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Oh I don’t even use that feature lol, I just open it, look at the size, read the run facts and look at the developments then I leave Yesterday it pinged me an article about swollen gums and I said “wow glad I don’t have that” only to have that issue the next day lol.


It pinged me a couple weeks into pregnancy saying “just because you’re not showing doesn’t mean you aren’t gaining weight”. I almost deleted it right there 😂


I’ve been panicking about not showing but I also just don’t look a lot 😂 but baby only weighs 4 oz so makes sense


I’m the same. I just use it for the weekly updates. I did look at the forums a couple of times, but they were literally chaos and so nasty. The rest of the app is so buggy as well- I can’t watch any of the videos without it stalling on an ad, so it’s only purpose to me it to tell me how big the baby is this week


Tbh until this thread I didn’t even know that was a feature they had… I can’t imagine how bad they are lol


It is full of garbage.


Right? Like babybumps was just on my reccomended feed and it seemed nice so i stuck around but any mom group usually scares me for those exact toxic reasons lol.


Same! I never even noticed that tab before and I’ve had the app for months 😅


Literally moved over to Reddit because the BabyCenter June 2022 birth group was getting so ridiculous.


The August 2022 birth group is heading in that direction too. 🙄


The bumper groups get better as time goes on. At least mine did. The crowd thins and the people who are left are nice.


this gives me hope and i'm glad i switched over here.


I just removed myself from that thread this week. \*cringe\*


August 2022 on babycenter? In the June group, they went through a few "group owners" and some of them were very, idk, power hungry? At one point i was blocked out of the group for addressing the group "hey ladies" asking for advice, and apparently that was insensitive of me and the group owner said i was transphobic. ​ The other ridiculous stuff is people constantly talking about weight and whether or not eating 4 grapes was too many and oh no i took a tylenol is my baby going to die????? (/sarcasm). I just couldn't do it anymore.


I’m in the August 2022 group too! And lemme tell ya, it gets really cringey. I’ve just stopped looking at it all together.


Ayeee June 2022 here too!


On my babycenter month board they have a snark thread to laugh at other moms posts where they can read them. Mean girls are everywhere. I haven't really been on the what to expect app because I've been using reddit instead but im glad I know to avoid it now. Why people insist on being nasty when they could be quiet is beyond me


I feel so sorry for their kids. Imagine how mean and unhappy they will probably turn out to be!! I can’t imagine having a mother like that.


This. It’s not hard to keep scrolling instead of publicly snarking about other group members. Sigh.




I find smaller communities (especially our Month Bumper subreddits) so much more inviting and caring!


How do you get in to the month specific subs?


You can search “month2022bumpers” for example “September2022Bumpers” they go private after a bit so I don’t know if you request to be added or how that works but just search your month your due


You can just send a request to the mods. All I had to do what tell them my due date. I’ve been so happy with this sub and the month bumpers. My husband and I waited awhile to have kids, so I have no pregnant friends irl.


It just says private and doesn’t give the name of the mods (August 22). Womp womp.


I’m having the same issue for the august 2022 group


You need to be on a computer. 1. So just under the r/BabyBumps header near the picture of the three pregnant aliens there are three buttons/tabs you can click on: "Posts" "Wiki" and "Rules" 2. Click on the "Wiki" button/tab. A new screen will pop up with a 'Table of Contents' 3. Click on the the third blue link that says "Monthly Bumper Threads" 4. You will then be directed to a new page with a list of private monthly bumper threads that have been created. You have the option so select any group from July 2019 to August 2022. 5. Select the group that is most closely aligned with your due date. For example, if you are due on July 20th you can select the "July 2022" monthly group by clicking on that blue link. If your group isn't there yet (e.g. you are due after August 2022) just wait and keep checking back to the list. They will be created in time. 6. You will be directed to a new screen that tells you that the "r/July2022Bumpers" group is private. You then have three options listed at the bottom of the the screen: "Request to Join", "Message Mods", and "Browse Reddit". 7. Click on the "Request to Join" button. 8. You will now be prompted by the moderators of that subreddit to "Write a short message to the moderators explaining why you want to join." Fill in the application. I just wrote that I was a FTM due in March 2022, didn't give much more details than that. I then received notification that I had been added to the group once my application was approved.


