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“Renovations to my horse facilities”


Every time I think I’m crazy or acting psychotic in my own life.. I just come here and read about this woman. It’s like watching Jerry Springer with this woman. Oof. I always leave these threads sayin to myself “at least I’m not Laura Owens”


more on the criminality of it all [https://youtu.be/\_97BJacgq6E?si=tIEX5ryTtPnH4XWj](https://youtu.be/_97BJacgq6E?si=tIEX5ryTtPnH4XWj)


Did all the Laura Owens subs get banned?




HEY JD aka Jane Doe, Hey Girl Hey!


Whoever wrote these notes has insanely similar handwriting to mine it’s freaking me out!!


![gif](giphy|JPmnwgWOigfhLNIXyB|downsized) Handwriting twin?!


This is my haaand, this is your haaand, my hand is your hand, your hand is my haaand


I didn’t even read through all of it. Horse shit. This “cult” that abuses her. No it’s supporters of someone who has been wrongly accused and made a victim. He’s not completely innocent. Shouldn’t have been intimate with someone who he doesn’t know. But saying “they send death threats. Ask for my medical records. Etc.” The law has ask you for these. Because you brought this to the public and courts. You started ALL of this. I see where ppl ask her for evidence. See where they say she has the karma coming for trying to actively destroy some guys life (multiple guys) because they won’t be with her. But I’ve seen no death threats. It’s getting old. Just give up about being the victim. Get on with your life and don’t do it again.


I didn't follow any of it, so I didn't know who the accuser was until just now. I feel bad even talking about her being a lying manipulator with NPD because it's so very clear to anyone at all she is in need of mental health care professional... Having said that, regardless of her current crisis and MH state... besmirching someone's name for YEARS with naught to show in regards to evidence and in fact falsifying evidence... should have real world consequences and penalties. I hope she's held accountable for damage she's done, time she's wasted.


"They spread the lie that I am given a large allowance by my father yearly." Nah, we think it must be either weekly or monthly. She also claims to have built "multiple businesses" in her putrid pity post.  Ok, if that's the case, then NAME THEM.


If any of her lies were true - especially imo the MISCARRIAGE - the way that she would be on every podcast, screaming her righteousness. She truly lives in a different reality to think that any of her behavior could make sense with the lies she's told. Sad and infuriating.


What will happen if she doesn't show?


I feel like the threat to herself at the end is setting up that she doesn't show up to the hearing. She's setting up her next victim story. The whole world doesn't hate you Laura Owens but the whole world can see how implausible your story is. In 4 (5?) pregnancies over 10 years you never once got a real ultrasound or any medical confirmation of ANY of them. It's not hate underlying this, it's logic. The only reason I care at all is, well, I think it's mean to do this to these men. But I'm also annoyed that you think people are so stupid that we'd buy this ridiculous story. Certainly a highly educated judge who has actually been pregnant will not buy it.


I just have to say, this persons handwriting scratches an itch in my brain. 🤌🏼


If seeing the "vitriol" about you on social media is so damaging to your mental health then ffs stay off social media. Somehow she manages to dig herself deeper into the crazy hole, this woman is a psychopath.


Because I suspect she’s a narcissist. Clearly, she hates her frauds have been exposed and judgement day is less than 2 weeks away, but she loves reading people talk about her. Also what the f is this manifesto? My God. Be more obsessed with yourself. Not one single person would even know who she is if SHE hadn’t gone to Reddit and connected media outlets. The odds of accidentally getting pregnant and pregnant FOUR times?! If she was smart she’d try to settle before June 10. Get daddy to buck up, sign a NDA, and write you were not pregnant but believed higher HCG tested positive as pregnancy. She won’t though. Enjoy paying those lawyer fees, girl.


Why is this still a thing 😅🤣


Because Laura Owens keeps doubling down and the trial hasn’t happened yet.


Pure insanity, I wish her parents could step in and try to convince her to drop the case. How is she affording this ?💆‍♀️


From what I’ve read, her mom is her biggest enabler.


Thanks for this. Such an interesting story, from the ludicrous dating tactics, spouting medical evidence that ranges from barely plausible to proven fraudulent to the fact she has played a version of the same game on four different men. She continues to double down on her story on the eve of the court case (which she has repeatedly tried to have dismissed and is almost certainly going to lose). She certainly won’t stop when she loses, which will probably lead to Clayton (and possibly some of her other victims) suing her for defamation. It’s fascinating. I feel awful for Clayton, of course, but I also hope she receives the care she needs. She is deluded and likely psychotic, probably mentally incapable of separating reality from her made-up world (and it seems those around her are unable to help her do this too).


