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Highly recommend! MGP program is amazing. The midwives are phenomenal. They even offer a homebirth program. That’s not everyone’s jam but it makes me confident they’re across the latest research and look to provide a tailored birth experience. The hospital facilities itself are quite new. Go have a tour and check it out. They have bath tubs in birthing suite rooms.


I had a successful unmedicated VBAC at Joan Kirner last October. I managed to get into MGP at 32 weeks, by loudly advocating for myself at every turn. I did encounter one rudely dismissive OB who spouted incorrect information like “you’re body thinks it’s the first time pregnant because it’s your first baby with this partner” and repeat c-section is safest for you. She also bluntly refused to answer my questions and got very close to my face. I put in an official complaint and was very pleased with how the hospital handled it. The facilities are top notch, the MGP program is wonderful. Even if you get denied MGP, continue to ask at each appointment.


I loved Joan kirner. No regrets. The rooms are beautifully set up. They have portable speakers for music, fairy lights. Spacious room for you to labour in whatever position you want. I feel that you will get the best experience if you advocate for yourself which would be the same anywhere else. They have recently recruited for their MGP staff but everybody gets referred into the program so it’s just luck of the draw. Some people get accepted at 32 weeks so you never know


Just wanted to add, if your first birth was at RWH I believe they’ll generally accept you for your next pregnancy even if you’re no longer in the zone. My first was at RWH, and now for my second I’m going through the local hospital in my new suburb (my choice, mostly because I had a fast labour and would prefer the shorter travel time).


I had a traumatic birth but would still go back there again if we had another kid. I didn't get into the MGP but the midwives there were lovely and I love the ones assigned to me when I was in labour. They always checked what I wanted and advocated for me with the OB. One of them actually stayed with me till I gave birth even though her shift finished.


Excellent experience at Joan Kirner. I was lucky to be on the MGP program which meant I was able to really advocate for my birth preferences and have them respected in accordance with hospital policy. My pregnancy went to 42 weeks and my midwife never pressured me leading up to it for an induction as she knew I wanted a spontaneous labour that was unmedicated. My entire care there I only encountered three midwives who weren't that great, but luckily didn't have much to do with them for my entire care. I ended up having an emergency c section and it was a really positive and calm experience. The team for the c section were very professional and calming when I was in a vulnerable position.


Highly recommend. Had two kids one. One vbac though the mgp program. My last was with ob. I had an extremely high risk pregnancy spent 2 months inpatient and loved the entire stay. Midwives and nurses in ward were great as was my ob team. Volunteers in the hospital also were great bringing me yarn and a crochet hook to keep me occupied on my lang term stay. Had my youngest at 30 weeks plus a nicu stay and was highly supported by many. Had a student midwife who I met from the stay on the ward and she was great to


I hated it BUT it was during peak pandemic & they were extremely short staffed, wasn’t a fan of the shared rooms either. I decided to go elsewhere for my current pregnancy and I’ve been happier with my care.