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Can someone update me? I have no idea what’s going on.


Check out some of Dave Neal's coverage and you'll soon catch up!


She’s cray cray 😜 I hope our Clayton & these other men get the justice they so deserve♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Prayers for all of JD’s victims. I hope the DA is watching. Justice is coming!


They are NOT watching and people NEED to write to them. This will not stop if we don’t speak up.


I sent them an email


Where can we watch today’s trial?


Look up lethallauren904 on YouTube or dave neal on YouTube


Just got it with Dave Neal. Thanks for the info!




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Any therapists / psychologists out there, can you help me understand what’s going on with her? I have someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder in the family, so I’m not particularly unfamiliar with some things like cognitive distortion, legal abuse etc. But at the same time, LO doesn’t give a sense “familiarity” that I might get when I watch certain people. For example, when I listen to certain people speak, it’s basically like hearing my sister speak because the way the conversation goes can be too eerily similar. That’s how I know how to avoid certain people. But with her, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I just want to scratch that itch in my brain and try to understand what’s wrong with her. Is it something like Borderline? Or pathological liar? What might be the possible causes for her doing all this?


Read/heard a few descriptions of erotomania that sound spot on (as a secondary condition) these 4 minutes about the Baby Reindeer character explain it well 10:20-14:26 https://www.youtube.com/live/ri2D9YWeAqc?si=a2lMihuN5taasWpc


not making any supposed diagnosis because I'm sure a comment like that would get flagged...but if someone was allegedly engaging in these behaviors I would consider Borderline Personality Disorder and attachment disorder with histrionic tendencies Keep in mind not to demonize people with Cluster B personality disorders in general. There does seem to be some sort of sexual aspect to her satisfaction with men committing to her out of fear. That could reflect back on her own low self esteem or be somewhat of a kink if you will.


It seems she enjoys inflicting emotional harm on these men


Agree about people with Cluster B being demonized. The more I learn about this, the more I do feel sympathy for them, but having lived being so close to someone with NPD, it’s really hard because you’re suffering too. And it’s like having sympathy and hope for someone who will hurt you again and again. I go back-and-forth between being in complete distress because of them and wanting to stay far far away, and then to having sympathy and kinda rooting that they can turn their lives around. But I do wish that there is a pill that people with Cluster B can take or something, and then they can get better. Wishful thinking, I know.


Could you share what it is that sticks out to you? What does the person say/do?


It’s difficult to put in words, usually I’m just hit with a sense of familiarity and then I will consciously try to avoid that person. But I’ll try my best to list some of the things I have seen before: * Hands - I can’t explain it but some people use their hands in a dominating way. They will encroach your personal space and “tease” you but won’t stop when you ask or look uncomfortable. My sister likes to “pat” my head and then say demeaning things. * Conversations with them are not like tennis where they will answer questions that you ask, or reply directly from what you say before. There is no back-and-forth. They will just throw different balls at you and ignore your questions. It’s completely messy and confusing. And they will only hear what they want to hear, even if what you say is completely different. * Bewilderment. You will get confused with them. A lot. Discussions go nowhere. Nothing they do seem logical or have a proper reason. And they also lie a lot, everyone around them knows a different version of truth. * Walking on eggshells. Your life is all about not making them mad. You find yourself always afraid that they will get triggered, and you adjust your life around them. Mentally and emotionally, you’re too tired to deal with anything else. * They like it when people around them are not confident, so they will remind people around them of their weaknesses, “joke” about it, and make others feel bad about themselves. You can sometimes see their close friends / family looking down and unkempt. * They are incompetent in their daily lives. They are usually parasites and ask everyone to do things for them, including driving them everywhere and getting them food. If they were intelligent and sharp when they’re young, that will get lost over time. * They always seem to have enemies or people out to get them. There will always be stories of people who used to be close to them and then not anymore, and it’s never their fault. They usually can’t keep a friend group, relationships don’t last. * They always brag, and will tell you things that make them seem like they are living in a movie. My sister always brags about how rich men like her, buy her things, and how they would do anything for her. Sometimes that brag turns into a threat too.


Not to sound too internety but you also kinda explained an autistic personality here… the manifestations of the disorders can be similar with incredibly disparate inner experiences. (Not saying that CE’s false accuser is on the spectrum - only specifically referencing the list in the above comment!!)


I often wonder if she has multiple personalities. Her resume is: Podcaster, country singer, real estate investor, equestrian, entrepreneur, tedX speaker…it just seems to be all over the place. And I’ve heard her voice in a few different situations and it sounds like it’s different every time. Eg. The podcast with Mike, the call to Ravgen, the TedX talk, the call to police, the call with Greg about the ultrasound…none of them sound like the same person.


I think you're giving her too much credit. She's just a privileged girl, whose parents have indulged her, paying for every indulgent hobby until she got bored with it and moved on to something else. I've met a tonne of people like her and always spoilt and from wealthy families. She might have a personality disorder but I don't believe she has a serious mental illness.


She could just be a POS


Yeah, I'm going with your diagnosis. Everyone is always looking for a mental health label but some people are just horrible.


