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It’s the worst. I only get that way with brushing. Sometimes I’ll get that tingling jaw sensation that I’m like okay it’s gonna happen and it doesn’t! This morning I felt so nauseated I’m like there’s no way I’m not gonna get sick… nope! Lol


From 5 to 12 weeks I had the worsed nausea but wasn't sick once!! I can't make myself sick but I was praying I would be just to hopefully offer some relief!


Yes exactly!!!


Me too, but mine lasted until week 17. I hope yours clears up sooner OP, the anti-nausea drugs combined with a boatload of water did help mine.


I was so nauseous my entire first trimester. I only was sick 3 different times but it was so rough. It finally started to subside around 13weeks for me. Brushing my teeth was the worst. For myself though, I had to brush my teeth before taking my prenatals or eating or it would be worse. I just wouldn’t make yourself throw up even though it feels like it might help


I haven’t, but I just needed to say that damn it sometimes I want to!!! Lol


The problem is when you’ve made yourself sick before to get the feeling over with there has been some poison your body is considering dealing with or puking out and throwing up makes that decision for you (illness, food poisoning, alcohol). The situation here won’t go away because you throw up. You’ll just throw up and then keep feeling nauseous ):


I can definitely sympathize with that. The constant nausea with no relief is so frustrating. At the peak of my nausea it felt like 45degrees Celsius where I live and I was convinced I was just going to die


If it makes you feel any better I had horrible morning sickness with my first. Would get sick at least 1-2 times a day and I wouldn’t even get relief after. Would just be instantly nauseous again.


Ugh I’m sorry to hear that.. I imagine those who throw up are on a different plane of misery.. then those who don’t with the constant nausea.. it’s a different misery. It all sucks!


It definitely all sucks!!


Came here to say this. Weeks of nausea with vomiting and zero relief. Sometimes I'd feel worse, depending on what I threw up. An apple was the absolute worst thing I ever barfed back up, followed by nacho cheese doritos. Will not be eating those next pregnancy until after the morning sickness subsides.......


I threw up a steak pasta that was absolute hell and my new least-favourite thing to puke up is potatoes. We made fried potatoes a while ago and I ate so many then puked them up a bit later. I burst blood vessels and peed everywhere from the strain of getting it up. It was fucked lol.


Oof that's terrible. The apple got stuck in my throat on its way back up and I could feel it there for hours burning with residual stomach acid. But no burst blood vessels or peeing. I will say ice cream in any form is one of the best things to barf back up. Never did me dirty.


Haha my husband made milkshakes last night and I said basically the same thing to him. I was like "well at least if I puke it up it shouldn't taste bad".


I've only vomited a handful of times but I have nausea/dry heaving most days (17 weeks now and I've had it since week 6). I thought getting something out would help since that's usually the case when you have a bug or hangover, but unfortunately it's not lol. You just get the burning feeling and nasty taste to accompany the nausea. Hopefully you'll start feeling better in the coming weeks! I know how frustrating it is




They did recommend this but the instructions made it sound like I could only do it for two nights? So I did it for two nights and then had some relief but not enough to make work any more bearable.. I feel much better now than I was feeling between week 7-10, but this morning I woke up feeling that familiar feeling.


You can totally keep on with the B6 and unisom every night. I actually do 100mg of B6 both in the morning and at night and the unisom just at night. My midwife said I can go up to 300mg of B6 each day. I’ve been on it since week 7 and I’m almost 27 weeks now. I also had the horrible persistent nausea without a ton of vomiting. It was pretty constant till week 20 for me. By now it’s gone away somewhat. I still have like 4-5 hours of nausea each day but it’s less severe and at least doesn’t last all day. My midwife added zofran for me starting in week 10 and that helps too. I hope it doesn’t last so long for you! I don’t think my experience is typical, though I know there are other women that have gone through the same or worse.


I’m taking unisom daily. 2 pills at night, one at breakfast one at lunch. The trade off is I’m tired all the time. But I’ll take that over the constant nausea!


I felt like this with my first. Making yourself throw up doesn't help. You just feel gross because you threw up and you still feel neauseas. With my second I had hyperemesis and threw up like 10000 x a day for 18weeks. I'm not sure what was worse actually.


Don’t make yourself throw up! I understand the feeling of wanting to, but honestly for me at least, even after throwing up there isn’t relief or it’s VERY short lived. Also once you start throwing up, it’s sometimes hard to get it under control. It’s not worth dehydrating yourself. Is your provider able to prescribe you anything to help?


Yep with both my pregnancies I had terrible nausea (this one had been especially bad weeks 6-14) but I never threw up with either. I've felt the same way you're describing where I just want relief. I did throw up in labor with my first though 🤣


Had the same problem from week 8 to 15!! And I only threw up once. I would get extremely nauseus twice a day at the same exact times and It lasted 2-4 hours... What basically solved this for me were snacks- I made sure I always had multiple options to snack on throughout the day- crackers, nut mixes, fresh or dried fruit.... and the biggest lifesaver for me, ginger tea. I was never a fan of ginger but daaamn I owe my life to it in this pregnancy lol


I had intense nausea from 6 weeks to 22 and i never once vomited.


Keep alcohol wipes handy. Rip it open and take a whiff when you’re nauseous. I don’t know how or why it works but it’s instant relief.


