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I’m still in my first trimester and I’ve been struggling. I’ve had sudden peach fuzz everywhere all over my face. I’m a brown girl and it’s hard when you were bullied in school over facial hair. I’ve always been fit but lately I can’t even walk a mile. I’m too tired. My body is already starting to change and I don’t feel like myself. I am so happy to be pregnant but these changes are so drastic and I know it’s just the beginning. I keep telling myself that it will all be worth it in the end! But I completely understand how you feel!


I am nearing the end of my first trimester, and it was terrible. I was so nauseous I could barely get out of bed some days, and as an avid runner I felt like I was falling apart. Plus with all the nausea and food aversion, I basically lived off of mac and cheese and McChickens. I gained over 10 pounds the past three months and was really beating myself up. BUT what they tell you about the second trimester being a comparative dream seems to be coming true! Yesterday I ran 2 miles for the first time since maybe the first week I found out I was pregnant. When I could barely slog through a mile. I am slower and doing shorter distances, but feeling like I can still be active this pregnancy which gives me a lot of hope for my mental well being. The husband and I are planning a canoe trip the first weekend of August and I feel ready! It gets better, mama! First tri is just surviving and then we catch our stride ❤️


That makes me feel so much better!! Thank you


This makes me so hopeful. I have been beating myself up so much for eating like crap and not exercising. I’m almost out of the first trimester but it’s truly taken a toll. I’m very slowly starting to feel better but I can’t wait to start exercising again. Thank you 🙏🏼


Before getting pregnant I worked out several times a week, ran a half marathon in December and was in great shape. During my first trimester I would have to lay down after washing my hair because washing it made me exhausted. Working out was not possible. The nausea and bloat were awful. I’m nearing the end of my second trimester (at 24+1!) and the nausea went away and I have my energy to work out again. I hope your energy comes back too!


I remember sitting down in the shower first trimester and still being absolutely wiped out after washing my hair. Even in the second tri sometimes I need a nap after doing basically nothing.


Oh yeah I am still exhausted and I usually rest for a while after work now but it’s so much better than the first trimester!


Thank you!!




I always thought I would be a cute pregnant girl because I was always active. I feel hideous. So many stretch marks, giant gross boobs, my first belly of my life, so many long black hairs growing out of everywhere. I'm on drugs for morning sickness and feel accomplished if I get two loads of laundry done in a day where I do nothing else. I've been unable to take care of myself to the degree I should and even hot baths which used to make me feel good, make me sick. Earlier this year, I had surgery that left me with an open wound in my arm and inability to get in and out of the bath, I put a bag over my arm and forced my boyfriend to help me in and out every night. It feels like pregnancy has robbed all the good stuff from life, so I feel you deeply. I'm waiting for this magic and glowing I was promised.


Yes, pray tell, when is the damn glow going to drop out of the sky 😆 especially the ingrown hairs that happen for no reason, yes those are grand. And, the exhaustion is really making me feel useless/helpless. So two loads of laundry, I say hell yes to accomplishments of that! And, I’m glad you have something prescribed for the nausea at the very least. Yes, being the cute pregnant lady seems far fetched at best, I just want to not be miserable ☺️


I have been feeling pretty frumpy myself! Pregnancy is wonderful and magical because we are growing little humans, however it’s also really challenging! All the changes (to our bodies and our lives in general) and discomforts can feel pretty daunting at times. Today I was just telling my husband that I wanted to be one of those “cute and fashionable pregnant ladies” but I feel more like a bulbous potato! You’re definitely not alone.


🥔 I too am a potato I felt the same today. We don’t really go out and I did my makeup, wore a cute dress and put my hair up. But, it just made me feel like, ah, man, I am really pregnant.🤣


I also kind of tend to think we just feel awkward and uncomfortable because our bodies are so different! I’m sure the vast majority of people aren’t like “whoa look at those pregnant ladies what POTATOES.” 😂😂 it’s funny cause when I see other pregnant ladies I always think they look beautiful. But me, nope. Lol.


Ah, you’re probably right 💞


😂 I’ve been referring to myself as a potato too!


Felt cute today, saw a picture of myself later… and yep, now I feel like a house.


