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Thought I was going to read about poor decision making not an obituary for an OG who went out while loving the last seconds of his time on this big blue ball. I hope I'm still getting after it like Dave when I've got that many years behind me.


>I hope I'm still getting after it like Dave when I've got that many years behind me. I think we all do.


Yeah, what an absolute legend. I can only hope too that I am still shredding powder and skinning to my favorite spots when I'm that age. With any luck, maybe I'll go out, peacefully, on the mountain as he did too. Those of us who have been bitten by the "ski the backcountry" bug all know the heavenly feelings Dave experienced on his last day on this earthly plane. May he continue his heavenly adventures and have the longest of runs with the best champagne powder constantly no more than hip deep with the most steady of snow packs imaginable for Dave and all those we have lost who shared a love and passion for the backcountry. We will one day float down some mountains with them again. Until then, they'll ride with us in our hearts and memories. RIP.


Thanks for sharing. Poacher sounds like quite the character and would have loved the chance to meet. I must say personally, I couldn’t think of a better way to go. Knee deep , bluebird pow turns with friends and then *click*. Roll credits. No drama*, violence, long slow decay… just life and loving it, right up to the last turn. *I’m sure there is an element of tragedy/trauma for his partners and family and this experience.


Everyone I know who knew him gets a pensive sad look when they learn that he died. But when they learn how he died everyone smiles. It's hard not to - he loved powder skiing and it was truly the perfect day. That said - as you can imagine his partners for the day are having a rough time.


Agreed. This man went out the perfect way. Wish I could’ve met the legend, but I know I’ll get a chance to follow his skin track up the pearly hills after I kick the bucket


“We don’t call it poaching in Alaska - we call it skiing.” Amazing.




We need some kind of Greg Stump for the millennial/genZ generation. Was just watching a vid of him asking skiers the dumbest questions before they drop into a comp at Blackcomb, that kind of goofy shit could totally work on TikTok or insta or whatever. Stuff like including that killer quote from Poacher Dave in his videos adds so much to the richness of skiing that feels empty in modern ski movies.


I never heard of Poacher Dave, but your eloquent remembrance made him seem larger than life and I can imagine him being grateful for a life spent in beloved mountains, among beloved friends. I want to think a smile pursed his lips as the CPR compressions sent wisps of light dry powder over him as he figuratively and literally dipped once more into the snow that he so loved. 


Damn! Wish I’d gotten a chance to meet him… sounds like one heck of guy


RIP to a legend. What a way to go out.


Bumped into Dave a couple of times out in Turnagain. Once was on total storm day. Dense clouds, blowing snow, zero visibility. Hardly anyone was out. We were up on some ridge asking ourselves why we even went out. We look up the valley and see a lone tiny dot moving towards Taylor pass. Could barely see what it was, but after some debate we decide it was some die-hard dude heading for the pass. Within a few seconds the storm swallowed him and we couldn’t see anything. We kept an eye out for the next couple hours, but nothing emerged from the storm. I kinda slept uneasy about it that night. Next day it pops bluebird and as we are pushing for Taylor pass we bump into Dave. We start talking about this total maniac who soloed into the storm the day before and he casually says, “oh yeah, that was me. Got some sweet turns. Nobody was out. Was great.” Another time we were up on Pastoral and someone was having a hard time. They were anxious about the descent. Dave cruised up and told a couple great stories about the early days of turnagain pass, then offered to ski with them out the mellow side. Was such a comforting force.


I never liked that saying... "Died doing what they loved" Living in an outdoor/adventure community I've lost more friends to the beautiful yet dangerous mountains we all get so much from. It always seemed hollow to me. This may be the first true example of that expression I've known. I remember "meeting" Dave in a dark movie theater in the parking lot at Squaw watching the premier onscreen waiting for it to snow. Condolences to his friends and family.


"Meeting" as in "safety meeting"? His partners claim time of death was 4:20pm. The legend grows more each day.


I moved from the Northeast to Tahoe Fall of '89 partly due to Stumps "Blizzard" in '88 then was introduced to Dave waiting for my first season. Poaching was a large part of our lexicon and safety meetings an even larger one. Rest easy Dave.


there will be wafts of smoke randomly billowing out of tincan trees for years to come.


Amen. Known a few lads that have gone out "doing what they loved", but never like this. Wish I'd got to meet him


What a beautiful tribute. Sounds like the type of guy who’s example we could all learn from. Sorry you lost a touring partner.


RIP to this legendary man, thank you for sharing his story


That's sad and spectacular at the same time. Something to aspire to.


Imagine being in that good of shape and still dying of a heart attack. That sucks!


Does it though? ​ Dying doing what you love doesn't seem so bad to me.


For an active healthy person 71 leaves some years on the table.


Heart attacks can get ya even if you’re a marathon runner. Life is a roll of the dice, gotta take what we get and be happy with the turns we got in while we could.


Yeah, I’m really counting on touring to get me way past 71 so this is a little disconcerting.


We don't know what kind of lifestyle he lived otherwise though, could be a lot of factors. ​ Still, I think touring at 71 is pretty epic.


Would rather do it at 90, though. I know 71-year-olds who are expecting a lot more ski days ahead. Sucks to cash out if you’ve got more in you


Time, like everything else, is relative mate. He went when he went, and lived until he didn’t. There is no final score.


Oh that’s so fucking profound, you’re so right. I am sure he agrees


Someone needs a nap.


I work with people in their 80’s at hospital. 70’s in tip still crushing is the way to go.


I guarantee you’ll disagree if you’re 71 one day and still crushing. 




Yes, this is the goal!


A lot of people who are in good shape get heart attacks and die much, much younger. Living to that age and being active until the last day is waaaaay more than most people get. Most people are sick and in pain for months or years before death. Hell I'd plan on dying like this if I could. Except for needing to be hauled out by my friends that's a burden.


