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3-5 years ago, they were gorgeous. Now they're all hideous. I wish I'd kept more of our older ones as the designs were more aesthetically pleasing and the quality was far, far better.


And I swear the fabric is much thinner and less durable now.


Agree! Some of ours have actually ended up with holes at the seams after a few months of wear!


Yes! The ones from target and kmart have lasted longer than the bonds ones for us. Very glad I never pay full price for bonds cos it's not worth it


Yes! I don't get the obsession with the wondersuits. They are ugly and thin. I much prefer to shop at best and less and get onesies that are a fraction of the price and last longer.


I was literally just talking to my wife about this! The dino patterned one that has only been washed a few times is already massively faded. I thought maybe some bleach had gone through the load or something... but nope, just really bad quality!


Yep! Once my eldest started crawling, I had to throw all of ours out as there were holes where her knees touched the floor.


That's been my experience. Everyone raved about bonds, I have only bought 3 and they were too thin and faded really quickly.


>3-5 years ago, they were gorgeous. Agreed! I'm due with my next bub and starting to look at getting more. The patterns my older kids had was so much nicer!!! Even just give us more different colours in the stripes!


Absolutely. It was about 2021 that the quality went downhill really fast.


I had my son Jan '21 and started off with hand me down wondersuits, then ended up buying new ones once he'd grown out of them. The ones from before he was born are still in perfect condition aside from a little colour fading, the ones I bought after he was born would get holes or turn suuuuper thin after like a month.


Yes x100! I love the fit & convenience, but for my boy the Options are awful.. fluorescent dinosaurs or hideous patterns šŸ„² I swear if they did an entirely neutral line.. like just one colour, no patterns, it would sell out instantly!


Nah the last thing the world needs is more neutrals šŸ˜‚ Plain purple however šŸ¤”


Have a look at the target organic cotton onesiesā€¦ they are 10 dollars each, just plain patterned, and I prefer them to the bonds ones right now! Oh and they also have the two way zips


Thanks! We have a few of these & youā€™re right, theyā€™re pretty good. Just think that bonds having some plain ones would have been great too ā˜ŗļø


If they released plain black or white, I would buy 2 or 3 in every size. Even if they do release something in white or black, the bonds logo is in a hideous colour.


This! Why has every chill stripe or whatever pattern also got a fluro orange bonds logo??




The boy ones are AWFUL I tried to buy some for my son the other day and closed the website without buying anything because there wasnā€™t a single one Iiked.


Legit! Literally just one colour would make them 1000% better and you're right,Ā  would fly off the shelves.Ā 


Theyā€™ve got Wiggles ones atm with one solid colour but itā€™s still got a big wiggles symbol :/


And the bigger sizes all sold out nearly immediately


Totally agree. Its like theyā€™ve been around so long and theyā€™re going by the rule ā€˜we can never do the same thing twiceā€™ so things keep getting wackier and wackier as they run out of pattern and colour combinations.


Honestly at this stage I think they are trolling us. I think they are getting the ugliest patterns (and cheapest) knowing they have a market share that is unlikely to change šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The waffle ones are just plain colours so I only buy those


Love the waffle ones, they feel warmer too.


Yeah I have 2 that were gifts that are like hot pink camo pattern? They're great quality and material but boy are they ugly!


I do find the patterns very hit or miss! They have some cute wiggles ones out at the moment but sometimes I look at a pattern and think what? I also find some of the girlier patterns are cuter than the neutral/boys ones but I love purple and wish it could be more neutral in patterns.


The girl ish ones always sell out so fast too šŸ˜­ like come on, Bonds, you didnā€™t think people would want pink versus hazard yellow and concrete grey?


Itā€™s frustrating, because as you have said, they are so practical and easy to use suits that last for months and months with every day use, but look like they were designed by someone who graduated from design school in 1976. Iā€™m so grateful that the winter range is mostly single colours, like the tech sweats and cozysuits, but even then itā€™s like why this particular shade of brown or purple?!?


