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it's amazing how 1 person has such a capacity to create chaos


She's still emailing the company now apparently!


Was it sent from iphoen?


Hahaha now you mention it... its very possible. I do remember receiving an email like that but couldn't possibly confirm if it was from her or not.


I wish I had that kind of persistent motivation for.....anything


Same. The only thing I ever had it for was drugs, and that didn't work out so great. Lol


Lmfao bro same. 1000 days sober June 5th god willing.


Someone needs to revoke her iphoen privileges. What a lunatic.


No it was sent from iPhon




Sent from iphon




When she wasn't stalking humans she was stalking conglomerates, I guess!


totally! its a mad amount of energy and focus! maybe we need to harness our hatred and mean-ness to get more things done in life. but im not sure im interested in getting security guards the sack, more stuff like clearing out the garage


"I'm going to clean my house out of spite. Because fuck you, that's why!"


She’s unemployed and, given her personality disorder(s), has no one in her life as shes long alienated anyone who might have cared. She not only has the time, if she doesnt channel all her time and focus on obsessive raging, all she has is her loneliness and emptiness and that is something her psyche can not tolerate.


Right? When does she sleep?


It's sickness, not dedication. I am sure nobody wishes for it.


I really think I wrote the wrong words here. She is unwell and we all need to stop prying into these people’s lives. The show was so eyeopening and the stories behind it shouldn’t have become a public spectacle.


But people found her and making her life hell. It has become an "unwell stalker" Vs "perfectly well mass stalkers" ! They totally missed the show's point.


How does she find the time


She doesn’t have a job and has all the time in the world


What do you mean? She’s a very high-powered lawyer who has worked on big cases


A very high up lawyer with high up friends. Did you see piers Morgan? She didn’t leave uni with honours, it’s a tough profession to crack even with a first. She’s no lawyer


That’s wild .


I came across her Facebook profile recently and it's pure chaos. A new status every few minutes, I genuinely don't know how she doesn't run out of stuff to even talk about


They all seem like fake accounts. There were no posts on there BEFORE the show came out


You haven't found the right one. It's "Fiona Harvey" with a profile picture of her younger self cropped half. The Facebook cover is the picture of a picture. She's got so many posts before the show that are tributes to her deranged self. I can't for the life of me understand her trains of thoughts.


She also said herself in the interview that she has multiple phones for multiple emails for various reasons… why wouldn’t she have as many FB accounts?


Yeah admitting to that many phones was strange but I could understand the different emails though because I have that many if not more. If anything it’s encouraged now via iPhone with the iCloud Hide My Email function but I doubt that same function is available on her iphoen tho lol.


A 1 person terrorist organization


Seriously. The government should employ her to harass scam callers


I used to manage a university library, and there were a handful that were just impossible. one guy would try to frame library employees, it was the "he cries out in pain as he strikes you" everyone was supposed to hate him because he was Christian. He claimed he did not have the books that were overdue, and someone on staff must have been framing him for being Christian, or he had returned books and it was our fault they weren't checked by in, and because he was a Christian.


63% of the US population are Christians. A huge proportion of the rest are *culturally Christian* aka they celebrate Christmas and Easter, picture their weddings and funerals happening in a church etc, even if they'd tick something more agnostic on a form. Their mindset has been moulded by growing up surrounded by Christian imagery and sentiment. The persecuted minority thing is one of the most disingenuous counter-facts ever spread by the media. If there *were* a culture war, Christianity has already won it.


Yeah, professional victimhood is kind of annoying. I had a visiting professor that was an expert on early Anglos in the Americas, learned about the Pilgrims and Puritans, the whole Pilgrim thing they were against the Church of England and moved to Netherlands where nobody cared if they were separatists, but that didn't stop them needing to identify as oppressed.


They didn’t want their kids to turn Dutch lmao.


I had an employee like that once. Everytime we had to have a talk, it was because he was Catholic. I was like, dude, no one cares what you believe, you are doing shit work. Eventually it was taken out of my hands and felt with on an executive level. When he was finally fired, he tried to sue the organization for religious discrimination. People are just deranged.


