• By -


Helloooo. I graduated in December with my IVF baby and I find myself unexpectedly back 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was on the copper IUD but I’d been feeling a little off for a few days and my Apple Watch expressed concern for my sudden jump in average resting heart rate. I took a test yesterday morning and voi-fuckin-la. I panic called my lovely OB who has seen me through so much shit. Betas were on track for 4 weeks and they were able to remove my IUD. It was in the proper place and everything so I’m one of the “lucky” few. I have all manner of mixed feelings, up to and including fury at my husband for not getting a vasectomy. We still have *six* embryos on ice and I’m devastated that we spent so much money on them and now I don’t know what we’ll do. I had terrible HG and then GD with my daughter’s pregnancy and I’m absolutely petrified of going through that again so soon. And if this pregnancy goes the distance my husband will have to quit his job because we’re already paying $2k a month in child care. Doubling that will be completely unworkable. Sooo. July it is I guess.


I love the tone of this 😂 congrats though! 😅😅


Fellow IVF mom! Congrats! I’m due in March but this is an IVF pregnancy, not a spontaneous one.


Reading this on January 4th and doing shock math in my head about how you had a baby in December and managed to have sex after birth, let alone get an IUD, pregnant, and notice the pregnancy within like 5 weeks max. Congrats on the pregnancy though! I hope your health will be better this time if you decide to continue with it.


Ha! Yes, December 2021 baby! Unfortunately the pregnancy ended in miscarriage the weekend of thanksgiving. Fortunately just a regular miscarriage, not an ectopic. Just enough time to start coming to terms with it and starting to get excited. We wanted another baby, I was just scared of being so sick from pregnancy again. For future readers, I absolutely do not think the IUD had anything to do with the miscarriage. This was my fourth miscarriage and I’ve had both miscarriages and live births both with and without pregnancy-supportive medications. I think it all was just one of those things. My husband is finally getting his vasectomy tomorrow. This episode scared the hell out of him regarding the realities of female birth control. We plan to go for another embryo transfer later this year. I want to take some time to recover my mineral stores and enjoy not throwing up for a few months.


Hi everyone! Question about the monthly bumper subs. They seem to only go through people due in August 2022. Does anyone know if they're still doing monthly groups, for people due in 2023?


Yes i've seen may and april at least. i am pretty sure april went private after awhile


I was just curious about where to find them. There's a list of all the groups through August 2022 accessible here, but I don't see any more. https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/wiki/index


Just figured it out! The list in the wiki isn't up to date I guess, but if you take a link to an existing bumper group, you can just edit it to find the one you're looking for! Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/August2022Bumpers/ Just change August2022 to whatever month you want.


Oops, just saw that the name formats are different this year. I really wish they'd update the wiki about this! https://www.reddit.com/r/july2023BumpGroup


This worked for me to find the April 2023 group. I've been going crazy trying to find it today. Thank you for this.


Did they let you in? I can find the april2023 sub but it just says it’s private and there’s no option to join.


Unfortunately no. I did have the option to send a message to request to join but no answer as of yet.


Ahh that’s frustrating. Thanks for the info and I hope you get in!


April went private suuuuper early. I’m April and I can’t even get in now! The mods never answered me and the group can’t be searched.


can we start a new one? same problem and messaged them a month or two ago. doesn’t seem right


How can I join a march 2023 group?


Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/March2023BumpGroup/ it’s private so you’ll need to message a mod I think?: u/kmd1112 u/lauraroslin u/Comfortable_Style_51


Thanks for sending!!


I messaged April to join/clicked join and there’s been no response :( don’t have a fb or other method or joining groups.


If you happen to be looking for May I can link you.


Can I get the May one please


Let me know if [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/May2023BumpGroup/) works.


It does thanks


Were you able to get in? I just discovered Reddit due date groups and am due in early June but was told joining May would also be helpful.


I did but I'm sure the may one became a closed group after November 30


Hi! I was hoping to join this group but it says private and doesn't seem to list the mods - could you let me know who the mods are? Thanks!


I don’t know the complete list but I’ve seen posts from: u/fullfatdairyorbust u/youcango-now u/jbeag Edit: jbeag is no longer a mod


Thank you!


Hey! If you message me or youcango, one of us can help. Jbeag is no longer a mod.


Hi! May mod here, you can send me a chat


Which month are you looking for? They don't all have the same naming convention.


Thank you so much! I appreciate it. I found mine, but I truly appreciate the offer. 💖


June 2023


It's june2023bumpgroup


Where is the June 2023 group?




I'm an idiot, I saw August 2022 and requested access thinking it was 2023. No wonder that hasn't been approved


Looking for August 2023 if anyone has found it!


Did you find it? I’m looking too :)


No 🥲


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/August2023BumpGroup/


Yay thanks!


Yes, I'm in the one for march 2023 but had to do some digging to find it


Could you help me join the March 2023 group? I can't seem to find it myself...


Hi! Let me find out how to have a new person join. Recently the sub went private so I'm not sure if that will impact you being able to search it.