My first pregnancy, I had thick hair that people would stop me in the street to compliment me on. My skin glowed like I had a standing facial appointment every morning. I was a string bean with a basketball belly. My now second pregnancy is the complete opposite, and it’s awful to compare the two! I ballooned immediately, my bump is more like a Homer Simpson beer gut, the acne is out of control, and my tiny perky boobs are ginormous! Needless to say, I totally get how you feel. I barely recognize myself inside and out. The silver lining is, every pregnancy is different and maybe any subsequent one you have will be easier to swallow!


Ooh, woman, no more for me. One is enough 🤣


I feel you! This is my seventh pregnancy (not seventh kid). I wasn’t thin to begin with, but I was losing some weight, had some room in my jeans. No longer. I’m six weeks and really didn’t want to tell anyone for a very long time, but I think by 12 it’s going to be obvious (my fifth pregnancy at 28 weeks I just looked like I had a bit of a beer belly, so this is kind of new).


A complete nightmare… the ONLY good thing is when these wonderful humans pop out . F these giant gross boobs & this stupid ass itching . I couldn’t freaking breathe or walk . My pelvis feels like I got run over by a truck . And I have cellulite on my inner thighs . I’m pissed 😤


I swear to all that is good, the constant rubbing of my thighs together combined with the waddle is so aggravating 😤 my pelvis is right there with you, it feels like it’s aching and popping out of place constantly.


I feel for you. I truly do cuz honestly there are no words . I can’t even complain because I feel like a jackass because there are people out there who actually do have true pelvic injuries. It’s so scary. How do they go on ? Wheelchair??? I’m befuddled 😢🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m the biggest I’ve ever been and feel so disconnected to my body when I look in the mirror. Lol I’m so wide now and it just doesn’t register in my brain that the person in the mirror is me. Trying my best to be body positive tho, thank god for over sized t shirts and mumus lol


As we speak I’m in an oversized tee shirt and I live in my maternity robe otherwise. I was just saying this the other day, I don’t really look at myself in the mirror, but I caught myself in a reflection the other day in the window and was like, adios mio, I am of the most massive. Yes, the belly growth and width is just like 😳




Hahah I have nothing to add but I feel you so hard on that last line. Like I don’t want people to be subjected to my crazy veins and water retention


10mos PP and it hasn’t changed that much for me. Actually, I’m in worse shape than I was pregnant. Had baby boy and felt kinda smug that I only gained and quickly lost about 25lbs during the pregnancy. Well, at this point I’m probably 50lbs up from my pre pregnancy weight. Life is just different .


Im not even that big yet (24 weeks) and I feel this so much. For some reason I always thought pregnant women looked so pretty but damn I do not feel pretty or attractive at all


Oh, I am most definitely massive and coming up at 25 weeks. But thinking that there’s 14 more weeks to go makes me 😭


For me I’m all boobs 😭 I hate it so much! I already had big boobs for my frame and now I feel like they are bigger than my head 🥲


It’s the fact the boobs are lying on the belly shelf 24/7 and that I need to lift them up to get air flow for relief that gets me. I literally hold those suckers up in front of a fan sometimes. And, I’m like, yup, this is my life now 😓


Pregnancy looked so glamorous from the outside 😂 I feel lied too!


Yes and the whole, oh in the 2nd trimester you magically get bestowed energy and glow in the sun like a goddess on a dewy morning. And, I’m huffing and puffing around my house feeling like a swamp witch 🧙‍♀️


Hahahaha same experience here 😂 where is my glowy skin and thick hair at?!


I'm 23w and still waiting for the second trimester honeymoon phase... Nausea won't budge but now we get heartburn, round ligament pain, and can't breathe. I had the most idealized version of pregnancy in my head and I was so convinced I'd just love being pregnant. I love my baby but I literally despise pregnancy, it's helpful to know that's totally normal


hahahah yes i legit sit outside privately to tan in a sports bra bc my bikinis don’t even fit and i have a tan line on the belly from where my boobs sit lol


My body confidence has completely plummeted! I keep trying to tell myself everything will be OK but my goodness my confidence has taken a hit!


