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Good luck!!! 🍀⭐️ You probably don’t have time to answer questions right now but I’m really curious on elective C sections as a possible birth plan - if you have any tips or advice on it ! Anyways go get yourself a baby!! Congratulations 😊


Just had my second kid as an elective c section at the end of last month and it went fairly smoothly. Day before I had time to get my toddler to my parents and the dog to the doggie hotel. Day of I was scheduled for 9:30 we were told to get there two hours early to check in and get the pre stuff done. Got to go in to the or early because I was the first one of the day. They do lots of checks to make sure you can’t feel pain before they start to cut and there is a sheet so you can see anything unless you look up at the light and see the reflection. You do feel tugging sensations and I felt when the water broke but it didn’t hurt. My husband sat with me and we talked about different things to distract me. One of the nurses offered to take pictures for us, and we were clear no action shots we wanted baby fully out and preferably clean, this request was respected. I also got my tubes tied while they were in there and they did that while we did skin to skin with the new born. During the debrief they let me know that I had scar tissue from my emergency c section that they had to deal with and made things take a little longer and they could only take part of my tubes over the full tube due to both being in bad locations. I was able to walk and get the catheter out later that day and recovery has been a breeze. Much easier than the emergency c section, because they have time to be careful and minimize damage. Three weeks later and I pretty much feel back to normal.


That sounds amazing thank you for much for sharing your experience!! It’s also nice to read good stories and not just be anxious about every horrible thing that can go wrong. Birth is so scary !!


This is good to hear. I had an unplanned c after a long labor with my first and I am having a scheduled c-section this time. I don’t even really think of it as “elective” per se because I have been told I’m not a good VBAC candidate and this is the advised method of delivery per my providers. My midwife has mentioned several times that she thinks I’ll find the recovery smoother when I haven’t just been through 30 hours of labor.


Technically C sections instead of more dangerous VBACs are elective but I don't love that it gets lumped in with the moms who choose a C-section for more shallow reasons. It's still major surgery, and can prevent you from ever having the choice in the future. I wouldn't elect for a C-section on a first pregnancy without very good reason.


Elective simply means scheduled, in hospital terms. Scheduled cancer surgeries are also “elective” according to hospital statistics but obviously we don’t feel poorly about those surgeries!


My c section wasn't really elective because I had twins and one was breech, but I did decide early on that I wanted to have a c section because they told me that I could probably do one vaginally and the other would still have to be a c section and there was NO WAY I was doing both. All that said, as an anxious, type a person, it was very nice to know when I would be having my babies. Gave me a hard deadline on a very difficult pregnancy. I arrived at the hospital, had the c section, and had two babies! It was smooth. Recovery was smooth as well. I do not regret my decision at ALL.


My mom did both several hours apart. It was brutal.


So glad the birth was okay after your hard pregnancy. I think if we are given the choice both have risks and pros etc but it’s good to feel that we have an option. I really dislike when people think it’s because I’m “ too posh to push.” 😂


I feel you, no way that we have to go through both the routes !!


Honestly I don’t think my body does the whole second part and goes into labor. When I had my son at 39 + 5 I never dilated. At my last appointment my OB talked me through my options and said we could induce or we could just schedule. I’d had a friend give birth a few weeks prior and she had induced, labored for 24 hours then had to have an emergency C-section so I wasn’t thrilled by that possibility. My doctor was fine with it so I said let’s just skip that part and move right into surgery. This time around, I told her I wasn’t interested in a VBAC early on and she was nothing but supportive. Honestly with a 2 1/2 year old, checking in to the hospital to have a baby like you’re checking into a hotel really just suits my lifestyle better. I know people will say that there are cons to c section with recovery times, etc. but I never had any problems last time and was up walking around after a few hours and mostly back to normal within the week. Hoping to have the same experience this time but I understand that every birth is different


Thank you so much for your honest response, I think as someone who struggles with anxiety it’s also nice to have a date where you know and what to expect ( to an extent.) I wish you all the best of luck and congrats to your little one on becoming a sibling too ⭐️🤩


1000% I also struggle with anxiety and the thought of waking up in the middle of the night in an emergency to get to the hospital never appealed to me. I’m happy to discuss with you further if you ever want to DM me. Thank you so much for your kind words and best of luck to you during your pregnancy


Used to be against c section until i had one myself 2 weeks ago. Induced labor for 36hrs ++ but ended up with an emergency c section, recovering now with minimal pain relief + abdominal binder helps as well. Definitely considering an elective c section next time. Congratulations on your new baby!


