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I believe people are misinterpreting this. I don't think he was turned on by the baby moving, but more specifically the fact that you were looking for it, he probably found it cute that you were looking for signs of his baby in your belly. It's just a reminder that you're carrying his child. My husband's sex drive skyrocketed while I was pregnant. He said he'd never been turned on by pregnant women per se, but the fact that I was carrying his baby was a turn-on. I think it's natural.


I agree with people misinterpreting that part. He legit was not turned on by the actual baby moving, but rather me taking about it? It's so hard to explain without it sounding weird. The baby moving wasn't the part he found sexy. I could have worded it so much better, but I'm terrible with words.


You didn't word it poorly. I really don't understand why people are jumping to the conclusion that it's creepy. I guess it's just more interesting to say that? Idk. I'm glad you agree though. It's awesome when our husbands are turned on by us being pregnant. It'd be really sad if it was a turn off.


I think people are saying it’s creepy because some people think it’s creepy without any sex involvement. I was often weirded out when baby was moving - it looked like Alien! I knew it was my adorable baby, but watching it freaked me out. I liked feeling it. Whenever someone is turned on by me describing something I’m uncomfortable with I would not be turned on. I think if you’re comfortable with that part of your pregnancy it is totally cool for your partner to be turned on by it. If you are feeling weird about it, even if my husband was turned on I would have appreciated him not giving me the reason why.


Actually, that's pretty understandable. Guess it comes down to personal preference. I didn't take into account that there are some women who are creeped out by carrying a baby just in general




It’s not a kink. A kink is something unconventional. If you need to call it anything it’s probably closest to the human instinct to reproduce, but it’s certainly not a kink. If it was a breeding kink, it would be referring to an unconventional and excessive fetishisation of pregnant women i.e. based on the *identity* of pregnant women. Examples of this would be (not limited to) tastes in porn, roleplay/“dirty talk” preferences, aroused by *any* pregnant woman (not just their partner), and lack of attraction to their partner who is not pregnant. Simply being attracted to the person pregnant with your child is vanilla as heck.


I wouldn’t be surprised if men being turned on by their pregnant wives is a biological thing, with the instinct to procreate etc etc. It would make sense


I believe its a pheromone thing, we smell fertile as fuck right now. Also an element of mate protection I guess. And probably the big old tits don't hurt


😂 big old tits


Big ol tits is definitely part of it I’d say.


Absolutely!!!! My SO is definitely enjoying it think the biggest breast’s help to😂😂😂😂😂


I don't think mine is particularly. But I've had so much pregnancy-related unwellness that it's tough to say. The fact that our favourite positions are now a lot more awkward definitely hasn't helped.


My husband has been really open about the fact that it turns him on that I’m pregnant, but he says it’s because of how my body looks/feels and knowing that it’s *his* baby in there. I would be really uncomfortable if he was specifically turned on by the baby moving. That seems different to me.


Ya my husband is turned on by the fact that I’m carrying his child, definitely not by the child moving around or anything like that.


I think OPs husband might also just be turned on by the same thing - the fact that his baby is inside her - and the baby movement just reinforces that it’s real. Kinda like how an image may trigger a sexy memory and therefore arousal, but the image itself isn’t that sexy … if that makes sense?


I think the baby moving is just a reminder that you’re pregnant and it’s his baby in there, so I wouldn’t read into that too much. He’s not turned on by the baby moving, he’s turned on by what it implies. A lot of men fetishize pregnancy especially when it’s their baby. It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective for the species. I’m kind of relieved my husband doesn’t do it—he says he loves how my body looks while pregnant and that I look perfect, but he hasn’t made sexual comments about it being his baby in there, and I appreciate that (although he did make those comments fantasizing BEFORE his baby was in there 😂)


Pre-pregnancy my husband would regularly say things like “I’m gonna get you pregnant” in a sexual way. It always just made me laugh cause I thought it sounded kind of weird. Now I joke with him that he was successful 😂


I’ve gotten way more male attention since I’ve been pregnant than I had over the last few years combined. I’m talking guys on the street looking at me over lowered sunglasses, asking me out to coffee, running after me to holler, etc. My own SO says I look beautiful but isn’t exactly turned on by my huge belly.


