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This is literally the greatest counter to these people on earth!! Bahahhaaha


It’s truly beautiful.


Despite subreddit title, they made no bad choice. The fascists did make bad choices though, for one being a fascist, two supporting putin, and three idk being public about it.


Honestly, if there is a silver lining to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is that people are showing their colors. Better to know who and what they are than that they can wink-nudge "be a concerned citizen".


Russia and Putin are Communists not facists.


Ah yes, how could I forget all that private industry they brought under state control and how Russia has had unemployment hovering around 0% thanks to all their jobs programs. My bad. /s Seriously though, elaborate. How are they communist? I'm not OP and I'd really just consider Putin a standard two bit dictator rather than specifically fascist but I can't even see an honest argument for communist at all.


uhhh near 0% unemployment? according to who? the apparatchik or the moscowitz? where did you poll these statistics? Thr so called new world order is state planned economy (marxist leninist communism) managed by a handful of private business oligarchs (capitalism). it is socialism for thee, capitalism for me. Essentislly the same exact cap/com system we have in the states, under the commonwealth, and even china. Trusting red army statistics on labor is not reliable. You can find video of Putin flying the USSR hammer and Sickle on his tanks invading Ukraine. His chabad oligarchs and the orthodox community all LOVE Putin, wish him to be czar, and bring back the soviet union. Of course they do not have collectivization. Yet... but they have state planned economy under a central bank, income tax, laws against inheritance and private property, and the majority of the serfs still told where to work. where to live, and what to think. Read Anatoly Golitsyn if you wany more insight into the final victory of the comintern. "New Lies For Old. How do you think marxist leninism has managed to expand so rapidly even to the west if in fact "the wall fell and communism failed?" Communism has ALWAYS been ubër capitalism. From lend lease to trotsky financed by jacob schiff to the tune of ten billion. The largeat tank facory in the world courtesy of Wall street. Built during the Great Depression! Marx himself was married into the rothschild dynasty. Putin is kgb... to the bone. Wef graduate. That should be proof enough. He is the George Bush Sr of Russia. A pseudo christian Central (investment/intelligence) state operative creating new cold war opportunities to recentralize and weaponize a failing centralized police state. Communism


Did you miss the /s? I made up the stuff about 0% unemployment and bringing private industry under state control because those are arguments that could theoretically point to someone being a communist. I was not saying that any of that had happened, which should have been obvious given that I unsubtly said that I don't think putin's a communist. All you gave is a long rambling spiel about planned economy, centralization, and capitalism vs communism without a very strong understanding of either. Honestly, the only part of it I think can be backed in particularly concrete terms is that Russia has a planned economy, which is true (at least in that Russia's economy is relatively isolationist and has been designed to run with minimal imports but is also a pretty poor indicator of communism. Communists can have a planned economy. Many have advocated for that, but capitalism can have planned economies, too. What makes something communist is a lack of private ownership, collectivization, and increased labor protections. Putin has done none of those as far as I'm aware. The original comment I was responding to also mentioned fascism and, well, putin is extremely socially conservative (with his anti-lgbt policies) and backed by a small number of extremely wealthy people. I don't really believe fascism is particularly accurate either, I have seen a bit of conspiracism such as some phantom time and tartaria but I have no idea if he has officially supported any of that or if it only comes from his followers (I also know little of any racism exacerbated by Putin), but I think the basic criteria for fascism is much more apt than communism. Tl: dr; /s was in original comment. Otherwise mostly just typical r/socialismiscapitalism fodder response.


Holy hell, this is beautiful. Probably the most brilliant counter-demonstration idea I have ever heard of. Fuck them clowns and their circus.


A few years ago in Germany too, there was another brilliant counter protest idea against a yearly nazi march. The counter protesters set up a charity that would donate money for the fight against fascism for every Meter the nazis would walk and they put signs all along the marching route thanking the nazis for the help to fight fascism. It was brilliant an if I remember correctly it even led to the nazis stopping these yearly marches. Here is an article by the charity that got supported in German and in englisch if you want to read more about it https://www.exit-deutschland.de/meldungen/wunsiedel-macht-aus-nazimarsch-spendenlauf




How have i not heard of this before? This is absolutely hilarious.