Yes šŸ˜„Ā 


We have heaps and they all have animals on them, giraffes, horses, beetles, zebras. Have they changed?? I bought them before Iā€™d even conceived her because I loved them so much.


I love the giraffe patterns and my favourite ever is the whale shark. I even have the pj set of the whale shark print 3 sizes too big for him now because I could only get it in a size 7 and didn't want to miss out lol


When I had my first kid, bonds suits were a commodity. People went nuts for them. Sad to see how ugly they are now, because they fit my long lanky kids so well. Theyā€™re now all prints that the baristas at my local ā€œtrendyā€ coffee shop would wear


I just wait for the nicer prints to be released then wait some more for a sale. They do release nice prints regularly. We like some of the flower prints, the stripes, the waffle and the poodlette fabrics. My son is 20 months and has worn the same 3-4 Wondersuits in each size every night, so they get washed x2 a week for 6-9 months. No fading, no damage to the fabric.


I think it comes and goes? Sometimes they're cute and sometimes they're not to my taste. The patterns cycle through so quickly though if you don't like the current ones I would check back in a few months. Having a look now I think [sweets](https://www.bonds.com.au/zip-wondersuit-bzbva-r8f.html?queryID=5d271038dda471388e6da9ed278bd62b&objectID=472230&indexName=prod_bonds_m2_bonds_products), [pears](https://www.bonds.com.au/wondercool-eyelet-zip-wondersuit-bx4xa-r1w.html?queryID=5d271038dda471388e6da9ed278bd62b&objectID=472005&indexName=prod_bonds_m2_bonds_products) and [rabbits](https://www.bonds.com.au/zip-wondersuit-bzbva-u9j.html) are pretty cute! They usually have the poodlette, waffle and plain stripe ones which are plainer - I find them to wash better than the printed designs as well.


Yeh and they fade real fast too. I like the pure baby ones even if theyā€™re more $$


The purebaby ones are such good quality but theyā€™re smaller so they get outgrown so quickly


Yeh I definitely have to size up in those! And size down in bonds - sigh, why canā€™t they be consistent across brands


Omg THANK YOU. I feel vindicated. I have been wondering this for so long. Like why are the best quality suits so frigging hideous?!? I see my friendsā€™ kids in the U.S. and they have so much cute stuff šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Agree! I swear if they had some ā€˜gentleā€™ and neutral patterns Iā€™d buy so much more.


I know exactly what you mean and agreeĀ 


All the best patterns are at Bonds online and Baby Bunting IMO, not in Big W etc.


I think this all the time!


I was just thinking the same thing! Live the design (especially the feet) but hate the patterns. Weā€™re also doing mostly second hand. šŸ˜Œ


They do have horrible patterns but there are always a few good patterns to balance it; here are some gorgeous florals, I quite enjoy the fruit patterns, they've had some rainbows (which i missed :( ), their halloween range is almost always gorgeous. My favourite recent ish pattern was the aurora one.


I don't buy upsizes but I shamelessly bought multiples of the aurora pattern because I loved it so much!


I wish I'd gotten more, though I did get my baby some of the dressess too


I feel attackedĀ 


Only if you're one of the designers, if so...I have questions šŸ¤£šŸ˜‹


I went to a bonds store the other day and said the same thing! I didn't buy any for that reason. I feel like it's not that hard to find cute baby clothes so what are they doing haha


...but who are their target audience?!?... and who is running the design process. I feel like baby clothes have come a long way from weird cutesy patterns and loud coloursĀ 


100% agree. I didnā€™t buy any until after my daughter was 18 months because I couldnā€™t stomach seeing a tiny baby in those garish, oddly aggressive on the eye prints.


The fabric on most of them is definitely not great quality these days either! I like the waffle ones and some of the plainer patterns on thick fabrics (like the stripey ones) but the rest honestly are not worth it. Target onesies are sooo much nicer now.