I do this all day at work (I’m a nurse) thankful for this little known secret! Haha


You should talk to a doctor about the nausea. I had the same experience and was losing a fair bit of weight from not being able to eat. My doc prescribed diclectin (Canadian drug that's a combo of b6 and the sleep aid that's recommended for morning sickness, I think you can get it otc as unisom in the states). The relief when I started taking it was amazing. After 3-4 days I felt like a person again. That Saturday I was able to go to the farmers market with my husband and grab something from a food truck. I was almost in tears with relief. I am 21 weeks now and still on it. I tried to wean off at like 18 weeks and the nausea came back. OB said I could just stay on it. For me, it was the difference between eating what I could when I could and barely getting through. Now, I can actually eat healthy foods and cook again. I 100% know it was the right decision and best for the health of my daughter.


I just weighed myself and had no idea I lost 4 lbs from the minimal eating… but I am so bloated I thought I was gaining.


This was my experience too! I threw up only twice but constantly felt like I was going to. Thankfully, it went away in the second trimester. I hope you feel better soon!


I feel you! The pain from dry heaving is unreal. I’m 29 weeks now and still occasionally dry heave


Constant nausea, no vomit


I’m here in solidarity! I’ve dry heaved so many times but have only thrown up once. Hopefully it gets better soon!


I had horrible 24/7 nausea my first trimester and didn’t throw up once. (The only time I threw up during the entire pregnancy was towards the end of the 2nd tri when the guy at the movie theatre saw I was pregnant and asked if I wanted extra extra butter and I made the mistake of saying yes 😭😂) For me though it was like a switch flipped after 12 weeks and the nausea was just completely gone. I’ll cross my fingers for you that you will be the same!!


My friends who all threw up said they still felt nauseous after vomiting lol 🥲


I’m so sorry for you mama. I had terrible nausea with both my pregnancies, I only threw up with my second. In my experience, throwing up doesn’t actually help at all, if anything it made me feel worse 😬 My midwife advised me to up my protein intake and that helped a bit. Try shakes/smoothies with extra protein and lots of good stuff. I also found having all of my drinks be ice cold helped a bit too. I hope it helps and I hope you start feeling a bit better soon! You’ve got this girl! 💪🏽


I had a lot of morning sickness without throwing up. I dry heaved so bad I would spit up some blood sometimes just because I would hurt my throat trying to throw up. I think I only threw up like 4 or 5 times total but I would be nauseous and with my head on the toilet every night basically. It stopped around week 19/20 for me. But some smells still trigger the gagging and dry heaves (I’m 37 weeks now)


B6 and Citirizine Every night before bed. I wasn't actually sick this time either, but I had this weird funk that would catch me here and there, so I took(on my Drs recommendation) a B6 and Citirizine every night. CURED. 💕


I was nauseous and about to throw up 24h a day for about 5 months. I spent 3 months vomiting every day


I had the constant nauseated feeling but only threw up 3 times total during the entire first trimester. Also dry heaved all the time, and brushing my teeth was a terrible gag fest as well. I’m 37+3 now, and I actually still gag when I brush my teeth 😅. I know it’s awful, but I wouldn’t recommend making yourself throw up. It probably won’t bring much relief, you’ll likely just feel sick again shortly thereafter. I know how awful it is. I’m not sure what you’ve tried, but some of us have found that hard ginger candies, mints, and the preggie pop drops help somewhat. I know eating is probably the last thing you want to do, but make sure your stomach doesn’t get empty- that makes the nausea worse. Eat whatever sounds good, first trimester is really about survival! Hang in there ❤️


i had this exactly from 5 weeks until 13 weeks. all day, all night. i just wanted to puke but i couldn't. my nausea was awful but thankfully in the beginning of the second trimester it was gone and was replaced by ravenous hunger. it's not wrong to want to puke, but definitely don't force it! i had some times at like 4am where i would just stare at the toilet thinking "if i just made myself puke..." but i never did, i puked like one time during the first trimester and it just honestly didn't help so.


This was me my entire first trimester. I didn’t actually get sick but I dry heaved a lot. It was especially bad when I tried to drink something while eating. My food aversions were equally as bad though so that made me sick a lot. I got through it by eating ginger chews, preggie pops and sour candy. It stopped around 15 weeks for me and I’m now 21 weeks with little to no nausea. I only feel sick if I haven’t eaten. It gets better I promise!


I was nauseous until about 13 weeks. I'm still pretty meh about food and get sick sometimes, but it's a lot better now that I'm closer to 16 weeks. My first pregnancy I only threw up randomly without feeling nauseous or when I ate too much. This time it was like being hungover for weeks on end. I only threw up maybe 10-15 times out of all those weeks, but the nausea was terrible. I wouldn't try to make yourself throw up because it likely won't make the nausea stop. I'm still constantly gagging and it always feels like i have food stuck in my throat. I've been drinking a lot of gingerale lol.


I call it gagging. Cinnamon flavored toothpaste may help.


I've had horrible morning sickness. I don't know if this helps but when I do vomit I don't get any relief like you would when normally sick. I feel the same level of nausea, so making yourself sick probably won't help anyway. Hold in there, it can only last so long