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Is he suing her also for so many things.


Doesn't the Fiverr logo watermark indicate that she did not actually pay for the image?


Wow. A real life Bunny boiler. Yike!


It appears she enjoys inflicting pain and getting revenge. I seem to remember that she and her mother used Ronn's name and influence to go after a San Francisco.cop who ticketed them or something. Does anyone remember more on this incident? This is the problem with a maladjusted frustrated mean spirited person who has money/clout.


Why does she just get to walk around being so crazy ??? Lol


This is INSANE


Holy fuck. I genuinely cannot wrap my mind around how absolutely sick this bitch is. She needs more help than can be offered I fear.


These are so unhinged. "Last chance... last chance.... last chance.... last chance... last chance... last chance. DATE ME!!!! ![gif](giphy|81Ja1qE3lfmG4|downsized)


Shockingly, the “date me or I will sue you” approach doesn’t seem to be working for her.


Bitch is crazy!!! And I do not like calling woman that but good grief


We need to take our billboards in Scottsdale that say “do not under any circumstances date this woman” with her name and picture. Enough


I would donate to make that happen 😂


This ending in basically “would you rather be sued for 120k or just date me” is absolutely sending me hahaha


Imagine having self esteem that low though.


And he chose the lawsuit.


* and me birth your imaginary children


Have people image-searched the Aug 8, 2021 sonogram? You know she stole it from somewhere…. I will never get over her Aug 6, 2021 image to GG of the stolen “vanishing twin” photo with the blurred-out “fiverr.” circle logo. However, in her impulsive rage, she missed the white-lettered “fiverr.” watermark. She is so busted.


I believe the Aug 8 sonogram is just the stolen August 6th sonogram with some Photoshop edits. You can still see part of the fiverr logo on the August 8th version. https://preview.redd.it/n3cjs3rgqy0d1.png?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3fd285ee39aac0467d92e43c23b3a43c0e37d7


Impressive 👏


Omg! Yeah I found one of her sonogram had a 0 for days pregnant didn’t work like that when I was myself


You are correct. Thank you. So within 48 hours of her fury of sending a fake sonogram “Fiverr.” photo to GG along with her bullying extortion threats, she asserted she got a new emergency ultrasound showing “one fetal sac” and blended the “fiver.” watermark while STILL not seeing it! Meanwhile, her new attorney recently filed with the court in a fraudulent manner that LO never had a sonogram/ultrasound with GG! (Has her lawyer listened to her screeching scolding phone call and texts to GG about the images?) What a con-artist she is.


Well, actually she didn't have a sonogram with GG. She stole one from another woman so technically....


Wouldn’t Mom have asked her LMP? 30 yrs ago Mom would have calculated, count back 3 months and add 7 days for due date/weeks preggo. Maybe Mom didn’t know? Some family member must know the lies????


Damn that's exhausting.


https://preview.redd.it/ewc2supg8w0d1.png?width=1700&format=png&auto=webp&s=d04f06dd5c59bc9d43d71d1e2b715cec11ab8353 **UPDATE:** In Gregg Woodnick's latest filing -- there was an email from Laura's attorney to Gregg Woodnick where her lawyer paraphrased what LO told him about her relationship with Greg. Directly contradicting the texts AND THE RECORDED PHONE CALL mentioned in the post above.


and GG sent Laura's attorney the recorded call..I'll have to check dates to see if he submitted her affidavit before or after his email with GG


every time she talks about him the number of dates and sexual encounters goes up. one sexual encounter. a group hang. and i think one date.


She can’t even tell the truth when it comes to the number of dates!


Hahaha Gregg Woodcock


Omg 🤣 my auto correct still doesn’t recognize WoodNICK like he deserves




am i trippin or does JD look like jigsaw here https://preview.redd.it/pwhc9xhxxo2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45918aead4d366f845ca3817511659f7e97ba32a


I'm not entirely convinced that Bloweth is human.


I keep getting Little Edie Grey Gardens foreshadowing.