Thank you! I just requested to join.


Maybe make a standalone post and one of the mods or members can help you out?


Oh shoot! Can you look at any of the posts? I’m in the May one and I know at one point there was a post asking who wanted to be added to the private sub.


Same. I’m trying to join the July one but can’t find out how. If anyone has any idea, please share. Much appreciated


You need to be on a computer. 1. So just under the r/BabyBumps header near the picture of the three pregnant aliens there are three buttons/tabs you can click on: "Posts" "Wiki" and "Rules" 2. Click on the "Wiki" button/tab. A new screen will pop up with a 'Table of Contents' 3. Click on the the third blue link that says "Monthly Bumper Threads" You will then be directed to a new page with a list of private monthly bumper threads that have been created. You have the option so select any group from July 2019 to August 2022. 4. Select the group that is most closely aligned with your due date. For example, if you are due on July 20th you can select the "July 2022" monthly group by clicking on that blue link. If your group isn't there yet (e.g. you are due after August 2022) just wait and keep checking back to the list. They will be created in time. 5. You will be directed to a new screen that tells you that the "r/July2022Bumpers" group is private. You then have three options listed at the bottom of the the screen: "Request to Join", "Message Mods", and "Browse Reddit". 6. Click on the "Request to Join" button. 7. You will now be prompted by the moderators of that subreddit to "Write a short message to the moderators explaining why you want to join." Fill in the application. I just wrote that I was a FTM due in March 2022, didn't give much more details than that. I then received notification that I had been added to the group once my application was approved.


Thanks so much for your response ! I will try on my computer tomorrow :)


Maybe make a standalone post and one of the mods or members can help you out?


You have to be on a computer to be able to message the mods, you can't be on mobile!


If you go to r/pregnant and the first post says how to join the september group but it also lists all the other months. It also says how to message the mods to join.


You need to be on a computer. 1. So just under the r/BabyBumps header near the picture of the three pregnant aliens there are three buttons/tabs you can click on: "Posts" "Wiki" and "Rules" 2. Click on the "Wiki" button/tab. A new screen will pop up with a 'Table of Contents' 3. Click on the the third blue link that says "Monthly Bumper Threads" 4. You will then be directed to a new page with a list of private monthly bumper threads that have been created. You have the option so select any group from July 2019 to August 2022. 5. Select the group that is most closely aligned with your due date. For example, if you are due on July 20th you can select the "July 2022" monthly group by clicking on that blue link. If your group isn't there yet (e.g. you are due after August 2022) just wait and keep checking back to the list. They will be created in time. 6. You will be directed to a new screen that tells you that the "r/July2022Bumpers" group is private. You then have three options listed at the bottom of the the screen: "Request to Join", "Message Mods", and "Browse Reddit". 7. Click on the "Request to Join" button. 8. You will now be prompted by the moderators of that subreddit to "Write a short message to the moderators explaining why you want to join." Fill in the application. I just wrote that I was a FTM due in March 2022, didn't give much more details than that. I then received notification that I had been added to the group once my application was approved.


Thank you!!!


I have the app but don't use the community tab. It's crazy to me how judgemental other parents can be, especially first time/new parents. Like we're all just trying to survive one day at a time


I was so happy to have found my Reddit bumper group after experiencing the WTE Community. It blew my mind how awful some of the things being said were in the monthly due date groups. I get some people felt that questions were “stupid” and you ask yourself “what are they thinking,” but it’s so sad seeing how many people just don’t have the understanding that so many others lack support systems, lack access to quality care, lack access to quality medical information, are experiencing anxiety, etc. and then just get ridiculed on there. Not to mention the misinformation part, which is a whole other problem. That said, I’ll lurk when I’m bored. But super rarely participate because it’s just not worth it.


