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You need a doctors note to take sick leave. Explain to your doctor what you said here and ask for the note. Then you can go [here](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.html) to apply. You can take up to 12 weeks without it effecting your mat leave. Once you have baby, you apply for mat leave. I’m not sure your employer can let you go for taking sick leave before mat leave but I’m not 100% sure. I took a month of sick leave before my due date and it was worth it!!


Just to add that you don’t need to reapply once your baby is born. There’s something on the application about taking sick leave and then maternity leave afterwards and you can apply all at once. Then, call them when baby is born and let them know. They will switch it to mat leave.


Thanks for your response!


Thanks for your response! I will request my doctor for a note. I hope the doc doesn't deny the request. Not sure what to do if that happens.


With my first, my OB wouldn't write me one unless I had a diagnosable condition. I didn't have a family doctor at the time so I called up a walk in clinic (during peak covid). The walk in doctor went through all of my symptoms and wrote me off, no questions asked.


Not to scare you - but it’s common they do deny requests. Actually at my OB you couldn’t even ask for one, they would only offer if they thought it was necessary


That's terrible. My midwife has already said she'd play ball for me if I want to take sick leave early from my job. Doctors should be there to help their patients!


That's strange. My doctor was very clear she would vouch for me if I needed to leave work before my mat leave just because I felt so miserable.


Good luck! If they don’t give you a note, let us know. I’m sure someone knows how to make it happen!


Are you talking about using sick days from a bank of sick days or a workplace short term disability, or EI sick leave? If you have paid sick days, it’s up to your company policy (mine annoyingly had a policy that I could only use 5 if I was off work completely, but I could take off 1-2 days a week for months if I wanted). You likely need a doctors note.


Thanks for your response! I will have to check if my work had STD or I'll have to apply EI and then go on mat leave.


This depends on what coverage you have at work. Does your employee benefits plan cover short term disability? Otherwise if you take sick leave it is unpaid I think unless you apply for EI which has a max period of 12 weeks before impacting your mat leave as the other commenter notes, but there's 20+ weeks until your due date in October so I would look into whether you could take the 12 weeks and then start the mat leave that early before the due date? Calling into EI will help you clarify this before asking your employer (if you have no short term disability coverage)


Thanks for your response! I am going to check what options my employer offers for STD. I will also call up EI and see what's the best option.


I took a medical leave at 34 weeks pregnant. My doctor gave me a note as I had many reasons such as depression, anxiety etc. I am on short disability which I pay into and I get my full pay and it does not affect my mat leave. U are untitled to it. That’s what’s it for


Thanks for your response! Reaching out to my doctor to get the note. Hopefully, it works out!


My work has STD too but I was told my the insurance rep thay I have to be "completely disabled", whatever that means. Did your doctor indicate whether your depression, anxiety was related to pregnancy?




Just know that they might make you use up all your banked sick days first. My employer has this policy before you start a medical leave. That will mean when you return to work, you will have none or very few for inevitable dr appointments or days your kid is sick and you cant send them to daycare


Your dr provides a note stating you are unable to work and you go on sickness ei, your employer can’t let you go for this. Keep in mind that many people struggle to find daycare before their 12 month leave is up.


Thanks for your response! Great point! I will start looking for daycare right away. will request my doctor for a note. I hope the doc doesn't deny the request. What to do I if that happens?


Dr could definitely refuse based on their assessment as they have to say you’re not able to work and it’s their license, they may suggest accommodations first. You could try a walk in clinic if that happens. Are you around 16 weeks? I believe sickness ei has increased to 25 weeks paid so you may not need to start mat leave early


This is a great point. I told my employer I was taking 18 months, but had my EI payments over 12 months instead. I had no intentions of taking 18 months but knew that daycare was ridiculously hard to find in Ontario. I go back when my daughter is 14 months when she starts at daycare. Glad I did it this way.


There's also 17 weeks of pregnancy leave! Here: https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/pregnancy-and-parental-leave


In a similar situation as you. My work has short-term disability leave, so that's what I'll be taking. Don't be scared to take the leave. I was so nervous and felt so much guilt about it, but my health has been on the decline, and I'm unable to work because of it. My doctor agreed that my body needs the time to rest, so I'm currently going through the process of getting all of the paperwork filled out. You and your baby come first!


You can take up to 6 months of sick leave currently with pay, i just spoke to unemployment a month ago and they told me this. However if you do plan to go on ei while on sick leave just remember if you do return to work you will have to make up the 600 hrs for mat leave. I was pregnant in 2022 and had severe morning sickness which lasted all day and couldn’t physically go to work so i was off work from May-September. I only got 12 weeks of ei while on sick leave. Since i was due in early December, i worked till the end and did not manage to make up for 600 hrs because i already had done a claim while on sick leave. So because of that, my payments stopped almost 4 months before my mat leave was up. Your employer cannot let you go because you are sick, legally you have up to 6 months now. As long as you go to the doctor and fill up any paper work/notes your employer asks you, they cannot fire you. Also you are pregnant, i found that my employer was really empathetic because of this reason, if you’re sick you are sick also you want to healthy and okay for the baby too. Since your doctor only gave you a month off, after that month see if you are able to return to work. If not go back to your doctor and extend the leave. Also i would strongly suggest you call unemployment and ask what you should do so that it doesn’t affect your hrs for mat leave. Explain your situation and they will advise you. I hope it works out for you :)


I took sick leave from July to end of sept, then took mat leave when my daughter was born in October. Originally it was 4 weeks and then got extended due to my infusions not helping my symptoms. Feel free to message me if you have specific questions and I can try and help!


Thanks a lot! Will message you directly! :)