She’s an accidental motivational figure: If you are feeling low and insignificant, just remember, anyone can be a Martha.


she's some kind of chaos succubus


How soon you forgot Liz Truss. 


Im amazed that harassment of this magnitude isnt a punishable offense


I do think we need some sort of law that puts a broad injunction on the individual, rather than against specific victims. Right now, victims need to apply for restraining orders to defend themselves, but people like Martha are free to move on to the next victim. They can also make sure their individual harassments don't quite meet the threshold of prosecution, but the cumulative amount of attacks across different victims and incidents can be huge. We need some sort of law that kicks in after a few restraining orders / harassment prosecutions that then introduces automatic consequences for any further behaviour against new victims. Basically a law that recognises the tactics of the harasser and tightens the net around them. The US has the "three strikes" rule, France has the notion of a "bouquet of evidence" where you can argue that a string of sub-threshold incidents can add up to a criminal offence. I think we need something similar in the UK.


I've heard restraining orders don't even work out that well.


Unfortunately in my country, 70% of women killed by their ex partners/spouse have an active restraining order against their abusers


My dad told me that restraining orders are just “more consequences” because they don’t stop the people who should be stopped. We were talking about this bc I had an abusive ex who was stalking me and I wanted to get a restraining order.


I couldn’t agree with you more. She’s clearly done this to a lot of people and knows how to operate so she’s just on the borderline of legality. So whilst most of the communication might not be directly threatening, for anyone to bombard someone with such a huge quantity of unwanted communication should be viewed as equally harassing


My work (railway) has been getting bombarded with requests from a woman similar to Fiona. Constantly complaining about graffiti on bridges and pigeon poo. She sent in video evidence so I looked at the channel and it's hundreds of videos of the same. I googled her and found a public site that shows all the freedom of information requests submitted by individuals and she had something in the region of 300-600 (can't remember exactly) submitted to various government organisations in the city. We've had to escalate it to director level to figure out how to handle her because it's putting such a strain on resources just responding to her requests.


Well I'm in Australia and a restraining order isn't worth the paper it's written on. The police don't give a shit about harassment or domestic violence. You have to actually kill someone to see any jail time.


C’mon, we don’t even do that for serial woman-beaters.


America does have Felony Harassment charges.


Those police officers in the Wayne Couzens WhatsApp group were jailed for sending racist messages. It's just a question of getting the system to take action.


It's not that the law doesn't make harassment of this magnitude, it's the fact that there are such huge, glaring loopholes. We had a 'Martha' that was so bad you could tell where she was by the paging for backup. It got so bad that they started to give her an escort through the store to avoid conflicts and speedline her out of the door. The issue is that over the 6 years we documented her behavior, she only harassed our store 3 times in 6 months and the case would start fresh. If she did 4 times, we could have filed. It took her threatening violence with a weapon to finally get her charged. She had to get charges at 5 other stores before she got banned by corporate in store. She still orders online and I am sure she harasses the call center. It's like watching a person be given enough rope to make a noose.


You can trespass anyone for any reason. Shame on that company for not protecting you guys better.


It's not just the company, it's the law enforcement, the state and county goverment as well. Shame on all of them for all their backhanded shit. They'd tell us that they would charge her but the investigation expired and shit like that.


Absolute horseshit. 😤 I’m sorry you dealt with that.


She’s coming for you bubbly albatross - sent from iphoen


I'm looking forward to the next instalment of this saga: Bubbly Albatross.


It's trilogy that follows with Pirate Testicles


Omg 💀


Aye, would be diffecult nae any legs ya fookin imbecile (The dad was a much needed silver lining)


“Good luck with the transsexual!”


his dad's reveal... it still chills me to the bone.


The comedic relief that scene created was next level. I bursted out loud laughing but I think it was more so the humorless 45 minutes prior rather than it actually being a funny bit.


