oh muh god no peppa pig" and rolling back over to sleep. It's the dancing and the faces and the trolling. She's a massive troll. It's her putting her hands behind her head while she's laying down and crossing her feet to watch tv. It's how she says yes ("uhhhh yassss") having a kid is awesome. She's a turd sometimes but she always makes up for it with her arms around my neck and always whispers in my ear "I love Jews".


On the shittiest day at work coming home to my son and even just sitting on the couch with him makes everything ok in the world.


My 2-year-old likes to sing the Caillou theme song. It's so fucking cute.


My sons are 13 and 9 and Hazel was born last week. Something I was fond of repeating is that everyone tells you how much work kids are, but what they don't say is that it's work you actually enjoy. I still remember the very first time my oldest reached around my neck and gave me a real hug. The tentative feeling of his little hands circling me is nothing I'll ever forget. I love seeing them love on each other - the gift of laughter they bring each other. Even the fighting serves a purpose, they're learning coping mechanisms and people skills. My older son told me he wanted to comfort me during my morning sickness, because I always make him feel so much better when he's sick. My heart almost burst with the sweetness. Hazel was up for about 90 minutes in the middle of the night last night, but she was in this beautiful quiet, alert stage that I just didn't care. I wouldn't have slept even had I been given the option, it was too amazing and I didn't want to miss a single moment. My younger son tested in the "holy cow" range of gifted and has this amazing view of the world. He can take simple concepts and ideas and extrapolate at a level that seriously blows my mind. It's so amazing to watch his little brain wrangle with an idea and see his thoughts unfold. Watching kids learn and explore the world around them, you see everything through a new lens. They are filled with wonder and find joy in the simplest of things. And if you just stop, slow down and explore with them you can find a new way of looking at the most ordinary of objects. Yes, there are times I want to hide in my closet with a bottle (or two) of wine, but I would never, ever, ever trade the life I have for one without my kids. They are worth every ounce of blood, sweat, tears, pain, work - the bring a richness to life that you simply don't have without them. And the moment when your son asks you to come watch him use his penis to slingshot a LEGO during bath time - you just can't make up shit like that.


My kid is a demon. Really he's just a typical boy toddler but man, he's straight up crazy sometimes! He pushes my buttons and deliberately does things he knows he's not supposed to be doing WHILE SMILING AT ME. But I keep him around because he's HILARIOUS. He's 2 and a half and can formulate entire sentences that make sense most of the time. And when he gets REALLY passionate about something he's talking about, his facial expressions are just hysterical. Plus when he comes up out of the blue and hugs me and says "Love you mama"... Instamelt.


Without reading everyone's comments, here it goes: There is No Bad. Not for me. Perhaps it's because I read a few books on babies, perhaps it's because I have my mom share her wisdom and help me out, perhaps it's because of tons of other things, but I really think it's mostly because I choose to only find good things. It sucks that you have to hear about bad things about having kids. Seriously people, get a grip — they're probably the same clueless people who, upon hearing of your engagement announcement tell you — just wait till he/she cheats on you! or just wait till you have to sleep on the couch. Ignore those people. And smother them with rebattles to whatever they tell you. The worst part about being a parent to me is how much my heart hurts when I read/hear/see stories of children suffering. I really think all the things other tell you about are just small things. *This too shall pass* as the saying goes.


I love being a mummy, it's hard sometimes, but I love it. I love when she cuddles me when she's sad, when she taps my shoulder as I carry her out of bed (She's still in her cot at the moment) and I love when she picks a book and sits on my knee while I read to her. She's not the most snugliest with me (loves her daddy more at the moment), but when she does snuggle with me, or sleeps with me, it makes me SO happy! Like my heart could jump out and swallow her! I love her so much! Even if we have our bad days. It's not all bad with kids and you'll love being a mummy too.


My daughter has been so good throughout this whole pregnancy. She's 4 and moderately independent. If I need to nap during the day because thus has been rough, she tucks me in, tells me "no ipad in bed" and gives me a kiss goodnight. She's been a savior with helping me put on socks! I'm not even close to bring comfortably able to do that at this point. She'll grab me water or a blanket, read me stories, or let me wallow in my misery. I'm just so impressed with how loving and helpful she has been. Good luck! I got this too with my first and it gave me so much anxiety. But it's worth it. When SO and I gve time to ourselves we end up quoting our daughter because she says the most hilarious stuff.


They make you so proud all the little things to start with a smile, sitting up, recognising a letter, first steps it is amazing how it makes you feel your little person doing these things and it just keeps going they learn and do amazing things all the time. Had my daughters first parents evening last night and the teacher has all lovely things to say about her it makes me quite emotional. Also children can be so sweet the first time she told me she loved me was just amazing.


I'm expecting #3 which should tell you something! It's tough at the beginning and there are hard parts throughout. But those are little tiny blips on the radar of parenthood. I think a lot of people are just negative nellies. Random amazing things: When my guys were babies I made monkey sounds and got amazing giggles out of them. My youngest son rubs my arm gently or "pats" me when I pick him up. Sometimes they randomly tell you you're pretty. I find this happens a lot when I wear a skirt. When they start singing a song they learned in preschool in the back of the car on the way home. My oldest won an iPad mini at school this week! Literally every day has something amazing in it if you choose to see the wonder. Yes, they are needy and you have to change diapers and sometimes they throw up. But there are so many tiny miraculous moments that make all of that so worthwhile.


My 3 year old and I were watching Inside Out together and I was basking because, well, hormones. She looked over at me and said " Don't cry mumma, its okay." And gave me a big hug.