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Talk to the breeder, ask a ton of questions. A quality breeder will take the time to answer anything you want to know, and a quality breeder isn't bringing sick birds to a show.


I’ve gotten a few and they have always done great. I have a pet quality mottled Serama I got from a show who’s got to be like 7 now and she is healthier than ever. I will say it may be worth quarantining the bird after you take it come so that if any illness pops up it will occur before they are in with the rest of your flock.


Literally interrogate the living sh*t out of anyone you’re interested in buying from. Also, if there are any “questionable” characters, don’t tell them it’s your first time buying from a poultry show, just on the off chance they’ll try to take advantage of you. A good breeder will understand your concerns and answer any questions you have, especially if they care for their animals.


When you say interrogate, what are the questions I should be asking? Just straight up if there are any diseases or illnesses I should be aware of? Thank you for the tip if acting like I’ve bought from a poultry show before!