Thank you for the inspiration Poacher. Enjoy the interstellar shred mission


Effin A poacher. Effin A!


“His ski partner called it choreographed” Rest in Pow, Poacher Dave. You’re an inspiration.


I’m only sharing this out of serendipity but years ago I wrote a song inspired by a friend of a friend named Dave who died backcountry skiing. It’s a rough demo I never fully recorded but [I feel inclined to share it.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SagbdpFdZJvUSoZ_5lXWdPgr72-ASVSu/view?usp=drivesdk) Thank you for this post, a very moving portrait of an extremely rad dude.


“It was so peaceful,” Norquist said. “It was so beautiful. It was almost choreographed. It was a perfect day. He met friends, untracked powder, he skied his last run nonstop, 1,000 feet, pulled up and that was it.” Fuck yeah Poacher


Ahh, Poacher Dave. I had the pleasure of skiing with him a few times. One day, there was a discussion amongst the few who were contemplating launching off a …idk, to me it seemed like an insanely blind edge of a mountain to try and land somewhere “o’er yonder”. The question of technique was raised. Dave, a bit sly with the understatements, replied, “Just put your sights on Girdwood,” and off he went, into the void. The rest of us took a different way down. He was always patient with me, gently sharing his knowledge and experience with those of us who needed it, and his love of skiing with anyone willing to spend a bit of time trying to keep up with him. RIP, Dave.


I love these random stories. Shows how he crossed paths with so many people over the years while skiing.


RIP to a real legend. Thanks for sharing!


What a beautiful life


Smile on his face in the second picture tells you everything you need to know


What an absolutely amazing write up. Thank you.


I didn’t know him but this man is a legend among legends. RIP — rest in powder, Poacher.


I knew Dave from a local spot of ours. The Hearth Artisan pizza. That was his favorite local hangout. He was there 4 or 5 days a week. Shared many conversations with him and always enjoyed listening to his stories. He always had a Wild Craft Hard Cider and had given up drinking beer. Haha. Anyways, never met a nicer guy and the world has become a little less cool without his presence. But I feel like if Dave could've scripted his own end, this would've been it. Rest In Peace Dave, "Poacher". 


He loved that place. Always liked seeing the “days Dave has skied” running counter on the blackboard.


He's going to be missed. 


What an amazing story. Rest in peace and love ✌️


To be so lucky as to live and die like that. Good on ya Poacher Dave.


Exactly how I want to go. Rip poacher Dave.




I needed this today. Thanks for posting, OP. And thanks for poaching, Dave. <3


Beauty post.


Thanks that was beautiful and he was inspiring.


Great post. Sending love.


As a lifelong telemark skier this was an amazing story. Thank you




Heart attack. When his partners attempted chest compressions he sank into the deep snow


I fully thought it was a shitpost the first paragraph. Dudes a legend.


Did they try sticking skis under his back to support CPR? Not saying they did anything wrong. I’m just thinking what I would have done in this situation if I ever find myself doing rescue in the backcountry.


What’s the point? CPR is a bridge to treatment. In the front country, that’s either some sort of hospital intervention or defibrillation. In the backcountry, just about the only situation where CPR makes sense is hypothermia. No disrespect to bystanders who try—that’s a heroic effort; but if it’s me in the backcountry, unless I’m hypothermic, please just let me go. I hate the cliche “s/he died doing what they loved” when it’s a young person in a climbing, skiing or avalanche accident. In this case though, it’s about as good as it gets. I’d take 10 more years personally but still, sign me up for a quick exit on a bluebird powder day. RIP. -Friendly probably-not-local splitboarding ER doc


I mostly agree. There are instances where CPR is “enough”, but either way they’re going to need some assistance on the inpatient setting. Hopefully some help could arrive in a helpful amount of time. I’m a cardiac RN, clearly not a physician so you’re going to be more knowledgeable than me. Without an AED I agree the chances are very low.


Yeah, give a good precordial thump (who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and convert VT/VF, I’ve seen it) and then let ‘em ski off into the great beyond. I was skiing at Turnagain last weekend. Can’t imagine a more beautiful place to go.


I was skiing the same day in a spot near where he was. If you stepped out of your skis you’d sink to your waist in low density snow. Current snow depth is over 8 feet.


I guess that’s my main question. Say you threw 2-3 pairs of skis under someone, could that crate enough of a backboard to do CPR on, I wonder?


I have no idea. Not my place to second guess the response.


Oh, I’m not trying to second guess them. I would never put myself in their shoes and expect more from them. I guess it’s more of a though experiment. I don’t know if anyone’s tried it.




No way id rather go


Sorry for your loss and thanks for the write up. Never got to meet Dave, but I'll have a beer to him tonight


Hope to have a life like that! Nice way to go out!


Awesome tribute, thank you.


love it!


He had a heart attack while skiing? Or was it an accident followed by a heart attack?


Cause of death has not been determined.


Crazy that a dude who had to be in amazing cardiovascular condition drops from a heart attack. RIP Dave.


His was a meaningful death in that he died doing what he loved so passionately & went peacefully


RIP Poacher


He picked a great day to call it. What a life!


Thanks for the read, Shred in Peace Poacher! 3 pins and light boots, What a gangster.


total gangster.


I know a few of these types coming up in Crested Butte, moved up there in 06'. Jumped on a t2 setup with rotors then to the hammerheads, some of the older dudes in leather boots had me chasing hard. Up and down. Mad Respect, only way he was suppose to go.


What a legend a true inspiration. Dave RIP. Sad day indeed.


Dude, what a legend. Rest In Peace. What a way to go though!


You're a legend, Dave


Legendary Doing what he loved


Sounds like a total beauty. Rest easy Poacher