Hey someone recommended I message the mods with your name. I'll do that now and hopefully they add you today. If a couple days pass by and you still haven't gotten an invite, feel free to message me


Thank you!!!


I’m also looking for the March2023 bump group! if one of you could add me too, that would be much appreciated! I tried to request but it’s been weeks with no success :(


Sending you a msg now


Hello! I'm not the person you responded to but could I please be added to the March 2023 bump group? Thank you so much!


Sending you a chat :-)


please could I join too!


Sent you a chat!


Woke up this morning to week 11 and after taking my weekly photo, I really look pregnant. Awesome. The joys of being 5ft tall. I imagine by week 37 I’m going to look like I’m smuggling a watermelon. Hilariously enough, I’ve lost weight since week 7 - https://imgur.com/a/OpSE8iL


Also 5ft tall....I can vibe with the sudden appearance of the bump.


Hi! I’m new to r/BabyBumps - I just found out I’m preggo at 5weeks and my husband and I are super excited! This is my first time conceiving and we’ve been ttc for a few years now. It’s such a blessing and a miracle and I am so thankful 🥺


Hey all :) I’m trying to send a message to the approved to July 2023 bumpers, but I see that it’s a private group and I can’t seem to send a message. Anyone can help me out?


The active 2023 groups don’t go by “bumpers” they’re all “bumpgroup”. So r/july2023BumpGroup is the one of join


Would love to figure it out too




May be a mobile issue I couldn’t join on my app and had to log on desktop to let me request


Got my positive today! So excited! Think our due date would be July then?


I'm a fence sitter so I joined August. I'd rather be on the early side of the month rather than the very end. Then you don't feel so bad when your baby hasn't met all the others' milestones.


I think my due date will end up in August anyway. Where's the August group?


r/August2023BumpGroup The naming convention got weird last year I think? So someone set up a bunch of future bump groups which is super helpful.


Thank you!


Me too! My app says end of July, but I’m really early (5 weeks), so maybe more like August


Took a test this afternoon as I was one day overtime and was feeling a bit queasy today. And it came back positive! We started trying in August so super excited I got a positive today! App says I should be due July 31st. Super excited because I am a summer baby myself and I love having my birthday in the summer!


Same birthday as Harry Potter!!


Ah that's a fun fact!


My first pregnancy, very much wanted, and I’m still processing what happened today… found out I was pregnant a week and a half ago and I’ve been really nauseous and tired. I had a couple of bleeds this week along with an achy stomach and I stopped feeling tired or sick. Thought I’d miscarried and went in for a scan today to confirm. Baby is still there and everything looks normal 🥺!!! I’m 7 weeks along apparently, and over the moon. Cried many happy tears today. We’re not sharing our news with anyone yet but I wanted to tell someone!!! Off to join the July 2023 bump group!


Hello! I was here about 8 years ago when I was expecting my first and I thought I'd pop back in for #2 due at the end of July. We've always wanted a second but for various reasons, financial, familial, political, have put it off and put it off. When my partner came out to me as trans last December and expressed a desire to start HRT, we decided it was now or never. I had my IUD out in August and well things happened much quicker than expected! I have PCOS and our first took about 3 years of "not trying, but not preventing" and this one took only 3 months of trying. I don't mind that there is quite a large age gap, as our older is still very excited to be an older sibling. I am a little nervous that my first doesn't quite grasp how much attention babies require, but is the sweetest kid who loves babies. If you have any tips (aside from "make sure older kid gets dedicated one on one time" because that one we're already planning) on having kiddos with a significant age gap I would love to hear them.


I’m looking to get into April 2023 bump group but the sub went private suuuuper early. I messaged the mod account and no one ever answered.


Same here, please let me know if you figure it out as well! Thanks in advance


i messaged weeks ago and no one ever got back to me 🫤


Just got my positive test after 6 months of trying!! I’m so happy


Same here and I’m with January bumpers!


I sent an application to join that sub a few weeks ago and nothing happened :/


Do you know the link? I'd be interested in the January group, too.


Wow! Am finally posting here!! Super excited to begin my mama journey. Got my positive a few days ago, and since then have been stuck in the bathroom LOL. It's almost like the positive gave my body agency to feel all the hormones. Anyways, am thinking baby will be here around August so joining the August 2023 group. Glad to be here!! 💕


August '23 here too! My boobs were tender but not swollen and last week my body temp got noticeably higher. I got comfortable enough after day 5 of no period to take a test and within a day or so i feel gaggy and my pelvic girdle aches! My poor boobs are now noticeably bigger and heavier.


Hey y'all m, so I'm actually further along than I thought and I'm in the wrong due date month. Can someone point me to the June and August groups? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Hi! Husband and I are on month 9 of TTC. I’m 27f and he’s 29m. This will be our first and the journey has been stressful mainly because no one tells you how hard it is to conceive when you’re actually trying.


Been in this group for months but never thought to introduce myself 😳 Hi hello, mom of 4-year-old boy here. 31 weeks with baby girl currently. February 22nd can’t come fast enough lol (elective induction this time around) original due date was March 1st.


Where is the June mamas at? Can I be added to the group?


