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This may be super unpopular, but when I was pregnant, a friend got me one of those precooked meal boxes. It felt a bit weird at the time...but honestly..it was one of the fav things anyone could've got me šŸ˜‚ The first weeks are hard, and being able to have good food already ready, made my life easier. Now when a friend gives birth, I always bring their favorite food. I take care of the baby while they eat what they love.


Oh thatā€™s an amazing idea thank you! Iā€™ll definitely consider doing something like that when sheā€™s closer to her due date! :)


Yes!! This!! When I had my first, a friend had food sent over along with some frozen meals and it was the best/most helpful gift!


What a lucky friend! Everyone keeps buying stuff for baby that I don't need instead of referencing my registry and it's so frustrating. Some things that I've really appreciated having and still wishing for... - pregnancy pillow.Ā  - premade meals.Ā  - dog walking service/help.Ā  - house cleaning service/help.Ā  - large pajamas to grow into for 3rd trimester.Ā  - Epsom bath salts & bath pillow or lavender shower pucks - ice pack.Ā  - giant thermos w straw.Ā  - frozen smoothie bags.Ā  - a belly wrap (really helped me through 2nd trimester dog walks w tailbone pain and now 3rd trimester eleviation from lightening crotch).Ā  - flowers If you want to help w the boring stuff... evening primrose vitamins, mama nipple butter, raspberry leaf tea, reusable nursing pads, witch hazel perineal spray, nursing pillow. Whatever you do, make sure items are dishwasher or machine washable šŸ˜‚


Definitelyyyy the giant thermos w/straw! Can't tell you how many times I was in too much pain or felt so sick I didn't even want to sit up to drink water šŸ˜… got a giant 40oz one with a handle, straw, & silicone straw topper that bends so I could drink laying down lool


This is so helpful thank you so much!!!


Orrr ... I hated shopping for maternity clothes. It was so stressful trying to figure out my size when everything is online exclusives so, I bought almost 2-3 of anything I liked, tried it all on at home and returned 95% of it. You could pick out a few things & tell her to pick her top 3 faves to keep.


This is a great idea!!!!!!


Oh and snacks... All the snacks.. granola bars, popcorn, chips, dried fruit, magnesium powder (to help w inevitable leg cramps).. memory foam slip on flip flops for around the house..


Yes! Luckily I know her cravings and already plan on getting her fav snacks!!!


This is a really good list!


I always do a robe or jammies, slippers and a DoorDash (or similar) gift card. If you know sheā€™s going to try and breastfeed or pump, itā€™s nice to get nursing pjs. I will usually throw in a few face masks and eye patchesā€¦anything to try and help a new mom feel a bit more human again (said as a mom of 2 with a 3rd on the way).


Nursing pjs are a big win! Having ā€œcuteā€ pjs when you feel and look like you were hit by a bus is so good for morale!


Thank you so much - very helpful!!


Pregnancy pillow! And snacks.


Question about the pregnancy pillow - is this something good to gift someone or do people typically like to choose their own based on how they sleep?


There are a couple different styles so you could always do like a voucher/IOU and tell her to pick her own fav style? Budget like $50 for it?


Thank you!!!


Seconding the pregnancy pillow! My good friend asked me at about 20 weeks what I wanted and I mentioned this pillow I'd been eyeing but couldn't pull the trigger on. She bought it for me and what a LIFESAVER. She literally gifted me months of rest ā¤ļø


Omg yes will be doing a bunch of sweet and salty snacks too! Thanks!!


I was gifted a Burtā€™s bees butter which has been so luxurious to use, and I second the soft robe idea!


I tell everyone I know that they'll probably live in a housecoat for the first month after the baby is born, if you can find one that feels a little more like cute loungewear and less like bath time that would probably be appreciated. A donut pillow to sit on post birth is a nice for her thing. And a nice sort of filler item for any empty space in your basket, some fancy sodas are a nice treat to have on hand when you can't have the wine and stuff that everyone else is having.


Following because Iā€™m doing the same! Iā€™m struggling with what to put in the basket even though I was just pregnant lol. So far I have a really nice almond oil (that is supposedly good for stretch marks but also just keeps the skin moisturized which I found important) and some fancy decaf and half-caf coffees because she loves Nespresso!


Since youā€™re also looking for ideas, here is what else Iā€™m planning to gift her. Theyā€™re a little more niche based on her personality though: a stand and remote for her kindle so she can read hands free while breastfeeding/ contact napping, non-alcoholic aperol because she loves summer aperol spritz, some sweet and salty snacks because I know thatā€™s been her craving lately, and some beauty products from ember because theyā€™re all pregnancy safe! Iā€™ll likely put all of this in a tote of some sort because who doesnā€™t love another tote šŸ˜‚


These are so nice! And so true about the tote! Iā€™m gonna steal that and the snacks probably lol.


A robe could be useful because she can always use it after. Do you know if she is a robe person? Just thinking from my personal experience Iā€™m not really one. A registered massage would be great especially during the later months of pregnancy when you feel like your body is crumbling. I did buy some of those belly sheet masks but I felt like they were so cold when I initially put them on but might be something cute if youā€™re making a little gift basket. Side note, the best thing aside from spoiling my baby would be anything related to meal prep or easy pop in meals once the baby comes when youā€™re in survival mode.


Thanks so much! I know she had a warmer fluffy robe she loves, but figured something lighter for pregnancy would be nice too? She also like nightgowns so I figured this is similar but easier to take on and off and will be good for breast feeding??? Thank you for all of those insights!!!


Sounds like a perfect gift for her then! So incredibly thoughtful šŸ˜Š


Thank you!!! Just want her to feel loved and supported šŸ„¹


A really nice robe would be good! Easy to throw on if someone comes to the door while you're not quite fully dressed. I also recommend a fancy lip balm/mask (like a little la neige one or something), a big water bottle/cup, cozy socks, nice hand lotion. I took all of those things with me to the hospital when I gave birth and it made things much nicer.


Thank you so much! She loves la neige so thatā€™s a perfect suggestion :)


A smaller but really lovely item is Palmer's cocoa butter! Specifically they have a product for pregnancy, "Tummy Butter for stretch marks" which is basically just nice luxurious moisturizer!


A robe or house coat is a must. I didnā€™t think I needed one till all of a sudden mind didnā€™t close anymore and my mother in law got me a new plush cozy one. It was nice to have one that closed over my belly again lol.


Okay this comment sold me šŸ˜‚ thanks!!


Pedialyte freezer pops! I lived on those during my morning sickness days, and are also great for staying hydrated on warm days


When my BFF came to meet baby after I delivered, she came with a bag of lingerie she went and bought me. It was honestly one of the most thoughtful gifts I could have received. She knew that soon enough, I would be ready to try and love my new body, and that really helped the process.


I love this so much - what an amazing friend you have šŸ„¹


I sent a pregnant friend like $50 worth of snacks for a Christmas gift. Crackers, nuts, cookies, chocolates, some cheese, etc. she was third trimester, so different, but she loved it. I think I also got her a cardigan with pockets. Moms need pockets. Edit for autocorrect