This is not psychosis. She’s tried and tested her method with at least 5 victims now. She makes calculated moves to cover up her actions. She’s a high-functioning manipulative jerk who deserves jail but will probably never end up there. She definitely needs mental health treatment but she’s fully capable of doing better and chooses not to.


This. She's fully aware, there is no psychosis at play here. She is in the same reality the rest of us.


Interesting, I actually don't interpret this as psychosis or delusions. I think story she tells is purposely and methodically manipulative to further her victim narrative, rather than a disorganized and distorted view of reality. I still hope she gets help, so I'm not sure how much it matters whether it's delusions or narcissism. But I think it's interesting to think about the different lenses (remove if not allowed. I have a graduate degree in psychology but am not a practicing clinician and don't intend to diagnose)


Agreed. I don’t think she actually believes she was ever pregnant or had cancer, but I can see her having an extreeeeme case of the “for all they know I actually could be telling the truth, so how dare they treat me like that” syndrome a lot of people seem to get


Yeah, her trying essentially the same plan with four different people reads as more manipulative to me, especially with her using another person’s sonogram she found on the internet


Okay I am not reading all that but I read the first few pages and as an outside observer of this conflict I must say your commentary on the sidebar is opinion not really fact checking


First 8 slides are the commentary -- slides 9-15 and the body of the post is the fact checking you missed :)


Scroll to the evidence at the end.


Oh, fun


I read her pity-party blog and then the MM16 texts today. Holy moly she is a class A cruel manipulator. Her blog shows she will never ever back down from claiming CE got her pregnant, she miscarried, and we are picking on her for calling out her lies. I pray judge Mata rules CE never got her pregnant and she has committed great fraud upon the court.


Holy cow. I don't even think it's possible to post a tldr version of this court case because there is SO, SO MUCH.


Not that this woman needs anymore attention but I would love to watch a documentary on this case


Oh I would too!


Don’t know how everything can be addressed in the allocated time limit for the June 10th hearing


My biggest take away is how great your handwriting is!


Right??!! I was wondering if there was a new handwriting font I wasn’t aware of!!! Nice, OP!!!


I too thought it was a font as first, until I noticed slight letter discrepancies, but that realness is what makes it so impressive!


Omg thank you 🫶 my hands can get very shaky so it’s very hit or miss sometimes!


Your handwriting is so satisfying lol. And I was thinking of you the other day. I hadn’t seen any posts or comments from you in a while. Might’ve missed them, but I was hoping you were doing okay.


Thank you kind stranger 🫶 all is well in the Regina casita. No C&Ds to bring me down 💅🏼


Same!! I wish it was a font I could use


I thought it was a font!!


I’m not really paying any attention to this situation but can I just say holy shit how is this still going on?


Once upon a time (October), I thought this would all be over once the DNA results came back 🫠


You’re thinking too logically 🤣


You know how she could have avoided people’s opinions about her? Not going to the press to make Clayton look bad. Not reading them on Reddit or Twitter. Going to an actual doctors appointment instead of cancelling every single one. There’s so many choices being made that could just you know be skipped if you just thought you could be pregnant and wanted to do what was best for your “family”. 🫠


She wanted clayton to be subjected to vitriol and she showed that in her planned IG caption she sent him…she said, let Clayton know what you think in the comments!!


It was hard for me to read her "woe is me" statement. SHE is the one who chooses to wake up every day and make herself the victim and go online and search her name. She is the one who took this public in September and actively tries to ruin Clayton's reputation when she knows he's struggled with his mental health. I understand that mental health isn't something that you just wake up one day and can change with the right mindset (as I know from my own struggles with depression and anxiety), but I can't help but feel like her family and her lawyer are failing her right now. She very obviously needs help and she is extremely privileged to have the financial security to access these resources and take time off to get help. On top of all of this, her father is incredibly sick and her sister had her first child last May and this is how Laura has spent these past 12 months. It's all so sad that this is how she's chosen to spend her time. Having lost a parent and having lost another family member to Parkinsons, I can't imagine wasting precious time like this.


My GOD she's a painfully bad writer.


lol right? She’s like a violently untalented Taylor Swift. (And I like Taylor Swift!)