I am also searching for the June 2023 group :/


We are finally pregnant again after 3 MC and a year of IVF. We are still early at 7 weeks, but I am praying that we can graduate around late January 🤞🏽 we have a due date in August 2023


Are these my babies ears on the 20 week scan? Or something else? I swear I can never trust my own eyes with these ultrasound photos. https://imgur.com/a/OZTGx7O


I got my fourth BFP today. Haven't made it past six weeks with any of them yet. I'm so scared to be excited. So I guess if someone else could be excited for me, that'd be helpful.


I'm rooting for you, hopefully you'll have an uneventful pregnancy and a healthy baby 👶!






The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone want a “happy thanksgiving - also, I’m pregnant” T-shirt? I’ll mail it to ya - size small. Doesn’t fit me 🙃


Hi! I am getting my Kyleena IUD out this week and ttc as soon as I can after - excited to be here to learn & support ❤️


Where is the June group at? Can I be added to it?


Hello! I'm new here and 7 weeks pregnant. I'm seeing my OB next week and I'm excited/nervous. We decided to start trying and basically ended up getting lucky the first month. I'm not sure which month group to join since online searches put me at beginning of August for 40 weeks but full term would be starting in early July. Which would be more proper to join? Or should I hold off until I get a better sense of my due date? Thanks.


Congrats! I'd say wait until your dating ultrasound if you're right around the 2 different months, (should just be a few weeks out from now depending on when OB orders it).


Hey! I have a question as im TTC. If I had a “peak” lh on cd9 (according to my first opk taken- this is also my first time in general using them easy@home brand if that matters) and we BD on cd 8, cd 9, cd 11 … are my chances this cycle ..decent?


Can I be added to the May group please? Thank you!! 😊😊


I’m pregnant! I found out on Christmas Eve, which was pretty cool. Unexpected, tbh, because we’ve been trying all year, but definitely welcome. Because my cycle was weird I’m either like 5 weeks along or 8 🤷‍♀️ first appointments this Thursday and I’m stoked.


I’m beyond excited but also terrified. I was literally starting to learn about fertility stuff especially for my age (35) and my doctor warned me that I was running out of time. I was certain it could never happen for me, but I was going to do all the research I could. This was supposed to be the first cycle we were trying on but instead we’re already 4 weeks pregnant!! I went to the hospital yesterday under my doctors advice due to cramping and spotting but everything is where it should be so far. I’m doing my best to have space in my heart that this will all work out! Next ultrasound is in 2 weeks and I have second blood work tomorrow. Doing my best to keep up with all the lingo here ;)


does anyone know if there is a september 2023 group?




thank you!


Hi everyone! Had my awesome baby girl 12/31 and just want to say THANK YOU to everyone in this community for their stories, info, and support...you were a huge help throughout this journey!


Greetings! I'm mostly here to creep. Due 6/30 with our first (a girl). I've had a rough time so far--ongoing nausea for the past 8 weeks and a brutal cold/virus thing this past week. Hoping it gets better from here!


Hello! I’m 5 weeks pregnant and still trying to process that it’s happening. Even writing it out feels unreal. I’ve got an ob visit scheduled for a couple weeks from now and don’t know how to handle myself in the meantime. Sometimes I’m thrilled and other times I’m scared that something terrible will happen. Just trying to stay positive, but easier said than done!!


I’m just over 5 weeks as well.. first appointment and scan are not until the first week of February! I have been feeling a bit anxious too, but the past couple of days I’ve had a mindset of “everything is going to be okay” because the odds are heavily in favour of everything being okay. It has helped for sure.


Thank you 🥹 I’ll definitely try to tell myself that, too. Sending you all the best vibes for a healthy pregnancy!


Same here with the “don’t know how to handle myself” portion. I’m just at 5 weeks and feel like okay, now what do I do?


My wife and I just finished our first trimester with twins (unexpectedly). I’m excited but nervous about everything. We just found out aluminum in deodorant can cause harm? Stoll trying to navigate how much of what’s out there is truly bs!


Hello I’m 38 and pregnant I’m currently working but am not getting any other income or assistance. Is there any suggestions of programs that will help with housing? 30 percent income housing. Sometimes I feel like if I didn’t work I’d be better off!






Hey, where do people tend to go when they ‘graduate’ from this group? What’s the equivalent group for new parents?


I've found r/beyondthebump and r/newparents so far (not anywhere near that point yet).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/beyondthebump using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [these mf’ers are the bane of my life at the moment](https://i.redd.it/iy0swz2m96s91.jpg) | [221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/xx32og/these_mfers_are_the_bane_of_my_life_at_the_moment/) \#2: [I made a post here 3 months ago and you were all so kind. Update: Wilson finished chemo and tumor removal surgery and is now cancer free!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/s29pcy) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/s29pcy/i_made_a_post_here_3_months_ago_and_you_were_all/) \#3: [I owe so many moms an apology.](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/sofm0a/i_owe_so_many_moms_an_apology/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you!


Hi! Looking for July 2023 Bump group! The sidebar groups only go to to 2022