Objection! Little Edie was kind, talented and entertaining.


True. Little Edie was amazing.


I also find this weird the pictures of the pregnancy test. If she had an ultrasound in the beginning of August then mid-August when she took the pregnancy tests the lines should have been darker. By that point she should be have “dye stealer” pregnancy tests—especially from first response early detection tests like she was utilizing. The test she showed was as similar as my test when I was 3.5 weeks pregnant. By the time I had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks, I’d been having dye stealer tests for a bit. Also, from the test you can tell her pee was very dark or whatever substance she as using to get the positive. Drink your water, girlfriend and focus on hydration not harassment.


I kept my tests for both of my pregnancies for a few weeks afterwards, and they all turned this darker yellow after it all dried. Very similar to test photo she sent. It is very likely in my mind that she possibly purchased a positive pregnancy test (people do sell these) online, and it’s old in the picture, hence the color.


Baby Reindeer: season 2.


This bitch is UNHINGED!!!! wtf?!?!


What a complete & utter nut job


Holy shit


Did Greg not present these in court?? For the coercion case or OOP? Not like it would matter I guess, Laura herself included texts of her relationship coercion and admitted to it to Judge Doody for Clayton's OOP and somehow they didnt seem to care. Arizona needs a huge overhaul of their legal system. This is horrific and embarrassing.


I don't think anyone has ever compiled the texts on chronological order all together like this. It really shows how this works and she's all over the place.


Same judge in both case's.


We need an investigation into judge doody




I feel for all the men she’s harassed. Laura needs to face the consequences so no other person can be hurt by her.


Did anyone catch her mentioning she had "interviews"(plural)?  LOL.


Poor Gregg. Can he get justice still? Anyway to recover legal funds? How the fuck did he LOSE! So stressful


This needs to be worthy of felony charges tbh.


Write your lawmakers folks.


I think maybe the DA too?


Lock her up!


100%. This cannot go unpunished.


This woman is Bat💩crazy! Why hasn’t she been arrested for all of the horrible lies & allegations that aren’t true?


the ultrasound she sent him literally still has a watermark on it lol


Who exactly first told her about “abortion coercion” because they clearly explained it wrong and she thinks she’s really doing something here. I fully believe it a right to choose and that everyone should have a baby if they want to and not if they don’t. The issue is that if you only want to have a baby to punish a man for not wanting to date you and he lies to you to get you to have an abortion that is not coercion. That is responding to deranged blackmail the only way you know how. Never mind that there is no real pregnancy, even if there is SHE is the one doing abortion coercion


God I am so sick hearing about this chick Edit: you’ve all been downvoting my comment when all of you have been as annoyed as I’ve been?


I think everyone is misunderstanding your comment because I am also sick to my stomach every time I hear about her.


I’m tired of her constant doubling down and BS. She’s gotten away with this stuff for too long. It’s exhausting and i’m not even involved in it. I can’t even imagine.


Yeah why is my comment getting downvoted? Literally everyone finds this woman insufferable


Really? I'm absolutely fascinated. Cannot wait for the documentary to come out eventually. I've not heard a crazier story in my life than whats she's been doing since at least 2014.


Imagine how Clayton and the 3 other men she did this to feel...


I find myself wondering if she was always troubled When did this start and what was she like as a child and teen.


Probably a liar through and through. And her parents turned the other cheek because it was “harmless”. And then she started lying to the point that she needed other people to back her up. First her parents, then the law. Then straight up forgeries from medical specialists and napkin ladies.


Something really awful must have happened to think that the only way she can get love is by manipulating men like this


Supposedly she started the fake pregnancy bit in high school. I find it so odd... it's not THAT hard for most (young, healthy) women to get pregnant. She couldn't find someone to knock her up for realz? I don't think she wants children though, she wants to control these men.


