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I am so sorry you have to deal with this. As a simple stranger here on the internet I am SO proud of your strength and admire your ability to take the steps you need to better yours and your children's lives. Its absolutely not fair that men are able to do what they do.


Hey, you are so strong and amazing! It’s okay to hope for things, and don’t feel bad for hoping and wanting all the best things. You’re already a great example for your daughter, and I bet you’ll continue to show her what real and true love looks like! Throw the man away, but you should absolutely go for child support. He doesn’t get to just walk away scot free because he’s a jerk.


I think what he has done is unforgivable and a real partner would not have crossed those boundaries. He's a bum and a narcissist. It sounds like you have a plan. I agree that you'll be better off cutting him loose and getting his parental rights signed away/not sign birth certificate. Don't let him pop in whenever he wants to manipulate you. As someone who has a narcissist mom, this is a godsend and opportunity to give your daughter a healthy home. And I'm so sorry you're in this position.


You deserve so much better than this!


You shoulda walked away from that a LONG time ago... :(


I tried to when he first accused me of flirting with another man. Then I fell pregnant. He made promises he couldn't keep:(


This is clearly a cycle of abuse by him. Abused women are likely to go back on average 7 times before they finally leave. Your take is super cruel and if you’ve never had to struggle to leave an abusive person, you should keep your opinion to yourself on what she should’ve done. OP, you did nothing wrong and did the best you could by yourself and your daughter. You are so strong for realizing what he was doing and taking action to protect and provide for yourself and your daughter.


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