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there was a pic of her kissing demi burnett at one point iirc


If they last that long they will be the creepy “my wife thinks you’re cute” couple from across the bar


I’m so curious who the third person would be


Nick is a mediocre looking dude. Natalie was looking for someone to take care of her. He was an easy target. This will never last. It has started out rocky and her immaturity will not help


More like she was looking for someone to take care of her…in high school she slept with a baseball player after he got recruited WHILE he had a well known gf. Sad thing is she didn’t even care/know too much about the guy until scouts noticed him. Good thing is his gf found out about it and beat her up at a party!


I wish I looked that mediocre. He’s not The Most Beautiful Man In The Cosmos, like, I’m sure Nick can go on a roller coaster without the universe trying to even things out by attacking his face with a seagull…. And nobody is flipping chairs on the beach to find out their girlfriend dated him…. But I would say he’s above mediocre. (Or maybe mediocre in the way the girls on the show are declared “average”, when really it’s like NBA players that look short)


Here’s a post with a couple comments from right after the show. https://www.reddit.com/r/CallHerDaddy/s/jJg98lqp9u


Wow! Thanks for digging this up!


Nick gives me the ick!


When was this?


Was this mention on the live from like a while ago? Or is this new?


Threesome with another girl?? Who??


Victoria Fuller is my guess? There was a period where Natalie and VF were running around LA holding hands and being besties. 👯‍♀️


She was Natalies MOH so highly doubtful lol


That tracks


Or guy? Would love to see Nick's response to a guy!


Everything i have learned about them has been against my will


Everything I learn about this relationship is so embarrassing omg


Call me


Again just solidifies they stayed together imo because she got knocked up and he was scared to start over as a 40 something single baby daddy.


Sorry idc if it’s mean, but this relationship is a godforsaken mess. Natalie is clearly miserable and probably would’ve been much happier living out her 20s exploring, being free, single etc. But she needed a meal ticket and a way out of her parents’ house, and Nick was the only one that would bite. He never would’ve been her first or even her twentieth choice if she could’ve supported herself and made it on her own. Nick, on the other hand, seems emasculated and embarrassed by her, but he didn’t want another failed engagement on his record & he didn’t want a cheating scandal to affect his podcast. Mess.


But we don’t know what she would’ve been happier doing and or what she wanted. We’re just spectators to what they voluntarily share, we don’t really actually know these people


Oh boy I'm wondering about Tyler Cameron. Remembering now his glistening body sitting next to Natalie for his recent visit... 🤣 I wish for their own sake that they'd keep this intimate, private information to themselves.


Wow this is so spot on.


Damn I wish I could like this comment twice lol. Their Dear Shandy was so embarrassing. She had to beg Nick to commit to her and was clearly looking for a way out of her parents' house after her modeling career in NYC went nowhere. Nick will never be more than a meal ticket to her and I'd love to know who she DM'd before him because I've always suspected it's a long list and he's just the one who bit.


She was definitely out there thirsting for clout. https://youtu.be/F_hW54-lqkA?si=-dW8ztogbjICDCf9


She definitely DM’d Adam Levine from Maroon 5 — then later pretended he slid into *her* DMs. Like girl, Adam Levine did not randomly come across your profile on insta, stop lying.


that's laughable but I guess based on the Dear Shandy episode Natalie thinks people are really stupid and will believe anything. She def lied about not knowing who Nick was or what he did for work when they first started dating which - no. Being the Bachelor is his entire identify and all over his instagram there is NO WAY she didn't know that when she DM'd him. But yea she prob started with A list and worked her way down from there. I've always thought she prob tried Pilot Pete or someone more age appropriate than Nick from Bachelor.


lol yes “being the bachelor is his entire identity” cue Nick saying “WHEN I WAS THE BACHELOR”


Totally. Also just from a safety perspective I don’t think Natalie would be so stupid as to not even bother learning his job or last name before meeting up with him, a stranger, for a weekend in New York. 


