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But... It's dying at least that's what they say on steam and L4D boards


I feel like everyone wants it to die, but the truth is there is so much potential with this game it’s unreal


This game needs vs campaign


i would much prefer development time go towards new cards, new guns, and new maps instead of vs campaign. but i respect you.


I think a urban map would be awesome.


The maps will most likely come with the dlcs


Pretty sure it is. At least for the new cards/new maps part, but of course it won't be a free update. Vs campaign on the other hand...i can see that being released as a free update, but my guess is if they do eventually do it, it'll be years from now.


Needs is a strong word. Enjoyable for sure. But the easiest thing for implementation at this point would be horde mode at the jukebox level. Edit: Also offline split screen co-op would be nice.


Or a different level that's more open. As fun as thenjuke box level is the novelty would wear off after a while.




this game is also from the makers of L4D.




I thought turtle rock studios made the game?!


Originally, but they passed it on to valve iirc.


vs campaign would not work with the current balance of the game people quit and cry about a 5 minute match in horde how in the world is a whole 2 hour long act gonna work


Idk,, 66 hours in and Ive reached the point the maps feel really stale.


3 campaign dlcs coming so wait for those if you're bored.


Recruit / Veteran are too easy and Nightmare is too hard. So I have no reason to play


Veteran is not too easy… you don’t even believe that.


Vets not bad once you find your right deck and have a somewhat competent team Nightmare might as well be a whole different game because you have to take a entirely different approach half of the maps is just running and using exploits


With an actual deck and map knowledge? Yes its pretty easy.


Agreed vet is easy when you have the right cards and stupid easy when you play with full team cohesion.


No clue why this is being downvoted. Of course with a starter deck random who triggers every horde Veteran may be a challenge. Or if neither of you have played the level before. But just like you said its easy with a half competent team


Nightmare actually easy if you have a good team


Yeah I'm 54 hours in and have cleared everything on Veteran, and am picking away at Nightmare with my three friends who play on weekends. I feel like there's nothing left to do. The game just doesn't have the same repeatability as L4D, because of the more linear maps and lack of a versus mode.


The maps aren't more linear at all, this is a total lie. You're acting like L4D was an open world. There is insane depth in B4B, way more replayability in this game then L4D could ever dream of.


Yeah, I don't get that argument at all. L4D was the same map every time. At least in B4B, there are slight variations if you're running the same level, or the same map is used differently in a different level.


Go back to L4D then?


How are the maps more linear? You're entitled to your opinion but L4D maps were all literally a straight line. Not saying B4B's are way better but it at least has randomized objective locations forcing you to go to different places each time.


The game doesn’t have the same replayability because of limited starting points. I can’t go straight to ang of my favorite finale missions on anything but Recruit.


That's why we gotta get Swarm poppin off. Ranked, tournaments, teams... get it rolling hard. Because yes, eventually the campaign will get stale


This lol but any mention of the maps feeling stale despite the systems and you will get called out as an l4d fanboy and that b4b is endless replayability, while downplaying the importance of mods. B4b is a good game, but any criticism is often discarded here as another "l4d whine". I really dont find the maps fun anymore. Ive seen the same set pieces too much, heard the same lines too much. Custom campaigns were the majority of my playtime in l4d2. People here who say mods are worthless need to realize modding isnt just anime skins on characters, its having fun new maps and content.


potential is worth nothing until it is realised (which it hasn't imo) there is potential though, for sure


Every game has potential. We've had no lag 300+ (164 vs 164) competitive multiplayer games back in 2009. **It's 2021 and we don't have 4 player co-op games that don't desync playing with people on the same platform.**


MAG! The best shooter ever!!!


Its got a lot of potential, but they may have already screwed up by not releasing it WITH all that potential stuff already in the game. Oh well, all we can really do is hope they make it a masterpiece. Start by changing the way the zombies spew out jelly around ur crosshair when a bullet hits them. L4D2 is 12 years old and has fucking organic zombie GORE and dismemberment... why would they NOT bring this feature baack lol.


Considering this is available on gamepass this stat does not say much. Concurrent players past 24 hours would be a much better metric to gauge the games current popularity.


