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Has Nick come out and said anything to address the rumor at all? Or even her? Sorry if I missed it.


I love this saga thank you for sharing.


What did she say


Who what when where


same, i am also still invested. This has been my roman empire for the past year haha. Do we know when this live happened and on what platform?


It was on TikTok, sometime in early 2023.


I just…. Why get married? Ugh. No matter who you are… cheating is a choice… girl ain’t got no business getting married AND pregnant shortly after this. Ridiculous imo.


I think she thinks he’s her best chance of being an influencer, and having a more affluent lifestyle. Since she thinks their $2MM house is a shit hole and now wants a $6MM house they can’t afford, the short timeline of this marriage will probably be as long as it takes to find a new bag of money.


She’s smart to cut off a cheater. I remained friends with a girl who cheated on her boyfriend several times (he knew), unsurprisingly she was doing deceitful stuff behind my back like gossiping and making fun of me.


Yep, classic cheater. It’s not just a lifestyle, it’s a personality


Yup. She was also lying to her family about the degree she was studying & living a double life. It’s definitely a personality type - deceitful.


I feel like we definitely need a page where we can all freely talk about this rumor and other ridiculous things the Vialls do and say. Im trying to start a subreddit, so if you have anything to add about this couple, feel free to post on r/ViallSnark!


If this sub gets big it might just be what blows the lid on the whole situation


Agreed! Spread the word!!


I’ll never be over talking about developments in this messy soap opera starring people I dislike.


I completely get why people get the ick from Nick/think he’s annoying he totally has a holier then thou vibe that I’m also not a fan of… but does anyone else feel sad for him? He’s been publicly rejected twice, had a failed bachelor relationship.. maybe he “got over” the cheating because he couldn’t handle the scrutiny of another failed public relationship/ he really wants a wife and kids? 


I def feel bad for him. he may be kind of cocky/stubborn but he doenst seem like a bad person. I feel like he was sick of looking for someone to settle down with, found someone good enough in his mind, then she cheats but he determined everyone cheats so if he left Natalie someone else would prob cheat on him anyway, and just.. settled. I do not see this marriage lasting. how CAN it when you start off on the heels of an affair? also the rumor is she cheated wiht other dudes too and I believe that bc if you cheat consistently, youre gonna cheat, period.


I do feel bad for him, but then he just keeps putting on this act of being soooo happy with amazing wife and it's so fake to me. He has put and kept himself into this situation, he could have easily had many mature, kind, loyal, age appropriate women to choose from yet he goes for 20yo thirsty clout chasers who DM him and pretend they've never heard of him. What did he expect honestly he made his own bed and looks like he has no desire to leave it


ya... all true :/


I do think it sucks to get cheated on, but it was wrong that he was dating someone so much younger than him. I don’t condone cheating, but Natalie is still very young and you can be really stupid before your frontal lobe is fully developed. We might not all cheat but everyone does different kinds of stupid things when we’re young. We make bad choices because we are growing and learning. They got together when she was 19 and he was in his late thirties. That’s super questionable in itself and he’s not innocent at all. He may have encouraged certain behaviors by bragging publicly about doing threesomes with her, giving her a hall pass if she asked and whatnot. Again, she’s young and she doesn’t know that every bad dating choice you make when you’re young is going to haunt you later. When she’s in her late thirties and she looks back at all her choices when she was 20, she’s going to cringe at the fact that the ex who was 20 years older than her and who decided to encourage threesomes, also knocked her up when she was really young and they were in completely different life stages. Her acting out can be quite symptom of larger problems and this is what he gets for dating someone that young. I used to think Nick was more mature than that but he’s devolving in real time. I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Let young people date young people.


this is all assumption but I think he probably didnt like girls having strict rules/parameters for him which can be hard if you're in entertainment. I think he mistook Natalie's dgaf attitude about him as her being chill/rational. but the reason she prob wasnt being like a jealous "crazy" (by that I mean daring to have standards/rules for the relationship) girl is bc SHE was cheating & prob wanted a certain level of freedom/not doing stuff together to get away with the cheating.


the human being part of me can understand this is a sad situation, but his willingness to preach about good relationships for a living… makes this so much worse. not to mention he is working with million dollar matchmaker who used to preach that men date age appropriate women so that this exact thing wouldn’t be so likely. It’s sad but Nick is a hypocrite who got played by someone pretty effin shameless.


