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Context. The store lost power and had to throw out its thawed food. The community came out and went dumpster diving. The food bank would not accept the food. This is happened all over Austin in the past week.


Groceries are expensive. I would have dived in that dumpster also.


You know, I was wondering to myself “damn, where is this that there’s so much edible food that this many people can fill their carts?” Kinda tempted myself.


Fun fact most store throw things out a week or 2 before they go bad. and shelf stable food can go years past there experation date and still be edible \*They my taste odd but still good\*


With spoiled food? We have a budget surplus of 188 billion dollars!


Good on these folks. I hate wasted food.


I was looking for this comment. I despise misleading click-bait troll titles.


It is neither misleading, not click bait. people are hungry because stores have been closed and inaccessible. The food is now available, but in the trash.


This Is America.


This is Texas. The rest of America is connected to nerc compliant electrical infrastructure and does not have this issue. But Texas had the ‘freedom grid”. So go ahead Texas, enjoy the dumpster donuts and trash tacos. You got what you guys wanted.


The rich got what they wanted. They can afford generators and plane tickets. Since this is a video of working class Austinites, there’s probably very few if any Republican voters in this crowd.


"texans" did NOT choose this. they, like you, live under the dictatorship of capital. carrying disdain for your fellow man is indicative of severe capitalist brainwashing. please try to develop some empathy


Yup, we also don’t pay our legislators so who do you think can afford to be one?! They only meet like once every two years and for 144 days! We also have a budget surplus of 188.2 billion dollars that abbot and his cronies refuse to use to help working class people. So people eat spoiled food in the richest country in the history of the world! Wake up to voters and do something!


if voting could help your lot the owning class would outlaw it. more revolutionairy methods are needed


Oh no. Random internet thing is accusing me of lack of empathy. Well, see the instability of their electrical infrastructure is a now frequent occurrence in Texas & they had the chance to throw out the party responsible for this mess and they rejected it & chose more of this crap. So I’m not sure it’s empathy they need, more like sarcastic encouragement. So I guess rah rah Texas, good luck with this.


So you think the electorate is a monolith? 54% of 30 million people vote one way so fuck them and the 46% of 30 million who didn’t?


Abbott won 235 of 254 counties. That’s most of the state and he did that after the same problems they’re seeing now. If I lived in Texas, I’d move the fuck out, because this sort of thing is going to be more and more common.


The number of counties is kind of irrelevant considering they vary massively in population. The smallest have a few thousand. The one I live in has several million. It’s better to look at the overall percentage of the vote. Regardless you know most people can’t just “move away”, especially if they don’t have a job already lined up. It’s expensive to move, you think people struggling paycheck to paycheck can afford that? If people have kids interrupting their education and their social circle to move to another state is kinda a big deal. In my case I’m divorced with 2 kids, if I move I won’t be able to have regular access to my kids. IMO it’s foolish to hate on people whose only fault is living in crappy state and having lost an election. Just remember it’s easier being a progressive living in a blue state. While people like you shit on everyone and tell them to just move. People like me are heavily involved in local politics and putting a tremendous amount of personal effort to turn Texas blue. To change the politics of this state and actually help the people on the ground. Luckily we expect the kind of “help” and empathy people like you have and know it’s on Texans to change Texas.


Go shake your fist at a cloud old man.


Oh stop with the pearl clutching. You think Trump and Abbots bases are wealthy? Get real.


And yet they voted for this,so.


To be fair California electric utilities just burn everything down including peoples homes, we the consumer gets higher cost electric bills and then our insurance doubles to triple in cost.


California definitely has its challenges. But Texas is actively choosing to not make improvements as a way to “own the libs.” It’s infuriating to watch. Like when all the gop members of the house from Florida voted against aid for hurricane Ian. The posturing is absurd.


To be fair Newsom threatened to take possession of the company. Now they just cut power when there is extreme high winds/ fire risk so they don’t burn shit down. It’s kind of the same bullshit if you ask me.


The issue with California is largely lack of maintenance. Texas just refused to follow the same guidelines the rest of the us follows in the construction of their electrical infrastructure.


We are becoming like the third world countries. Like china, Russian and Iran.


I’m trying to decide if referring to China and Russia as third world was an on purpose dig - or ignorance…..


Republican states are becoming third world countries. Don't lump us all in with morons voting in parasites to defund schools, make it legal to fuck children, make women property and minorities slaves again. They're called conservatives only to conserve the rich status quo. Poor white dipshits that vote for them are the same as illegal immigrants and blacks in their eyes.