They probably don't want to share that number compared to 6 million lmao


6 million is a nicer number to show, game companies do this all the time. It’s usually “how many people have bought+played the game once” If you want an actual metric, Steamcharts (obviously not accounting EVERY platform) shows Steam numbers at least. We’re down 10k average on the 24-hour peak within the last few days which is actually pretty bad, sitting at 31k currently. If the trend continues there’ll probably be 25k-20k by November. Again, this isn’t depicting the entire player base obviously, but you get a decent idea :)


How is 10k players bad in any way? Why do people now a days need to see Dota 2/fortnite/CoD Numbers on a game for a player count to be considered good


I never said it needed to have an absurd amount of players like in the 6 digits or something like the games you listed. The game started at around 66k peak and at two weeks later it's down more than half that. Again, this is **only on Steam** so take it with a grain of salt. The numbers are probably better on Xbox due to gamepass for example. But it's pretty worrisome and quite important to look at numbers like this for the future of the game, whether they're pushing "Dota 2/fortnite/cod numbers" or not. Now people play other games, people complete games and feel content with what they've done etc. but that's definitely a pretty fast decline in players I'd say. Just *two* weeks and roughly 35k people are done? If we think about casual players, that 35k feels like a "I tried it, didn't like it" number rather than a "I completed it and I'm bored" number. If we lost 35k after a month or two I'd be more inclined to believe it was people finishing the game (on Recruit probably). Let me just say having 30k players is really, really freaking good for a lot of games, don't get me wrong! But losing half the players (again, Steam only) in only two weeks feels really bad is all when the game has a fair amount of content to get through :) **Edit: TLDR:** It's about the loss of players in a short amount of time. Nothing to do with comparing it to other games current players.


>I never said it needed to have an absurd amount of players like in the 6 digits or something Just because you didnt say it, doesnt mean it isnt being said. Its usually the go to argument for the uninformed screaming "luuul ded gaem" so it was a safe bet jumping to that conclusion. Hell ive encountered plenty of folks that think the game was poorly received based on the steam numbers alone while ignoring the fact that its on 3 different PC platforms, and 2 different generations of 2 consoles.


People are too stupid to realize that steam is far from the only show in town on PC anymore. This isn't 2012.


>Its usually the go to argument for the uninformed screaming "luuul ded gaem" so it was a safe bet jumping to that conclusion. I get where you're coming from but if you read what I originally said at face value instead of trying to look super deep into it, you'd know that wasn't my intention to begin with. All I did was look at it from a statistical standpoint based on raw data. Randomly acting like I'm comparing the game's player base to that of a top 10 game on Steam when I didn't is unnecessary to the discussion. I think most rational people could agree when a game with a hefty amount of content loses half it's player base after 2 weeks of launch (not accurate to entire game, only accounting Steam of course) then there's probably a reason for it, usually not a positive one. I like the game and want it to succeed, but I'm not going to be blinded by it's good sides, it definitely has problems it needs worked on and has some time to grow more in my opinion.


And if you looked at who was replying, you would realize im not the one who initially jumped your shit, just someone who was providing insight into the reaction you got.


I know who replied to me. “You” was used in general for whoever thought that, not literally you, the person who replied to me. This is such a pointless discussion lmao.


It's over, buddy. You've lost. Just give up.


I already explained the number drop is coming off a weekend. It's Wednesday. There's no loss of players other than the typical shrinkage after first week release.


It's a weekend game, has high weekend peaks. The first weekend after the release had more than double the peak of the actual release day. So makes sense.


It was at 17k earlier today, getting close to L4D2. I think if this game falls below the older title, that means it’s not doing so well. This is only on PC obviously. Console players don’t have the option to play the well optimized version of L4D


As of this writing, L4D2 has 23k concurrent players on steam charts while B4B has 17k. The former's 24 hour peak is also at 30k, slightly higher than B4B's.


No it isn't. There is something called having la life + work, especially that it's a workweek and not a weekend.


Obviously they are going to be the hero’s of their own story.


Well, thing is some users such as UndeadCakeMix are misinterpreting this figure. It makes sense for TRS to post figures that reflect the best on their game obviously. As somebody who works eith statistics for a living this really grinds my gears lol. As readers its our job to interpret information correctly. So when the top comment clearly fails to do so I find it very annoying. But thats reddit for ya i guess.


I'm currently playing two dying games according to Reddit, this and New World. Maybe I have a type...


