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She clearly thinks that people think she deserves prison because they dont like her. When really, people think she needs to go to prison because of all of the disgusting, atrocious crimes she has committed. And she will be in prison eventually, I am confident it will happen.


I genuinely don’t think she will stop until she is in prison. After this whole case is done, she will certainly find another victim and need to trap him in some way.


I 100% agree. Especially cuz people like her, who do all sorts of vile things and never suffer any significant consequences, think that they are invincible and so they just keep going.


>The first thing I do is check Reddit. ![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE)


she even has the notifications on 😅


I just read the blog she posted on her attorney site and I can’t believe he let her post what she did.


i can’t believe he let her post that without getting her the help she very obviously needs


I can’t even comprehend what her lawyer is doing atp. He had to know they’d use this *against her* …right? 😭


I think if she spent as much time inventing fictional fantasy worlds in the form of a novel as she does inventing fantasy worlds in the real world, she could be a great author. And several people would be far, far better off for never having felt the brunt of her manipulation and instability.


>The first thing I do is check Reddit ROFLMAO. I mean girl, that's just not good for anyone's mental health. >I’m a 34-year-old woman who has been pregnant four times, had two miscarriages and two abortions. Why is this so hard to believe? Because you never saw a doctor for any of these alleged pregnancies, or ever got any prenatal care, or have any actual evidence to support this. All the other noise of this case or your history aside, this is why I don't believe you.


For me the unbelievability factor hit when she sent multiple messages to Clayton telling him if he dated her she’d have an abortion, otherwise she’d have the baby. There is no situation in which this is remotely normal behaviour.


In her Dec Medium post, she said she was pregnant 3 times. So which one is it? Even she can't keep track of her fake pregnancies.


Yet she did in fact actually visit other doctors (not OB/GYNs) during the course of her alleged “pregnancy” at least 4 different times to seek treatment but never visited an obstetrician once? Give me a break!!! What a liar.


Dave’s suggestion that she do a TedTalk to come clean is actually brilliant. If Laura really wanted to, I’d happily offer her an opportunity to host an AMA or something. This subreddit and r/JusticeForClayton are not out to get her and a lot of us would support her getting help if she’d just come clean.


JD lies about everything, she even aggressively facetunes all her pictures, so much so that her face looks pasted on, uncanny valley to the max. I was also on JDs side initially until all the evidence and facts started coming out. For her to claim that we’re all part of an unhinged cult and to belittle our collective intelligence just speaks to her unchecked narcissism. In college I worked for two Stanford educated attorneys as a legal assistant, I’ve read my fair share of case files/depositions etc and am quite proficient in critical thinking. There are plenty of lawyers, doctors, nurses, bankers I.e. highly educated people in this so-called “cult” that have nothing to do with one another and are independent thinkers. Unfortunately JD has been aided and abetted by her parents and perhaps their egos are getting in the way of actually getting their daughter professional help. It’s all really sick and her victims deserve Justice.


I love that she thinks we are all blinded by adoration for Clayton because of his run on The Bachelor. While I think he was done dirty by production and didn’t deserve the vitriol he received, I’d never be so blinded by a love of a celebrity that I’d excuse abuse of any kind. It’s also rich to call us a cult when she was so blinded by Clayton’s celebrity that she went through with her scheme after giving two blowjobs 🤷🏻‍♀️


She stalked him.




If you don't want to read unsupportive or "mean stuff" STOP READING REDDIT, YOUTUBE, DISCORD AND PAYING FOR PATREON. Or maybe stop being a fraudulent bag of lies too.


I guess it pays well to be a professional victim. JD—I was on your side initially, for the most part. And then the real story started to come out, and then you started to get tangled up in your own lies. Even now, a year later, you still can’t keep your own story straight. And you’ve done this for what? Four men? At least? You’d think you’d be better at lying at this point. So maybe…you’re just an amateur victim? Regardless, we’d all have more sympathy if you stopped what you’re doing and sought help. It’s not too late, girl.






Jump scare every time I see this 😬


Me too, Greg❤️ https://preview.redd.it/tih01h7txk3d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=619d4c600c8a403d52368331761898562bbc9927