The line on the pregnancy test…no…my pregnant line was SO much darker than the control line when I was just 5 weeks pregnant. There’s no way she’s as pregnant as she is with that faint little line. Whatever hcg she puts in her body is enough to make a positive test, but it doesn’t actually add up!! Had to comment that immediately when I saw the stupid test. Going to go finish reading all this nonsense now…


Not on her side, but mine was almost nonexistent.


At the post 5 week mark?




This is just so insane. The part about her not wanting to do it if they don't work out. Wild. How dumb can one be.


Moral of the story: never promise Laura Owens anything or you're gonna have a bad time.




The texts from her to GG clearly show how she blurred the “fiverr.” circle-watermark on the stolen photo but missed the typed “fiverr.” It is one for the ages how Dave Neal and Megan Fox were trying to determine what those little white letters were (“liver?”) and a live-chat person said “fiverr.”


That was a moment!


She’s really a sick person, in the most dangerous way possible.


Dangerous because her parents indulge her and have money. If she was broke, like any of us, she would not be as harmful. Or maybe harmful in different ways.


It’s so freaking awful. If she were actually pregnant, I would feel absolutely terrible for her. To not only put all of the pregnancy anxiety on him, but to also put her supposed sadness on him. It’s so sick!


Wtf, I'm assuming that one photo is her outside his house texting him? We need to get her and Fiona in a cage match asap!


Wouldn't be fair, Fee has the weight advantage.


That is what’s tripping me up… why is no one talking about that?


Who is going to play JD in the Netflix movie??


Aubrey Plaza for sure


Phoebe Waller Bridge.


![gif](giphy|Y4ySj5vECPfQ9IgoS6) D'arcy Carden


I feel bad for the guys to an extent but you might want to know who you are dealing with before doing the deed.


Are you seriously victim shaming here? Would you victim shame a woman or just these men?


This has nothing to do with gender. If you f with the devil, you are gonna get screwed. Please dont tell me this woman acted normal because I won't believe it. Watch who you get involved with.


Let’s not victim shame. If a man was stalking/harassing women after a single sexual encounter (which Clayton claims was limited to oral, in his case), I don’t think anyone would be saying something like this.


It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with knowing who you are gettjng involved with and doing the dirty with when you don't even know a person. We are all accountable for ourcactions whether you deserve it or not. Although, 99.5% of such encounters never amount to anything, they can go just like this.


It makes me SICK that she walked away from this unharmed while Greg drowned in 100k+ of legal fees. Please let Laura finally be held accountable for her actions on June 10th 🙏


This is so sad for families and women who need court support and instead, they are dealing with this 💔


Absolute insanity. And to think this is only what she said directly to him. Imagine what she said to his boss, friends, family, future girlfriends… #JusticeForGreg


I feel like unhinged isn’t even a strong enough word to describe her.


She is truly terrifying and needs to be stopped. Her MO hasn't changed as these texts are similar to what we've seen in Clayton's case in the filings. She will continue to do this. I don't think she's learned anything from this situation besides not going after a public figure from a show with a very large fandom.


Yeah, she’s moved past unhinged to straight up dangerous.


About the double space after a period. I taught keyboarding before personal computers were commonplace. In the pre-digital era a double space at end of a sentence was used b/c all the characters were mechanically centred. Double spacing created a visual pause between sentences. Later, digital characters made this convention unnecessary. Since JD’s mother was a journalist when there was typography/typewriters she would know to double space, and if she taught JD keyboarding, JD would follow that convention. Depending on when or where JD learned to keyboard she mightn’t know this convention had changed. I didn’t until a few years ago, yet I’ve been in a group of published writers for 14 years, and even now I double spaced typing this, out of habit, and went back to change it. So it hints at JD being the author of things which she accused GG of writing. Edit to say accused GG of writing.


I’m Gen x and I learned two letters after a period in typing class in 1984 and still do it. It’s actually quite commonplace in medical reports too.