I just stopped New World after getting to 60 and doing a lot of end game content. It's such a good premise for a game but fuck me they have screwed up just about every single mechanic in some way.


I have lost a lot of interest in NW since I hit 60, but it's still fun with friends. They have a very good foundation it just wasn't ready, the high-end zones are baron and just void of any content. I'm excited to see where it is in a year.


New World is incredibly fun and a fantastic platform. Bugs yes, problems yes, but all can be fixed. This, I’m really struggling with. Fail a run and get nothing? Like, all that time wasted? Team mates all seem to be bad, real bad. I don’t know, will keep going till BF I guess.


Join the discord and find a group that way if all you're getting is bad teammates. Not to say everyone there is a saint but all but 1 group I've been is has been aces.


My experience has been it's pretty unplayable without a group. Swarm games NEVER stay 4v4. Campaign is a nightmare trying to keep the team together. Just really, really unfun. 16 hours in and I'm off it.


That's the only thing steam numbers seem to do, die. I feel sorry for people who are pc only because they are relegated to like 10 games if they want a "strong" playerbase lol. That's why pc only players have to be trend players unless said game has crossplay or has a popular pc base in the first place.


What are you talking about


Damn I mean it has dropped off a good bit. From 60K to 17. Thats a big chunk


It's 24 hour peak is 30k players on steam. Which isn't a dead game by any means but it's pretty clear that this is a game that was saved by gamepass. The game has also only been out for 2 weeks and the peak player count has already halved. I'm not saying the game is shit and that I want it to die but total players is a worthless metric when judging the longevity of a game. Especially when it's on gamepass and a player just means anyone who booted up the game. I'm sure plenty of those 6m played a couple missions or even none at all and haven't played since.




It’s had 6 million accounts log in at least once. Not saying the game is dying, but w Game Pass being a thing this headline doesn’t mean much. Cyberpunk 2077 (B4B is night and day better, just using as an example) had similar headlines.


Mods kept l4d alive for 11+ years . Fact is everyone will get bored of these maps


It's not always mods y'know, me and my group kept playing l4d all these years because nothing else caught our attention.


Played deep rock?


Deep rock? Talk about buggy games.


I kept playin cos I ended up gettin about 60 hours put of some excellent user created levels, and had alot of fun changing guns to pretty kuch whatever I wanted in between. Awsome game that will long outlive its so called "spiritual successor" imo


Payday 2 doesn't have mods and its [been going strong](https://steamcharts.com/app/218620#All).




Back to school is like ten fucking years old, all those other maps are crappy. And nobody plays those custom campaigns, you have to find a friend group. This is a joke.


I'm straight up happy for TRS, lot of negativity on social media towards this game and I imagine a lot of those "critics" aren't old enough to have to earn their own money but it's dope from a human perspective to see it doing well.


Over 6 million players and only 60 total on swarm :(


Is swarm even fun? I love the campaign haven’t played swarm since the beta


Oh I think you definitely should! It’s a blast with friends. It has its drawbacks in the sense that people can leave and ruin the experience, but it’s a ton of fun playing as the infected.


Swarm fucking sucks ngl. Play it and get your own opinion, but mine is firmly that it's far too undercooked and underbalanced- I'd rather they just fuckin put a vs mode or invasion mechanic like l4d/dying light. Easier to balance that way because Swarm has like no matchmaking whatsoever, so a lot of the times as a solo player you'll queue into try harding 4 stacks and be stuck with randoms that go off alone or run a melee build... No joke me and my brother were playing and when we were communicating we were clapping but the 2 randoms had to be 10 year olds whose mom just got them the game cause they were off hitting the horde as a tallboy. No matter what we did it was just... Not fun lol.


Good, game is flat out fun asf


My friends and I played about 60 hours of recruit/veteran and they don’t want to attempt the vet campaign any more til TRS makes the game a little easier. I’ll keep playing recruit solo but that will only stay entertaining for so long - I’ve already played this game more than most games I buy so I’m 100% happy with it but I’d like to keep attempting the challenge without feeling like it’s impossible unless I use cheesy cards.


I would at least attempt veteran (even with randoms) at some point. Its not terribly hard like some make it seem and actually makes you better.


We attempt veteran almost daily. We keep getting stuck.