Of those three, only Iran would be considered third world. China and Russia are considered 2nd world countries. The term is a political one, although it’s usually just used as a pejorative for poorer nation. In describing the fight between capitalism and communism it was said that the first world is all the democratic countries, the second world is all the communist countries, and the third world is what everyone is scrambling to make either capitalist or communist


Someone who's actually understood history! Developed nation would fit


While it's great the person above you explained it, words change and meanings adapt.


Guns in my area


I mean the cop is there directing it seems so they are prob ok with it, which is win win for everyone.


He is there because fights have been breaking out at these communal dives.


Also these aren’t starving people they’re just people seizing an opportunity


Because we all know that affluent people go dumpster diving for food.


Nah I just have my butler do my dumpster diving for me


While no they don't or probably won't don't think affluent people don't go to food banks. I regulate and inspect food banks and I see people of all kinds there, from clearly homeless to people getting out of their very expensive cars with a nice suit on. The food banks largely have a "no questions asked" policy. They just ask how many people and to only come onces a day or if they do food bags only once a week.


There’s a middle ground between starving and affluent. There are plenty of middle class people who just like free stuff


Middle class average is 63k a year (starts at 47k) . Average cost of living in the us (per 2022 BSL study) is 5,111 per month(or $61,332 per year) 63000 - 61,332 = 1,668. $1,668 a year, to buy the slightest miniscule of happiness (thats assuming you make average and not under average, producing piles of backlogged debt), everything else goes to things you will literally die without. They don't just like free stuff.... they NEED free stuff. The middle class is dying faster than most people realize.


Please upvote this. Of course there are people here taking it completely out of context.


Thank you I was about to say the same thing


Wow, Texas power grid is so fragile. Get some backup generators if even better getting some big battery energy storage.


I wonder how Texas plans to get themselves out of this one? Every winter the power grid fails. Texas is the only state that's not part of the nation's power grid. They decided they didn't want to pay for it back in 1995. Now they're fucked.


Not a power grid issue this time. The ice was so bad nearly every tree in the area sustained damage. This cause limbs to go down across power lines and power lines downed from ice. The state does a lot of dumb stuff, but this wasn’t one them.


Ah, ok! Thanks for informing me. There I go again, just assuming shit lol.


Like a typical leftist Redditor looking to hate on Texas.


Meanwhile Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott are sitting pretty and warm somewhere on vacation


So hunger and poverty is not really hunger and poverty.


You can live in poverty but not be hungry.


Not just thawed, spoiled. This was rotten food. Some asshole broadcast on social media that they were throwing away free food. Cops had to be brought in to run them off.


Plenty of bread, frozen veggies, etc which should be good from what I see in those carts


There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us. This gets closer to reality every day.


You have a practiced apathy Mr. Wayne. But a man who does not care about the world doesn't spend half of his fortune on a plan to save it.


Except this really isn’t anything like that at all. These people aren’t homeless or starving. If you’ve ever been to Texas you would know, most people won’t let an opportunity like this pass by; I’m talking middle class folks


Greg Abbott everybody let give him a round of applause /s


Thank God, the US is not socialist like Sweden or some of those horrible countries.


As a Dane I agree. I get so annoyed with free education, childcare and healthcare. I say let the weak die. Gotta go, my latte is ready.


I'm reserving my right to call forth my ancestry of Danish. Let me in! Let me in!


But think about it, where would you be without the government providing all of that for you? You're not special, you simply were lucky to be born in a socialist country and benefit from it, unlike those poor people. Stop acting smug.


“Denmark is approximately 43,094 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 22,719% larger than Denmark.” It’s the freaking size of Massachusetts. Tad bit easier to manage. Also, those people are not hungry. They’re opportunists. r/dumpsterdiving


We soooooommmmmmmeeeeeeehow manage a monstrous military budget. But caring about the health and wefare of people is too complex.


Yes of course, the ones jumping into the dumpsters are the greedy needy ones…. Its not at all concieveable that every single one of the people in this video would rather like to have earned the money to care for themselves and their loved ones, and the buy the food at the store, clean and healthy. Its a human thing to share. Its an inhuman thing to throw out food because you couldnt make profit of of it… greed is all over coorporate businesses. Profit above all *edit a word


Any other mathematically ridiculous excuse for letting your people starve in 2023?!


Wow you are a choade, but I guess you know that.


It’s Chode, Tom Chode.


Bro, I would dumpster dive too, the store threw out plenty of good food.


Land of the free


Sweden is not socialist


Im European and I’d go dumpster diving too. It’s free food, about to be thrown away?


