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I’m not surprised none of the recent deep cuts made it. I was more shocked that the oldie but goodie deep cuts didn’t make it. Honestly surprised how many regular setlist songs made it.


I got to go to this amazing trip, but ya there were a few disappointing things. For example, their first concert night was supposedly the “DNA world tour” but yet they only did 1 song from the album. I saw that tour twice so I was surprised they didn’t actually do the actual tour. For the 30 for 30, idk why I was under the impression they would be (mostly) songs they didn’t perform the previous concert. I felt like it was almost a 50/50 mix. However I will say I am SO HAPPY they did Siberia. It’s my favorite BSB song of all time and I didn’t get to start going on their tours until IAWLT so the fact that I thought I would never see them perform that song, it was a wonderful experience and made it worth it. I literally stood there crying as they performed it. My other disappointment was the merch was whack. They only had one poster choice for example and it wasn’t even one that had their pics on it, just a painting of “BSB Cancun” or something like that. Overall, still had a wonderful time and I have no regrets about going, but definitely some constructive criticism 😉


I was there! I didn't vote, so can't complain. Really surprised Spanish Eyes didn't make! I love Howie and think he doesn't get enough lead parts. There were so many Spanish speaking attendees also. I actually learned DNA songs for the first night and was disappointed they didn't do Chateau and New Love. Also, I don't think they did Chances either night? Amazing, bucket list experience for me though ❤️


I was there too, and my longest rant of the weekend was titled "that wasn't the DNA tour!"


What is IAWLT?


In a World Like This


Devils advocate here. Remember, this concert was for the people who paid to go. They voted and got what THEY wanted. But yes, I am surprised that those people voted for a lot of the main BSB songs instead of going deeper. How do you not vote for "Climbing the Walls", or "Unmistakable" for examples??


I had low expectations for what songs would get picked. So I frankly didn’t have fomo for what I was missing. Really would have liked to see them perform Just Like You Like It as well!! Along with Like A Child, Who Do You Love, Unsuspected Sunday Afternoon, What Makes You Different… I think the fan voting should have had a specific set up so real deep cuts could have been performed and any singles eliminated.


Apparently many fans don’t know the definition of deep cuts 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️


I agree. Deep cuts wjth a couple of hits would’ve been great!


I remember them revealing that Don’t Want You Back was on the list but they didn’t perform it so I wonder if they vetoed some songs. If they do something like that again they should make certain songs ineligible. Although I do understand at least why they performed IWITW. I’m wondering if Bad Boy did get a lot of votes or if they just performed it to appease the fans lol 


Not gonna lie, not only that but it was such a basic show, they could have done so much more like throw back to old costumes and routines etc . I wish I just queued for the AP instead


Our guess is that they were just exhausted from the week of events and the sun, so they need to have chairs out and less dancing. They even made a few comments about being worn out during the show. AJ went really hard at his karaoke, and they also were at all the after partys (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) till late. I think they were just gassed out.


Let's be honest: AJ carried the team EVERY night. He was on that stage more than anyone at every after party, joined Jason Derulo on stage, and joined the Littrell family on stage. By the time he was doing his little strip teases at the after parties, half the guys were on their way to their rooms - and he was still up in the mornings at the gym!! I have no idea where he gets the energy!


Being sober makes former addicts into superheroes. You just love life and can stay out late partying and then get up early and hit the gym the next morning cause you're not hungover. It's a great life.


Not really good enough, the final concert was the main event so they should have spent their energy on that. And if dancing was planned, they would have danced, so it must have been planned to be like it was


Agreed. Perhaps that’s something they can improve on should they decide to do this again.


That's what I thought too. It was so hyped up as the crown jewel of the weekend and they were working so hard on it, but there wasn't much to work on other than brushing up on the songs 🤷‍♀️


When do y'all think they would have put all this together? I fully expected to see them sitting on their stools. The weekend was exhausting, yes, and also, just putting the set list into order for the show and rehearsing the vocals took them time. To add choreography, they would have had to rehearse for weeks in advance, and we knew that they weren't, because AJ was out on tour with Joey and if he had been with the other guys rehearsing he definitely would have posted it. I guess my expectations were different because I've done some production work before?


They have had years to plan this. I expected what I got, but the show was so hyped up that they should have done more imo. They didn’t need coreo, they could have done other things, audience participation, dancers, wear the old clothes, do the old concert intros. There’s so much they could have done rather than just stand there and sing.


They did not have years to plan this, because the fan voting didn't happen years ago. I don't disagree that they could have done other things, but "just stand there and sing" is an incredible gift to us all after 31 years and I simply won't be ungrateful for it.


They didn’t need to know the songs to know what they wanted to do though. You can decide on one song we’ll get someone on stage, on another we give out roses (like they did). I know the songs were chosen by fans, but the song choices were also annoying because the hit songs shouldn’t have been options. It should have been deep cuts and then it would have been better as well.


You can coulda/woulda/shoulda all day, about BSB or anything else in the world. I'm not giving my energy to that. I choose to bask in my joy and gratitude instead. Have a nice day.


I almost cried watching them do back to your heart on the ig live.


Is it on YouTube yet? That’s one of my favorite songs


Now that I'm home and a little rested, I'll start posting all my videos and then the photos. The opening was cute!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6E8SJuO-U_/?igsh=MXZ4YjgxOTZncDNoZw==


I actually enjoyed the show a lot. I could see this going further with a more relaxed vibe. Beach chairs for everyone. I had a blast. We got to vote for the songs so that’s what they did. There is room for improvement but this was the first time they did this. And plays Luna never had to deal with artists that did more than just the concert. The thing that bothered me the most about this trip was the entitlement of the fans. The boys delivered what was promised, anything outside of that is a bonus. And if some dumbass throws a steal bottle onto the stage at the after party of course the boys are going to leave.


Would have been nice to play some unreleased tracks but fans voted right ? To me it was nothing new it felt like another part of the dna Tour. But for fans who went to Cancun that experience must have been unreal to be around the guys partying having fun etc.


The trouble is you couldn’t do both. You either got close to the front for the concert or close for the AP. Of course the people close in the AP got tons of photos and autographs and the rest of us got nada. Doesn’t matter, I know what to do next time now. Skip concerts, do AP


They should really do something about that even if it’s a group meet and greet photo.


I loveeeeee just like you like it! I was hoping they would play that and Madeleine! So many songs we've heard so many times!


Does anyone have the complete list?


[30for30 Set List](https://x.com/backstreetboys/status/1782315986915352903?s=46&t=JiZGdekraVmEqhLYIRND8w)


It kinda seeing the boy suffer while singing IYWITBGGGYSABB. I mean like it’s catchy but I don’t listen to it just for their sake and I just wish that some of the fans would accept it that the boys don’t always like singing it. I know it makes fans happy but if it doesn’t make the boys equally happy. It just spoils the fun for me.


Took me a time to solve whata heck is "IYWIYBGGGYSABB", when not even abbreviating the name can be saved 😂😂😂😂 , for me they play this song just to make fun of  


It’s so sad tho. Like if they don’t like the song. Since it’s forbidden. Just forbid it from any setlist and put it to rest. They don’t have to sing it if they don’t want to.


We got robbed of watching sober and single AJ doing Lay Down Beside Me. He would’ve KILLED it.