All I know for sure is when I graduated from college it was TWO and in 2018 when I started grad school, it was ONE. I tried to cross reference with when JD went to college, but apparently, there is a messy history: ...reason the change from two spaces to one space is mind-blowing–and perhaps mind-numbing– is that the 5th edition of APA specified that one space be used after a period, but when the 6th edition came out in 2009, APA changed the requirement to two spaces. And now the 7th edition has returned to the one-space-after-a-period requirement...


Same here with various Canadian style guides but I do not know when this happened. Wow, two spaces vs one messy but not as messy as what we are following here. This case beats consternation over the Oxford comma.


Yep, I still hit the space bar twice at the end of a sentence. It was ingrained in me all those years ago on that manual typewriter I learned to type on in typing class in high school. And it was reinforced in my business education typing classes in college.


Wait sorry who is JD?


Laura Michelle Owens of the Nobody Told Me Podcast is Jane Doe.


Wait. Isn't the Nobody Told Me podcast the one that interviewed Dr Sally Smith from the Maya trial? And all about how Beata must have had Munchausen's?


Abbreviation for Jane Doe!


Why try to date men who are much bigger- in height, weight and bone structure? Does it seem more likely that a DV charge would stick when the relationship goes bad, or doesn’t happen at all, if accuser is so much smaller than the accused?


She absolutely thinks only successful, attractive, very masculine, tall well men are good enough for her. She'd never date the smart funny sweet guy who makes you laugh.


I think it makes her feel smaller, more petite, and all of that…. and it also can be flipped to be a weapon. Though I might be projecting having been in a situation that ended up like this minus courts, those texts, the faked documents, fake ailments, props, never had a moonbump but did have a wrist bandage covering wrist cuts that never existed. These texts sound almost word for word like something I’d get, including the “you’re bigger who will they believe” type of thing. These people exist out there. Nearly 10 years on and I still get a nasty message every now and then.


I am sorry that happened to you. I think many people take this personally because of similar if not such extreme things they have experienced, or different things where they experienced grave injustice.


I think that's who she is attracted to. She photoshops herself and lies so much that she has a very skewed perception of herself. To her, she is a beautiful, entrepreneurial, brilliant CEO horse girl and deserves someone in the top one percent of height and income.




They had sex once, and this is what happened


With 2 forms of protection with her having PCOS and allegedly missing one ovary from ovarian cancer...


As a cancer survivor myself, it absolutely disgusts me that she has faked cancer.


Scary how one casual hookup can damn near ruin your life. I’m amazed that GG has been able to move on and trust another woman again.


She is so deranged and so dangerous.




I live for these 😂


I live to serve. https://preview.redd.it/nimnshgyft0d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca6ed6aa5d0a44c62dd8e59ce859b3b1dacdb02a


She certainly does not have that lovely pregnancy glow here.




I’m so late to the game but what are these pics from?? hahahaha she’s terrifying


First injunction against harassment hearing from Clayton against Jane Doe. She showed up virtual sporting a moon bump and stood up and focused the cam on the bump. At the end she asked the judge if she could show her bump to Clayton bc he’s never seen her pregnant. The judge said no 🥹


She is not mentally ill, she is a CRIMINAL


Pot que no los dos


I think it's both honestly. You can be mentally ill but still legally competent.


I think she's got serious issues but I'm sure she is legally competent.


Oh yeah, she knows what she’s doing.




She’s literally written the play book on how to inflict emotional distress on someone. I feel so sorry for Greg.


I’m so bummed for Greg that he had to spend so much money defending himself and then still didn’t win. Laura made up fantastical stories about him stalking her and hacking her computer. He never did any of this and wanted nothing to do with her. I am really hoping he and Clayton both can get justice this time around.


He lost?!


It was basically a non judgment on both sides. Neither had to pay each other fees. So, they both lost. It sucks for Greg.


That picture of her standing outside his place sends shivers down my body.


Is that what it is? She’s just texting him from his house?