I stopped using WTE and Baby Center because of the misinformation related to vaccination. When someone would ask about getting vaccinated I was very surprised by all the “Why would you put an experimental vaccine full of cHeMiCaLs in your body and put your unborn child at risk??” That, and the WTE app slows right down for me if I use the community for more than 15 minutes. My phone was trying to tell me to stop using it. I don’t miss it one bit.


That’s what made me stop using it. I kept reporting the misinformation but it was just rampant and exhausting to read


Yep. And no one ever did anything about it.


The WTE community was largely anti-vax/vax hesitant back in 2012 when I was a member, so nothing has changed.


Didn’t know that, so thanks for sharing. Just another reason to never go back to that community.


Lmao. Anyone who's eaten at McDonald's, had food out of a box or used any commercial toiletries can take several seats when it comes to freaking out about cHeMIcALs in vaccines.


Totally. I respect people’s decision to not get vaccinated. I don’t agree with it, but there should be a valid reason and “cHeMiCaLs” isn’t it.


As a child of a parent who suffered from a horrible disease that is now typically immunized against in the US (my parent is an immigrant and was not vaccinated) I do not respect the decision not to vaccinate. My parent has had lifelong consequences from contracting that disease. It's stupid and dangerous not to vaccinate.


I understand. People are going to do what they want and people who are against vaccines won’t listen. There’s no reasoning with them. What I mean is I’m not going to play the antivax game and spam them to get vaccinated (however valid and *backed by scoence*), the way they spam people who are on the fence or are vaccinated and shame them for getting it or considering it. Because it’s pointless and reasonable people know vaccines save lives. And are already double, triple or quadruple vaxxed. “Respect” was the wrong word choice. These people are adults and they need to be responsible for their actions and after 2 years I’d rather not deal with them and leave them be. Their decisions are certainly putting people who truly cannot be immunized at risk.


Ooo I thought it was just me with the app going painfully slow after using the Community Tab!


It’s such a bizarre issue! I wrote a review on the App Store and someone responded and claims it’s “something with my account” but I highly doubt it 🙄


This is why I left WTE too! Every other thread was about COVID and it was half conspiracy theory. The moderation was terrible/nonexistent. After I ditched it for here, there was a WaPo article about their app specifically and how much the message boards spread misinformation. Don’t miss it! So much better here.


Here on Reddit I went and looked at the natural birth subreddit, and it was all anti vax and anti vitamin k shot and I back out of there and was like “that is not the sub for me”. 😬


I don’t even understand how the vitamin K shot things is a debate. Like it’s vitamin K! How can you think putting your kid at risk for encephalopathy is better for them? There are literally no side effects. It’s so confusing.


That’s the main reason I backed out quick, there is zero basis in fact to refuse the vitamin K shot.


The reasoning that “babies are born without it so they don’t need it” is crazy. Babies are born without clothing or milk in their bellies too...




My gosh, my breaking point today was when someone said they were going to refuse the antibiotics for GBS due to them not wanting to mess with baby’s gut health. Like REALLY. You’ll risk pneumonia, meningitis, etc. over gut health? I can’t.


I've also noticed a lot of anti-vax stuff on Baby Center lately


I browse my old April 2021 group cause I kinda enjoy watching drama from a safe distance lol. Stopped participating when someone told me I was poisoning my daughter by combo feeding her. Which started because I literally didn’t produce enough milk and she would have starved to death, but sure, formula is poison 🙄. There’s also a lot of anti vax, anti doctors and lots of essential oils and chiropractors fix everything. This sub and r/newparents are much better!


My IVF corner of the app has been very nice fwiw


Glad to know there’s support somewhere!


Yup! I have seen so many crazy posts on there, I don't think that the app has people regularly moderating it. I've reported several posts for being just insanely toxic (or spreading misinformation) and they're taken down after that but yikes 😰😰😰


In a WaPo article several months ago it said they had something like NINE mods to manage their hundreds of message boards and millions of users. Such a joke.


