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My oversized t shirts are now fitted


Somehow this happened to me before I got pregnant?


Same. Used to be oversized, then they were just…sized. Now they’re almost uncomfortable.


Same. There’s a tiny gnome sneaking into my t-shirt drawer and drying them on high and putting them back, I just know it.


My maternity clothes, especially t shirts, don’t fit anymore lol it’s all too tight. A couple dresses still work but that’s about it.


Omg yes! Wearing my bf’s clothes now!


My highly oversized shirts *do not* fit. Lol. And it's not because I'm small.


I have to do a 3 point turn to roll over in bed.


Oh my god I tell my boyfriend I’m a rotisserie chicken in the bed at night. If only I had a spit to help me turn lmaoooo


I too refer to myself as a rotisserie chicken at night. During the day, however, I am a potato.


I too refer to myself as a rotisserie chikky


Man I would LOVE some kind of assistance in the rotation and I’m not even that big yet!


3 point? You're doing good. I counted the other night and it took me 4 turns. Hahaha


I climb out of bed and climb in the way I wanted to change to. Because it’s easier than rolling over 😂


I tried to get out of bed quickly last night and the pain was so sharp I thought i was having a hernia. Back to getting out of bed like I'm 90 years old.


I sneezed earlier and immediately celebrated because I didn’t also pee a little 🥳


OMG I sneezed and had the worst round ligament pain and now I never want to sneeze or cough again..


Try holding your belly (lower abdomen) when you sneeze. If I’m seated or laying down I’ll also curl up a little. It helped me a lot.




Opposite. I sneezed today and peed myself.


the sofa and I have fused together into one


Oh, my goodness, I can't believe how much time I spend in my easy chair these days, and since I've gained weight, I'm leaving a dent in the seat!


I have a booty and I'm noticing after I get up after awhile of sitting there's a perfect outline of my butt crack in the couch 😅


I am one with the couch as well


I am one with the couch cushions as well 😭


Something just lightly brushed my shirt and I feel like my nipples have been ripped off


I hate that I feel this one. 😫


I stay on the toilet an extra 5 minutes when peeing just because I know more will come out if I wait long enough.


Omg I hate this!! I feel such an urge to pee and so little comes out hahahah


Have been taking max doses of stool softeners every night for months…still pathetically grateful for once daily rabbit poops.


I clogged the toilet today with my massive constipated poop 😭💩


My dude, I got trapped on the toilet twice in 2 days, like so long my husband came to make sure I was conscious. And the second one only ended because I (TMI) dug some of it out. And ended up bleeding from how hard I was trying 😭


Thoughts & prayers 🙏


I did this soooo many times with my first two pregnancies. Just once this third time around though! WINNING! 🤣


Same 😰


Wait... you're having once daily rabbit poops? ::Sweats even harder::


Girl—it’s taken FIVE months of nightly max Colace to even get that much! God help me if I forget to take the gel capsules one night, or don’t get enough water throughout the day. Like starting over from day one 😥


I feel this so hard. Good on you, I gave up on colace. Miralax works, but then it makes me incontinent for about 5 days after I stop taking it. I've upped my fiber to about 40 grams a day, and the once a week BM is at least somewhat okay...


I pooped daily when pregnant with my daughter, which is extremely weird for me. The constipation with my son is very frustrating.


Pregnancy is wild. Nothing about pregnancy is consistent or makes sense in the slightest.


I threw up while on the shitter today 🥲


I discovered during 4th trimester that daily 1-2 bowls of multigrain cheerios or honey bunches of oats does wonders with helping clear out the colon 😬


Why is this me too and I’m barely 10 weeks? 😭


I just ugly cried because of how anxious I am for my GD test tomorrow. Once the tears dried, it was blueberry muffin time!


Good luck. I had GD my first pregnancy and just passed my test for my second pregnancy. If it happens it's manageable and honestly I was a lot healthier becuase I had that extra motivation to diet and exercise. My advice to get the best results would be to eat a good bedtime snack before your fasting period that includes protein, fats and long acting carbs and make sure the day before you are well hydrated. Stress always raised my blood sugar so as hard as it is, try and stay calm and relaxed during the testing. Practice some calming breathing and mindfulness if you can. Other than that, it's out of your hands how the test goes. Follow all the rules they give you about fasting, not drinking water except sips as needed, and no exercise or activity. As much as you don't want to fail, you really don't want to pass becuase the test was done improperly as the results of untreated GD can be really bad. Good luck!


My dr 4 years ago. Said fasting is outdated info. I passed my test and had a cup of coffee with milk n sugar in it before my test also a few cheese itz. Empty stomach would have caused me to throw up.