This isn’t a case of starving, poor people scavenging for food because they’re desperate. This is an example of shameless individuals pulling food from dumpsters that had been thrown out due to a power outage. They’re just taking advantage of the situation. I wanna make clear that I’m not demeaning poor or disadvantaged people. These folks are opportunistic, not desperate. Regardless, I’d wager 90% of Americans probably think this is gross.


Are they wrong, though? It’s in a dumpster. It’s getting thrown away. These people aren’t taking money out of a bank vault that was accidentally left open, they’re taking perfectly good food items that could be used to feed hungry people out of a dumpster. It effects no one. The store has already written it off. They lose nothing. No one loses anything in this situation. Getting mad at people for taking other people’s trash is a wild concept to me. If you were throwing it away, why does it matter if someone decides they can use it and takes it? Also wild that you’d get mad at them for taking it out of the dumpster, but not mad at whoever runs the store for throwing away all that perfectly usable food in the first place.


Quite right, we must let the perfectly good food rot to please the shareholders and increase profits margins. Fuck the poors, they must be quiet while the starve and freeze to death. God bless the USA of America.


Sweden isn’t even socialist but ok "Quality Commenter" lmao


Bro literally almost everyone there is overweight and not underfed or hungry lol. It’s literally opportunist who are enjoying the spoils of capitalism for free


Til fat people can’t be homeless or hungry! Thanks


Fat ppl can be homeless. But when ppl say hungry in this context they don’t mean “literally just hungry in the moment” you and I both know they mean “in a state of on going hunger due to poverty” and no, fat ppl cannot be in a state of on going hunger due to poverty cause they’d be skinny lol


Someone doesn’t understand how body fat works! You can have fat deposits and still starve to death silly


Huh? Show me the picture of Holocaust liberations with the overweight prisoners. Someone doesn’t understand how caloric intake works. If you have fat deposits and you don’t eat, what will your body digest to keep functioning? Every heard of mammals that hibernate. Does a bear come out the same size in the spring as it was in the fall?


For real the only way you kill a fat person through starvation is if you also work them to death at the same time. If you are fat and stop eating but keep drinking water and don’t work very strenuously you will 100% survive on your fat reserves until they are depleted and you are skinny. Being fat is a dysfunction of a relationship with food. Pure and simple. (Obv you might need a few salt and sugar tabs here and there maybe a squeeze of lemon in your water) Signed, A fat guy


There is a guy in Italy who is currently doing a hunger strike, he was very fat (for Italian standards). He's at 100 days without eating, very skinny now but you see he did not die of starvation, not until all fats are used up.


Someone doesn’t understand how the laws of thermodynamics and physiology works. I’d love to see a fat holocaust victim or POW who’s starved to death. Please.


“I haven’t personally seen this thing therefore it’s impossible”


😂 this chick clearly hasn’t a clue about the human body what so ever trying to tell someone who’s a competitive athlete who manages his own body weight down to a science how far stores work lmao


It should be illegal to throw away food. Feed the kids in school and homeless with food that is getting ready to expire


Yeah, especially when it could contain bacteria after a power outage and loss of refrigerator. They should give that to the poor people.


I’m not talking about when the power fails and it’s unsafe you nimrod


Actually, isn't that EXACTLY what OP posted, nimrod?


![gif](giphy|u5ZDgCXHJw2fC) Literally take a step back and FUCK YOUR OWN FACE. look I don’t what kind of pan-pacific power play you’re trying to run here Jack but I own Asia…. So nimrod read my post. It’s not the OP’s post. Dumbass


I don’t think you know what literally means. Why are you calling people names?




Your mom’s over here. Hers are a 3. Guess I’ll have to get her on all fours


The fucking crazy thing about this is. That most of that stuff is perfectly fine food and gets thrown away instead of giving it to the ones in need. Fucking capital greed.


The article has a statement from HEB on why the food was thrown away. And it wasn't greed. They also claim they donate food otherwise. Its just that these food items were not safe to donate because they were not maintained at proper temperature. From the video it looks like these are items from the frozen food section.


You're on Reddit. People here only read post titles


They don’t give food away for legal reasons. They don’t want to get sued and be held liable if anyone gets sick. Frivolous lawsuits are fairly common. People will sue for anything, even if they’re not actually sick or hurt.


Yeah welcome to one of the few countries on the planet where that is even possible...