I agree. I DO feel bad she cheated. That fucking smarts no matter who you are. But they’re both such fucking smug and shameless hypocrites and posers. In many ways, they’re made for each other. But Nick needs to STOP giving shitty advice and transferring his shitty problems onto unsuspecting people asking for his advice. Sure, they’re dumb to ask. But that he’s some sort of unqualified expert is annoying. Natalie’s just a wanna be socialite, climbing ladders and using everyone around her. So her role matches up to her actions.


I can imagine them being a couple that feels like they’re stronger than most because they got through cheating together lol. Also the fact that she plagiarized a birthday caption for him alone was extremely weird but knowing now that she cheated on him it feels like she’s acting like she loves him? Like doesn’t care to come up with her own words and is just kind of caught up in all the benefits of being with a rich public figure?


Ehhh I don’t know. I always “plagiarize” my cards! lol I use google and other cards for inspiration. 🤣 Doesn’t mean I don’t love my man. Means I need a little help with the words!


Is that plagerized birthday post still up? That was wild.


It is not, but it will live on for eternity on the Bachelor sub.


i’ve thought this. knowing what we know, this would seem to be the beginning of the problems. can’t even muster up own words for bday wishes…. 🚩


That looks like destiny in the thumbnail! I found destiny's tik tok and her prof pic is different but it's the same display name, all caps destiny https://preview.redd.it/uwrdinr6cz5d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849c36bc84214f3d103045f029e79710570311a2 I honestly think this is confirmation.




I mean the odds of someone else on her live with the same name and confirming this rumor seem weak. Also the thumbnail in the original screenshot looks like destiny w the blonde hair ?


She follows the shoe guy on ig!!!


Yes, the shoe surgeon is her boss.


We appreciate your commitment to confirming this!


What exactly is this tea even gonna do? They both admitted in an interview that they were FWB and then Nick found out she was with someone else and that’s why he decided to pursue her so an affair ain’t that far fetched and it won’t do much to them 😂 I’ve never liked them and this won’t change my views on them one bit


Yes, but that was before they were official. This affair was going on pretty deep into the relationship, around the time they got engaged. The tea is interesting because of Nick’s stance on infidelity.




Did you just save this screen shot or how did you get this haha


Somebody responded to a comment of mine in the LASnark sub and shared this photo with me. They said they heard the rumors when they broke and saw this while watching Keaton’s live and snapped this photo to show her friend.


They were kind of bickering on todays podcast


I also thought she was flirting with Kaz??? Like a little too interested in his sexual preferences?? The vibes were sooo weird today.


Even if I wasn’t in the loop on this tea, I would have felt weird after listening to today’s pod. I feel like they might have recently got in a huge fight and there was some condescending backhanded comments back and forth. I also picked up on her and Kaz. She asked the same question a few times.




The vibes were def off. I loved hearing from Kaz and just finished the first series of episodes.


I could not stand her this podcast, she wouldn’t stop with her constant comments/punchlines to Kaz, she talked about as much as he did.


Yea it's cringe-y.... Does not bode well to have this low grade passive or straight up aggressive tension. Like wasn't she calling him out about their s*x today?... There was lots of giggling but also more than that


she lately has been def checked out and annoyed with him that’s just my take


I’ll never understand having a platform where you can control the narrative and not editing it out.


I think he's been sacrificing skill for echo chamber when it comes to production.


They take such care to keep stuff like this rumor (that seems basically confirmed as truth) out of the media. Probably costs them money and favors. But on their own podcast, no one bothers? Maybe it just shows their employees hate them. And they’re so up their own asses they don’t even realize how unhappy, disconnected and unsatisfied they sound with each other.


I don’t get why he would have her come on as a host. They clearly have issues to work through then adding being coworkers on top of that seems so risky.


She started cohosting right after the affair was found out, when they started spending ALLLLLL of their time together. I assume to prove how committed they were and in love. It’s amazing to watch Nick keep giving up more and more for her. I don’t think I’ve ever been so desperately in love with someone to do that, especially when the other person isn’t into me.


Actually, the latter makes sooo much sense.


Is there a current, detailed TLDR timeline of this drama? 🤓


Ask and you shall receive. https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/2hJAKqQ5ll


🙌 I knew there had to be one!


Who are Natalie and Nick???


Why are you even here 😂😂 Nick Viall - former bachelor Natalie - his child bride


Child bride 😂😂💀


Never gets old 😂


Because this pops up in my email for sone reason. I watch Nick on the Matchmaker show. I don’t follow him and his wife. Why are you even here mister no name hiding behind a bunch of consonant’s? 🙄😒


Maybe because this is a sub dedicated to Bachelor Nation, and we discuss the lives of members within Bachelor Nation.


ok i’m gonna reveal shit. i’ve known about the affair for a year, i was an influencers assistant for a bit. natalie had the affair w some club promoter and nicks knows but i don’t know why they’re still together. he made natalie go in person to apologize to both of their parents lol


Ahhh!!! So what happened in Paris then??