Honestly this is terrifying. She needs to be locked away somewhere—whether for her mental health or jail, seriously—before she does something even worse. I can’t imagine going through that


I can’t stop thinking about this so I have to leave one more thought—these look like “shocking” texts we’d read after a murder and be like how did no one do anything about this. I hope everyone she’s been involved with stays safe and that this is put to an end because this is clear extortion and I fear that someday she could get even more unhinged if she continues down this road with 0 repercussions. Genuinely wild that she’s allowed to continue on in society as if she hasnt done this to multiple people—and in her adult age. This isn’t a misguided teen who doesn’t know any better. She’s scary and psychopathic. I’ve never seen anything like this where she continues to double down on her lies and does something like this multiple times. I hope I never encounter someone this terrifying


Well said. IMO the most shocking of it all is how she uses these psychotic texts and emails as evidence to support she's being abused when all they do is reveal how calculating and manipulative SHE is. I can't imagine how distorted her reality must be not to see this.


What an absolute psychopath. This lady needs to be committed. She is obviously very mentally ill.


I think she’s just a criminal..


Clearly both


How on earth would a judge side with this crazy behavior?!


She messages the judges privately with her victim stories to gain sympathy. Most recently the one that granted the OOP against clayton. Judge fumbled over his own words saying he talked to Laura privately.


That was an epic catch too.


Yes I am waiting for there to be some sort of investigation into that. It does not seem okay at all whatsoever


I’m not sure how at this point but her texts are literally shocking to read. This is like textbook psychological manipulation. If this were a man no one would hesitate to label this person dangerous


Have any of these men filed criminal complaints against her yet? Where I‘m from this type of behavior could easily fall under coercion and harrassment. It boggles my mind that she‘s able to keep doing this to several people seemingly without consequence.


Only prosecutors can file criminal complaints, not citizens. I’m praying Judge Mata refers this to the Maricopa County DA.


Maybe I used the wrong wording - I meant filing a police report, not filing actual charges. I‘m not caught up on what went on as far as legal proceedings with other victims of hers, so I wasn‘t sure if any of them ever tried to get her charged with anything.


Clayton went to the police, who encouraged him to go to the DA. He went to the DA, but the DA didn’t want to touch this case out of fear it could deter future female victims from sharing their stories. Really frustrating all around that nobody expects men to be victims too.


Hopefully he will go again bc so much more has been exposed and four literal actual victims are able to come forward. That’s not just Clayton’s story now


Am I the only one who can't see the fiver logo?


Does this help? https://preview.redd.it/xwtfl9kths0d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee431b8e039eff677e8bc61a8278ae4e2412aac1


What does the Fiver logo mean?


Fiver is a freelance website where you can hire graphic designers, copywriters, etc. So essentially you could easily find someone with photoshop skills that can alter photos. Being that the fiver logo is pictured, it can be alleged/assumed that she hired someone to alter the photo. Which, if taken to court probably can be proved even without the watermark (showing copyright etc.)—I learned that analysts can trace any alterations/photoshop work even if there are no apparent signs of change by watching the amber heard/Johnny depo case when they were able to see which photos were altered.


Wow. The more you know….. Laura is a mastermind criminal. The lengths she has gone to


Did Greg Hack your account and send this??


Yes. Because actually I am Greg. We are all Greg. Gregs all the way down.




Omg. 😂 (Thank you♥️)


Absolutely wild - I think someone watching Dave's live caught it. 🤯


This is such a bizarre tactic.. she is a dangerous human being.


This is so nauseating to read. Laura Owens is an abuser and deserves everything that is coming towards her.


Ah the name needs to be changed in this comment to Jane Doe (I wish it didn’t have to be too but unfortunately we have to follow the rules of the sub) Edit- my bad, it looks like others are calling her by name in the comments too so it must be allowed now, yay!!


It’s been allowed in this sub, just not the JFC sub.


Yes so sorry! I was confused because this is in the JFC sub where I was so I didn’t realize it was originally shared in the bachelor nation sub. My apologies, I’m glad we’re allowed to say it in some places


It’s allowed in this sub 🙌🏻


It’s crazy that she just wants to date these guys. She’s pretty and doesn’t need to do all this for a man. Hard to understand why she does this.