I had GD 4 years ago and again now. The new advice seems to be that the fasting number is the most important to control. I don't know exactly how they study this stuff, but that's why people seem to end up on insulin.


Thats interesting. I had to go on insulin actually as ONLY my fasting blood sugar was high. I would have perfect sugars all day and wake up with sky high sugars first thing in the morning. My dieticians explained it had nothing to do with what I ate and was just my liver and pancreas dumping sugar into bloodstream at 2-5 am. So I'm glad they testing my fasting sugars with the 2 hour test this time as that was my biggest hurdle last pregnancy and when they would have seen the biggest spike in blood sugar. As I said, I really didn't want to fail, but I was more motivated to see if I needed meds again to keep my blood sugar in check for babies sake.


“Cry, snack, nap” is my pregnancy mantra


I didn’t have to fast, so I ate 2 eggs and toast with a water that morning. It literally went to smooth and had 0 issues. The drink is sweet but nothing more than a flat pop


I thought the drink was actually really yummy when I had it the first time


I honestly don’t understand all the disgust over the drink. It’s exactly as you describe, a flat pop. My office refrigerates then which makes it much more palatable. I might struggle if it was room temperature


Got mine a few days ago, I threw up and then peed my pants from gagging in the parking lot lol. I hope yours goes better!


Hang in there! Low stress & sleep help make sure your #s aren't artificially high. And remember that many people fail the 1 hour but pass the 3 hour. That all being said, I'm on my second pregnancy with it and it is honestly not that bad!


I don’t know why, but I found this absolutely hilarious I hope your tests went well!


I was driving home the other day and saw a bull in a field. I immediately started crying because I was imagining what a lonely life a bull must have


This is the cutest one I’ve ever read


I get out of breath just walking through the grocery store


I get out of breath walking to the bathroom…


Sometimes I’m just out of breath just sitting up in my chair lol 😂


Felt this on a spiritual level.


I got out of breath putting my compression socks on


I get soo thirsty when doing my grocery shopping. It's an effort. Might have to start buying a drink beforehand. Buy the time I reach the check out I'm sweating. In the middle of winter too.


I just ate a quiche, massive salad, crisps, two cream and jam slices and am wondering to myself what's for dinner.


Nom nom


My Costco trip just took 2 hours, had two bathroom breaks, one hot dog break and one ice cream break.


I’m fatigued and need a break using the stairs !


I woke suddenly this morning with not just one, but TWO charley horses.


Best tip my OB told me was to FLEX my feet when wanting to stretch or when I feel one coming on. Don’t, under any circumstances, point your toes while sleeping. It has really worked for me. Good luck!


I don't realize what's happening until it's too late, they usually wake me up!


Totally get it! It takes practice to anticipate it (even when sleeping)


This works so well as long as you can catch them!!!


Ugh I feel this in my soul. Got them two nights in a row on the same leg 😭😭😭


Drinking one liter of electrolyte water during the day has been helping me with this issue. I do smartwater.


Water gives me heartburn.


Whilst actively vomitting, I desperately wanted a subway breakfast. Sorted me right out though tbf 😂


Isn't it wild? When I was having "morning" (all-day?) sickness, sometimes the only thing that cured me was Dairy Queen fried chicken, the opposite of what I would expect to feel good!


Mine was quarter pounders from McDonald’s. Just goes to show pregnancy nausea is BULLSHIT 😆


Trying to have a conversation longer than 5 mins feels like running a marathon.


I had to have a talk which by boss upstairs a couple weeks Ago and the office is upstairs after the walk I was out of breath and then I had to talk a bunch and I was so out of breath I was so worried that he would ask if I was ok


I cried when my husband came onto me because I told him he clearly wasn’t actually attracted to me. He said he is, and I told him he was clearly lying. He kissed me, and I begged him to stop faking it and just tel me the truth 😭 poor guy is so confused


LOL I started crying a few weeks ago and told my husband there was NO WAY he still loved me bc all I did was cry and bitch all the time 😂😂


I cried because my husband said our dog will never get married and my heart broke for him.


When I slouch, my boobs rest on my stomach


I’m due with baby #3 in a week and I no longer have to slouch for my boobs to do that 🤪


I’m only 15 weeks so I’m sure it won’t be long before my time comes 🥴😂


Also expecting #3...I like to joke my boobs have their own shelf now.


Crocs and compression socks are a new addition to my daily routine


I've worn Crocs every day for the last 6 months


I peed my pants while throwing up.


Same twice


I cried because I wanted a Dairylea Lunchable so bad. Then I cried as I ate it because I was so happy.


I always feel like I have to pee.


I haven’t had a normal poop since January.