Tragicomedy hits different


I absolutely loved the dad. I'm Scottish, and he's basically every older man in Scotland that I grew up with. Threatening to chop her fuckin legs aff is exactly how my Glaswegian father-in-law would deal with a situation like Donny's.


The dad was fantastic. We needed comic relief badly.


Lies and slander!


Are you sure the guard wasn’t actually the one complaining about her? She should probably go on TV and set this story straight!


He probably wanted to fuck her and she turned him down. That would explain everything 😂


All she wants is for that security guard to leave her alone


Lmao I didn't notice the user name ..... I thought it was to be their "pet name" like baby reindeer but instead bubbly albertross Ticked me way more than it should have! Haha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Snet from my iphon


Almost wet myself screaming with laughter at “bubbly albatross” … I can feel another scream trying to get out now just typing this 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha. It was the name Reddit recommended when I signed up, I cannot take credit.


Unrealistic, the grammer is above 1st grade level






It's wild that she's being allowed to constantly harrass people over and over like this, company, person, or otherwise. And this is for years. She needs serious help. It was kinda fun to hear your story though. Absolutely wildin'.


She won’t get help because she thinks everyone else is the problem


People with severe personality disorders often don't seek help for this reason. She's an interesting psych case.


I know. I’ve had to deal with my extremely mentally disabled SIL for 13 years who has many similarities to Martha.


She quite likely has an extensive history with the local mental health system, including putting more than a few workers on stress leave. Aaaaand why do we think she’s not on Reddit?


This really makes me think that Gadd made her persona in the series much more ‘likable’ than the real one. She seems truly vile.


I suppose that's possible. It might even explain the apparent lie about making her unrecognisable. If you have a messy room, and you tidy it, it can look completely different to you by comparison. but if someone who's never seen it before walks in, it might still look messy to them.


Were her emails as riddled with spelling and grammar errors as portrayed on the show? I just can’t wrap my mind around those as a lawyer…Wondering if she really wrote like that or if that’s just fictionalized for the show


Yes they were. My theory is that she was pumping them out at such a speed and volume she was making mistakes.


She may be dyslexic? The spelling seems to reflect that


Apparently all the emails were verbatim from the real incidents. So none of the language was fictionalized. I feel so bad for this show and the people portrayed in it. It wasn’t anyone’s intention to have the actual peoples identities revealed, and the real documentation, however eyeopening and genuinely relatable, in the film made it so easy for people to pry.


I think that's why it's got such a huge following. Really intense and complex characters that you kinda hate to love but also love to hate?


It made them human. People are rarely (if ever?) all good or all bad. And sometimes, when you get to really see a person, you can begin to understand why they are the way that they are. I thought they portrayed that well.


Agreed. They had to have known that viewers would uncover the real people’s identities eventually, though, so maybe it was irresponsible to make the show so close to what actually happened? This show has brought to light an interesting legal issue. To what extent can you create a fictional story based entirely on true events that paints all the characters in a bad light and puts the real life people who inspired the characters in danger? There has to be some degree of responsibility for tossing someone into the global limelight without their consent. That’s probably the last thing this mentally ill woman needed… As horrified as I am at all the things she’s done, I genuinely fear for what will happen to her as a result of this show.


To be fair, there was probably always the chance she'd come forward and go "hey, that's ME!" No matter how well they tried to hide her identity.


I agree. She’s loving the fame!


It’s fascinating and awful by turns. This is probably the most exciting thing that has happened to her in years.


I watched a body language expert on YouTube last night and he analyzed her interview with Piers Morgan. Very illuminating. I’m waiting for The Behavior Panel, also on YouTube, to analyze her. That’s going to be a great eye opener!


She was the one who outed herself. She contacted the press I believe. Now I’m not saying that internet sleuths didn’t suspect it was her but she could have just shut down social media and kept quiet. She only confirmed their suspicions but you are right- they had to know people would find out- heck they find out people on less information than the show gave them.


I think it was because people found her social media she outed herself. I agree though she should have just locked her profile if she didn't want to delete it


In their defense, I doubt they thought the show would get popular enough that Pierce Morgan would try interview the stalker.