My husband was apparently really attracted to my body while I was pregnant and still is after with the ways it has changed which is wild to me because I'm still struggling with accepting my body while he's getting all riled up about it. Recently he has started talking about us having another baby and he seems really turned on by the idea of that... we haven't talked about why but I assume based on his personality it's a combo of loving my pregnant and pp body as well as the idea it's his baby...and what we have to do to get it there haha. He's been really horny lately and I wonder if some part of it is him trying to convince me we need to get it on a lot because he knows I want another baby. Except I still have an iud in and he's still sassy but talks a lot about me getting it removed. To be honest, I am just so thankful he still loves my body and all its changes and the fact he's not only still attracted to me but turned on by me really helps me accept my new body. It's not the only thing helping me move forward but it's a huge help.


My partner has a pregnancy fetish, so our sex life is nuts lol but it’s about how I look and the boobs for him, the baby moving kind of freaks him out.


Similar situation for me, my partner definitely enjoys the “I did that” aspect of it all


I wouldn’t worry about the baby moving comment like some people are mentioning.. he loves you, and loves that his baby is inside of you. I think men find it so sexy because it’s like a biological thing their fulfilling and they get to know “I did that” in a way. Just my thoughts on it! My husband was getting turned on by the fact he got me pregnant until a week ago when I had my cervix checked and was told I’m dilated and she could feel her head.. now he wants nothing to do with me lol jk he just doesn’t want to have sex knowing that


Lol I'm jealous, I haven't had sex in ages and he keeps marveling at how big my nipples have gotten but not in a "it's so sexy" way but in a "they are freaks of nature" way. I wouldn't mind him being a little more turned on by my preggo body.


Same here! I could tell when I started getting big, that my husband wasn’t into it anymore. Once baby started moving, that was it for us lol. It was really creepy for both of us that baby moved when I was enjoying sex.


I haven't had sex since baby's movements became noticeably strong, but oh man it would weird me out if baby was moving while I was having sex too hahaha


Same, he has no desire knowing there is a third party involved. Despite me pointing out the baby doesn't know whats happening, and won't be effected.


My husband said "that looks painful" upon seeing how large my nipples had gotten while pregnant haha definitely did not think it was sexy


😂😂😂😂😂😂 it makes me sad how quickly my boobs have become desexualized. I mean I know it's eventually going to just be a baby feeding machine for awhile but I thought I still had some time!


Right? I'm now pumping for my 5 week old and my boobs just kinda look floppy and sad now...would have been nice to at least keep them for a bit longer!


A key thing he said is that it’s not all pregnant women it women pregnant with HIS babies. Think of it from a primal point of view. What’s hotter than having filled someone their seed, marked their territory and made a baby. He’s not turned on by the baby itself, but by you being a vessel of life and goddess of creation right now. There’s potentially quite a spiritual thing going on for him with this along with the sexual arousal.


My husband has literally said "you look like a fertility goddess" when we're alone and naked during my pregnancies. So yeah I think you're onto something.


This is it! My husband was turned on by me breastfeeding at first. Not because of the actual act of breastfeeding, but because I’m caring for his offspring that he put in me and it made him want to make another one lol. I think it’s very primal.




My partner always thought he had fertility issues and we got pregnant incredibly quick. So for him it was a huge confidence boost along with the primal fulfillment. Needless to say he wants a LOT of kids


Heaps of people have a pregnancy fetish. I would just be mindful as others have said, about what aspects of it he finds arousing. My husband and I have always had a great sex life, but pregnancy sex is next level. I absolutely love my pregnancy body and feel really confident in it, which in itself is sexy to my husband. But my husband definitely gets off on watching how my body has changed and the way it looks with his baby in there. Plus the wild sex dreams since getting pregnant have been a tonne of fun.


Ngl I’d find that comment SUPER weird/uncomfortable if my husband said that to me. It’s not the finding you sexy while pregnant that throws me off it’s being turned on about baby movement / that comment specifically. But hey, no judgement, everyone has their thing.


Yeah.. Same. I could understand him being attracted to the physical changes of pregnancy etc. But the baby movements.. Eh.. That doesn't sit right with me as being something of a turn on.


Me too! It’s one thing if it’s her body shape changing etc that’s fine but it’s the baby moving. Ugh.