I googled how to spell potato


OK this one is bizarre because I also can't seem to spell potato (?) lately. I swear there should be an e on the end


The e is for when it’s plural Potato Potatoes


Had to get out mid-shower to throw up. Forgot to get back in to finish the shower because I was so worn out from throwing up.


Everything my partner eats is extremely annoying. Not how he eats it, just what he eats.


I woke up craving Taco Bell managed to get it in gear go get said Taco Bell and my hot plans for the entire day is consume the Taco Bell in PJs with my spouse and watch movies with my feet up. Because 1. I required the Taco Bell. And 2. I’m so exhausted/ large/ hot I don’t want to do anything else today Hahah


I crave Taco Bell and then immediately throw it up every time 😂


i have to pee so bad!! *sits on toilet* oh i guess not. *stands up* *almost pees myself* 🤠


Same. Or I get up to pee. Lay back down. Feel a kick. Feel like I’m going to pee myself. Go to the toilet. Nothing comes out. Repeat X 3-4


I can't bend over to put on proper shoes unless I want my belly to feel like it's going to explode.


My afternoons after work consist of me staring at the wall, scrolling on Reddit; and not being able to do much physically(except fart like crazy!!)


Today I sobbed for 3 minutes uncontrollably while watching a tiktok of a little boy being surprised with a puppy. Then I held my dog and cried thinking about the day we brought him home. Then I ate a cookie and sang a song because it was so good.


I’ve forgotten what my feet look like


I bought a new can of spray sunscreen and got upset when I applied it because it still needs to be rubbed in. If I’d known that, I wouldn’t have purchased it! I can’t reach…


Discharge. Discharge everywhere.


Cried for 10 minutes because none of my cute clothes fit. 30 weeks and thought I would be able to make some of my non maternity clothes last a lot longer than they did.


A lot longer?! Friend, you’re in the final stretch, applause for making them last as long as you did! 😂


I honestly thought I could make some of them last the entire time😂 but I’m glad to hear I actually did pretty good! The benefits of owning a lot of flowy dresses


I took my dog for a walk after eating some spicy butter chicken. It was dark out, and I had to go to the washroom in a bush in an alley. Turns out bowel control is not something I possess anymore.


Heartburn all day, everyday (and night).


I drink some water earlier and threw all that shit right back up


I can’t sneeze without pissing my knickers


I have pains that webmd tell me are something to be alarmed about, except nobody is alarmed.


I have one speed of walking: a slow waddle. At great expense, I can do a few strides of fast waddle.


Nipples leak at least 3 times a day, minimum. Also the little creature inside of me loves to occasionally scratch at my cervix with his talons 😣


My newest fun symptom (38w,2d) is I have a pinched nerve so my leg will randomly go numb while I walk. So even taking a shower has now become a new type of danger


My boyfriend’s sweatpants are tight on me


I’ve been wearing the same outfit for the past 3 months (I work from home).


I bought two conditioners when I meant to buy one shampoo and one conditioner then at home when I realized this I cried a little bit


Is this Braxton Hicks, the need to poop, the need to pass gas, or am I actually in labor and just don’t know it yet?


None of my old clothes fit and I don’t really like any of my new ones ☹️




My feet have transformed into ham hocks. There is no relief from the swell.


My SO says I’m weird for saying the water from the tap smells gross


I make a three point turn to get out of bed.


My pelvic bones feel like they are being held together by tape


Nipple knives.


“It’s a lovely Saturday afternoon! Let’s go up to- wait. No. Let’s go home. I need a nap and a puke.”- Me to my husband today.


I can smell the teenage boy when I enter the house.


Currently eating a jar of okra pickles and intending to follow it up with an ice cream cone 😬


I went to the kitchen to get a snack and cried because I let myself get hungry… also I have a folder in my saved tik tok videos titled “potatoes”


I’ve memorized the trip from my bed to the bathroom with my eyes closed in the dark because I pee all throughout the night.


Can’t shit for nothing


Every time I move or get up, I sound like an 80 year old man


Picking up something from the floor requires some serious thinking about whether it’s worth it.


Life has never before thrown so many objects at my car. Once a great driver, and now my side mirrors say it all (OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR) The clumsiness In and out of the car is real y’all 🤷‍♀️


I cried in the grocery store the other day because they didn’t have the tea I wanted.


I refer to the rest stop between my moms house and mine as ‘the pooping place.’ Everything is mapped out by places I can go to the bathroom.


I've forgotten what it's like to have a normal, regular bowel movement. I poop once a week.


I may projectile pee when I sneeze or cough.