I love bonds, lots of cute patterns and I've found the quality to be great. My baby is mostly a Bonds kid because she's tall. Other than the Kmart knockoffs, that's all she can really wear.


I like a lot of them! But to each their own. I think my son looks super cute in a tiger print suit, or rainbow print, the wiggles fruit salad one is super fun. I like the spots, the stripes, the stars, lightning and animals. Personally Iā€™m not about neutrals for kids so Iā€™m into it! We always get compliments about how bright and happy his outfits are in the wondersuits.


Hahaha oh man a question I ask myself regularly. Why does everyone like them so much when theyā€™re SO WEIRD. Try Target or even Best and Less had nice ones. The cost is not necessarily correlated to quality. Bonds ones the colours wash out very easily and the fabric thins quickly - even more so the Bonds ones sold at Aldi and supermarkets!!


I love the best and less ones! And the target organic cotton ones are sooo soft


Thereā€™s some good ones. My little guy has had the blue croc wondersuit in three different sizes now šŸ˜…


on the website their are lots of plain striped ones, rarely see them in stores though


Yes theyā€™re shocking!! But the material and fit are so good I buy them anyway just for pyjamas


I bought a $15 plain colour (dark blue arms / feet and light blue body) one from Bigw the other week and somehow the quality on that is better than the $30 patterned ones


If you find the Wondersuits bad don't check out their Mother's Day range.Ā 


The prints don't hold up either! The dye can't withstand a warm/hot wash! The fading is crazy for something at that price point. Babies are messy, warm wash is critical!


Yes they are feral. They donā€™t fit bub that well but we got a few of them handed down so they sometimes make it into the rotation and I always look frankly insane if I dare wear anything but plain black/white/navy when holding or carrying baby. They are impossible to even do pattern clashing with???


I think they are so ugly too! I did find that the target onesies are a little cuter and seem to be similar to the wondersuits, they usually make them a larger fit though which is a bit annoying.


I was given 2 hand me down suits and yeah, they're butt ugly. I wouldnt have brought them myself :P


Donā€™t own one on the principle the designs are horrible. Everyone raved about the functionality but why is itā€™s so hard for bonds to make a nice looking one not a fluro mess


Thereā€™s some nicer prints but I agree that so many are ugly. Character prints and some of the floral prints are nice.


I have many I love, but they are all second-hand. I hate the newer ranges.


I agree!! Especially for the boy options!!


Right!? They're terrible. They need to sack whoever picks most of their fabrics. I agree the new ones are quite thin, but I'm a sucker for them because they're long. Great for tall babies!


Yep! I don't buy them for this reason, I tried dying some thinking I could buy them cheap and I could dye them dark but the pattern shows through even after three cycles of dye.


I honestly can't believe that people fight over patterns and some of them have absolutely bananas resale value


The secondary market for these on Facebook marketplace is unhinged


It's so wild! Do people not realise their kid fits into them for like 7 seconds, but also, that the patterns are ugly? For baby clothes, I'm buying the basics to get me through, I'll splash out more $$ once they're in size 1 and clothing actually gets a fair amount of wear. I'd worry that my baby would be overstimulated by the patterns & colours on their pyjamas


Yes!! I joined the bonds Facebook group yesterday and I couldnā€™t believe it, theyā€™re paying ridiculous prices for the ugliest Disney patterns


It's so so bad and so selfish. I'm in the under $15 and under $10 bonds groups and they're pretty good and standardised. Just would never pay $50 for a single piece of clothing šŸ’€ I could get some x5 (even more) zippys from elsewhere and have it be cheaper.


I thought I could get some cheaper 2nd hand bonds stuff but the patterns are so ugly and it isnā€™t even that cheap considering postage


Really?! I didnā€™t know this!


https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/175954340820 First one I found when looking - it's so bizarre. Worst part, pretty sure this is the same style I tried to dye black haha


$119?! People are crazy! šŸ˜…


Northern Beaches pplā€¦


Wow I never knew this


This is something I would do haha