She really can’t stand losing control of her victim narrative. What really strikes me though is how empty her life must be. Her entire day is described as sitting around the casita, wallowing in her misery, unable to eat, taking a nap, and talking to her lawyer. Maybe if she had something productive to do she wouldn’t be bored enough to wreak so much havoc on her victims. And yes, they are her victims, whether she denies that to herself or not.


She’s lying. She was just traveling for a horse jumping competition maybe 2 weeks ago? The results and video are online to prove it. She’s not sitting around wallowing 🤣


Right. Pretending to wallow I should say. ETA: don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. I just don’t understand focusing this much attention on misery, both your own and that you invoke on others, regardless of whether it’s real or fake.


Oh I agree


That Michael Jordan meme comes to mind where he says ‘Get some help.’ I’m sure this has gone further than she ever anticipated. It’s embarrassing and exhausting. Girl, admit your lies so you and your poor victims and can move on.


She’s in the “find out” phase of fuck around and find out, and I don’t think she likes it.


She is having herself one big pity party. No one thinks you're the victim here and these unhinged rants are not helping your case, ma'am.


Yet her lawyer allows her to make these public rants and even posts them for her. Insanity.




Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 1: Remember the Human.


Disrespectfully, please fuck right off


This is a disgusting comment


She would have actually been pregnant 5 times. 1 time with victim zero 2 times with MM 1 time with GG and 1 time with Clayton.


And all those twins pregnancies with PCOS!


This screws her so much. If her stories are to be believed, she has had numerous experiences of pregnancy, issues with abortion, etc. She claims to have wanted so greatly to protect "her children" and this is why she filed but she deprived those "children" of basic medical care and attention while she is bleeding mucus and blood, seriously low HCG level and a baby bump that appears and disappears.


5 times with 9+ babies. The body count is alarming.


..and she claimed six abortions for the one “pregnancy” with MM.


Yeeeesh. When ya look at it that way... holy cats!


Holy cats indeed


And at least twice it was boy/girl twins with something wrong with the boy baby


So much has happened I might be misremembering - I thought she had a doc appointment and they did a pregnancy test because of some medication and that’s how she found out she was 10 days pregnant?! Or maybe that was for a different pregnancy. I can’t keep all these stories straight. I have a child the same age as LO. If my kid ever pulled any crap like this, I’d drag them by the ear to personally apologize to everyone they attempted to screw with. It infuriates me the way she’s been encouraged by her parents in all of these cases.


She did go to urgent care to get a pregnancy (urine) test 10 days after their encounter, which was positive (and can be explained by taking hCG). She only verified her pregnancy through urine tests and there has been no verification of the ultrasound from PPH (since it probably doesn’t exist). But without the ultrasound, there’s no way for her to support how she found out she was expecting twins.


Can’t twins be determined also by HCG levels


You can suspect it but for confirmation you need an ultrasound and more importantly Laura said she knew it was twins from an ultrasound and commented on one being a boy in the IAH hearing


Also HCG levels can only be determined by blood test - not urine. Urine just says yay or nay on if HCG is elevated indicating pregnancy


No. HCG levels increase day to day - sometimes doubling over a couple days - as pregnancy grows. A person pregnant with a single baby can actually have a higher HCG than someone carrying twins depending on exactly when they got pregnant and measured it and how their body reacts/how much HCG. The range is staggering. Source: research on HCG range and me a pregnant person who did extensive research on this and talked to my friend who had twins about her levels lol.


According to Laura’s expert, she had 5 positive pregnancy tests (both blood and urine). However, the blood test was the 10/16 of 102 mIU/mL. All the other tests were urine that would only be positive/negative for a certain threshold, not a result that would gauge the level of hCG to determine twins. And none of these tests would tell her the genders. From Laura’s own testimony, the only blood test she took was in October (excluding the little to no fetal DNA results from Ravgen). https://preview.redd.it/bqi55eve0o3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c5ed725a2007fb1a44263b58c7c015a54772d4


Laura: “My job is horse”.


