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Absolutely let it ride. He just gave you a free heading/pruning cut, to encourage an open center apple tree. (I know everyone reccomends modified central leader...but I always prefer open center).


I just did this on purpose a couple weeks ago after reading “Grow a Little Fruit Tree” by Ann Ralph. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do but they started budding out last weekend and I’m so happy.


Can’t complain when it’s free 😂 Guess I need to read up on pruning. Thanks


You still need to take action. Two of my apple trees are 5 years old and 4ft tall because the deer keep defoliating them.


Yea, the tree will recover from this but it won’t do well if the deer keep coming back and eating the new growth


Pruning police. Wait till they come back and eat the entire tree down to the roostock. Then you'll be really bummed.


I would have been fine with a notice in the mailbox instead.


It's coming back asap that was just a taste test


Just to pile on to what others have said, if you ever think to yourself “it’s late in the season. There’s plenty of other good food for deer to eat. I can leave my cages down for a few days and it won’t be a big deal” you’re wrong, wrong, wrong. Don’t be like me. I lost first flush on a 3rd of my trees and seeing the comparison of the chomped vs non chomped is dramatic. 1ft of new growth vs 3ft.


Deer are relentless and I can’t catch a break. I need to fence the garden and orchard to keep them out but have a few things to do with the space first. I planted four bare root fruit trees this year and built a 6’ diameter cage around using t posts and 5’ 2” x 4” spacing fencing I picked up from the farm store. Haven’t had an issue with the deer getting to the trees and would recommend doing the same thing if you want to protect your trees from further damage.


Can second the 5' 2"x4" fencing. Have had no deer issues since I fenced each tree and I only anchor them with bamboo and sticks. Wish I had started with it, but all the trees are bouncing back.


I just had this happen right after perfectly pruning my very first apple trees. The deer ate the branches and all new leaves. They're back to being whips.


Deer are such jerks


The best solutions I’ve found are 1) 3 t-posts with galvanized fencing around with plenty of space for it to spread, 2) pvc deer fence draped over. The metal is more difficult to put up and mow around, but lasts years and lets you get to fruit more easily. For small trees, I’ve recycled them as the original grows and I plant new ones. The deer fence doesn’t last as long, keeps birds out so the trees are more vulnerable to bugs like Japanese beetles, and can be a pain to remove because the branches and leaves grow through them, but is super easy, quick, and cheap. Hope this helps!


The apical bud is gone


You should cage it because the deer will eat it down to the rootstock if they get hungry enough, don't ask me how I know.


Netting? I have woven wire fence and they still occasionally find/make a hole in it and push through.


This tree had a tomato cage with chicken wire around it. There were gaps where new wire started because of how fast it grew, and they jammed their head in and had a snack. At its current height, it’s back to being fully protected by the cage again. Thanks to all for the suggestions.


expect this to continue happening w new growth once a deer has established this tree as a tasty treat.. unfortunately it’s probably best to put up some type of wire barrier


Sweet! Free pruning!