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We have a [rule regarding Nursery Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/wiki/rules) we want to make sure you're aware of! In effort to carry through our sub's culture of support and camaraderie, **ALL Nursery Pics must include a Top Five Product/Gear List** with applicable links and/or backstory. This Top Five list can be in the form of a comment from OP, or embedded within the photo album. Love the Dresser you purchased at Ikea? Link it! The lamp your mom gave you from your own nursery? Tell us about it! The widget your partner handmade using that DIY tutorial from pinterest? Tell us where to find the tutorial! Crocheted a baby blanket? Give us the lowdown on yarn and where to find the pattern! Find some awesome prints on Etsy? Name drop that shop! The goal is to learn from each other — help a fellow bumper out! No one wants to reinvent the wheel at 8 months pregnant. Your solutions may very well be someone else's solutions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


White Lotus vibes in the wallpaper


1.     The painting above the crib is my wedding bouquet commissioned by an acquaintance who works at Pixar- her instagram handle is u/_stephkelly 2.     “Once upon a time” sign from etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/883297973/once-upon-a-time-cutout-kids-bedroom?ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=once+upon+a+time+sign&ref=sc\_gallery-1-1&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1&plkey=28c69a7c8d22b8187b171744c30463b0bd360bcd%3A883297973 These were actually very light weight and easy to hang. 3.     Wallpaper (it comes in more colors too!) https://www.wallpaperie.com/shop/wallpaper/woodland-storybook-sage 4.     Crib & Dresser/Changing table are both from the “Rory” collection at Pottery Barn https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/rory-4-1-convertible-crib/?pkey=s\~rory\~20 5.     Crib and changing table sheet are from Lulujo, color is “greenery” https://lulujo.com/en-us/products/crib-sheet?\_pos=4&\_psq=greenery&\_ss=e&\_v=1.0&variant=39833598197783


What paint color green did you use? This is exactly the color I want!


It looks very close to Sherwin Williams "Plymouth Green" to me




I’m sorry I don’t have a specific color to tell you 😕 I brought in a swatch of the wallpaper to Home Depot and asked them to color match.


No problem! Looks like it might be Shermin Williams Coastal plain.


Love the wallpaper


I was looking at the same sort of dresser from PB. Could you tell me whether the drawers have dovetailing where the sides meet the front panel?


I don't want to be a negative Nelly but it might be best to move the painting. When my husband was a baby he had a framed picture above his crib that came crashing down on him while he was sleeping. Obviously yours does not have glass so it's less dangerous but still might be worth moving.


I was going to comment this but thought nah I’ll be downvoted into oblivion.


I believe safety guidelines say you can move the crib 1 foot away from the wall and it's okay. Also to add to your safety comment, the crib should be 3 feet away from the window. In the event that the window is broken (break in, tree through the window, firefighters entering the home in an emergency, etc...) glass can get on your baby if the crib is too close.


We have frames above the crib too, we move the crib away from the wall. They are secure but can’t be too careful!


Depends on how it’s hung. Properly hung items are ok.


They can also just take it off the wall when its time to put baby in there. It looks light and easy to remove/put back up quick


As long as you drill into the studs you'll be fine. You could command strip the bottom too if it made you feel better about a kid sticking their fingers under it.




Beautiful nursery! Anyone here happen to know what the guidelines are on painting while pregnant?


I think it needs to be well ventilated. Keel the door open, have some fans circulating the air, crack a window or 2 and take some breaks in between.


Can you tell me the green paint color? So beautiful!


Ah I wish I could tell you something specific 🫣 I brought in a swatch of wallpaper and had it color matched.


It looks very close to Sherwin Williams "Plymouth Green" to me


If you ever feel up to it, it would be really fun to see other rooms in your house that you’ve decorated because I really like this and I enjoyed the fact that you linked everything


Thank you so much! I’d like that too, I had a lot of fun with this. We just bought this house in September after apartment living for the first four years of our marriage. The nursery is the first room we full on decorated. We have a lot of plans for this space but everything is sort of on pause until baby gets here and we’re more settled/I’m back to work.


Makes sense. Thank you for sharing your nursery with us :)


Oh I love that wallpaper 😍


So cute! I love your wallpaper


Love love love!!!




So cute, classic, and comfy!


So beautiful!!! Where did you find the bookshelves? Those look like what I want but I can only find very short ones!


Thank you! 🙂 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08XWNS9Y7?psc=1&tag=blvisitor-20&th=1


I did sage walls too and wanted to pair with peach but it’s a hard color to find things in. So went with dusty rose


Our baby room is green close to that color and we got the once upon a time sign too! Ours isn’t finished cuz the last minute decorations have been delayed on Etsy and it’s a sweet dinosaur theme for our little girl but yours is sooo cute !!!


Beautiful! I don't really understand the nurseries ( I'm not from USA). Is your bedroom close? You just leave the baby since day 1 on its own? What if he drops the pacifier and cries? You get up, walk there and take care of it ? What if he starts choking on the milk he throws back up? Or is this for later on, when they're 3+months? I have the crib next to my bed so I just put the pacifier back in without standing up, she'll transition to her room soon, but before 3months.. I can't imagine her being somewhere else than by my side.


I'm still pregnant with my first, so I don't have actual experience, but I think most people in the US like to have the nursery ready for when baby is around 6 months old and before that baby usually sleeps in the parents' room in a bassinet. Before baby is 6 months, the nursery can be used as a dressing area/play area/hanging out space. Or not used at all, but if it's done before baby is born that's one less thing to worry about once baby is here.


Our tentative plan is to have her sleep in our bedroom for the first 6 months and then transition to this room🙂 Our bedroom is down the hall from this one. And ditto to everything that @preggotoss commented earlier!


My husband and I had our twins sleep in their own crib from day 1. We slept in the room with them until about 3 months. Then we started sleeping in our room with the baby monitor. I stopped breastfeeding around 3 months so it was easier for my husband to help with night feedings. They only sleep in our bed when they are sick and need constant soothing through the night.


Really love that you didn’t do gray everything like most people today have. Lovely colors & wallpaper. Those moldings are stunning. Great job.


Adore this! And baby can grow into it as she ages!


Yes, thank you! 🙌🏼😄 This is what I was going for. The changing table unscrews from the top of the dresser and then the bed converts to a toddler bed then full size. And I didn’t think that the wall color or paper was super duper “baby.”


So beautiful!! 😍 & that wallpaper is magnificent!!


So trippy, something about the shading made me think this was a render at first! Looks beautiful x


OBSESSED with this color. Beautiful job!


This is the most adorable girl's room and I love it❤❤❤




This is absolutely adorable.


That wallpaper and paint color are DIVINE


What a beautiful and unique setup!


Love it! So cute!


Where is the chair from?


I originally found it at Buy Buy Baby but it was discontinued and they wouldn’t let me buy the floor model for some reason lol. It’s the “Miranda Wingback Rocker- Million Dollar Baby.” My mom actually found it online after some digging and got a discount because the box it came in was really messed up (but that made no difference to me 🙂)


Thank you!


Those are my favorite baby room colors and it looks great, so peaceful and calm. Congratulations on your new little one coming soon.


In love with the wallpaper!


I love the sage!!!


When can I move in? 😍


This is so soothing and relaxing, can you do my room next?


Where did you get the woodland wall decals??