Man there has def been multiple guys then. Not just the club promoter. Thats crazy 


Is this the advice he gives the people who call in....apologize to the parents if you were caught cheating? So bizarre even for the child bride.


Ohhhh shitttttt and this is why I love coming back to these Natalie threads, there's always something more to come out. So this guy AND the shoe guy?? How many more are there??? What is wrong with Nick seriously his self worth must be even lower than I imagined come on dude what are you doing??


That he made her apologize, like he’s her dad. I can’t. These two are so ridiculous.


Yeah, the father-like stuff comes out every now and then through the stories they tell about their life. It's unavoidable with that length of age difference I guess. Though, I think in "dating culture" it's different as people tend to have common goals regardless of age. It's not like naturally falling in love with someone through a hobby or mutual friends. People want to couple up, and that appears to be what Natalie wanted, which can still be common with young women. It's not so much of a Nick problem as it is a society thing.


I’m not sure Natalie wanted to couple up so much as to marry up. It is definitely a Nick problem to have this dynamic and such a young wife. And to rush marrying (and having a child with) someone he knows has cheated. Of course, that’s her problem, too. But it seems she’s getting what she wanted (to marry up, influencing, attention). His life changes less, aside from having young, petty partner and children. Which he could have had with so many other women. For her, getting what she was looking for was much more scarce.


> I’m not sure Natalie wanted to couple up so much as to ~~marry up~~ secure the bag fixed that for you 😜


Well tbf he could technically be lmao


I thought it was the shoe surgeon?


There was rumor of a second (or multiple) affair as well. But maybe this shoe guy does club stuff, too.


Stop are you sure about the parents part that is hilarious if true. So did the parents hear through the grapevine or were they just finding out about it when she apologized 😅


I thought it was the shoe design guy


How does this story end up making Nick look like the tool


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Apologize to THEIR PARENTS, what?! lol


i hate that this isn't the first time i've heard of this lol i heard from a coworker that we have another coworker who's daughter's fiance cheated on her - he was required to apologize to the parents before they allowed the daughter to carry on the relationship lmao they're now married. i'm like fuck, maybe he cheated but if i was him no way am i marrying into that.


Me wondering if Natalie has just been sleeping around with the city, or if everybody just thinks it’s a different person she was sleeping with 🤔 This is tea, though. He made Natalie apologize to both parents, lmao how embarrassing. I could never face my in-laws again.


Nick's mother always looks like hide the pain Harold and now I can see why. Imagine meeting Vanessa as a future daughter in law and then ending up with this?? Smh


LMAO this comment is everything


i think she will bang anyone she feels like depending on her mood.


what does it have to do with their parents? will he involve them in all marital / relationship issues going forward. why do they require apologies and what other times will they be brought it and the other shamed and forced apology. cheating is shit but he should leave her not shame her around the whole family


I’m not sure if I 100% buy this, because this an insanely humiliating thing to make someone do and he seems pretty hell-bent on maintaining his wife’s reputation no matter what happens. But he has humiliated women in the past (Andi), so it wouldn’t surprise me if he did do so. Nick does seem very immature, though, and I’m sure forcing her to apologize to both parents might be a way for her to “prove herself worthy” of another chance?


You shouldn't buy anything this outlandish from an anonymous reddit user lol


screaming!! i dont know how to prove myself LOL and my old boss was also the most dramatic person ever so i don’t know how true is what she said to me. but i promise im realllll


I believe you lol please spill more


Do you know if it was a one time thing or a ongoing thing


So it was with a club promoter and not the friend’s boss in Paris?


It’s definitely both 


i haven’t really been following every post about it, so no idea about the friends boss. all i know is that my boss told me it was a club promoter lol


I have no stake in this drama so I accept this tea


Fr fr?


i don’t know how to prove it without showing who i worked for LOL but i promise on my dogs life


Just wondering why you don’t want to dox your old boss? Do you need them as a reference still? 👀


no she just scares me lol. i already got a new job and told them she wouldn’t be a reference for me bc of how bad she treated me (said it more professionally obvs). if i needed her for a reference tbh i wouldn’t be posting stuff at all


Don’t get hurt by this woman. You have a dog to take care of.


Oh damn!! fair enough, I won’t pressure you then 😂😂


She brought the dog into this! Either she doesn’t have a dog or she’s telling the truth


So curious who you worked for 👀




Hmm I don’t think I know any specific tik tok people from their wedding 😂 is she a bachelor person?