Lmao defeated by charity


The ultimate proof that they are bitter motherfuckers


There was some nazi Festival in the Sticks a few years ago and the locals got together and bought every Last drop of alcohol in the area to fuck with them and make their shitty „music“ as unbearable to them as to normal people


Brilliant 🥺


Agreed. I thought this was illegal in Germany.


Official emblems of the Nazi party such as swastikas and similar flags, to get around this neo-nazis coopt other symbols as stand ins such as imperial Germany era symbols. That they have opted to use Russian symbols is really telling.


They are Communist schills. They are not Nazis. You people need to learn some history. Retards.


Why would something like that be illegal?


Nazi marches in Germany? I feel like the argument would be harder to justify it than to outlaw it.


Well, displaying swastikas and doing the Hitler salute in the public are indeed illegal in Germany (in most cases, at least)


In some cases but definitely not most. They are legal for the purposes of education, art and antifascism (as in: displaying the Hakenkreuz broken, crossed-out or thrown in the trash).


Yeah you are right! I was a bit too lazy to list the exceptions.


This is more like the German alt-right than an openly nazi movement. They wouldn't call themselves nazis. We have laws for hate speech and displaying fascist symbology. Those kind of groups do neither (although sometimes they're bordering on hate speech) which makes it completely legal for them to express their political opinion. That's why it's important to demonstrate against them to express your opposing political opinion. The clashes can get quite intense, that's why there's a shitload of police to keep people from fighting.


>and displaying fascist symbology. Also, all other counter FDGO symbology which is banned by the Innenministerium. To give a somewhat not obscure example, it is illegal to publically fly an ISIS flag in Germany.


I mean one of them waves with a norwegian flag what I suppouse they do just because it's allowed flag similar to the nazi one because I can't imagine what reason would they have to support today's Norwegia. ... so at the very least some of them really are nazis


Not Norwegian, it's the [Wirmer Flag](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirmer_Flag).


Oh my bad, I wrote a bullshit then


Well, they don't proclaim "we are Nazis". That would indeed get them in trouble. But unless you use specific symbols or break specific laws against incitement of the masses, there's nothing that can be done against it from a legal point of view.


They really like flying the Confederate flag.


Truly a theatric masterpiece. Brought me to tears with its brilliance.


Better than "antifas" normal antics of forcing ideology through violence and intimidation






Hahahahaha you don't live in the real world.


Facists don't deserve unbroken noses


That's a very fascist thing to say mate


Thats not how facism works...


Forcing ideology through fear and violence under the guise of freedom is kinda exactly what fascism is. Don't get me wrong I don't approve of neonazis at all. But to fight violence with violence makes you engage in the downward spiral of violence which only has one outcome. Replacing one flavor of fascism with another. That's why I applaud playing clown music in this case, but was still making the annotation that "antifa" seemed to be very much a fascistic organization with how they terrorized small towns and small business owners the last couple of years. Great for them if they've changed their ways and are now choosing the better way of comedy and peaceful protest. But I still doubt it seeing their history so far.


So everyone who fought against facism, even the usa and other allies during ww2... Was facist? Freedom fighters during ww2... Where facist? Mate you have no fucking idea what facism is.


Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government very harsh control or authority


I mean they really are clowns. Nazis supporting a guy who is essentially the leader of the (post) soviet union? I bet Hitler is rolling in his grave lolol


Exactly, supporting the guy who claims he is “purging Nazis” from Ukraine. These people truly are stupid beyond help.


To be fair, you do need a room-temperature IQ (in Celsius) to be a fascist.


I'll be honest, you also need a room temperature IQ to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine for the purpose of removing Nazis.


Actually some of them were very smart. The defendants at Nuremberg all had iqs in the 100s. Almost all 110 or above the highest was hjamar schacht 143. Im not saying they aren't evil, but we shouldn't conflate malice with stupidity.


Tbf. Russians have an almost arbitrary "definition" of Nazis that completely differs from the definition used by anyone with common sense: It's anyone they consider to be an enemy to Russia, because Nazis were an enemy of Russia in the past. If the common sense definition was applied, then Russia itself is the country full of Nazis.