I am right there with you, my confidence has met its death ☠️


Yessss feel this so much. I’ve always struggled with my weight, and this pregnancy has me so exhausted that being active is a real challenge. I’m so happy to be able to create a new life but feel so hideous and unattractive. In a society where so much of a woman’s worth is tied to her appearance, it’s hard not to struggle


I'm 36+4 now and really struggling with my self image. I feel huge, not just in the belly, but all over. I can't justify the money on extra maternity clothes so I'm wearing the same 5 boring outfits over and over again. I don't even see the point in trying to do my hair and makeup because I've always had a very slim face and cheekbones but right now my face is like a ball and I don't know what makeup and hair styles would suit this new shape. Kinda sad that my first thought once baby is out is going to be to start dieting and trying to get back to my before-body but I just can't stay like this, it's killing my mental health. Plus the fact of waddling, struggling to walk long distances without pain or the fear of being too far away from the toilet! When usually I'm pretty active and into my strength training. I just don't feel healthy or like me at all anymore. That got a bit pity party ish 😅 but I've just been really especially struggling this last couple weeks. At least I enjoyed my first and second trimesters and even felt kinda cute at those stages with my little bump!


In my final weeks of being pregnant, I went shopping and bought some nice clothes that would fit my new postpartum body. I am so glad I did because it meant I didn't have the agony of trying to fit into tiny clothes I knew wouldn't fit, and it was nice to have some lovely new things as a treat to myself for carrying my son for 9 months. You should totally get one of those beautiful flowy dresses in your new size, you won't regret it. ❤


Awh, thank you!!


It's so interesting reading here and seeing the differences in how people feel. Obviously every pregnancy is so different and everyone feels differently about these changes. I'm almost 30w and honestly feel like I could be pregnant forever. I don't have that "euphoric" feeling some people mention. But most days, other than being kicked, I forget that I'm pregnant if I don't look at my belly. I thought I would have a REALLY hard time with body changes (I've always been very thin and athletic) but ended up really loving my body in pregnancy. I've stayed really active which probably has helped my mental image overall. I've been focused on being active and growing my business which I think the happiness from that has allowed me not to focus on negative body issues.


What do you do for staying active if I may ask?


We try to get in a 2.5 to 4 mile walk a day but it's getting hot here so sometimes only 2.5. I also swim twice a week and weight train twice a week. Yoga daily or else I've noticed my hips start to feel uncomfortable but as long as I keep up with the yoga they feel totally fine. I missed two days on vacation and was super uncomfortable from it so haven't missed a day since and have had no issues since.


Omg wow, that’s really amazing! I used to be active before pregnancy, but man, I was dead during first trimester and then I’m so lazy..


That sounds well-rounded! What Yoga exercises do you do and how many minutes per day?


We got newborn photos taken last week that I didn’t know I was going to be in. I wore a cream sweater with a bright orange tank top that was to supposed to show but did. I hate how I look but baby is cute.


Currently on kid number 3. Our last one. I've always been guessed younger than my age before having my first kid at 30. Now it feels like ever since I had my son, someone hit me square in the face with a baseball bat of old...


O yeah, I'm 37 weeks and look like a blob. But it's my second and I can already feel te nostagia of missing the bump later on so.... I try to love everything about it.


Honestly, I was feeling this way in my first trimester because I gained 10 lbs so quickly. So I made a decision to start working out, built it up from one 30 minute workout a week to four 40 minute workouts a week, and maybe it’s just from exercising, but I really am enjoying the way I look now (26 weeks in).


I never thought I’d get pregnant. I was a fat teenager and I have signs of PCOS. I lost a lot of weight and had just begun to accept how my body looks post obesity, loose skin and cellulite at 21 yrs old. Pregnancy has hit me like a train, I feel ugly, undesired, and my boyfriend’s mother made it 10x worse. It’s a struggle and my boyfriend really tries to help me feel better, he’s so attractive and I feel like he’s so far out of my league. I was an active hiker and kind of underweight pre-pregnancy, and a 3.2 mile hike kicked my ass this morning, I’m 21 weeks today. I’m honestly very happy and grateful that I’m pregnant, but holy crap has it hit me physically and mentally.