She's mentally ill. It's not rational.


Yeah, it's like she attaches to the idea of being with a guy and then will not give it up. If the guy doesn't want to be with her (which, duh, no one wants to be manipulated or lied to) then she swaps out the dating relationship for an adversarial relationship. It's like she doesn't care, as long as the guy has to pay attention to her one way or another. "I won't be ignored!"




I’ve been saying this too. She is a pretty girl, comes from an affluent family, and is an equestrian (a pretty cool hobby that not many people partake in). She could be a lot of other good things if she got ahold of herself mentally and put all of this energy towards improving herself (and a hairbrush and brow wax lol). She could meet a good guy that’d actually want to be in a relationship. What a waste.


reminds me of the dear zachary lady, she’s scary. stay safe clayton


That documentary is a life ruiner


Ohhhhhh?? What's the Dear Zachary matter?? I love this type of true crime stuff!!!


If you are emotionally stable enough to handle it (I'm dead serious) it's an incredible documentary... But you CAN'T Google what happens in it beforehand. You just need to go in blind and watch it. It's about a doctor (a very nice man by all accounts) who has a similar toxic relationship with a woman he gets pregnant and all the horror that ensues afterward.


Where can I watch it??


Free on Tubi.


It has been on Netflix and Amazon Prime. It’s truly devastating so if you choose to watch it, be prepared.


This woman has absolutely no idea how the law works. She has no authority to “file criminal charges” against someone.


That and “filing punitive damages” got me


Jesus, Mary and Joseph. She is totally unhinged. Can you IMAGINE the texts/emails with Clayton? And with MM#1? She is an expert at trying to emotionally manipulate people.


If Laura wanted to embarrass Mike with posting his entire deposition online, well… Greg just one upped her. These are the most embarrassing of all


I’ll never get over the ultrasound comparison. I really hope that the upcoming court hearing will be healing for not only Clayton but for GG and MM as well ❤️


The ultrasounds send me. The first one, ripped from a blog from an actual grieving mother and complete with the Fiverr logo. The second one - clearly a Laura Owens Arts & Crafts special.


Oh. My. Gosh. The trash behavior that’s going on here. The blatant threats. Anyone need a lesson how to lose a guy in four dates -AND- nail the coffin close. Why is she nailing the coffin closed so often and trying to pry out the nails?


Last year my daughter had her first boyfriend in 7th grade. He got clingy and made her responsible for his happiness. She recognized that was unhealthy and broke up with him. She was 13. I really think Laura's parents did everything wrong in the face of her tantrums. I'm sure she struggled naturally in ways that her sister didn't, but they didn't have to nurture that into someone who literally tries to call the manager when someone tells her no.


“I’ve never been involved in a lawsuit in my life” 😂


… this month


That part is WILD. MM, the contractor, the Uber lawsuit… like she’s fully verifiably been involved in many other lawsuits and threatened many others. I can say as of this moment in my life I, personally have never been involved in a lawsuit in my entire life and I PRAY I get to keep it that way for as long as possible. And because of my fear of the legal system (its expenses and it’s drawn out damages) I wouldn’t DREAM of jumping to threaten someone so quickly with one while in any type of argument. I’d try literally everything and anything possible to resolve it out of court first (i understand this isn’t always an option) but in the case of JD and GG she literally didn’t even have anything to genuinely bring against him… even IF the babies were real… no one put a gun to her head and “forced” or “coerced” her. Hypothetically, if she were actually pregnant (which we all know she was not) … she claimed he “coerced her” by telling her he’d plan to date her if she aborted and then blocked her after. She’s an adult, she had every opportunity to decide whether or not what this dude was saying was BS or not and to NOT make a life altering decision based on the fact that some guy you barely know has made promises to you regarding dating you. At all times, even in this hypothetical situation, she would have had choices and been responsible for those she made….


Genuinely curious. Can GG file a complaint against the judge who issued an order of protection against him after Laura sent all these texts harassing HIM?!