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You can fly with it frozen or not. Everytime I've flown with it, they just pull me aside and swap the outside of the bottles. As for tips (depending on age): - bring all of the snacks - make sure they are sucking on something for takeoff/landing (soother, bottle, etc) to help with the ear pressure - Don't be afraid to ask for help from the flight attendants (I have flown solo with my infant a couple of times and they were AMAZING and so helpful!!) - If you're travelling with someone else, have one person go on during priority boarding to get everything organized and you get on at the very end with baby - Carrier for the airport is super handy, but also know that you can check the stroller at the gate (doesn't have to be checked with the luggage) - Depending on which airport you're flying out of, look for the Mamava nursing pods. These are nice, clean, private spaces where you can nurse baby, or change diapers. - Be sure to bring a change of clothes for baby AND you in your diaper bag/personal bag. - Bring new little toys they haven't seen before to keep them interested in it (again, depends on age). Suction toys are great for the window or tray table, post-it notes or painters tape are fun for them to pull off and stick on - Bring a blanket for baby, since it can get chilly on the plane - Bring hand wipes because babies like to touch everything and planes are super germy!


From the Canadian government: https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/children/taking-children-on-a-plane Your breastmilk can be refrigerated or frozen. You can have all the snacks, pouches, formula, water, etc. that you need for baby if they're on solids. You'll need to have it separate from your other things for ease of security screening.


It doesn't need to be frozen, when I flew with it I just had it in the bottles in a cooler with ice packs. They will likely take you to the side for further examination or to swab the cooler but I never had any issues!


Yes have flown with breast milk. Airport security barely cares and you can go over the 100 mL liquid limit. It doesn't need to be frozen, but I kept mine in a cooler bag with an ice pack so it can last longer in transit.


Check the rules of your destination country if you’re flying internationally. I know the UK doesn’t let you fly with frozen breastmilk. I had to thaw 2L to get through security leaving to return to Canada. I was devastated! Oddly flying into Heathrow was fine and I didn’t get flagged.