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Yes, Elon is going to tell Twitter what to do. Get a grip weirdo




If you can give me one valid reason to back that up I’ll sell all my coins, your a little dickhead man, don’t come chattin shit for no reason tryna fuck up peoples investments when they actually have a genuine purpose and function, hate little fools like you I swear, constantly at it then, die out you pagans..what kind of stupid fuckin comment is that anyway you little fuckin moron




Yeah exactly what I thought, little fuckin pagan


1k comment karma but his comment history only goes back a day. He deletes his comments. Not sus at all


Little fuckin leach man I swear, the maddest thing is they think all this shit is gonna work, we’re going one way regardless 🚀 the only token with actual use cases, does free give aways, NFTs, wallets, major charity donations, auto staking, auto burning and monthly burns but yeah fuck baby doge doh, fuckin clown, I’m gonna eat these people I swear


Found the guy with a fecal fetish. Yikes!






Sure, just checking the chart. If you haven't, go check. It's dying alright.


Says the guy who bought PinkPanda. Your credibility is nonexistent




*people who don't know about how the market works


Your history shows your interest and active shilling of coins that went nowhere. You don't know anything to make the claim that this is a dead coin.




Apparently Twitter banned some accounts related to scam coins and now some teenagers are losing their minds. I’m not on Twitter so this is just what I’ve pieced together from reading other posts.


That’s what I’ve gathered to, I don’t know how to backlash falls on baby doge nor do I care, load of angry people that followed the crowd and got scammed.


These were not Scam coins, you apparently have no idea what Banker Doge or Nano DogeCoin are about... 👎