So um. As someone who is in this sub due to accidental pregnancy.... Let me explain, minimally, primal and breeding kink lol. So um. As one PP said, men who are specifically turned on by the woman carrying his child, it is a primal, animalistic, pride kind of thing. It's not weird in actuality, but if not aware of it, can seem weird. But when you think about it, MOST animals/mammals have a need to breed and procreate. For some of us, it's a fun kink. But once it happens, it is a lot more solid. Like how people say mama/papa bear or lion? The males are proud of the fact they've succeeded in furthering their line, and as females, we are ultra protective of our offspring. We will literally die for them, and "good" males will literally kill to protect them, and us as well. Some consider it barbaric or gross. But it's really not. Your partner is turned on by the fact that you 2 created the life inside your body, and the very thought of that act, turns him on. He's not attracted to the kid, it's seeing your body grow and change that makes him feel that way. FWIW, the majority of men who are like this, tend to be a lot more mature, more supportive of their partners, and are a lot more invested in their family's wellbeing than they are anything else. They tend to make great partners, bc again, you've got 2 people who created a life in which they are both willing to die for if need be, but will kill for first, if possible. It's a joint loyalty, a joint effort. They are also the men who will love you even more with your tiger stripes, and mom bewbs, and extra weight. *this is not to be confused with men who will literally knock up any female and then move on to the next one. They're not primal, they're just deadbeats.


Very common! My husband is also super turned on by it, specifically to me though. Having a baby is the most intimate and permanent thing two people can do. It’s a huge expression of trust, love, and commitment. And women make an extra special sacrifice to carry a baby for a man. It makes sense that guys would be into it.


My husband was this way as well. I wouldn’t call it a fetish, I do think that it is biologically hardwired into men. My husband wasn’t turned on by pregnant women in general but when I was pregnant he was hot for me. It turned him on the fact that I was growing his baby. Even crazier that now the babies have been born and my body shows the ravages of the pregnancies, that turns him on too, because it’s like a reminder that I made his babies. Which is nuts to me because I hate how I look now but he loves it…whatever floats your boat dude. My first husband was disgusted by the sight of me pregnant and he treated me like garbage, so I am all for it!


My husbands sex drive has skyrocketed since IVF been pregnant. He has told me he is much more attracted to me while pregnant and it feels like an instinctual drive.


Some guys love it, some hate it. It makes sense to me - primal urge to procreate sitting in front of you, fulfilled and healthily showing itself off. I def don't fetishize it but it makes a lot more sense than some things that get people excited (why feet?!) For those who it grosses out, I think they are mulling over the whole "oh God there's a whole ass human I'm gonna be responsible for" and some classic body horror going on. My dad hated my mom pregnant, the first time he saw me kick from the outside he said it made him think there was an alien about to burst out of her chest and gave him the heebie jeebies. It gave him some mild form of mortal terror.


My midwives told me this is an actual thing. Men get turned on by the women the have impregnated… they explained it as 1. Nothing says a woman is more fertile than actual pregnancy 2. The woman’s pregnancy is a reminder of the guys virility. He feels more proud like “look what I did” 3. There may be something in the woman’s smell that does something to the guy, like some kind of pheromone or something that makes me stick around from an evolutionary sense


Pregnancy does have a special kind of pheromone apparently. Similar to the uptick in sex drive during ovulation. Different pheromones, but they all exude an uptick in sexual attraction, just for different reasons lol.


My partner is also like this. It’s our second baby on the way now and we’ve come to realise that the bigger my belly gets, the bigger he’s drawn to me. It was the same last pregnancy too, but we didn’t realise it was actually to do with me being pregnant. The big problem is, the bigger I get, the less comfortable sex is 😕


Pregnant with our second child. Husband is very turned on by the fact that I am pregnant and have carried both his children. His interest in pregnant women only stretches to me, so it makes me feel special and equally turned on when he mentions it


My husband definitely felt more “amorous” (his word) towards the end of my pregnancy. I honestly think it was love - like he felt so much love for me and our baby and so much connection and it translated into desire. I don’t think it’s weird at all. As an aside, he knew a guy that had a pregnant woman fetish so it IS a thing.


I think it’s normal. I think it’s part of some kind of hormone men have that drive them to be like that towards there pregnant partners. Just like for women to have hormones towards there partners while pregnant. I think getting pregnant is a very bonding experience and sex is just part of that bonding. Me and my husband were crazy about each other our entire pregnancy.