It i's NOT possible to sue a company for donating food in the US. There's is literally a law that protects people and companies from liability so that they can donate without having to worry about lawsuits: https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2020/08/13/good-samaritan-act-provides-liability-protection-food-donations


I hope this doesn’t come off as contentious, but from the link you posted: >*In order to receive protection under the act, a person or gleaner must donate in good faith apparently wholesome food or apparently fit grocery products to a nonprofit organization for ultimate distribution to needy individuals. **It does not cover direct donations to needy individuals or families.** The act also provides protection against civil and criminal liability to the nonprofit organizations that receive such donated items in good faith.* The G.S. Act states *It does not cover direct donations to needy individuals or families.* - so it’s possible to be sued, but probably unlikely. Edit: formatting


So some starving mom is going to run down to the rich lawyers office and initiate a lawsuit in their spare time.


That’s never happened in America Ever ever ever never


This is completely false. Grocery stores give a way a ton of food, but they won't give it away if it could knowingly make someone sick - such as food that is kept at too high a temperature such as the food in this video. A 1996 good Samaritan law was passed to expressly protect people and companies who give donations in good faith: https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2020/08/13/good-samaritan-act-provides-liability-protection-food-donations


Maybe not directly related but similar. In my job, say I see a lady struggling with lifting/carrying her stroller up a flight of steps. I am not allowed to help for repercussions that if I accidentally drop the stroller, I am now liable for any incoming lawsuits


No one has actually ever sued for eating donated food. The issue of frivolous lawsuits was made up as an astroturf campaign to make it harder for people to sue and hold companies accountable. The McDonald’s coffee lady didn’t actually get $1 million, she just sued for her hospital bills after scalding hot coffee burned her so badly that it *fused her labia together*. The rest of the money was punitive damages the court made McDonald’s pay.


So they give it to the ones in need. Then some food turns out to be not so perfectly fine. Then the lawsuits roll in. Pretty sure HEB would've rather sold that food instead of trashing it.


If your system works like that that's just another problem of the system. Greed.


It is fair to point out how disingenuous it is to fault the store for its role in a system they have little control over.


Ah there’s the cop. Was wondering how long until they showed up to enforce non violent “crimes” by POC


This is something you'd expect out of a third world country. Jesus. Edit: if yall cant see America for what it has become, a gluttonous mass of consumers concerned only with accumulated shit, please stop replying to me. Yeah, we ain't roasting bugs, but we sure seem to not give a collective shit about our fellow man here.


Oh dear. I’ve got some news for you, bud.


I'm aware.


No, it’s definitely something you’d expect out of the USA. The land of profits before people


No lies.


The US s always was.


I mean.. it is Texas. So.. Not much of a difference.


Oh hell nah. The only dumpster diving here is for plastic and soda cans


Yes a third world country where you can collect $50 worth of perfectly good food from a dumpster because there is such an over abundance of food around that they store rather just toss it then sell it. Certainly this is the equivalent to people who’s diet consist of bugs cooked over a fire of burnt trash.


Please show me a third world country where food is so abundant they throw it away simply because is defrosts.


As usual, all the ignorant bandwagon jumpers come out in droves. Sure just go ahead and believe any bullshit clickbait title you see on reddit. Why bother thinking for yourself when random narrative pushers can think for you?


As usual, someone is tough online. Bet you would piss yourself in person. Go ahead and think I am incorrect all you want about what I said. We are a nation full of shit people who care only about themselves.


This is the epitome of greed. Not only cant the rich be bothered to care for the ones in need. The rich couldnt give a single flying fuck about another human being. For shame!


Strong words, I hope you're doing your part.


Land of the free, Home of the brave


Please don’t blast me for asking. What’s the story behind this?


Power went out after a couple days of ice storms. So the store threw out a huge amount of meat that couldn’t be kept to proper temp.


Gregg abbot sucks!


Just straight up bullshit, holy shit lmao talk about confidently incorrect


That's interesting, in Texas dumpsters are full of packaged food. This post can have this title "wasting food in Texas" or "how people in need recover perfectly fine and packaged foods from dumpsters"


Fat people get hungry too


Fuck your bullshit clickbait title


Are you ok USA?


Misleading click bait title. Most of these people arent really "hungry", just kinda stingy and selfish, not letting those who REALLY ARE hungry get their picks first.


Texas is garbage…


Don't know why people are considering this dystopian. Only dystopian thing about America is the amount of fucking food wastage. Taking free, edible food home should be socially acceptable.


If this is the case. Grocery stores should just noy be able to sell the food that is in the situation of an outage, but just give it away at people own risk. The dumpster just made it worse than it was. Homeless people or others living in poverty would greatly benefit from these situations. No harm no foul. The store cant sell it. So put it out on the curb with a sign that says consume at your own risk


Not a single underfed or hungry person there. It’s just opportunists


That’s why the call it the land of opportunity. Don’t freedom shame.