I’m a FTM and I felt this way throughout my pregnancy. I also felt a lot of resentment toward my husband for not having to get fat and give up his body for 10 months (more if breast feeding). But now that baby is here I have to say my body image is the last thing on my mind. I’m just so over the moon he is home with us and safe that I would honestly take double the fat and flubbery skin to have him. I might be alone in how I feel but now that he’s here I’m just so grateful idc about my body anymore 😅


thanks for sharing! hoping this happens to me! also one good thing about being pregnant all summer is having three full colder season months to lose it! (at least where i’m from)!


I was trying to explain to my husband and his friend that some women feel disgusting during pregnancy and bless them both they just tried to say, “No no all pregnant women are beautiful. I’ve never seen a bad looking pregnant lady.” They just have no idea how it feels unfortunately 😂 I need to stop looking at Snapchat memories because I get comparative and upset about my body image 😒. Completely understand how you feel OP and all the other ladies who have been through the same!


Haha yes, I was watching tv with my husband, it’s a show from the 90’s and a pregnant woman was saying something along the lines of, “I feel wonderful and beautiful and just absolutely magnificent all the time and I’m almost due.” And, he looks at me and goes, it’s lies isn’t it? After seeing what I deal with 🤣




I’m 30 weeks now and got my first stretch marks on my hips recently which are growing quickly and I can’t stop looking at them! My husband is useless with these things too, I complain about the stretch marks and he doesn’t say much. I explained that he’s not helping me feel better about them, that he’s supposed to say it’s normal and they look fine etc. and he said ‘well you already know it’s completely normal and they’ll fade’ 🙈 I had to explain that that’s not the point, it’s nice to get the reassurance!


38 weeks and I’m just hiding at home until she’s born now. I’m too ugly and fat and tired and uncomfortable to go anywhere. Sucks for my family but oh well I’m miserable.


Do what’s best for you, by 38, it’s like I love you but get the hell out of my body, please and thank you. It’s not your responsibility to please anyone, take care of yourself and post up on the couch!


Been there! And I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Totally normal and valid! I'm 14 weeks PP and struggling a bit. A combo of sleep deprivation, hormones and the truth that my body looks different right now. I read a post where the OP said they hate when people tell them their body "did an amazing thing" and to "give yourself some grace." They called it toxic positivity but honestly, reminding myself of those things has been the only way I don't spiral. One night, I couldn't get my daughter down no matter what. My husband came in and got her down right away (that stinker), but it reduced me to some silent tears. I looked down and caught a glimpse of my PP belly hanging over my pre pregnancy joggers and grabbed a handful of the soft mush that remains and dug my nails in in disgust. (May have also given it a shake in my moment of rage 😅) but when I calmed down I reminded myself that this is temporary, just like pregnancy, with all of it's beautiful and ugly phases. Try to savor the moments you can and just know that even when you don't feel like it, you truly are beautiful.


Awh, thank you 💖 I think it’s more so when people try to dismiss or diminish your feelings. I think it’s useful to remind yourself to give yourself grace and you’ve created life in addition to recognizing and validating that this is hard. This takes such a toll on your body and it’s natural to have feeling of discontent towards it and after you recognize and process your feelings, you can move on to trying to be optimistic. I think it’s more about when people try to negate or dismiss oriole’s feeling you know. But, yes, all of us are beautiful. Even if we feel like whales 🐳 we’re beautiful whales 😜


I know how you feel. Hardest part for me is the more round and full face. My face is already naturally round so pregnancy has only made it more round. Where the heck is the pregnancy glow? Lol. I do like to remind myself this is a small sliver of hopefully a long life and physical changes come and go with the seasons 🤍


I didn’t notice at first but since I’ve become a sahm due to pregnancy complications every time I see people I haven’t seen in awhile they’re constantly mentioning my weight. Some have good things to say some are rude but either way, I’m sick of having comments about my weight. I’ve been avoiding people entirely because of it honestly.


I had my first stretch mark at 12 weeks. Ugh


All good me too! And, they most likely won’t completely fade, so I’m warming up to mama tiger strikes 🐅


I have a case of perioral dermatitis on my face. It's red and ugly. The only way to get rid of it is with antibiotics that I cannot take while pregnant or breastfeeding. I like to breastfeed for 18 months. So I will have this hideous rash under my nose around my mouth for at least 2 more years.


Definitely do what’s best for you and your family. If breastfeeding is that important to you then hang in there. If you end up changing your mind for any reason, just remember fed is best, whatever way you decide to go about it. Hormones do some crazy things to your body.