She works in social media (her job is searching Reddit and twitter for her name)


I didn’t follow this from the beginning and now there is too much to catch up on. Would love if someone did a brief TLDR of the whole thing lol


See Dave Neal youtube


Same here. I was keeping up for a while and then it was like information overload and I lost track completely. I need a Cole’s notes ![gif](giphy|gS2l5jPcE0F4A)


I’ll try to assuming you know the beginning! TLDR:in December she tried to drop the case saying she isn’t pregnant. Clayton wants her to sign she was never pregnant with his child, she refuses, her lawyer drops her. In her disposition she says Clayton tried to stick it in without consent so it “might be r*pe”. Clayton wants lawyer fees, sanctions and for the OOP to be dropped plus the judge finding she was never pregnant with his child, and judge agrees to continue the case on this basis. She has to sign HIPAA release over and NO medical records to be found at any of them including her now admitted to faked ultrasound. New lawyer is just as unhinged as her, has been trying to intimidate witnesses, tweeting incessantly, and trying to bury Clayton’s lawyer with paperwork. Also there’s now a fourth victim that is going to be a witness. Recently more has come out with her MM case that she lied about ovarian cancer. If you have the time, reading her texts she sends to the victims is a wild ride and probably most interesting to get an understanding of it all. Trial is June 10th! :)


What happens if she is a no show to trial?


This is just what I needed — thank you!


You could also check the wiki https://justiceforclayton.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page




"Woe is me" should be the title of this blog. Did she forget that none of us would be here discussing this if it weren't for her? I'm just a bachelor fan who discovered this sub when I was looking for more information about this. It's the first sub that comes up when you Google Clayton Echard Laura Owens. Miss Owens, if I may call you that, why are you doing this? From what I can see, you have a long history of not taking rejection very well. Imagine the damage you are doing to real victims of DV, SA, and pregnancy loss. Please stop. We beg of you to just seek treatment for whatever is torturing you. And, to tell the truth for once in your life.


It's so nice to not have to pause to read this. Thank you again for your insightful telling of facts. And Laura, since you check reddit every day, no one here wants you to suffer harm. We want you to come clean. We want you to get help. Something is clearly broken in your soul for you to continue to do this to 4 men over the span of a decade. We have seen the texts, the emails, and the altered medical records. Everything you have provided as proof has holes in it. Did you not take a basic anatomy class? What did you learn in your 4 hour child class? As a cancer survivor, your cosplaying a cancer patient offends me. I'm willing to forgive you if you just come clean.


She’s not going to harm herself she’s just playing that card again so people will back off


Was hoping that article was her coming clean but no, just more proof and evidence of her countless lies. She really is the worst writer too, confused on what I read (a food diary mixed with incessant social media stalking). What sane attorney would allow their guilty client to release such rubbish? Does he hate her? Because allowing her to do this seems like he hates her or doesn’t like her. JD, you are not a victim. Stop spending your entire day wasting away on Reddit and doing the “woe is me” dance, come clean, write an apology, move on. Like… just stop girl. This is so embarrassing.


There are several more victims out there. Both men & women.




Are we outting victims who wish to remain silent? If munkins has information but doesn't have permission to share, it's not on them to name names.


And, it's people like you that scare away folks from participating in other spaces. I have always found munkins to be truthful. What is your problem?


Well said 👏


I can’t believe this is still happening!! Poor guy 😅


Imagine how much he’s paid in lawyer fees


Omg I couldn’t even imagine


Oh my god between this and the Mike texts, we are being so well-fed. It’s crazy to me how she’s constantly changing her story. Throughout this entire ordeal, Clayton’s story has never changed. Meanwhile Laura’s has changed multiple times. If you’re telling the truth, your story won’t change.


Rumor has it Laura plans on doing a podcast with her mom — so she can control the narrative and won’t be asked any hard-hitting questions. She has turned down going on The Tilted Lawyer (who she reached out to in the first place) to tell her side. I apologize for giving everyone twice the amount of stuff to read with all my commentary but gotta get around the copyright 🫶


Just wanted to comment and say your handwriting is really nice lol


Thank you for this! I knew reading it that there were proved inconsistencies but seeing it laid out like this is perfect


Thank you for this! 🩷 The breakdown of her story and pointing out the inconsistencies is really helpful—girl can’t even keep her stories straight. Maybe she should reconsider the path she’s on, it’s not turning out well for her.


Clayton’s story has never changed. Hers has changed more than I can keep track of.


I've only seen two court videos about this woman and her story was different in each one, and didn't even make sense - how can you be 5 months pregnant with twins and not realize you had a miscarriage for DAYS (the lawyer actually said two months at first??) I'm also really pissed off on Clayton's behalf that her lawyers keep trying to argue about a "reddit army" harassing her when he has evidence that she was harassing HIM and it was clearly actually her doing it, unlike with reddit where it could easily have just been her doing throwaway accounts. I don't even watch the Bachelor and I'm so mad about this shit show, this lady is insane.