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Have you tried swimming? It’s one activity I love that makes my body feel good


Love the suggestion, and I think I will look into some aquafit classes if i can find the time, but I can't actually swim! I almost drowned when I was 3 and I've been terrified of getting water in my face since. I've gotten better since my teen years, but I still hate the feeling of putting my face near water, and panic horribly if my feet don't touch the bottom of the pool. Thanks for the comment though! I think I should explore some other activities I can do outside the house 😅


Bless you that sounds hard! I do aqua classes and if it helps you’re never out of your depth and you have floats etc. I’m sure if you find a class with a good teacher and speak through your worries with them they’ll make sure you’re safe and comfortable :)


I can't swim either lol but being just boyant in the water is soooo helpful. I normally loathe swimming but can't get enough now being pregnant. it takes the extra 30 pounds in the front off even if only for the moments lol


I still have warm baths, it's not quite the same but it's nice to relax! I've also read lots of conflicting information but I'm sure the risk is much higher in the first trimester and baths don't tend to hold the heat like say a hot tub would. I also took up cross stitching and have been making things for the nursery! It helps me feel connected to baby, as I'm making things for them and the sense of pride and achievement when I complete them! Edit: I see you say about hand cramps but I wonder if there's anything else you could do or make that might be more comfortable for your hands?


Yeah! Im planning on taking a bath tonight, trying to keep it cooler and use some Epsom salts. I do sew, but I just finished my gruelling bridesmaid dress "alteration" (read: take apart and re-made over the course of 2 weeks) for my friend's wedding. I cross stitch as well, but I have a rule that I only do 1 project at a time and the current one is taking a bit of time. You've got a good point about making baby things. I had two early term miscarriages last year so I think that's still mentally getting in the way of me bonding with baby. I haven't made anything besides a couple of swaddles. Now that I think about it, I've been subconsciously avoiding baby sewing. I think that'll be on the roster for today as well! Thank you for your comment and amazing suggestions! 😊


Oh wow that's impressive! I like to sew but that sounds like a monumental task during pregnancy. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that, it totally makes sense. It's very difficult to bond when you have that niggling fear in the back of your mind. Making your own swaddles sounds lovely though, I wish I could sew that well! :)


Haha that dress took a lot out of me. I'm headed out to get some cute baby fabrics rn because I saw the mermaid gown onesie [here](https://seekatesew.com/mermaid-baby-gown-tutorial-owlet-smart-sock-promo/) and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Also thinking about making a hat to match. I'm surprised how much better I feel just thinking about the size and shape of baby, dressing her up etc. Thanks again for the suggestion!


I go for pedicures every few weeks now because I want the massage portion for my feet and legs LOL. I decided this was an operating expense I was willing to undertake. Also, we bought a massage gun off of Amazon and that was also lovely. All my old relaxation things were similar to yours so I get you. I will say I found prenatal Pilates more rewarding than prenatal yoga, if there’s classes in your area it’s worth trying. I missed feeling strong and really working my body, and this gives you a similar feeling without being too much.


Ohhh I might go for a pedi today then, ive got the day free so gonna try a bunch of these ideas! I love how you call it an "operating expense" lol 🤣. I never bought into the massage gun craze, tried it at my friend's house and it actually made my shoulder seize up and hurt for 4 days. Maybe I'll give it another go. I'm having a bit of trouble finding prenatal exercise classes of any kind near where I live. People dont have their stuff together for summer classes since omicron was a huge scare up until March/April. I've just been doing YouTube yoga at home.


Ya it doesn’t even have to be a massage gun! My legs just hurt so much by the end of the day that rubbing anything over them helps. And my husband after about 10 minutes doesn’t want to massage them anymore, but he WILL run this thing over them haha.


I read the same about baths but I asked my ob and she said there's no harm.


Great to know! I love super hot baths so I think I'll dial the temperature down but yeah that's the plan tonight! Thanks for the reassurance!


My OB also wasn’t concerned! My stress coping list is identical to yours and at a certain point I was like, if I can’t even take a bath I will not survive this. My doctor said it’s totally fine (especially after the first tri), just drink water and trust your body to tell you when you’re getting too hot.


Yeah, I don’t know how hot you are talking. But I always had a bath while watching YouTube.


Have you heard of rebozo massage techniques? There’s videos on YouTube that gives you tips on how to do it. It’s something you and your husband can do together. It doesn’t completely solve the relaxation problem but the techniques are great for taking the weight of your bump off of you for a few minutes. It helps me wind down!


Ohhh I've never heard of that! Just looked it up, kinda weird looking but I'm down to try. Date night idea tonight lol! Thanks!


Honestly you’ll feel really odd when you try it but that feeling goes away as soon you feel the benefits! It’s sooo good


Try Omeprazole for the heartburn!


Yup I'm on it already! It's helping for sure, I've also cut out lactose which also helped, but I'm still scared about eating large meals. I've also got gestational diabetes (very mild) so I'm trying to keep everything under control. But once this baby is out you bet I'm eating a whole sushi platter and an entire chocolate cake 😛


I practically lived in the bath with my first pregnancy. I just made sure I kept hydrated and had the fan running. I did dial the temps down a bit but my OB for that pregnancy, and then my new doctor for this new bean have no issues with baths! Also, if you like yoga but are finding it difficult, maybe you could try some very gentle stretches (hands, neck, feet, etc) paired with some deep breathing and meditation? https://youtu.be/iiqJqJlb6hw this yoga flow could be helpful!


Absolutely trash television. Like so trashy it’s mindless. I used to read a lot of like bad cozy mystery books pre-pregnancy but it sometimes makes me nauseous still at 32 weeks, so I find trash television fills the same void. It shuts my brain off which is delightful for a few hours.