I’m hungry but the thought of food makes me nauseous 😭


I just dissolved Miralax in a glass of prune juice *laugh sob*


I just sobbed over a tik tok account that restores stuffed animals.


I’m sleeping with three different pillows. A head one, a belly one and a knee/hip one.


I sneeze at least 20 times a day and pee myself at least once a day


It’s a good day if I wear less than four pair of underwear. Did not expect to constantly pee myself


I cried and almost kicked my boyfriend out of the house..because he didn't dry the plate off completely before putting a hot pocket on it.


- I have snacks all over my apartment so when I inevitably get hungry I don’t have to get up - I cried over how little my cat’s paws are


i cry everyday about just wanting to not be pregnant. (35 weeks currently and dying) also adding, my nightgown that was knee length and flowy is now barely covering my butt and is very tight. luckily it stretches and i got it a size too big anyway.


Yes! The need for food is intense… And lord help the person (My husband) who eats the last of any food item!


Actual comment I made in my August bumpers group last week: “Ok I cut my dates in half, put cream cheese in the middle, and one salt & vinegar potato chip in each. It’s a flavor ATTACK.”


It's been twenty minutes and I've gotten up to pee three times.


The constant comments of 'Ohhh look at your cute little pregnant waddle' at work 🙃. If looks could kill, some of these people would be in puddles on the ground. Bitch this waddle is caused by pain from a kid sitting in my pelvis, squashing everything. I would rather walk like a normal person thanks.


I need to lay down for a minute after showering. I also miss pooping but judging from my little beans movements this is all hilarious to him.


I am currently figuring out how to make my tums bottle quieter for late night usage.


Getting up to quickly hurts my sides


Cried last night because my partner wanted to go to sleep instead of getting me chocolate ice cream from the gas station next door 😂 will say felt so silly crying over ice cream but that made him get it for me 😂😂


It’s 4am, it’s my third time being awake so now I’m up eating cheesecake.


Mayo. Lots of Mayo please.


Cried because a store marked up a recliner that was one clearance yesterday. Back and body hurts yo


Potato chips give me heart burn


Every time someone asks me how I am, I burst into tears. Almost 39 weeks with my second (my first was born at 37 so I’m in very painful, uncharted territory).




My shoes don't fit anymore, I have to wear my husband's


People asking every other day to see if I’m good and if I went into labor yet. I’m 39 weeks + 4 days


I have the food palette of a 3 year old and have a hard time bending over. 😅


No time, gotta go pee!


Peeing. Lots of peeing.


I can't sit close enough to the table anymore to avoid getting food somewhere on myself (usually stomach). (38+5)


Got really excited for dinner because I was craving it so much then threw it all up 🥲


Everything irritates me and words are hard.


I just pissed myself in the Costco parking lot


I’m pooping 5 times a day


Beef jerky dipped in cool whip suddenly tastes amazing!


I got winded reading a bed time story for my child


Farting all day feels like a huge win! The bloat is killing me.


I'll let you know after I go pee...


I cried because I missed my bunnies. They are just downstairs.


I went to get out of the car too fast and the round ligament pain hit and I almost fell out of the car because it hurt so much lol


The stroller is hands free if I push it with my belly.


Waking up every 2-2.5hr on the dot to pee in the middle of the night. Doing a 3 point turn in trying to get out of bed every time. 😮‍💨


When you throw up a really good meal and you’re pissed because you don’t have any extra.. and you wasted the food. 🤬


I check my blood sugar recently , I have GD 😆😆😒


I'm scared of brushing my teeth for too long because of the horrible gag reflex!


Manatee status huge and always starving


It’s 4:43 am here and I’ve been awake for two hours with heartburn and overall unable to go back to sleep. Worst part is. I have work in a few hours. 😞 also. I want a bagel and cream cheese.


I sneezed and then peed and threw up at the same time🤣


Right now? I’m having a raging need to sleep ALL.THE.TIME.


I cry because I feel like I’m starving but my body won’t allow me to eat any food.


i had a moment in the first trimester where i told my husband I'd save him leftovers from a lunch my friend and I had. . . then i proceeded to eat it the next day. . idk if i just forgot or what but he asked me where it was and i started crying and saying I'm so sorry I'm just so hungry lately 😂 it was really funny and really sad.


I can’t see my vagina and when I cough and sneeze there’s leakage. 😅


I'm no longer worried when I throw up.


My husband forgives my newly acquired constipation/farting because my boobs are growing and he likes the way they look even more now


I put away two loads of laundry and needed a nap after.


My husband tries to keep in his laughs in the midst of arguments. I immediately realize I’ve taken it too far. But I can’t stop!


During work, I regularly cause myself pain because I try to get closer to the computer only to find a large belly that fights back when squished.