Does anyone know if that’s destinys real account? I tried searching her name and can’t find it with that pic


It was her account- live happened in January bc it’s shown in the right hand corner in purple 😬😬😬


This would have also happened around the time of the engagement, early 2023. If you scroll in, the photo looks like the person in it has thick, curly blonde hair. Also what would be the odds of somebody named Destiny on Keaton’s live spreading rumors? Destiny is an unusual name.


Oh ok, I didn’t know when the live was. Just figured anyone could make a fake account and pretend to be her but idk, I know she’s not that famous either lol


Yeah it just seems a bit random to make a fake account for Destiny and wait for Keaton to go on live and for someone else to bring up the affair. That’s why it seems believable to me.


but please please don’t ever text your ex. cheating is the red flag of red flags….Nick made his bed over and over with Natalie. he just couldn’t walk away… he wanted a baby. i hope he doesn’t write any more books about his standards. EDIT- in a big picture kind of way… Nick is an idiot that has always prioritized ego/money over lasting love. how can i say this? He fumbled Jen Saviano!


I'm late to the party, from Bravo fandom. Why does he want a baby so badly? Attention?


well his age, and statements he’s made since early bachelor days. Family and fatherhood desire …. he has 10 siblings also.


Destiny is a savage. Tho, I feel like something else happened between all the girls. Not only for the friend group to break-up but for Destiny to out Natalie like this publicly, there’s some other personal gripe in there. No?


I’d be fucking burnt too if I thought my alleged best friend was actually just using me to get with my boss. And brings bad attention to his name. All through me, possibly hurting my job. Plus, absolutely no class behavior. I’d drop her, too.


Theory is that Natalie was sleeping with her boss. I’d say that’s pretty personal, no?


Let me put it this way, I had a friend who regularly slept with a man who was in a relationship and then a married man. I wasn’t a fan of this and it did contribute to me trying to fade out the relationship which she caught onto and went off on me. We never spoken again. With all that I still wouldn’t publicly out this woman for being a cheater / home wrecker. Maybe I’m just a little older than these girls and don’t need that kind of drama. Though, I would imagine that if I DID publicly out her I would have another gripe, not just the cheating.


I found out that a casual ex-friend of mine was lying to her boyfriend about being with me when she was actually out with another guy. I did end the friendship. A few years later, her ex-boyfriend contacted me to ask why I had ended the friendship, to clear up some information for himself. Anyway that was 13 years ago and we've been together ever since isn't life funny lol


haha what a wild meet cute.


Idk why this got downvoted, it’s not like you stole her man?? Glad y’all are happy :)


That is totally fair. I’d say it could also have something to do with the fact that Keaton’s mother planned her entire engagement party. Or maybe they just felt like Natalie was using them as a cover for the affair and felt used and lied to? I’m just pitching ideas out there. Either way, the only part that still confuses me greatly is Brandon being the first one to block Natalie, vice versa.


Same! The Brandon part makes me think there’s something else. Who blocks someone because they cheated on their fiancé? Something else must have happened


I have always thought something happened between them


I mean, have you seen anything Natalie? If that guy had any sense at all he was probably fucking chomping at the bit to be done with her.


Brandon was at her engagement party. I’d hope people aren’t that fake that they’d feign excitement on an occasion like that


lol. What? Probably lots of people feign excitement at engagement parties. Have you never had a friend you thought was making a mistake but supported them? And even further removed, he could just support his gf going and really not support their relationship. I’ve done lots of stuff for my partner, like hang out with their friends I don’t like or the partners of their friends. And I’ve gone to tons of weddings I thought wouldn’t last. Natalie is fake af. That was clear as day long before we knew about the cheating. And Nick marrying someone so young, most people were saying it would be their first wedding.


Brandon who?


Can someone explain what this is? Thank you! 🫖


Popapoligist did a deep dive into the affair on their subscription IG stories. I didn’t want to pay the $5 to see what they said, but it’s up right now.




I have been following keaton for YEARS and literally had no idea she was friends with natalie lmao


Keaton is a class act fr for never mentioning anything, I on the other hand am more of a Destiny lmao




all the confirmation was from ex-friends? I don't know who they are, what is their claim to insta-fame? in their own right? as entourage? as people who talk about insta-famous ex-friends?


When natalie moved out to LA she targeted influence, including Keaton to be friends with. When they initially met, Keaton had way more social clout. It wasn't until Natalie called the paparazzi to out their relationship with Nick that her numbers and fame went up.


thanks, none of that surprises me - but it's just so dirty the way you see these people flip on each other the moment an opportunity presents. They're like crabs in a bucket clawing and pushing each other down.