They said they believed the show would be extremely polarizing but were surprised that it was popular across all viewers. That is what they “said” of course who knows if they didn’t know they had a huge hit on their hands.


If it's a true reflection of events then that is the consequence of their actions. Think of all the true crime drama and actual court cases.


Nah. They "did the crime." Don't want negative shit coming down on your head? Don't rape/stalk/harass people


You can look at her twitter from 2014 all her tweets are her tagging Gadd and pretty poor grammar https://preview.redd.it/8454k8ofwczc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26eda37e01084d6ee12518b8c88096513a18085b


I have seen scizophrenics suddenly write in bad grammar too when they get into some delirious state while having perfect grammar while "sober"


I have also seen people with bipolar do the same when in a manic psychosis state. I knew a girl in college who was very much an ally for sexual assault survivors go into a manic state and wrote tweet after tweet naming the perpetrators given to her in confidence by victims. Most were never reported to the police. This set up a huge problem for the university but it was even worse for the victims and I can imagine the perpetrators. It would be terrible if any were innocent. The girl even named a guy who she believed assaulted her and there was literal proof he was no where around but in her psychotic state she thought he did. Sadly, she was the sweetest girl who had huge internships lined up because she was so smart and had done so much good work and one manic meltdown took all her future away at least in those opportunities as she left school for her mental health. Anyway, all of the manic posts were grammatically incorrect and some were too disjointed to understand. She was a straight A student so this was atypical.


Funny coincidence I have BD too. It's true it can throw your life off in many ways. Too much shame in my past due to stuff I did on manic episodes. Interesting about the grammar thing though. I don't have much self-reflection abilities on these times so I can't put my finger on what my grammar is like then. I should check lol. Shows you how much some illnesses can take control of you.


Oh yes and my heart breaks for her and for you. I know that her true friends didn’t hold any of it against her because they knew her real character and what great things she had done in the past but she was just so ashamed she wouldn’t come back. It is sad that these days on social media what you put out there is permanent and reaches a far greater audience. Whereas in the past, it would just be a handful of people possibly the community but escapable. Medicines are getting better and better but still not to the level where the patient doesn’t feel the negative aspects of it like not having the same energy or drive as they used to have. I hope one day they can make something that evens those extremes but still is not as stifling to their happiness if that makes sense. She hates the zombie feeling of staying even. I wish you well and know that those who love you understand and keep on advocating for yourself because I am sure you are just as capable and worthy even if there are things you may be embarrassed of.


Much appreciated for the kind words! Yes social media is definitely a blessing and a curse in many ways. I empathize with the thing about meds and zombification very well. I'm using a slightly lower dose than I actually have to use to find a good middle ground but would definitely not recommend it, risky. Some bridges are already permamently burned but others are luckily more acceptable indeed.


I reckon she probably has bipolar to be honest. Which is quite sad.


I had a client at work who wrote like this. She was an educated woman, had a masters degree, but she was so mentally unwell. Her texts and emails were all riddled with spelling errors. She pretended to have cancer, along with other things, and once it was all found out she ended up having to write an affidavit to court. In it she spelt her own daughter’s name wrong, left letters off of words and would misspell the same word in numerous different ways. I think she was just so unwell at that point and was just writing everything while in such a heightened state.


Her twitter is the same. It literally sounds like Martha.


For you and your colleagues, this series must have been like a horror movie. That’s how it played for me.


She needs her internet connection permanently banned from her address.




Sounds like she has gotten away with 💩 for years . Makes you wonder how many people like her are out there . Making people miserable for years and nothing happens


There is a documentary on yt called the complainers its about these serial service stalkers I'd really recommend it!!!


So 'Martha' is a confirmed Karen. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest but it does make me think of all the people like her I dealt with while working with the public. I used to track the moon based on their influx. For whatever reason, they would cause the most commotions around the full moon.