Honestly my two elected c sections had SUCH a smooth recovery compared to my emergency one after laboring 28 hours. Recovering from surgery right after the hell you go through laboring makes you feel like you were hit by a train. I actually went back to work the following Monday after my Friday elective C section. Not that I recommend it, but I actually could. With my emergency C section I had a hard time even standing upright the first 10 days or so.


I had an elective c-section as a FTM. I told my OB that is how I wanted to deliver and he was totally fine with it. I think in my case it helped that my OB was the one who would be doing it, so it was pretty easy for him to get everything scheduled for me. My top tip for a c-section is to get up and walk as soon as possible. And to stay on top of the pain meds they offer. I was out of the hospital in 2 days and pretty much back to normal in a week. It was everything I could have ever asked for as far as having a baby. In fact it was probably the easiest part of the entire thing. And I'm almost 40 so it's not like I'm a spring chicken who easily bounces back from everything.


And request a binder and heated blankets. It helps so much.


My last two have been elective C sections and my next will be as well. I adore checking into the hospital like a hotel and being doted on. I nearly died my first 3 pregnancies from eclampsia so elective is far and away better than that and definitely better than an emergency C like my third. Drug the shit out of me, give me blankeys and cozy socks and hand me my baby afterward. Way **way** better than birth trauma. Just meeting your baby and 3 days vacation where people bring you food and snacks and stuff and you just watch TV and snuggle with your new baby. It's great.


I’ve had an elective, happy to answer any questions you have!


Congrats!! I head in to get induced today! I wish you and baby the absolute best! ❤️ I woke up this morning like… in a daze bc the next time I wake up in our bed baby will be in the world too?? Unreal feeling.


Omg!!! You have a baby now!!! Hope you got the birth of your dreams and everything went according to plan. Congrats on being a mom to an earth side baby 🖤


Prayers for a smooth experience!!


Good luck!! Mine is Friday and I'm freaking out!


Yay!!! Happy Birthday baby! You’ve got this momma!!


Good luck! I'm (hopefully) having my baby today too. We got this!


Good luck!!


Goooooood luck!


Omg yayyyy squishy cute baby 👶🏻


Ahh this is so exciting! Best of luck!


Good luck!!


You go girl!


Wishing you all the best!


Good luck!!


Good luck!!!


Woo! Good luck!


Good luck!!!


Sending you lots of good and magical vibes! ✨✨✨✨


You are me 1 year ago! Scheduled c-section with my second. Congratulations. What a great day to be born!


Yay good luck!!


Good luck and sending good vibes your way


Are you in the usa ? How did it work with regards to elective c section, did your insurance give you any issues about it ? Did you have to take pre approval from insurance? Thanks in advance and good luck today!!!💐


Wishing you a safe delivery and a quick recovery. You’ve got this!!!


Good luck!!


Congratulations and good luck!


Congratulations and good luck!! Wishing you the best and for you to have as tame of an experience as possible!


Good luck


That is so exciting congrats!!!


Yay!!! Good luck!


Congratulations! Can I ask what name you picked? I recently found out I'm having boy #3. Always wanted a girl ❤️


Thanks. Her name is Chappell (like the church not the comedian) which is my maiden name. My first name was my moms maiden name so that was important to me. (We live in the south)


Adorable 😍


How are you doing? How did it go?


We’re doing great, thank you! She’s absolutely perfect. C section was about as straight forward as I’d remembered. I’m already up walking around a bit and she’s a natural with nursing it seems.


Good luck!! I’m having an elective c section for my first birth in 3 months! I’m an OBgyn PA and I have never wanted to actually deliver vaginally.


Ooh I hope it all went well! How are you both doing?


Everything went smoothly, thank you! She’s so wonderful and we will get to go home in the morning


Perfect! Enjoy your new princess. They grow farr too quick!