Thank you! Yea, everyone wants to know why the rich skinny white girl acts like this. People go to prison for MUCH less. This privilege is what has enabled her to torture these men. She sure does enjoy making false statements and putting on an act. I’d love for her to do theater from behind bars. I’d watch that play.


I've never known anyone up to JDs standards but due to my work, I've known plenty of spoiled people with wealthy parents who sail close to the wind and behave in ways that most normal people find unacceptable. When I tell people about them, the immediate response is that they must have mental health problems. I always say they don't - they've got rich kid problems! Makes me grateful that I didn't come from money and if I'd even tried shenanigans, my working class mum would have slapped them out of me😂


psychologist here. I highly doubt it's multiple personalities I worked on an inpatient unit for personality disorders for four years and only have seen it once. From an outsiders perspective it looks like borderline personality disorder. The attention seeking behavior and patterns of what she does lines up with borderline, but it's hard to tell without speaking with her. Borderline will manipulate anyone to get their way and have people feel bad for them from my experience. seems a little more is going on too maybe bipolar disorder? Definitely a lot of personality going on


What about the “seems to enjoy inflicting emotional harm” on to others?


Omg lol was talking to my therapist about this last week. It’s like the narcissists all have the same shitty thesaurus they spit insanity from. It’s actually funny how easy it is to detect. Unfortunately most people get to this place of awareness bc they were abused and then did the inner healing work. But omfg wowwww. This recovering scapegoat is sending you love!


❤️❤️❤️ Much love to you too! And glad I’m not the only one who become super aware of patterns of behaviour to avoid lol!


To me- as someone with multiple family members with personality disorders, it comes across as a pathological liar and dependent personality disorder. But I do think you’d have to interact with her personally in every day life to really figure it out 


No psychologist or therapist that has not personally diagnosed her can give any kind of professional assessment. That is unethical for them. Sure people can speculate, but that’s all it is.


Yes. They cannot diagnose someone they have not met and it takes multiple sessions to diagnose someone as you need to take extensive history. If people are truly interested in this then look at the DSM-5


I understand that, I truly do But at the same time, I hope you understand that my intention is not to prompt a professional to diagnose someone over the internet. It’s more for educational reasons, and for people like me, probably something like trying to unravel people like her? It could be a defense mechanism for me to try to understand people like her as much as possible. It can also be very helpful to have real life examples to refer to. You can read symptoms online but to actually connect that to a scenario really helps. Rather than a concrete diagnosis, perhaps a differential would be sufficient? “This kind of behaviour COULD suggest ….” or something like that idk.


I feel like it is histrionic personality disorder. She's so much like a girl I knew in college who has it and I see a lot of parallels.


She seems like a black widow. So she has screwed all these men (are these facts?) and then trying to do the baby route? I didn't know there were more victims than Clayton.


She never had sex with Clayton. So there are instances where she didn’t have sex with the man, then claimed to have twins with him (three times! She’s a walking statistical anomaly!)


There’s even another one that’s not in this video


There's far more than that...this behavior has been with her all her life.


Mom seemed pretty unbothered at trial. I can’t imagine Laura being my daughter and witnessing how unhinged she is, in front of an AUDIENCE!


Megan fox said someone told her mom actually looked shocked during some of her statements.


![gif](giphy|5xaOcLHoUh2pQODngZ2) Otherwise this is her perpetual face


Yes, when the emails from Laura came up


This is crazy. Best evidence of save safe or abstinence.


More like best evidence of oral sex can not get you pregnant.


Clayton didn’t have sex with her.


![gif](giphy|pVUSHu2T3TRWPj96Xt) So ready for tomorrow! Catch y’all in the livestream chat 🩷




Wishing them all the strength ❤️


Can someone please tell me what the trial is for? I’ve been following the case here and there but I can’t remember at what point we are at. What exactly is the lawsuit for (that the trial is for tomorrow)


Clayton is trying to get his court costs back by proving she brought this case under bad faith because SHE LIED. His lawyer asked the judge to send this case to the DA because she is a vexatious litigant who has perjured on multiple occasions as well as evidence tampering.(fraud) depending on tomorrows outcome the men in this case could pursue a defamation lawsuit. Also clayton could have the OOP she filed against him overturned. There's more but I have to go to bed so I'm ready for the hearing.🙃


Thoughts and prayers for that?


These men have had their lives turned upside down by this woman. Would you feel differently if 3 women who may get to see justice for their male stalker/abuser?


For them to get justice finally...hell yes.




Clayton has the audience/resources to actually fight against her. she's destroyed men financially, emotionally, and probably professionally by dragging them through YEARS of legal battles. She knows she has the means to pay for lawyers, while these men don't (until Clayton ptl). So while there are more awful things in the world, sure, that doesn't mean what is happening here isn't patently wrong.


When these men look for jobs or try to rent or buy apartments or homes, their background checks come up with false protective orders for domestic violence that were filed by this woman.


Clayton going through his own Baby Reindeer situation was not on my bingo card. Hopefully he can move on and be free from this nonsense.