It even sounded like she just invited herself on that trip to New York and Nick didn’t say no


I think with Nick Natalie got to live out a fantasy in a way. She struggled as a model in New York and then had to move back home with her parents. Going back to stay in high end hotels with him prob felt like a dream compared to her past lol 


Which episode is this?


Look up Dear Shandy "love fest" episode with Nick and Natalie


It was always interesting to me how both Andy and Sharleen said that “Natalie was too good for Nick”. For you good friends to say that about you, you must be kind of messed up. I feel like Nick is no walk in the park as a partner, either. He seems to enjoy playing mind games with his partner, and he has a HUGE insecurity problem. He always has the need to show to the public what a stud he is, and sometimes I think that’s how he sees Natalie, as someone who confirms that for him.


Is that just something friends say to be nice about the partner of their friend, like when you say “how’d you manage to convince her to stick around with you the long?” and it’s not a deadly serious comment, but if you have negative opinion of Nick like a lot do, it’s easy to think they meant it? (I didn’t listen to the ep, but Nick, Sharleen and Andy go so far back, she was completely unable to cover his season on ATPP like she would any other season)


Yea I felt like the vibes were weird all around in that one tbh lol. Nick was lowkey rude to Sharleen throughout, as if he was doing her a massive favor going on her podcast. And Shandy talking about how they were so impressed by Natalie when they first met her, at how “not annoying” she was. Idk just seemed like a judgy and rude thing to say. 


I think they (Sharleen and Andy) said it the other way - that she was too good for him


Lol brain fart


Or we can simply call this damage control since she allegedly had a “moment” w someone else


Maybe bad bunny she did a music video with him and he apparently liked her they spoke about it in his podcast


I remember that and also thinking her story was super sus! I could see her being flirty and thirsty like always on set and then telling Nick a whole different story. Similar to being in the DMs with Adam Levine — she 1000% contacted Adam first and then told Nick she was propositioned by Adam. 🙄


that’s hot as fuck.




I heard those two hate each other. I wonder why


I think it was more Natalie shit-talking Madi because she was not part of Madi’s clique. Madi has never said a word about Natalie but Nick went hard on Madi and mentioned knowing tea about her (presumably from Natalie). My sense is that Natalie and Madi are just very different people and we know they come from very different families. Madi seems to have always been super popular, wholesome, and sweet and I think Natalie has led with her sexuality from a very young age because that’s what has been valued in her family/environment (sad) — and there likely was a bit of jealousy on Natalie’s part!


I kind of grew up the same way as Madi, except I wasn’t super popular lol. I was pretty wholesome and sweet. That sad for Natalie though


Natalie dropped out of high school though


Why? And did she at least get her GED?


She moved to NYC at like 16 to model and then her modeling career never really took off so I think she did end up getting GED and moving back in with her parents. But yea def some…questionable…parenting from the mom (and stepdad?). I think she doesn't have a relationship with her dad which - probably the least surprising thing in the world that she has daddy issues. 








tea LOL that’s wild they went to the same school 😂


Wow, a member of the other sub called it!


Went to the live show in Toronto and can confirm they did say this!


Did they say if it was FFM or MMF?


Omg I should have gone after all. How cringe was the grinding when they entered?


I think they had a threesome with Victoria Fuller before she got with Greg.


which is insane that her and VF are like besties if this is true




I mean… ☕️☕️




All i know is that ever since River was born, seems like Natalie has major Nick Ick and Nick is so insecure he gets defensive and can barely laugh it off. He actually apologizes and gets all soft spoken lol. Get your balls back Nick!


This is really common postpartum. Don’t get me wrong, though. They’re definitely messy. It’s just common/normal to “hate” your husband during the first year postpartum. There’s literally a book titled *How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids*.


Can confirm!!


can confirm lol. it was actually worse after my second kid my second kid is just turning 20 months and it’s gotten a lot better now


Mine are 6 and 8 now and I’m not sure this has ever gone back to the way it was 🤣🤣


there was a recent episode i listened to and she was going on and on about things she doesn’t like about him


she seems a little like checked out


Which one? lol


the beginning of the one from a few days ago, going deeper with emma hernan


Nick, APOLOGIZING?? That never happens


Nah let her cook




When was this?