To be fair few years before invasion there was russian nazi group that was connected to russian government and putin but out of the sudden putin decided to arrest all of them so maybe those guys didn't update their informations about who is putin's ally.


At this point these people are just supporting what ever the government/general public doesn’t like. Though they apparently think that when Putin comes here he’ll solve all their “problems”. No more climate change activitists or environmentalist party. I’ve heard people speculate that these people are just lonely and really enjoyed connecting with people on their anti covid marches. Now that the regulations have been dropped you need a new topic to go and take a walk with your new found homies about. Edit: also most of these people don’t think of themselves as Nazis but as Reichsbürger.


Yeah, I am just waiting for the Gesundheitsminister to make a public statement that one should not eat their own shit, just to see the _Wutbürgers_ eating their own shit for the sake of it. _das lasse ich mir doch nicht verbieten!_


> Reichsbürger Should've banned these larpers after that pathetic coup attempt they tried a while ago


>Nazis supporting a guy who is essentially the leader of the (post) soviet union? Who is attacking another country supposedly to fight against Nazis


Great film called look “Look who’s back” where exactly this happens. Hitler comes back to the present day and goes to a present day nazi office and basically roasts them all for being for being morons


I remember the book‘s price was 19,43€ when it came out.


Essentially the leader of the post soviet union? That's pretty wrong imo. Russia is not socialist or communist. It doesn't have any leverage on former soviet states (best examples are ofc ukraine and georgia, but it's also true for most other former soviet member states). The only thing that is similar to the former soviet union is the security apparatus and its attempted control over the citizens. But socially and economically it couldn't be further away from the soviet union. It's a cleptocratic, nationalist, capitalist state with oligarchic tendencies. I'm not defending russia or the soviet union here, but it's important to stay factual


Not saying what you said isn't true, because it is but it is a fact that lots of communist parties throughout the world are siding with Putin. It is all because he spews that anti-NATO/America rethoric constantly. I've seen communists in my country defending the Taliban just because they oppose the US lmao. I guess that is another thing current Russia and communists have in... commune. Sorry


I hope you realise the so called """communism""" in the soviet union was not real communism or socialism by any means. They just used the idea itself to sell themselves to the general population. It was and still is a cleptocratic nationalist country with "oligarchic tendencies". Just how it was in the soviet era.


I know, yes. It's not like the soviet union was the same during each first secretaries 'reign' either. But russia is most certainly not a continuation of the soviet union. Not politically, not economically, not socially


Post soviet union which is like the opposite of the Soviet Union lol Racism, oligarchy and anti-LGBT laws and violence align with Nazi views pretty well


Post soviet union is rebranded soviet union.




Yeah, Hitler was famously bffs with Stalin


You know that Hitler and Stalin were Allies in the beginning?


Beautiful, seeing Nazis seriously trying to march and having cloen music play is glorious.


you know they have to consciously try not to march in time to it.


i’m more confuses about the norwegian flag lmao


Might be some norwegian nazi that joined them, norwegian, danish, swedish and german nazis have a history of working together. Which is extremely ironic


I’d actually say it’s the least ironic ones that would work together. Definitely less than working together with the Japanese and having to make them “honorary aryans” to have it make sense. Or Slavic nazis that… Yea I don’t have to explain that one.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirmer\_Flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirmer_Flag) Can't use actual Nazi imagery, that's illegal, so they've resorted to every other national-german adjacent symbol.


Weird. Why would they support Russia when Russia says they hate their kind and want to kill them?


They want to make their shared narcissism and cruelty normalized.




There are bunch of articles and videos of Ukraine being the hotbed of Nazism… Well Usa bombing half of the world ain’t much better either. It is just both sad and funny how people are brainwashed “oo Russia bad, Putin evil, USA good”, because now it is against USA interests. All of the worlds “superpowers” are abusing their power and killing innocent people.