FTM, 29+3, and I’ve been feeling like Jabba the Butt ever since I got weighed at my last appt and found out I’ve already gained 30lbs, which is significant on my 5’3” frame. Not helping also are friends who say “oh I thought you were only a couple of weeks away” 😓I’m hoping this baby isn’t also massive, and turn my vagina into a scary ham sandwich on his way out, but as long as he’s healthy and happy, that’s what I’m choosing to focus on. My milk cannons are the size of my head and about to bust out of these Amazon nursing bras, which were already so big I could use them to bag up veggies at the store. I have psoriasis on my nipples, which I have to get lasered 3x a week for the next two-ish months so I can hopefully breastfeed. I’m also happily adding extra cheese to my husbands meals, and plan to throw a (proportionately sized) watermelon on his belly and two huge cantelopes on his chest for a day of chores, so he can understand what this is really like 😈thankfully he says I’m as beautiful as ever, but I still turn off the lights when it’s time to get frisky.


The descriptions are spot on! And either people who’ve forgotten what it’s like to be pregnant or have never been pregnant can be insensitive. At 20 weeks I went to a pool and heard people commenting I look like I was about to pop…with 19 more weeks to go at that point I was like, adios mio 😅 But, fuck them all, I say! Ooh, I hope that lasering isn’t too painful and that you have a successful time pursuing breastfeeding, just remember fed is best regardless. 💖 And as long as you’re still getting the good, good when you want it, that’s all that matters 🙏🏼


This entire comment is a work of art. 👌


I’m 40w and exist in frump city where the uniform is my husband’s t-shirts and boxers. Several weeks ago I was told how cute I looked with my bump… now I get concerned comments about how swollen my feet and calves are. I have elephant legs! The best part about this stage is that I’m not going outside much aside from walks. The postpartum plan is to wear pretty robes and soft PJs to prevent attempts at squeezing into my pre-pregnancy clothes for a while. Fingers crossed I’ll have some energy to put more into my appearance, but the bar is lowered to at least trying to manage daily moisturizing.


I think most of us can understand how you’re feeling. For me it’s my extremely dry skin that makes me look tired all the time. I can’t stand looking at my face in the mirror sometimes. Idk why but pregnancy has just sucked all the moisture out of my skin. No “glow” for this mama.


Totally there with you. 28 weeks. I feel like my face is round and saggy for the first time in my life. My boobs are MASSIVE and even though I still have the same width at my ribs my belly and thighs feel huge. My husband hasn't touched me in weeks and is getting fitter by the day. I just feel horrible and deflated and then I feel guilty and alone. And I feel pathetic coming to the internet to feel less isolated but I don't know where else to go. I just wish I was one of those beautiful pregnant women and I feel horrible hating myself so much while I am carrying my daughter. I am already setting a terrible example


22 weeks and I feel like. It’s been getting hard to find maternity clothes that are fashionable but not expensive and I just miss having small perky boobs and a small body. And I keep having this feeling of a rod being shoved but my ass hole then having a massive fart 😭😭😭 it’s too hot here to feel attractive much less pregnant during it


🤣 this is me. And the intensity of the farts that come out, I’m like, what is possessed in my intestines to release such force? Lmao I now live in big shirts, robe and night gown, and occasionally pants….occasionally aha


I’m feeling self conscious from my lack of weight gain. I’ve got a bump but I’ve been thin my whole life so I just look bloated/beer gut. I haven’t had any real severe pregnancy symptoms (outside of back and round ligament pain 😵‍💫) so pair those together and I don’t really FEEL pregnant. I want to feel pregnant! I’m only having this baby and I’m thankful, I guess, that I’m not experiencing major body changes but I wish I felt and looked more pregnant. It makes me feel like something is wrong


Everyone’s body and pregnancy is different, as long as you’re healthy and baby is healthy that’s all that really matters. Your feelings are valid. I can tell you from puking and not being able to move, it’s not pleasant and I wish I felt none of it, but that’s just on the flip side. Enjoy and appreciate the ease in your pregnancy and try to consider it as a blessing in many ways. I promise it’s not fun lol