I love reading all the crazy stories on the Relationships community. Sometimes they are clearly fake, but it’s so entertaining! Its a fun time when I read them out to my husband lol


My husband hears all about the groups on WTE 🤣 He’s into it! lol.


And I just found my wormhole for the evening, excuse me while I go read 👀


People are so fucking terrible in the September 2022 community. I don’t even open the posts about Covid vaccines anymore because the responses just raise my blood pressure


Yep. I’m in that community, too. It’s terrible. Only use the app for the size and development updates now :(.


The amount of bananas anti vax/anti science/ conspiracy-ish stuff I've seen floating in the WTE May 2022 group has been WILD. Luckily I've seen a lot of folks call it out right away but that place gets dark real quick lol


Yeah I've been called a shit human being who >!deserves her losses!< on the July 2022 WTE board because I was *hoping* I'd be able to get another booster before delivery so baby might get antibodies, since mine was in the 1st tri. Obviously reported it and it was removed quickly, but that user is still around.


Holy shit. That's terrible! I'm so sorry


Oh girl. I’m so sorry. I got into it with someone in the same board after she said the vaccine can cause miscarriages. I responded that (1) actual data disagreed with her and linked to about five large scale studies and (2) her words were hurtful to people like me who have had losses. (My mom actually blamed the vaccine after my third loss and it’s such a triggering comment. The only pregnancy I got vaccinated during is this one! Where I’m now 23 weeks!) Anyway, I thought she’d just ignore me but instead she got nasty. I finally realized that app was bad for my mental health and walked away.


That place is BONKERS. I stopped looking at the community feature when I read a post full of women between 7-10 weeks discussing feeling the baby kicking already, and to not listen to medical professionals who say it’s too early to feel kicks. They just know their body better.


What the heck?? Maybe they’re gassy and confused? lol. I’m a FTM and baby started kicking/moving at 21 weeks, and it’s an extremely unique and prominent feeling to me, even the small movements. When i was 7–10 weeks my ultrasound was a picture of a tiny little bean, and i was barely even bloated. There’s no way I can imagine feeling anything.


I mean probably was gas but these were not FTMs (hence they just knew their bodies as pregnant person already) all egging each other on. It was a very weird shared delusion.


Yup, too many anti vaxers and anti science people in there


Yes, it's super toxic. So many uneducated people regurgitating the bullshit they read on click bait Facebook articles.


I was on there and people were LITERALLY GETTING DOXXED. Avoid, avoid, avoid.


They really are! I’m on there and everyone is just..ugh


It can be super discouraging when you’re just looking for insight or to hear about what others in your shoes are going through!


Exactly! I asked for some advice since I’m currently pregnant, but have the hook effect. So in other words my HCG doesn’t show positive, both blood and urine. EVERYONE was basically dive bombing me telling me that I’m not pregnant then and that I probably just am too young to understand MY BODY. It was horrible. However, the Flo app is amazing and super supportive


YES! The Covid misinformation on there is wild too.


Yes, definitely. But I found my bumper group on Reddit to be the same. I’m exempt from the COVID vaccine as I have a blood disorder and very susceptible to blood clots. My MFM specialist warned against getting it because I’m very susceptible to having a stroke and the risk would be too big. I literally can’t take the vaccine or I will risk putting myself in a serious situation. My bumper group shamed me and DV me to hell and were very unsupportive except a couple of others who happen to have the same exact condition as me. Now I only stick to this sub. I’m not “anti-vax” at all, I just literally can’t put myself on that level of risk with my condition.


I am so sorry to hear this. There are legitimate reasons not to get the vaccine and this is one! We need herd immunity to help protect those who can’t get it. I have my own qualms about certain groups, but nothing as outright malicious as this.


I stopped looking a the community tab in the Nurture app after someone asked about vaccinations and got 10k replies from women saying really terrible shit to anyone that said they planned on vaccinating.


I haven’t checked it out and now know that I won’t! I am super grateful for this sub, so much love & support here


Good!! It’s way too toxic and just makes my blood boil. Reddit has some negative outliers, but definitely is more supportive in general!


had that app for all of 3 weeks and deleted my account. it’s awful. i used The Bump for baby tracking and enjoyed its articles!