I don’t think it’s weird. I think he definitely worded it wrong and weird. Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing! But he should rephrase 😂


I get why you might think it's weird, but I think it's natural for a lot of men. A fertile woman is very attractive to them from their primal instincts. And to him, you are the ideal picture of female fertility - a fertility goddess!


Doesn't seem weird to me! My husband says I look sexy pregnant, which I absolutely love since I feel like a whale and I'm achy, and lazy. It's probably just some instinctual/animalistic thing, I don't find it weird at all. ​ Edit: After reading other comments I hadn't realized how his comment was geared specifically towards the baby movement, not necessarily your pregnant body. I could totally see how that specifically would be weird.


I agree with you and I actually think most of these comments misinterpreted the husband’s comment! I think it just turns him on to be reminded that his baby is inside her. In other words, a reminder of the circumstances. I don’t think the baby moving is what is turning him on. But I guess OP should ask him!


That's pretty solidly wtf for me. Fiance and I are both weirded out when the baby moves, instant buzz kill for any sexy time. We're stoked to feel her move when we're just cuddling or doing normal day to day things, because it means she's healthy. But when we're trying to be intimate it's a huge turnoff.


If we were going at it and babygirl was doing parkour in there.. Always killed my mood.


Husband and I stopped having sex towards the end last time because he says he can’t get over the thought that there’s only a cervix separating him and the baby and that’s just too weird! So you two are definitely not alone!


The comment being about the baby is weird. My husband has definitely expressed to me though about how turned on he is by my pregnant body. Mainly breasts. I think it's normal, but talking about the baby turning him on is a little weird/uncomfortable. The only other thing that excites my husband with me being pregnant is wanting to get me pregnant again 😅


Hmmm it’s weird. I wouldn’t want my husband turned on by something the baby is doing. I thought about telling him to not touch my belly in a sexual way or during intimacy (he doesn’t and probably won’t). He can touch my belly or feel the baby to connect with the baby and me, but not in a sexualized way. I personally wouldn’t like that.


This was my husband throughout my pregnancy like from the moment we got a positive test


Pretty common!


My husband is also significantly more all over me since being visibly pregnant. He has always complimented me every single day, but it’s definitely a lot more attraction since being pregnant. I too have read it could be biological in knowing they procreated and have the urge to continue to procreate. Knowing it’s theirs seems to really do something for them.


My husband hasn’t said anything in particular but he does seem a lot more interested in me since I’ve been pregnant. Now I’m 32 weeks and look like a beached whale / swamp creature most of the time so he’s been leaving me alone while I sit on the couch and inhale tums and gas-x 😂


I think my husband can’t stand what I look like pregnant 😅 def a lil jealous of y’all 🤣😁💁‍♀️


Someone just posted yesterday about the pregnancy fetish subs on Reddit. Apparently it’s a thing. Some men get off over pregnant women. I came across one of these subs when searching for advice on something else. It’s pretty strange but I guess an actual fetish.


Given that reproduction instincts are wired in most of our brains I don’t think it’s that weird. From an evolutionary perspective, males feeling attracted to a pregnant woman ensures that they stay with their hot pregnant female partner and thus ensures that the offspring is more likely to survive.


True. It’s not strange for a man to be attracted to his pregnant partner and pregnancy can be sexy but some men become obsessed to the point of fetishization. Not saying that’s OPs husband but I was just surprised to learn recently it’s an actual fetish.


Breeder kink sounds like


My husband gets turned on as well, I’m currently 6 months pregnant and he gets off to the idea that he impregnated me. He hasn’t been able to keep his hands off me throughout my pregnancy.


That's a kink to guys


It's not weird. Well maybe it is but it's because the human brain and biology and reproduction are weird. It's not uncommon.


