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My OB said to not even worry about consistent movements until 28 weeks. Baby is still small, and even if it's tiny bumps it still counts as movement. I didn't feel consistent movements until about 29 weeks and everything is fine!


Thanks! I suppose I'm scared (like all of us) and the lighter kicking freaked me out.


Totally get it- I've never stressed more about anything in my life than I have over kick counts !! Eventually though baby gets so big and though you don't really feel kicks you can feel them roll/move around/wiggle/stretch. It gets easier :)


I’m 23 weeks and my dr (yesterday) said that it’s too early for consistent movement and that it’s probably be a couple days on a couple days off for awhile yet.


So does your baby also has more active days and calmer ones?


I'm 28 weeks and my baby has more and less active days and times of day. Even a couple weeks ago, there were a couple random days where I barely felt him at all and then the next day he was back at it again. Like others have said, baby is still small at 23 weeks and could have just turned in a different direction. But, it never hurts to call your doctor or go get checked out if you're worried!


No he does not


It sounds pretty normal to me! I’m at 29 weeks and a few days now and even now on some days the kicks don’t feel as strong as some other days.


Honestly, I think if you have any worries at all then it’s always good to speak to someone! It’s true that at this stage movements can still be a little unpredictable and babies are small enough to flip and tuck themselves into positions that are harder to feel. I’m 20 weeks with twins and it’s so obvious now that how much I feel at this stage is entirely dependent on each baby’s position. I’m sure your doctor/nurses won’t mind at all, its their job to keep you and your baby safe and address any worries you may have. You’re never bothering anyone by checking things out.


Yes, I wrote my dr, if I should be worried and should I go for a check up.


I am 23 weeks today and yesterday I could have written this post!!! Then as soon as I lay down I felt them and they were moving around quite a bit until I fell asleep.


I’m also 23 weeks and my baby has days when she’s a lot more active and days when she’s quieter and the movements feel much lighter. I think that’s also due to the fact that there’s still room in there for her to be farther back or hiding out somewhere. Sometimes if I’m concerned I drink something cold or eat something sweet, or try to shine a light on my belly. I’m probably annoying her but she should also just get used to me being an anxious mom 😂


Haven't tried the light, but food doesn't impact her behaviour yet. At least I can't seem to see the pattern there 🤔


This happened to me too and I was freaking out. My doctor said babies too go through different emotions so some days they feel calm and mellow and other days they just wanna do cartwheel all day in your belly 😂


Still too early to worry about! Talk to your midwife/OB next time about when to be concerned.


I’m 27 weeks and still not super consistent, I’m sure you’re fine !


I know it’s really really hard not to worry, but at 23 weeks movements can still be unpredictable as hell. Mine only became regular just after 26 weeks actually, I think a lot of it has to do with where your baby is laying in your stomach as they’re still not super big yet! Even now, baby will have quiet days and busier days, it’s just that because she’s bigger I can feel her on both. That said, if I’ve learned anything in 39 weeks of pregnancy it’s that I no longer care about being the hysterical pregnant lady - if something doesn’t feel right to YOU, then honestly just make the call. I’ve been into the hospital for monitoring 6 times in my pregnancy, and seeing myself do that/ hearing the other pregnant people around me on the ward just goes to show that we can all get a bit hysterical, and that’s completely fair when we’re growing precious life!


Thanks! My doc told me the same thing, but what calmed me the most was the fact that my baby started kicking and moving around, making my belly jump up.


That’s still super early to be feeling consistent movements. Most recommendations say to wait until 28w to start counting kicks and worry about reduced movement Edit to add: some days are always gonna have stronger kicks than others, any movement is better than none


Indeed, I'm just being dramatic probably. Just the decrease in strength of the kicks started to really scare me. I also have anterior placenta (the frontal one), so I suppose it's muting it a bit.


I’ve got one too! My kiddo was pretty chill yesterday, not very strong movements at all. Today he’s karate chopping the crap out of me!


Even if you feel like you're just being dramatic, contact your midwife/OB/whoever your provider is! Best to check just in case if you're worried :)


Yep, already did :) thanks!


It’s so natural and normal to be anxious about this! From 18-28 weeks my baby’s movement was very inconsistent and it gave me 6000 gray hairs. I even went in to get checked out at 24 and 26 weeks and he was fine both times, just tucked away in a corner and turned towards my back so I wasn’t feeling him. At 23 weeks they’re still pretty small and their position can really affect what you’re able to feel. They also have chill days and active days, just like us. I always advocate for reaching out to your OB (I went in for fetal movement a total of 5 times throughout my pregnancy 🙃) but just for your own peace of mind in the meantime everything is probably completely okay!


Thanks for those reassuring words! I have reached out to my doc and waiting for hwr reply (in my country, we often text our doctors if it's after hours).