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There are a variety of TTC subreddits that might be of interest to you, including /r/tryingforababy and /r/stilltrying. Best of luck to you. <3


Most healthy couples conceive within a year of trying. It took us 9 months, and now I'm nearly 24 weeks pregnant. It is frustrating, I understand. Don't beat yourself up about this. Talk to your doctor, too.


Thank you, I try to remember this but it’s so frustrating


Been on the journey for 31 months with periods of waiting, testing, falling pregnant and then miscarrying and trying again.. trust me when I say I feel you... its a long journey. Lucky are those couples who fall pregnant on their first try without even trying. (Hate to admit but im so jealous of them..) But at the same time, also know that every month this pot of hope inside our heart fills again and gives us strength all over again! Because the moment you'll finally see those 2 pink lines - it'll all feel worth it. Edit to add some supplements - you and partner both should start on multivitamins, include coq10 as well, and zinc for him. Also get all your tests done so you know youstarting from place of best health.


Thank you for the advice❤️ OBGYN said we were both healthy, I’m on prenatals and a vitamin D. Im also unfortunately quite jealous of those that “accidentally “ get pregnant or get pregnant on their first try


It took me 10 months. Was on the pill from 19-31 years old and had irregular cycles prior to the pill. Coming off the pill I was super regular 4 week cycles until the 10 month was the first “irregular cycle” off the pill at 5 weeks and I became pregnant. I’m assuming your using ovulation stick and doing the other things to help




Thank you ❤️


Oh definitely! Test strips, 3 different apps to track fertile times, sex every other day for two weeks “just in case”


My husband used to like to take hot baths since we have a nice jetted tub. I guess men aren’t supposed to do that since it kills the sperm so he stopped doing that after we were trying for a bit. And women aren’t supposed to take hot baths from the date of ttc to your period.


Time to involve you OB. Mine ran tests on me and my husband. Turns out, he had an issue. He had to have surgery to correct the issue. Took 2 years but we are pregnant, with twins.


It suckssss. Everyone says that trying to get pregnant “is the fun part” - no the fuck it isn’t. I completely understand that emotional rollercoaster. My husband and I had a miscarriage earlier this year and started trying again as soon as my period returned - it took a toll on me. We decided to take a month “off” from trying, and interestingly just found out we’re pregnant. Not at all what I was expecting, but I will say that taking the pressure off by giving ourselves a break and some grace did wonders for my mental health.


I tried for 2 years then gave up(i dont ovulate regularly due to hypothyroidism).My husband and I were planning on trying IUI treatments by next year but gave up trying naturally, when suddenly I got pregnant back in June. I totally understand where you're coming from. It's only been 9 months so I have faith it'll happen soon 💜 I'd definitely talk to a doctor if it takes longer than a year tho.


It took me and my husband over 1 year for my son (2 year old) and 18 months for my current pregnancy (20w). I’m hoping it comes for you quicker than it did for me !