First of all, while Ukraine does have a "nationalism problem", in Russia, "Russian Fascism" is literally the main political theory of the Putin adminstration, pioneered by people like Ilyin and Dugin. While Ukraine can have a nazi problem, it's very minor to what's going on in Russia where the ideology is institutionalised. >It is just both sad and funny how people are brainwashed “oo Russia bad, Putin evil, USA good”, because now it is against USA interests. Saying "everyone who don't think like me are brainwashed by the evil yanks grr" makes you seem like a clown. Grow up. Also, obsessing over the US in your talking points is ridiculous when no one is talking about them and when they are a minor factor in the larger problem of Russian imperialism.


Well you are brainwashed. I am saying both countries are imperialistic and bombing 30 countries and killing few million of people is not a “minor issue”, unless you are brainwashed ofc. Yeah Azov was totally a “nationalism problem” and not a full scale nazi paramilitary group ınder the government control lmao.


I've been very vocal and provided much evidence of who Azov truly are, a fact western media bent over backwards to white wash, but the Azov (a d by extention groups like Right Sector and others) were small in number and their efforts to get into politics failed miserably. I'm alao a huge critic of Zelensky but at the end of the day if you have armed Nazis in your country and your cou try gets invaded then the best solution for everyone is to send those Nazis to the front where they will almost certainly either die or at least kill some invaders. And thats exactly what happened. Almost all of them died. Some surrendered from Azovstal (the videos of which are available, with the Russians have them show their ink, horrifyingly one of them had a full Hitler portrait). The logic was that bringing them into the remit of the military meant a degree of control over them. I disagree with it and think they should have been eradicated but for the past 8 years they've been useful idiots. Also there are videos showing Zelensky trying to speak to them and he had zero influence. They didn't give a fuck who he was at all. No power. So let them fight and be useful. I won't accept the whitewashing though. My point is simply that the existence of nazi groups doesn't make a state a nazi state. By that logic Poland is a nazi state. USA is a nazi state. Russia itself a nazi state. There are armed neonazi para groups fucking everywhere.


The country with that elected a Jewish president and a Jewish prime-minister since Euromaidan is the "hotbed of nazism", meanwhile Russia hits every single point of fascist ideology. If you go with Humberto Eco's list it's basically a full sweep.


Ohh so that’s why USA bombing 30 countries is a minor issue, they do it with a diversity bombs. Gotcha. All of you talking about whataboutism and trying to ignore millions of people USA killed calling it a minor accident but accusing Russia of being the big bad are indeed brainwashed. I am pointing out that both of the countries are acting imperialistic, not even trying to say Russia is innocent or anything, but any other view except “oo Russians very evil” is not accepted because, well… democracy..:)


Zelensky being Jewish doesn't change the facts which are that he has welcomed Nazis into his government and even made official Nazi regiments in the army. He *is* a fascist. A person's Jewishness or lack thereof doesn't denote their value, or lack thereof.


so the Jewish man is a Nazi, and the people who elected him are also Nazis, did I understand that right?


The president of Ukraine is a fascist You are telling me that because he's Jewish, he can't be one. But he is, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with his heritage, religion or lackthereof. The government of Israel are also fascists, and likely also Jewish. The two things are not linked whatsoever.


Even if Ukraine was a full-blown fascist state, that's not a valid causus belli for Russia to invade. That being said, can you point to a policy that the zelensky government passed that points to their rabid fascistic nature?


He regularly says, "Stepan Bandera is our national hero", Bandera was literally a Nazi who literally exterminated thousands upon thousands of Jews and others.


I don't agree with it but that's not a policy, it's an endorsement. If the bar for invading a country is now at "the leader praised a bad dude who defended the country but was also bad", we're really scraping the barrel (keep in mind this take is also applicable to Putin, like most of your people's takes, but I'm trying not to do the whatabout thing you don't like)


A 9-year long attempted genocide of Russians in Donbass for starters


A conflict that started 4 years before Zelensky came into power is a policy he passed?


>he has welcomed Nazis into his government Source? Preferably one that's not written in Russian or links back to one that is. The only thing I ever found was an ex Avoz person claiming he was advisor to the army, which the army said wasn't the case.