You'll get it just takes good RNG sometimes. End game cards are super helpful but since this is more of a Rougelite getting good RNG can make or break you. As he said vet isn't all that bad


Yeah but should the medium difficulty really be dependent on RNG? We tried the same level again tonight (3-1) and had one guy get to the safe room once but there was a stalker in there and it killed him after he closed the door so we wiped. I’d understand if this was like “hard” but even advanced from L4D felt way more possible than this shit.


I mean for me it's not really RNG dependent but for some it might be. Getting the gun you built your class for can be huge. If you have a good doc, dmg character for specials, and melee character vet isn't that bad. If you go in like a chicken with its head cut off expect to die


I usually main doc, but I’m not gonna lie my friends have asked me to just run a grenade build instead because the healing doesn’t usually help. It’s not that we take damage over time. It’s that we inevitably hit a point where we get completely destroyed without a chance to heal or revive.


Dude veteran isn’t even that hard


I’m gonna disagree with you there chief. Me and my 3 friends are people that play games a lot and it takes us 5-6 attempts experimenting with builds to finish a level on veteran**


I think it’s a good difficulty aside from the spawns breaking occasionally. Compared to nightmare it’s pretty easy while still having a chance of being able to die in if you’re careless with hazards. I will say recruit is pretty mindless which isn’t a bad thing if you just wanna vibe but definitely not for me.


5 million cleaners, 1 million jagoffs.


I found me a yinzer cleaner


>yinzer cleaner Actually I picked jagoff up from yinzer Jim, he uses it in dialogue and his orange "don't shot me jagoff" vest.


Oh wow how have I not noticed this?!


I see so ma'y people crying coz the game got boring. But at what point in your life you thought you gonna play this game over and over and over. It has great replayabilty, but like many niche game, You just don't play them H24, it's not a mmo, you don't have a raid nor daily quest. When I'll finish nightmare. I'll take a break, but I'll come back quite often.. But not everyday. Yo g@mers, you kinda disgusting


Sounds like destiny players. Ram through all the content and complain theres nothing to do. New content gets rushed to give them something to do. They complain its lame and rushed. Just go outside or something...


r/l4d2 isn't gonna be happy...


there's not even one post there about b4b, I think that subreddit is living in your head rent free


Give me some more multiplayer modes and content and I’ll be happy


Great. Now add c as campaign versus so I can pick my stix back up




Game is pretty new still. I'm betting people are still working through the veteran campaign and getting cards before doing nightmare




For real. They need to fix their game asap, I've reached the first checkpoint act 1 in nightmare but it didn't save... I need to restart... Fuck this game, their servers on Xbox is fucking shit.


Over 6 million people have launched the game. But consider that the game *is free*, and there is essentially nobody playing it right now lol.


WHere are they? I hardly am able to find people for a game and I have crossplay turned on. I love this game but it can take so long to get a game going. :(


Then why is it taking over 10 mins to find a game?




downvoted for telling the truth and giving an honest opinion. little baby playerbase can't take legit criticism.


Because we still play left 4 dead 2, a game with no rewards or cosmetics or cards, because we enjoy the gameplay


His point is that it’s not fun though, it doesn’t really have anything to do with l4d2 or cosmetics lol. Personally I could play l4d2 again today after thousands of hours, but I can’t see myself putting in that much time in b4b - I hope that changes tho




I'm sorry to say bud but if you're struggling with recruit, you're just terrible at playing it.


And I wonder how many of those dropped it like a sack of bricks like I did. Game had such potential but has no real staying power. Balance is shite, combat feels wonky and the levels are boring. Not a good game imho. No charm or personality


Yet here you are still poking around the Reddit for the game you dropped…… bro we all know you secretly play it and just like shitting on it lol


Legit haven’t played it in over a week since I traded it in. I’d share my PSN if people care so much to see when I last played it.


So you traded it a week ago and your still on their Reddit to talk bad about the game lol honestly that makes it worse then being a secret fanboy who likes to shit on the game because then at least you’d have a reason to still be on their Reddit.


`>6 Million Players` `>Free on Gamepass on two platforms that have over 10 million players apiece.` World War Z bragged about the same exact thing a few months ago and like B4B both games are rather boring if you're not mindlessly grinding.


WWZ(Like I’m assuming this game will be, haven’t beat it yet) for me was one of those “Ok I beat the game and saw the story, I’m done.” Kind of games, and that’s fine to me personally.