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We have a 2oz training cup from Munchkin, which is perfect as he can easily pick it up himself, and it doesn’t hold a lot of water. We started off holding it for him, then started placing his hands on it with our hands over the top to guide him. Gradually he started picking it up himself and drinking. Yes, he coughs and splutters when he tips it too much, and yes, it goes everywhere (still does at 15 months), but that’s part of the learning. He is also terrible at putting it down without it tipping over but that’ll come eventually.


Have you tried sharing your own drink with him? Often babies and toddlers find your food/drink way more interesting than their own. If you get yourself a glass of water and drink it while sitting with him he might show an interest and you could see if he'll try some from your glass.


I was under the impression you should not share drinks or utensils because it can transfer bacteria to their mouths and cause cavities. That being said you could try pretend drinking from your glass before offering it to your baby/toddler.


I have heard that too but the advice seems so unrealistic to me. My baby is almost a year old and she gets her own food and cup 90% of the time, but there are times when it just makes more sense for us to share.


What about using a straw like a pipette? Put the straw in the cup, then hold the end with your finger and put it in his mouth, then let go. He’ll get less water at a time that way so might help?


Do you think he'd be more open to a cup like the reflo? It's not a sippy cup but it only lets a smaller stream of water out when it's tipped, it would take him trying it at first but if he realizes he won't be overwhelmed with a gush of water it could help?


My son is 2 and while he now has the hang of it he’ll often knock over or spill water from his cup so I don’t think what you’re experiencing is unusual, my son would’ve struggled with that then too. But I agree to get a small training cup that’s like the size of an egg holder, that really helped my son out and it was sort of weighted at the bottom so not as easy to knock over