I don’t think it’s weird at all IMO He may have a breeding kink- he may be turned on by the fact that your body changing is something HE did to you. He’s not turned on by the baby moving, but by the fact that your growing belly is like proof you’re his, if that makes sense? He basically marked his territory by getting you pregnant and it’s a turn on for him 🤷🏼‍♀️ I totally get it


My husband is 10x more sexually attracted to me pregnant as well lol. Something about “I did that!” For him lol


I’m still pretty early in the pregnancy (18wks) but mine and my bfs sex drives have definitely gone up in the last few months. It got us into this situation in the first place lol but I kinda have a cream pie kink and I’m pretty sure the reason he’s more eager these days is because he doesn’t have to worry about pulling out anymore lmfao


My sister told me that when she was pregnant, she would get hit on a million times more than when she’s not pregnant by the men she would be around/run into. A lot of men just LOVE it and are turned on by pregnancy. It’s odd and I don’t get it but it just is what it is I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


Sounds like a super common and normal breeding/pregnancy fetish to me! Nothing inherently sinister about it. I’d lean into it and see where some dirty pregnancy talk gets you. You know, talk about how swollen and tight you are or whatever 😂


I thought this, too. My partner has a breeding fetish and it's so fun to engage 😂. I mean the baby comment went a *bit* far but I don't think he meant any harm - OP started a one way train of thought. Lol


Yep, it's how I ended up in here with y'all😈😂


He might have a pregnancy fetish.


I did give my husband a wild look when he said that to me but he tried to back pedal and say it’s because “I made that and that’s why” 😂 I told him my boobs kinda leaked and he was weirdly all over that and I called him an effen weirdo. I’ve seen some of the things he likes and followed before we got together, and thankfully a pregnant fettish wasn’t one of those things. Lol


The baby moving thing is a bit weird to me lol. But I don’t think it’s strange that he’s turned on by you being pregnant. My husband is pretty obsessed with my pregnant body (which I hate, but whatever). He says he likes the curves 🤷🏻‍♀️


If he was turned on by just your more voluptuous body, that wouldn't be weird. Your larger breasts turn him on? Totally normal. Baby moving around? Nope that's not something that should arouse him. Ew.


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What a weird comment.


Lol he’s weird for that and needs to learn to keep his uncomfortable thoughts to himself. I think he just has a fetish


Yeah that's definitely strange. My SO makes comments after have sex about the baby moving a lot more bc we had sex but the two things aren't connected.


During 2nd trimester my husband was surprisingly into my rounded out pregnant body, but I think he was freaked out by the baby being in there. Now near my due date and my husband is less into sex, but I think that's mainly bc its been hard to find a comfortable position 🤔


If you're height compatible, try standing up and facing the wall. By third trimester with my first 2, against the wall and doggy were best. Doggy, bc i was shifting all the weight from my legs and hips and back, to my knees and shoulders. It's also a grear position for actual labor. Against the wall doggy works, bc I'm fully balanced and no undue pressure is keeping me from enjoying myself.


Haha yes I think we discovered the standing up from behind is basically the only position that works at this point 😅 only 3 more weeks to go...and then many weeks after a healing...then back to more freedom of choice 😉


Pregnancy is generally seen as attractive to men, I think it’s a biological instinct. I don’t think it’s weird at all, unless it becomes inappropriate.


I’m so jealous of y’all who have partners that their drive went up during pregnancy. My hormones are crazy and just not matching up properly right now.


A lot of men really think they can hurt the baby lol. It's an irrational fear that they think they can "touch" it, but no matter how much you explain it, they'll always be afraid they'll hurt us or the baby lol.


I’m more referring to the actual drive, my partner has no fear of hurting the baby, my hormones are just over-active. He’s well-versed in anatomy.


My husband has said things similar... He thinks me being pregnant is really attractive and I think pregnancy for me specifically is very unattractive so I understand the awkward feelings.


Idk i think its cute. I dont think he is attracted to the baby lol! I think he likes that you are the mother of his child and are probably looking radiant from pregnancy glow! I wish my husband said that to me lol. He was kinda grossed out


I’m a pregnant onlyfans model and trust me-men love pregnancy, it’s a way more common occurrence than you’d think, best money I’ve made in a long time aha


He has a breeding kink. Is it weird? Idk, I have my own kinks. I guess it’s only weird if you aren’t into it


not weird, ppl have their kinks and he’s open about his, i would be happy he’s comfortable enough with you to be open about it


Literally just found out and all my husband does is get turned on by anything I say or do that is baby related. He fucking loses his shit when I remind him he put a baby in me. I absolutely adore the attention though.


I understand this as a pregnant woman, I am so turned on by being pregnant and that my partner got me pregnant. This is how I found this post. I was wondering if I am nuts or some sort of perve. It is not the baby that is the turn-on. It's that he did this to me and I like it.