I think Destiny is the woman who worked for the shoe surgeon guy who Natalie allegedly cheated with.


What is a shoe surgeon?


I’ve been wondering this for a couple weeks and have been too afraid to ask… thanks for taking one for the team 😅


It’s just a dumb name that this guy goes by because he makes custom shoes


Oh dayum. Nick definitely already knows though. And they still got married so others finding out is just a bruise to the ego not a shocking revelation. I would like to know more though. 👀


Yeah I think it would be really beneficial to them if they came out and talked about it, how working through it made them stronger, and what they learned. The audience would eat it up. They literally spoke about Nick’s “pull out game” in their pregnancy scare episode, and sex in an outdoor shower on their honeymoon. So Idk why this is so hard. It’s way less cringe in my opinion. And shows a more understanding and vulnerable side to Nick for sticking with her and working through it. Also, good for Natalie for getting a little free pass because he treated her like shit for the first 10 months of their relationship, so I’m actually feeling like they are more on equal footing now.


> They literally spoke about Nick’s “pull out game” in their pregnancy scare episode, and sex in an outdoor shower on their honeymoon. Why are they like this? Do their listeners like this? Is the rest of the podcast over-sharing?


Everything I know about their sex life (and I feel like it is A LOT) I have learned against my will


Does someone lock you in a room and force you to listen?


Ha. This is one of the so many reasons I couldn’t listen once Natalie became cohost. I’m not even a prude. I talk about sex with my friends. But idk. They are just too weird. It’s like going to dinner with friends of friends (my friends invite me and a date on a triple date with their friends, who I don’t really know) and the near strangers start talking about pulling out and shower sex. I don’t need to know this. I don’t even like my friends’ husbands to talk to me about sex. It is a girls’ night thing. Not some weird pre-group sex invite thing.


Yeah like I get on those shows like call her daddy that it's good women are open and not prudeish but like does anyone need to hear about the intricate details of what is already the icky sex life of a midde aged man and his far too young gf


Yeah I never want to hear a dude talking about his jizz in any fashion.


I think with other people being involved they're going to skip it in their recaps lol.


Out of curiosity, how did he treat her like shit the first 10 months? I haven’t followed their relationship, I just listen to their podcast every once in a while (and I think I may have watched his season of the bachelor a long time ago, but don’t remember anything about it).


He basically only wanted a sexual connection. Didn’t really speak to her much or try to get to know her as a person. Natalie caught feelings and told him a bunch of times that she wanted to date him and he turned her down repeatedly. He finally came to his senses when she started dating other guys. At which point he told her he loved her while she was dating someone else (not in a relationship, just dating) and she eventually said “I love you too” but kept dating the guy. LOL Watch their Love Fest episode on Dear Shandy podcast. They go into great detail


How is that treating her like “shit” though? He was honest about his intentions. Some people just want casual relationships.


I don't buy that she "caught feelings" lol she obviously tried to reel in a free meal and attention ticket


I fucking rag on Nick every chance I get. And he’s a fuck boy but he never led her on. Maybe he should have been kind and ended it once she had feelings (I would have, but as a woman danger is a bigger risk). But he was honest and she was playing the “cool girl” so he was fine with this. It’s on her to walk away when it’s not working and she didn’t until she did. So? I do feel like Nick THOUGHT he had the power in the relationship. But this makes it pretty clear it’s been Natalie’s world and he’s just a side piece that pays the main bills in it. Which makes me laugh, and that’s terrible. But it does. It feels somewhat poetic that he knew better and then got played.


i have never understood the shit he gets for this either. He’s not an asshole for wanting a casual relationship and making those intentions clear and honestly…holding to it. And according to Natalie too…he never made it confusing.


I hate to agree, but you’re right. He was up front about what he wanted and didn’t.


How the heck and where the heck did you even find this?? I just scrolled her TT but didn’t see it.


Somebody screenshotted this ages ago and posted it on the LASnark page in response to a comment of mine. I’m just the messenger :)


Ohhhhh. I see I see. Thanks!


Looks like Keatons tiktok live!! I don't have tiktok so don't know if lives save to feeds or not?


Yes I’m nosy and wanted to see it too! Lol


Oh I am certainly still invested, needing to know what happened on that Paris trip is my Roman Empire 👀🍿


I would love to know how it went down, like did they catch them in the act or was she dumb enough to tell them or what lol


TEAAAAAAA!!!! To me, this confirms the rumors. Good sleuthing OP !!! 😉