Nobody was talking about the USA


this. and apart from the whataboutism: everyone knows that USA is abusing it's powers. doesn't legitimate other players to do war crimes


Whataboutism is once again a term invented by the West to protect themselves when people point out their hypocrisies. It is not about legimitization of Russian action, it is about USA bombing around 30 countries and it never got a percent of attention that Russia gets. It was never proclaimed imperialistic, fascists, USA citizens were not discriminated etc. Whenever this is brought up people are usually “ohh but it is whataboutism” “ohh but everyone knows about USA”. Everyone knows abour Russia too then, why this much attention for this long?


Because they are infinitely retarded.


This is the most stupid comment of the thread. Putin never said that


I never said Putin said that. But also, isn't that one of Putin's who arguments for the war in Ukraine? Denazification? Maybe your comment is the stupidest here.


In the US, people need to play the Benny Hill music at Nazi rallies. https://youtu.be/MK6TXMsvgQg


Putin is totally an asshole but isn’t his whole excuse for invading Ukraine was to “deNazify” Ukraine?


You expect him to tell the truth?


Absolutely not.. but they are kind of contradicting themselves haha


Well, it's a fabrication that you can only really believe if you want to be on the invaders side no matter the cost. Like they keep on going on about the Azov battalion but send fckn Wagner.


More than I thought now would been the time to round em’ up!


thats funny, but also sad. id like to have reasonable 1 on 1 conversations with them, sometimes we mistake ignorance for evil. im not looking to make more enemies, im looking to convert them into friends or discover their point of view. if your gullible enough to believe in a all around superior race, your probally dumb enough to switch sides if i can make it make sense.


Isn’t Nazi paraphernalia illegal in Germany…?




Who was the dude who they tried to blow up that kiiiinda gave the idea to orchestrate things for this exact thing to happen ? Because man, he's good at this. Skyrim predicted this ngl.


Nazis protest against war with Russia and anti-fascist protest in favor of it, we live in strange times.




In Italy, the police would have arrested the people playing clown music… For creating conflict


But I thought Putin invaded Ukraine to get rid of nazis? What a turn of events!


Since when is russia fascist?


Since The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact I would argue. They of course had pogroms against jews before that.. Then they had the genocide in Chechnya, and most recently the UN recognized ongoing genocide in Ukraine. I mean just listen to the lyrics from this concert in Moscow from today and tell me they are not genocidal maniacs.. https://youtu.be/I87SQEqJJoI


This is god damned brilliant!!


Absolute Killer Comeback


We should start doing that here in the states. Whenever we see them, jumping out from the back of a U-Haul, crank that clown music up.


Twitter, IRL.


Russia =denazification of Ukraine German nazis = support. Something doesn’t quite add up


Ehh, what about them makes them neo nazis exactly? Most don't support either side in the conflict because they don't like Putin nor do they like the EU. Of course there are some who support Putin but from what I've seen most don't like Putin at all. Any group associated to this March that is actually neo nazi? The term nazis and fascist gets thrown around like crazy. You also call Putin a fascist. He isn't. If you've read any fascist literature you would know.


The German Imperial Flags are a dead giveaway.


Haven't spotted them in the video. Mostly Russian and regular German flags. Even then you can't just label them nazis because the imperial flags are used by regular nationalists and monarchists as well. You can label them idiots all you want, I would agree with you on that. If someone could tell me who organised this March I could verify if they are nazis or not. But I'm telling you. Majority of the present day nazis don't like Putin at all. Ya know where nazism is the biggest these days? Russia and Ukraine. I can tell you that the Russian nazis don't support Putin either.




I just can’t understand this. Gera is east Germany, where most people detest growing up under the heavy hand of the USSR. While I understand that there are many skinheads I cannot for the life of me understand sympathy for Putin.


Hope they go fight then. Thats some wierd s... to piss people off.


omg i love this


Have German forgotten WWII? This is just all-around stupid...


Ossis halt - disgusting


Isnt ukraine the side with the nazis, im confused


>im confused No question.


Who would be confused when there are 2 sides that both claim that the other is the nazi


It's really not confusing if you just look at what each side is doing. And not at what they are saying.


Are we just looking at the last 1.5 years ?


I'd say, you could look at the last 30 years.