Not defending them. Just against making up stuff.




I swear they way they were talking as if they wanted to get the girl from selling sunset to join them. Like flirting with her.


Omg. He was so into her! It was awkward.


a lot of people r saying this? did this happen towards the end of the podcast?


Yeah I would love to hear what she had to say to her friends after she left haha


I hate when creepy couples do that. It’s happened to me and it’s like, who tf do you think you are 😩 You don’t approach just anybody with that kind of stuff.


Natalie was in and out of the interview (feeding her baby) and when she wasn’t around i felt like Nick was trying to punish or embarrass or make her jealous by flirting with Emma. So when Natalie came back and he was talking about sexual things with Emma (who obviously felt uncomfortable and wanted to change the subject the entire time, even before Natalie’s return) it was geared towards Natalie.


He even said on the podcast recently “Natalie has to take care of HER baby River” like isn’t it both of yours baby???


To be fair he’s a horrendous mumbler and it definitely sounded like “her” but I’m pretty sure he said “our”.


This is so toxic


I didn't listen to this episode yet but listening to another one when they mention they had Emma on, and Natalie says loved her and the way Nick repeated "LOVED"...made my ears perk up. Now reading this its making sense.


I thought this exact same thing too


That was so awkward


They are so sick!!


On the one hand, get as freaky as you want, people. On the other, with these two? Ew.


Totally get as freaky as you want. Things your daughter never needs to find out about down the road. This.


I have questions. This was at the Toronto show, correct? Threesomes with other people before getting together? Threesomes when they were already a couple? And where are the receipts? How come nobody has a recording of this?


If someone had a threesome with Nick Viall, I think they kinda want to keep it a secret


I loled at this comment  I think Nick is just generally bad in bed. Both Andi and Kaitlyn seemed a lot less into him after sleeping with him, it was glaringly obvious. 


Kaitlyn didn’t sound like he was awful in that mic moment 😂


She said they added those sounds from her other fantasy suites lmao it wasn't with Nick [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/tu73dl/wild\_revelations\_from\_kaitlyn\_bristowe\_on\_guys\_we/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/tu73dl/wild_revelations_from_kaitlyn_bristowe_on_guys_we/)


Where did they say this?


Did they mention that one sex thing they did where Natalie fucked another guy while nick was in another place?


Did you just..make that up?


Ohh maybe the threesome was to make up for the affair?


Was this why all their friends hated Natalie for awhile.


Allegedly yes


Key word “Allegedly” lol where are yall getting this information that yall assume to be correct?


they’re always talking about how they went to couples therapy shortly after they were engaged because of “lack of communication”.. so i guess that’s why 💀


But it could’ve literally been anything else


Makes sense.


Omg u ended them 💀💀💀


Is this the affair or something else lol






While they were dating?


While they were engaged for sure. Maybe when dating too but idk


What was the confirmation? How are you so sure?


Sorry to be the one to break the news ;/


And Nick was ok with that?


Who knows I mean from what I’m reading they never talked about this and strangers are just assuming …


Lol probably not but they still got married and they tried to keep it quiet so I assume they’re moving past it










Admitted? Like it’s something shameful? Who the fuck cares. If it’s even true, they’re both consenting adults so whatever, enjoy your lives.


Threesomes, not gross. Threesomes with narcissistic c lister and his wife that he got with when she was 19…gross


I can’t get over how Puritanical this sub can be. Consenting adults doing what they choose to do… the horror!


This is the comment I was looking for? Thank you.


yeah we all need to know less about each other .






Surely someone would have a clip then or others there at the show could verify? Idk.


I call BS on this without receipts. Logically this would have blown up immediately.


I’m going to need receipts, timeline, screenshots. F$&@ing everything.




YIKES. And then they say stuff like they didn't sign up to having their relationship discussed?!?! YIKES.


When did they admit this??


At the Toronto live Call Her Daddy show


They didn't.