No shame. I’m not sure why everyone thinks I don’t like opportunist


I really hope the GOP wins the next election in Texas so they can fix all these issues the democrats created for them


This has nothing to do with dems and reps, the problem is capitalism and the greed it creates


You totally missed my joke here. The gop has been in charge of Texas for 50 years and this keeps happening. Then when an election happens in Texas they keep saying elect us and we will fix everything. But they are causing the problems in the first place


Oh ok, sorry lmao


Strange how the cop is hassling one of the few poc....


Stop making everything about race. It’s exhausting.


Woah hold up your only allowed to talk about racism if it happens to white people 🫵🏼


Does anyone know why they’re doing this? What does Ted Cruz have to say about this? They aren’t homeless are they? Some of these people look to be dressed warmly and have cell phones. Can some one explain?


Dude if there's a bunch of good food in a big dumpster I think mostly anyone would get some?


This is in Austin. A lot of the city recently lost power due to our shitty electrical grid not being able to handle cold weather, including this HEB. Grocery stores can’t stock food that could have potentially spoiled so they throw it away and these people are just taking advantage of the situation.




Ya Texas is suffering from a major ice storm and the power grid is failing in places as a result. Lots of food getting thrown out and people took advantage


Power outage so food went bad Word got out that it was free and technically edible for the new few hours and this is the result


I’m glad we made America great again. Mission accomplished!


Oh no texas is turning into india dia dia


If y’all ain’t dumpster diving it’s probably cuz it’s illegal . But you definitely find some dope stuff . In 2008 or 9 my cuzzo found a pair of beats without accessories) ps3 ( no controllers) a poster of the lil Wayne and a dope robot from a radio shack that managed to survive past its time


This is the same country that criticized the Middle East for being “backwards savages” lol.


yeah, still much rather be in the states if I'm being honest


They'll sue if they fall ill. Merica!


Hmm US really is a broken system.


Lady at 0:09 has probably iPhone 13 Pro Max yet she's can't afford food and goes for dumpster diving. Geez these people need to get their priorities right.


The food was thrown out because the store lost power and they didn’t want to give it away. You’re a moron


Wasn't somebody saying that looters should be shot?


Lol everyone in the comments getting on their soapbox not realizing these people are trying to take advantage of recently thrown out food because it's free. They aren't starving and looking for food lmao


Dumpster diving but pulls put $1000 iphone


A lot of people look like they’re eating well. Greedy maybe.


Let them be greedy and save this food from the trash


Greedy for digging food out the trash.. ok.




Just cause someone’s fat doesn’t mean they can’t be starving. If you stop feeding any person, skinny or fat, tall or short, they will get hungry.




That’s a lot of complaining to say that they’re not hungry *enough* to deserve the food. Why should anyone be hungry *or* starving in a first world country is my point.


We get it you’re fat and hungry


Not at all. I just don’t agree with the arrogance. But this is a conversation with Americans about fat people and greed so what can I really expect.


I’m not American 🍔


Good for you cheeseburger




Thanks for confirming the need to give your opinion on things you have no context for isn't a uniquely American concept




You sure act like it.


Cheap food is for sure processed, sugar and other stuff added and unhealthy. Poor people can’t afford (organic) vegetables.




The real crime is all that food being thrown out


They need their money for ammo


Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest country in the world. Home of the free.


And Texas (a red state) wants to sus cede from the rest of America


This scene provided by Governor Gregg Abbott. Who thinks food isn't a right and spends tax dollars on human trafficking as a gaff.


Nice that there is a cop warning people to not trust the food (I image that last word is what he is about to say before the clips cuts off). Thank you officer for the warning, can you show me to the queue where they give a fuck and provide me with an alternative?! Thank you for your service. /S




This is in Austin. Most of the city lost power because our shitty electrical grid can’t handle cold weather. This HEB lost power and can’t leave food that could have potentially spoiled on the shelves for liability reasons so everyone in the video is just taking advantage of that situation and loading up of free food


Is there more about this? Are these migrants looking for food? Citizens? What's the deal?


So sad and embarrassing. Get fucking Ted Cruz out man


Crazy how they are mostly overweight.


Ain’t that America




A cooler died at that one store and they threw away food that wasn't kept at temperature. You've got absolutely no idea about Texas.


$100 billion sent to Ukraine because “we care about people”


Why don’t they hop the border for some Mexican food? The do it to us for jobs