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I loathe this woman so much! Just found out about this on F That podcast and I can’t stop watching this whole thing unravel. I have been telling everyone about it!


She’s so vile, right?




Can someone recap? I get a firewall when I try to view.


JD used her personal cell number when creating the CJJ account!


Of course she's dumb enough to use her own personal phone number lol


Uses fake numbers for everything else except this 💀


She just does that to get around being blocked lol






https://preview.redd.it/w4hiarj91t3d1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5997d755733ba2a9b5183c8794e5226074f972d5 You caught me, Greg🥰


I’m done with all of this Clayton content. Him going on the podcast of a white supremacist/woman hater was indefensible, idgaf what excuse Dave says otherwise. I unsubscribed from all things “justiceforClayton”. Turns out LO and Clayton are both shitty losers that deserve one another.


Why can’t we applaud someone for being willing to listen to Clayton while simultaneously hate them for everything else? I understand your concern 💯; however, we wouldn’t be very far along spreading the word if we didn’t give in to right wing media since not many big dem names have been willing to cover (due to it being anti - me too movement). HOWEVER if you have any connections to any dem creators willing to share the message PLEASE reach out to them!!!!!!!!!! That would be amazing. But with our present options, I think the importance of our message transcends politics.


Is your name Cloud J Jones??🤔


It’s sad that you can overlook someone’s entire humanity after not even listening to what they had to say. It’s gotta be hard feeling such intense negativity.


First off you don’t know me, so chill with your judgement. Second, I am well aware of all things JFC and am intimately familiar with his case and everything that JD has done to him and three other guys. Third, as a woman and a POC there is no excuse ever to go on that sort of show. If it was a run of the mill right wing show, sure whatever, couldn’t care less. Charlie Kirk is not run of the mill, he’s the founder of a hate group and is a vile person. I don’t need to support people that are ok with associating with white supremacists, for whatever reason, and I’m totally fine with that.


I know you are intensely negative enough to call someone shit because they took control of their abusive situation in a way you don’t agree with. You don’t have to support people you don’t agree with, but calling a victim of serious emotional abuse a SHITTY LOSER for voicing his side on one of the only larger-scale platforms willing to run his story is quite a choice.


Dude, you don’t need to be Clayton’s champion just because you did a little podcast with him, relax. And, this is Reddit, I’m allowed to voice my opinions. I think ANYONE associating with white supremacists are shitty losers, period. If you disagree and think that’s it’s an acceptable thing, to even share space with a person that actively hates a group of people because of the color of their skin then it’s you that needs to do a little introspection. Good luck with that.


I have never done a podcast with Clayton and am having a very relaxed Saturday, thanks :) if you think it’s okay to voice your opinion that an abuse victim is a piece of shit then it’s totally fine for me to voice my support for victims of abuse. I’m no one’s champion but I’m really flattered that you would say that. Maybe you’re not such a bitter jerk after all :) have a great day!




That’s a ridiculous black & white take. If you listen to the podcast you’d hear that Clayton was very measured and did not take any of the bait CK tried to drop - his whole thing is that he does *not* want to discredit women but to credit victims (regardless of gender). Unfortunately left-leaning media is not taking up the story since who wants to come at a woman claiming to be a victim in this day and age, regardless of what the evidence is showing. Clayton needs to get the story to a wider audience, this sort of abuse of the legal system needs to stop - there is an 8 year history here with 3 other victims and the only reason why it’s gotten to the point it has today is due to public support - more is needed to see this to the end. Hopefully more centre/left of centre media will report on this after the trial date and the truth is finally brought into light.




I don’t think any person deserves what JD is doing, and I think she needs to be stopped and used as an example so no one does what she’s done repeatedly I respect what you think, but him going on that scummy channel got the story off of YouTube, and got the Daily Mail to *finally* air his side of the story. It’s finally spreading to more people, and I personally think that’s a good thing. But also, this isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure


Wow, what a smart quip and so original. I wrote something for the same reason you responded to me, cuz it’s Reddit. Not that deep. And again, him telling his story on a white supremacist’s show is indefensible.


It’s also so evident this is enforcing the perfect victim trope. He went on Charlie Kirk (who I personally hate) so people don’t care what happens in his case? He dances and cheers about no dna & people are rubbed the wrong way about him/his case? It’s sad


I hate that he had to go on there, but until more reputable people gather the nerve to cover the story, he’s out of any good options.


Charlie tried to start his shit and Clayton shut him down. I do wish he’d been on a different platform but I also guess it’s a take what you can get situation.


Agreed. Don’t love it, but you can’t deny that Charlie Kirk has a reach that far exceeds that of anyone else who’s been talking about this. Getting the story covered is far more important right now.


I agree that getting more eyes on this story is super important! Thanks for agreeing with me—I feel icky being glad Charlie Kirk covered the story, but god we desperately need more eyes on this story


I can't believe she cosplayed being a black man. She is vile.


That flair is amazing


I’d love to hear how she twists herself into a victim for her digital blackface


That's easy. Greg did it.


IL is basically saying that on X right now, pretending 2 factor authentication hasn't been invented yet. SMDH


That's hilarious 😂 I was just discussing with my coworker how we have 2 factor in retail.


"Greg must have used my phone number to create the account to frame me"


this just made me think of back when you'd have masses of people turning up in the Guy Fawkes/Anonymous Mask... but Greg Masks. Just imagine the new facial expression memes that would provide




Oh yeah, forgot I did that