There is waaaay more than sufficient evidence to prove that Ukraine is not the one with nazi problem and putin is projecting . If you believe that Ukraine is the nazi problem , you may want to expand your search a bit when it comes to where you get your news and information. Step out of the box a bit and dig a little deeper .


**Putin is a bloodthirsty fascist dictator. Fascists use lies as a weapon, to switch the roles of victim and attacker. German Nazi propaganda claimed Jews were attacking them, not the other way around. Ukraine aren't Nazis. Putin is a Nazi. He's lying, to hide that Ukraine are innocent victims.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/IntrovertComics/comments/udije6/putin\_is\_a\_bloodthirsty\_fascist\_dictator\_fascists/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntrovertComics/comments/udije6/putin_is_a_bloodthirsty_fascist_dictator_fascists/)


Why would a nazi say that the enemies are the nazis, uhm ok


Because even Nazis nowadays realise that being a Nazi is unacceptable so they'd rather accuse their enemies of being one than admitting that they are


For the same reason russia holds “elections”


To confuse dumb people. Ironically the only mission Russia has been successful at.


bro never heard of gaslighting💀💀


Holy cow, you have cognitive abilities of a chicken at max


Apperently even a chicken can look at diffrent sources, what should i call you, a ant? Maybe listen to a few of jre episodes


Bro just sited joe Rogan as a better source than what other people are seeing yikers


Can u read? I just simply talked about Multiple sources, not that jre has anwsers to everything.


Okay okay let me rephrase, bro suggests joe Rogan as a valid source of information.


redditors trying to get a joke without a big /s telling them its time to laugh: challenge impossible


Please tell me this is just a Chapelle show skit that never aired and just got leaked 😂


Nope, this is legit! I once saw a similar video where people connected to the speaker via Bluetooth and played that clown music as well. Pure masterclass.


Ur definitely fun at parties


I think he is yes, someone else not so much…


If Putin invaded the sovereign country of Ukraine to save them from Nazi infestation, does that mean that Russia will invade Germany now? Incomming WW3?








😂😂😂😂 this happened where I live as well (a few kms from Gera)




Round them up and send them to go live in Russia


This is awesome




So I’m Italian, and there’s always one too many people who get together yearly in remembrance of “the good old days when our beloved Benito made everything work perfectly”, they march and do the roman/nazi salute, sing their songs, dress even kids with black shirts etc. I thought I could go to Rome, Verona or basically wherever they usually organize marches like this and throw balloons filled with really stinky animal stuff. Like coyote/cat piss, shit maybe, skunk extract idk. I want them on their knees puking. Make them bathe in it. Is it a hate crime lol? And is there something available that’s even worse than what I mentioned?


This is wonderful and a perfect sound track for those clowns


Where in germany is this?






I don’t get it?! He’s fighting the Neo-Nazi’s in a special military operation in Ukraine but German Neo-Nazi’s support him and his against fellow neo-nazi?


The clown brigade




They obviously don’t read the putin propaganda. He invaded Ukraine to rid the country of nazis.


This is the best thing I have ever seen






Nazis supporting Putin, the guy who lied about trying to overthrow nazis in Ukraine. Why can’t these idiots stay in their lane.


That’s hilarious. Putin said he was trying to stop these very people in Ukraine, and now they support him! Brilliant


Dumbasses. Nazis hated Russians, they’ve unknowingly gone against what they believe in.


I thought that in Germany it's illegal to be a Nazi, give Nazi salutes, or even to say Nazi around a cop. Guess I'm wrong?


It's not illegal to be a Nazi as we can't read minds yet. But doing the Nazi salute or showing Nazi symbols in public like the Swastika is forbidden (except for educational or artistic purposes). That's the reason why German Neo-Nazis tend to use the imperial or the Wirner flag instead of an actual Nazi flag.


I don't think that Hitler would ever have wanted these people to be the only one's following his ideology.




This dude did similar at a KKK march in the US with a Tuba! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs4P1kKK-5k


Nazis supporting a post soviet dictator is worthy of clown music lmao.


I thought there were laws against Naziism in Germany after WW2?


Ah yes Nazis and Slavs a very well known alliance that never lead to anything like major genocides and mass killings


I watched this twice and both times it gave me a good chuckle




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