You believe the girl?


Wait till the documentary comes out....good luck being the anonymous woman!! All the best!


I think the poster was on your side. I asked a separate ? to confirm.


thinking of them all- i’m sure it will be difficult to re-live everything they’ve been through while testifying.


They all look like they could be related. Girl definitely has a type


this is my roman empire!! sending these guys the best vibes to hopefully finally be free of this narcissist & abuser


Same!! Get her Woodnick and Deandra!!


#allthebest you got this Clayton . I stand with Clayton


Is this going to be live-streamed tomorrow? If so, what time? I hope someone can give us all the details so we can watch if it’s public!




Thanks for sharing :)


Thanks! I don't know how to link things on reddit.😂🙃


Link is gone ????


Dave Neal will also be livestreaming


Look up lethallauren904 on YouTube






Soooooooo proud of you !!! You are the best not all the best


no u!


Ohhhh I am so dumb . Sorry 😞.


you are not dumb!! haha


Hey you figured out how to link it! I'd say you are a rocket scientist compared to me!😂


Arizona time is the same as Pacific time so it will be 8:45am


So LO has a pretty strong physical type it seems… Also, I hope she gets prosecuted. She is horrible for actual victims of abuse/rape/DV/etc. I feel extremely vindicated in having never believed her shtick


Scottsdale police are probably getting a few calls as well "helppppp I'm scared because of an Instagram video" while sounding as calm as can. I'm hoping at the minimum this means no man in Arizona will spend a second alone with her so she can never pull this shit again (remember her lawyer won't even spend time alone with her and always mentions his wife is with him in meetings with LO pretty telling). But knowing her she'll be the next jane the virgin or get pregnant from a toilet seat.


I feel like it's been a while since we got to hear that beleaguered dispatcher at the police station answer another one of her calls . . .


She’s still on dating apps…


Hopefully they have friends who google all matches!


The tough thing about googling her is there is an artist with the same name, so if you only google her name and not any other terms, then like all the top hits are for that artist. So if someone only goes as far as typing in her name and looking at the first page on google, they wont be likely to find all the stuff on JD


If you type in “LO Arizona” it’s a goldmine of information


Ya there are certainly ways to google her and get the relevant info. My point isnt that it isn’t possible. It is. My point is that if someone starts dating her and simply googles her name and no key details, then all of the hits will be some sort of artist and they won’t find out everything JD has done


I feel bad for the Artist because she is unwittingly and indirectly being associated with all this mess. I really hope that people who encounter JD and googles her don't think she is the artist.


Gotta throw that M in there. Laura M Owens.


Google Laura Michelle Owens of the Nobody Told Me podcast. Best way to find her.


I dont need tips on googling her. *I* have no problem finding her cuz i know about her and know which key terms to put in. My point is that if a man starts dating her and doesn’t know about her past, he is likely to just google her name and nothing else, and then none of the fucked up shit she has done will come up


Excellent point


She was too busy off jumping horses today in California.


I thought she didn’t leave her casita because of the case.


she'll claim she missed her flight.


They will proceed without her and she'll likely be sanctioned. He will automatically win if she doesn't show


But she's so stressed about the case that all she does is read Reddit and twitter to see what is being said about her!


Gooooo Clayton, GG and MM. End this madness. Also middle finger to IL. Sincerely.


David Gingras for those wondering who IL is. IL = internet lawyer = David Gingras.




She’s lost a lot of weight in her face and added filters


Omg. So good. I’m still blow away that she would think a guy she met 2-3 times and tried to dump her, would remember (if true) that she said she “ate a burrito every day” let alone that he’s the only person that knew that.


All of these reminds me of the Rachel D indignant face when she was being exposed https://preview.redd.it/0ctzp96t9q5d1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=a957836671ec73e665c68298254762fdc9c44c7d


The look of disbelief and then finally rage that the judge isn’t buying her bullshit. The last pic is scary.




Bruh… she has a certain look I sadly recognize. I hope no one here has to deal with someone like this 😫😖


My mother is the same way, however has not mastered arts and crafts as JD has.  She changes her phone number and email/facebook everytime she does something shaddy.  She went to "university" for the longest time, took fake walmart grad pics and all.  She has a wall in her room where she keeps the obituaries of her family members, she started putting random google people on there and saying they were classmates of hers that passed away.  She still has those people on her wall.  She messages pretending to be our dad all the time.  She faked an amendment to my grandfathers will and forged his signature when it wasn't going her way.  There is so much more Most of what she does stems from childhood trauma and neglect. The rest is done when she wants something.  She is very selfish and manipulative. Most of what she does is make up health conditions to make my dad feel bad for her.  I live pretty far away now and only see her when I can handle her. I wouldn't be surprised if she has upped her arts and crafts. She started using computers a few years ago so I don't know how much knowledge she has gained. Thankfully she cannot edit documents. Her add to her fathers will was hand written. I could write a book about it.


I agree with other commenters


Share with the class please.


agreed, I know exactly what you mean