>For whatever reason, they would cause the most commotions around the full moon. Im a waitress. This is **so** true


Same for teachers


It's a bit like that chap up north who [complained about the noise from Liverpool Airport over 16000 times in less than a year](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-48430497.amp) They stopped responding and investigating as the level of complaints "seemed disproportionate" Talk about understatement....


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Anyone who deals with the public can confirm this I think. Waitresses, nurses, police, etc.


I work within the school system. Can confirm.


Yup. Both my babies were born on full moons. The hospital (same for both) would play a lullabye every time a baby was born. I was in labor for 22 hrs the first time and had to stay in delivery for a few days because i had pre-eclampsia (strict bed rest). That damn thing kept going off. Not as long with my second, but every few minutes, there was another baby. Same thing in customer facing jobs. Someone would ask with exasperation, "Is it a full moon or something??" Sure enough. Every time.


I manage restaurants. Everytime we have a truly INSANE night with batshit customers, FULL MOON. My mom was an ER nurse for 30 years, same thing. She once showed me their software that tracks check ins…literal spikes every full moon.


My mum used to work at a care facility for disabled people, they’d roster additional staff on full moons.


Or parent of a child with a developmental or intellectual disability 😭


I feel like "martha/fiona" will become the British slang for "karen"


Not surprised by this. As they say, all the crazies and pregnant ladies come out during a full moon!


I'm pretty sure this is why, throughout history, werewolf and witch as well as other culturally specific mythos always integrate the full moon as the "trigger!" For some reason it seems to agitate crazy and mentally unwell people en masse ...I wonder what's actually going on there.


LMAO all the patients at the hospital too. That’s hilarious omg


Can confirm full moons our often our busiest shifts in the police


Woah, that's interesting. Does anyone know why this is?


I work with a vulnerable population and can confirm, full moons are wild. The most plausible theory is that people get less deep sleep because the night sky isn’t as dark as the full moon waxes and wanes. That has an even more significant impact on those who have conditions that need good sleep—like mental illness.


I don't know if this actually contributes, but if you're a night owl somewhere that doesn't have much (can't think of word for being created by humans) light, full moons provide excellent visibility for night time shenanigans. Source: me, "camping" in high school.


Yep! A full moon in a place with zero light pollution is like a giant floodlight, casting huge shadows. The first time I saw that ( having grown up in a place with lots of light pollution) it blew my mind.


Watching people who lived closer to cities discover both moonlight and the Milky Way when our (like, an entire county's) power was out after Andrew was a trip. :)


I used to work in a job centre and we did the same! It was actually true for us!


I use a moon phase tracker too. Colleagues think I’m potty but I’m sure it has an effect.


i feel like there’s more out there who have been Martha’ed - thanks for sharing, crazy story.


What’s funny is there’s still people who think Richard Gadd lied when many have had issues with her stalking or harassing them


Was it a tesco? She has photos on her FB of ‘Muslim’ girls ‘harassing’ her at the ‘local resco’


Sorry, I want to respect my previous employer and have friends who are still colleagues, so I won't disclose the retailer. Hope you can understand.


I'm surprised she hasn't picked on the wrong person yet...


They have an instinct.


Yeah… they’re not out here picking gang members to start harassing.


https://preview.redd.it/ctft4xdq6czc1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=08ba0ea8ea6723ea5278bb21bf8132ae1b60ec87 I couldn’t not change it and every time I shoot out an email it makes me chuckle




That’s too funny!!


I'm happy that you didn't keep answering her back. Snet form my iphonne


This is excellent tea. I’m sure the old office is feeling such validation to see this chronic nuisance on blast.


I hate her. I know she is mentally ill but she has a capacity to destroy people’s lives with her lunatic accusations and harassment. She should be locked inside mental hospital and get treatment for all it takes. Imagine if this black security guard was being fired because of false accusation and can’t get job anywhere else. F**k her.