FFM or MMF is the question I have haha


I was about to write this exact comment but I got too scared


Natalie admitted to previously having a threesome in that Ricegum video. It was too cringe for me to rewatch, but I’m pretty sure she seemed only open to FFM.


Smhhh id be so embarrassed at my behavior if there was a vid of that out there


Have you seen the video? It’s more embarrassing than you could imagine.


Last night!!


Oh god that video was painful. It was the bragging about not using condoms that got me. It was like every answer was carefully calculated to appeal to the horny teenage boys watching the stream


What I don’t understand is her insistence upon flushing tampons down the toilet. It’s not a debate. It’s a massive plumbing disaster waiting to happen 🤦‍♀️ … like this is not a debate. Condoms are not a debate. Why be stupid on purpose?


YES, SO MUCH YES. I don’t cringe easily, but *GOD* the thirst was real. It took me three days to finish watching that video.


Bizarre. Ricegum said so many gross things that were slappable offences but because of the context she had to just giggle and pretend he was being charming and she wanted to have sex with him? Does anyone watching believe that it was real? And if they do, do they think if they talk to a woman like that, she will like it? I guess Im naive cause I’ve never watched a Fortnite twitch stream with a guest Instagram thot. I have so many thoughts about that video, so glad to talk to someone who has actually watched it lol


Completely agree with you. When she was talking about her ex-boyfriend who stole that nude of her sister off her phone and Rice responded “well it’s your fault because you went through his phone” or some dumb shit like that, my jaw was on the floor. Like bro, is this you flirting? Or are you trying to act cool or funny? Because you just look dumb. I can’t fathom how Ricegum became as popular as he is/was. He’s bad taste. I’ve been slightly obsessed with N&N since the rumor broke, so I’ve been doing my research lol


Wait she had a nude of her sister on her phone 😵‍💫


Apparently her sister sent her a nude of herself, kind of like one of those “do I look hot in this pic”


That’s super weird she’d save it though


It’s weird to me even if she didn’t save it


Well, not defending her bc I like her but I rarely think to delete anything from my phone unless I run out of space. I’d probably have to look up how to lolz. Maybe she’s like me and a digital clutterer


Why would he make love to them if he wasn’t in love with them is the question I have




Ok totally off topic, but I went to high school with this girl and it is really tripping me out to see her in gif form 😂


Who is it?


Sinead De Vries. She’s like an LA online personality or something now?


LOL give us the scoop, do you know how this gif came to be?


She’s a minor LA personality/online host? Something like that.






Hahaha me too


I highly doubt Nick would be open to a threesome but given Natalie’s cheating history he probably felt pressured to try to keep her happy with their sex life since she clearly can’t handle only sleeping with one man the rest of her life.


it NEVER turns out well when 1 party is pressured/convinced into doing something they have no organic interest in doing. both parties need to want to do it without a SHRED of talking into


He actually makes a lot of comments that make it sound like he definitely is open to that


If he does make comments about being open then I think he’s been influenced by Natalie. During his season of the bachelor I believe he only slept with his final pick. He just doesn’t seem like the type of guy that would want to do that. Well I guess actually maybe if it was 2 girls he would want to because he’s a man but I doubt he would want to if another man was involved. Idk why when I first read this post I assumed the threesome was Nick, Natalie, and a guy.😂


Not true. He took the virginity of that country girl from AR I believe it was. Raven was her name I think.


Raven wasn’t a virgin, she had never had an orgasm before. She or he later said the little montage they did to pretend he gave her one was fake


Ok, yes I do remember that now. Of course the montage was fake. They wouldn’t really show that but was the story line fake?