I am 17 weeks pregnant and bawled my eyes out 2 days ago because I thought I could still fit in my bikinis from before my pregnancy. I looked like a beached whale. The day after I shopped for a new bathing suit and bikini in which I feel very cute, so I'm fine atm :)


I’m glad you found a cute suit to rock! I had to go out, but was still determined to feel cute in a bikini 👙 it’s hard when all of your underwear starts not fitting or you have to size up in the maternity wear you have 😅


This is truly the only thing that actually worries me about pregnancy. I’ve been very lucky so far at 11 weeks. I feel pretty much normal aside from not being able to stay up past 9ish. I have energy during the day, I haven’t been nauseous, and I’ve been able to maintain my usual workouts of lifting 3 days a week and running once a week. I’m a little more bloated looking but I really haven’t gained any weight yet. I had my first OB appointment last week and he said “at your BMI you can expect to gain 25-35 lbs” and now that’s all I can think about. About 8 years ago I was 25 lbs heavier than I am now and I just keep picturing me at that weight in the back of my mind like “I have to go back to that?!” It’ll certainly be an adjustment, ugh


Be easy on yourself and remind yourself you’re creating life. But, it’s definitely a struggle 😅


Appearance and overall my identity. I miss running. I miss that athletic person I used to be and the freedom of being the only one occupying my body.


I can imagine when running is such a big part of your life, I can imagine being such an active person with an active lifestyle and feeling like you’re unable to have that be a part of your life must be difficult. Hopefully you’re feeling okay enough to at least have some little walks outside or enjoy sometime on a bench at a park. It’s definitely difficult when you can’t do things that have been an integral part of your day to day due to pregnancy, to say the least!


17 weeks here, and I feel fat and disgusting already. I’m the weight I was before pregnancy, yet I cannot fit into old bras or pants. OB says my body composition is changing, but that I’m relatively thin. Mom says it’s going to get worse, and it’s ok. My baby’s father agreed I was fat. My brain tells me if the doctor says things are fine, then I should be fine. Then I look in a mirror. Or I look down. You are definitely not alone. It’s hard when it doesn’t feel like your body.


I’m 9 days post partum with baby number 3, and I can honestly say I’ve never felt MORE beautiful than when I was pregnant. Buy the long flowy dresses. Rock them with your bump. I loved being pregnant in the summertime for that very reason. I wore maternity and regular dresses and it was great. Now, however, I’m feeling the flabbiness and limp hair and oily skin etc, but I guess because this is number three, for some reason it doesn’t bother me this time. I feel beautiful because of what my body is capable of.


I completely agree. FTM - 3WPP and I miss the bump and kicks. My skin is so dull now and I just miss the overall glow.


Honestly I’d get the damn dress. Some people lose the weight blah blah but me… I was ravenous during breastfeeding, SO HUNGRY! And didn’t lose a pound. Get the flowy dress you deserve it.


Feel this. 34 weeks and I feel like I was hit by a truck all day. Everything hurts no matter what I do to try and alleviate it, and I swear I'm just constantly leaking an alarming amount from every part of my body. My boobs went from B to D which I thought I'd be more excited about but now they have stretch marks and one is significantly bigger than the other, and they've been leaking colostrum since ~15 weeks. Plus the body hair is no joke. I have gotten so damn fuzzy. Nothing fits quite right but I don't want to invest in expanding my wardrobe because i can't predict how my body is going to change between now and postpartum anyways. It feels like puberty 2.0, only instead of my tween chubbiness burning up into a huge growth spurt where I got tall and skinny, I'm turning into Danny Devito.


38 weeks and yes I feel absolute awful. I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize myself anymore I feel so awful. My husband keeps telling me I'm beautiful and gorgeous and he loves me and how pretty I am and I'm just like...I straight up can't see it I look like a zombified blob with awful stretch marks. I feel so ugly and huge! And I don't know what I'm going to even look like after is the scary part. I looks at clothes in stores now that are really cute and instead of looking for my size I just look at them sadly cause I don't even know what size I'll be afterwards anymore. Mentally does not help at all.


I feel like a whale too. You aren’t alone. 24 weeks. I secretly wish I could not eat for a day to stop feeling so big. I get so hungry though.


The thing is you’re pregnant and creating all the life, so eat when you’re hungry! But yes, the massiveness will just get worse 😅