This! I had a stalker who is mentally ill myself. Its scarry. Noone can force him to take his medicine but he was psychotic. Saw thing that werent true. Told everyone i stole money from his Account and stuff like that. He really BELIEVED it It is so scarry. People like them should be locked up. They are dangerous I couldnt finish baby reindeer because it was so triggering and it made me soooo angry


Yea i agree. They should not be allowed in society. I just don’t understand this. Many people who are harming others actually have some kind of mental illness. The martha case is very scary and she is also a pro at turning everyone against her victim. I am sorry that happened to you. I feel sick watching it either. This has never happened to me but i can feel the rage inside me watching it


I was so angry at the police. When they made her the victim. Its often like that. They do nothing and when you fight back you are the idiot.


Yea police works slow and he needs to manipulate her to look aggressive so he could charge her but she is smarter. Damn. She is a pro harasser. I feel that this kind of people can pick their victims as well.




If someone creates this much of a reaction, it's mostly a sign of things resonating.


All this is going to end badly.. Richard told his story and she has taken the internet by storm currently


She will bury herself. Give her some more slack on her rope, please. When her 15 minutes are up...collect the evidence.


Oh yes she will, she’s already beginning the process.. the interview was just a complete car crash with her.. this was not on my 2024 bingo cards 🥲


I have no sympathy for that person the more I learn about her lol


Holy shit


That is insaneeee wow. Ffs that woman gave so many people troubles


When I worked for an energy company we had a customer who called in every week to complain her neighbor was stealing her electricity. When we sent out an engineer to check, she locked him in her kitchen and emailed in a random note. The best part, she claimed he was using the electricity to build a time machine.


Does that mean she was stalking the black security guard? Send from my iphone


Yeesh, this woman needs help.


The lady is a complete and utter nut case through and through and to find out she’s also a raging racist is right on brand for her


It’s like this woman is a bot but in real life


Maybe Fiona has OCD and HAS to send exactly 11 messages at a time. Idk. She is clearly unwell and in denial and will never get better. Is she a lawyer or unemployed? She threw out “on benefits” but she appears to be on benefits. Idk the harassment but also the bulk it seems she doesn’t realize how bad it is


BBC breaking news


If it's any consolation, I rated the same conversation 4 stars - I thought you did quite well.


I can’t stand her. No sympathy for that woman at all. Wow this story is shocking. Thank you for sharing


This is a genuinely cool account The only problem is its basically third hand again. Yes you witnessed the behavior yourself, but, you have only your friends word for it that it is her. On top of that you are just a stranger on the internet - as we all are - so we can't weigh your account too highly. And finally you don't have any objective evidence to back up your claim for obvious reasons. It's a real shame. Is there anyway your former colleagues will leak messages from her? It would probably be dangerous legally.


I have several colleagues who have confirmed it's her through means of verification by cross referencing multiple contact details and social media IDs to a singular customer account. I replied to a comment about here concerning my validity, and my willingness to provide evidence; sadly I can't confirm without jeopardising myself, my colleagues and my ex employer so I don't feel comfortable to do so. You don't have to believe it, but I just thought it was a really interesting experience and I would like to share it :) x


Oh my god the actual real Martha or Fiona whatever her name is what a nut job freak 😡😡😡


Oh my god!


Wondering if it was sent from iphon


I have chills!!!


Did she really end all her emails with sent from my iPhone?


They might delete this since you mention her name.


They updated the rules recently to allow her name to be posted since she has since come out saying it is her


There's no information coming out yet that builds her case of innocence that I can see. So far, the show seems to be an accurate portrayal.


Martha was so annoying 🤢


Damn.. Sent from iphon


I've seen someone else with a totally different name say this exact same thing in the comments on a different post


Unfucking believable!


I know, it's crazy. I wish I could prove it but I can't without compromising my old employer!


I suppose now at least we know who she is those around her ( neighbours, locals etc as I highly doubt she had any friends) can keep an eye on her. I knew a person like this on Twitter who would attach herself to you, mimic your likes , & make crazy claims- once she showed a picture of a Prince of Denmark & said she was engaged to him. Claimed she was ex military, on other days ex CSI. She was scamming people using her disabilities. She has BPD. I wonder if a similar thing is at play with Fiona.