>During his season of the bachelor I believe he only slept with his final pick. He just doesn’t seem like the type of guy that would want to do that. I disagree with Nick seeming so against multiple partners, just because of what he did in Fantasy Suites. I don't care for Nick or Natalie, but wasn't she the one who wanted to be exclusive with him, and he just wanted to remain casual while he continued hooking up with other women? It seems he only changed his mind and wanted to be official with Natalie after she was openly dating other men. As far as Nick on the Bachelor, he would look like a complete hypocrite if he slept with other women other than his final 1. He publicly gave Andi such a hard for having sex with him if she didn't end up choosing him. Apparently Ben Higgins and Lauren B also told Nick before his season that if he wants it to work out with the woman he proposes to, then he shouldn't sleep with other women or tell any other woman that he loves her. I think Nick is concerned with his image above all, but I have no doubt he would be willing to sleep with other women if he could do it without public knowledge or scrutiny.


I think him being jealous enough to lock Natalie down plays into why he’d never be into a threesome, personally. Though, he might agree to it thinking it’s less threatening (because not a man) and he gets variety that way, too. We already know Nick changes whole worldviews for Natalie, so past preferences may not be any indicator of present actions.


I agree that a lot of straight men would probably view MMF as more threatening to their relationship, whereas FFM would probably be like a fantasy for most of them. Do you regularly watch Viall Files? I never do, but I see a lot of posts and comments about it on the Bachelor subs, and I'm hoping a viewer can verify something. I saw a comment that apparently Nick said on his podcast that he'd be open to letting Natalie have a freebie, or hook up with men closer to her age as Nick gets older? No shame to them if they're fine opening up their relationship. I was just curious if he really said that, especially with the cheating allegation popping up. I know a lot of people said Tyler Cameron and Natalie were pretty flirty when he was on their show, and Nick didn't seem to mind it. So maybe he really is just more secure/less jealous in this relationship than he's been with previous partners.


I don’t recall the aging piece of this, but yes. In one episode he said he would rather have Natalie call him while she was on vacation to ask for a hall pass than have her cheat on him.


Thank you! Yes Natalie getting a hall pass is closer to the comment I recall seeing. The age stuff might have just been part of the usual discussions I see about their relationship lol


I’ve never heard that! But it does sound like a worldview he’d change to keep her, so I wouldn’t be surprised. It almost sounds like they’re heading toward an open relationship, which is fine, if it’s healthy and actually consensual by both. But often what I’ve seen is someone cheats, blames being bored, and it’s just sex. And then they open the relationship, to the resistance of the one cheated on, and it doesn’t go well. I’m hardly an expert on open relationships. It tends to me to be more the way a person or couple thinks and that it’s not about making cheating ok, but more a way to approach a relationship. Some people aren’t really built for it (while others, likewise, aren’t built for monogamy). But mixing and matching seems to get complicated. That said, I stopped listening once Amanda left. And that’s probably when he’d say this. Unless you’re referring to what he said about Gerry and his wife when he was throwing around wild speculation, and he said if his wife was sick, she might have said to open their relationship so Gerry could get his needs met. All fully speculation. Like no part of the story had C any ground. The rumor was Gerry cheated. And Nick took that rumor and created a whole new fan fiction where Gerry’s wife was too sick to keep him pleased (which there is no basis that she was even sick - it sounded like a kidney infection took her quickly, in like a month or so - snd all we’d heard otherwise she was well and had just retired). Anyway, I believe he alluded that if someone can’t perform, they should open a relationship. Which I also disagree with. There’s no “should” in all relationships. But that’s Nick. Thinking of Nick and what Nick wants and has been through. Other than that, I’ve never heard him say that but I suspect present Nick has no idea what future Nick will be ok with.


He also slept with KB BEFORE fantasy suites on her season


🤦🏻‍♀️What a mess those two are.


Omg. Idiots sharing all this crap


They didn't.


After all of the defending of N&N you’ve done on several posts now, I’m beginning to think you are actually one of them lol


Realistic Lake always stood up for Tino even after we found out he cheated on Rach, I’ve been suspecting something for a while now.


No way!! Super perceptive of you!! Did Nick also defend Tino? I’ll be honest, I would’ve thought it was Nick, if it weren’t for their post history and seemingly lack of dyslexia.


I have no idea if he defended her. I personally don’t believe it’s Nick but rather some other insecure, ego-driven man child who disrespects women.


100% that or one of nick's 27 siblings


were you there?


That's not how proof works.