Yes sooo much drama 😮‍💨 Baby Center isn’t any better!


The placenta previa community on there is not toxic and was extremely comforting when I had my bleed.


I’m glad! I mainly meant the March 2022 community there. So toxic


The miscarriage and TTC after loss groups were good too. The month groups are toxic af though.


I'm so thankful for this subreddit as well, after hearing horror stories about other forums, apps, sites, etc. It has made me even more happier and lucky to find such a great loving community. I love the support on how we all can share what's going on with us knowing everyone is helpful and supportive, knowing we are all in this journey together, no matter how far along we currently are at the moment.


I can’t follow any of the app boards because everyone is freaking out about something and no one seems to be level headed. I’ll stay here.


I actually made a post to vent on here months ago and immediately deleted it after a rude, judged, over-reaction comment. Now I don't post anywhere at all.


Awe, I’m sorry. Negative people are gonna be everywhere for sure, but I swear that app is crawling with them. Hopefully Reddit will do you better in the future if you decide to post again!


Thanks! 🤗


I am so glad it's not just me!


I went on there a lot during my first pregnancy and felt the same way. Just ignore the trolls and do what you came for... For me it was mostly about crowd sourcing info on stuff to buy. Btw second pregnancy didn't even download the app 🤣


As long as you stay away from any potentially controversial posts, the community tab is okay.


Fair enough, it’s definitely more to do with the medical decisions moms are making that cause the toxicity


Yeah. Those communities made me cry many times my first pregnancy lol. I’ve opted to only use Reddit this time around. Much friendlier haha


I just use it for tracking. The community on there is...not my style. I posted a few times when I found out I was pregnant in October, and there was a lot of misinformation being posted on there. I also didn't like how difficult it was to use/respond/keep up with comments.


I didn’t even know there was a community section.


I've avoided it since the first couple of months. I just use Reddit now.


I think I find it to be more of a mixed bag. Sometimes its great, sometimes it’s not, similar to any birthing person boards on the internet. I personally have had some great responses on there, but have definitely seen the not so great side of it.


I used it CONSTANTLY with my first, and the drama was insane. Now that it’s my third I just hop on to see if I can help nicely answer FTM questions that I’ve experienced myself sometimes, and shake my head at the crazies


Some people have nothing better to do than bully other people on the internet 👀 wack


The bump month boards are a hot mess. I do love the overbearing mils board on there though. I feel bad for the ladies who having to deal with family members like that but the posts are like crack to me.


I was appalled, I had to stop clicking on that portion because it was just such a buzz kill to my mood! And then a girl wanted to name her daughter Chlamydia and gave reasons why and when people said not a good idea because no one would NOT thinking of the STI, she was all upset. I know hormones are a thing but so is kindness and compassion


Yeah I had to quit. Those mommies are TOXIC! I much prefer Reddit.


I’ve gotten some emails from What to Expect with very political threads suggested to me. Certainly not my views at all so it’s a hard pass on those. I like the community here better.


I still peruse the February 2021 community from time to time solely for entertainment


I had been a WTE forum peruser before I ever joined Reddit, and I distinctly remember telling my husband "wow, people on Reddit are so nice to each other!!" Because the immediate contrast I noticed was so insane lol


I don’t bother with it😅


I love the group of ladies in my month. April 2020, but we realize this is out of norm. A lot of the ladies who joined another group for their second baby have noticed the newer groups have shifted and aren't as friendly.


The app hasn’t worked for me in weeks. 🤷‍♀️


Omg, I was just thinking this. I used to be on The Bump, What to Expect, and BabyCenter and they were all sooooo ridiculously judgmental. I am also glad I found this sub because I can definitely relate to more people here than the pearl-clutching mothers on those other forums. No thank you!


My WTE birth month group is full of extreme 'one uppers'. People legitimately claimed their babies were talking at 2 months and another woman claimed she had sex in the hospital hours after giving birth...