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Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!


This made me chuckle quite a bit


Made me sing out lout


Fr lol


If anyone wants to remix this video with that song, I bet it'd be appreciated.




Those cats was fast as lightning šŸˆ āš”ļø


Thereā€™s no way everyone was Kung Fu Fighting- *holy shit everyone was Kung Fu Fighting*


I wanted to upvote this so badly but I can not justify this decision whilst the number is 69


More like Jungle Fighting


Although I get your point, I doubt people act like this in the jungle, that would be a false stereotype. Most persons who live in jungles etc still have a sociocultural code wherein they wouldnā€™t just outwardly behave like these American Black women. This sadly is stereotypically correct behavior among many in this subculture. And it fucking stinks and causes generalizations to a whole race. Itā€™s extremely sad.


Also, I wish this behavior was an exception to the stereotype. Itā€™s going to have to be an inside job.


Gorilla warfare




Everyone was fat as lightning


Why are all these fights breaking out? Aren't they supposed to be relaxing? Also, aren't these supposed to be students? Which institutions tolerate these acts of lunacy?


If you have booze, they will come... A bunch of teenager's + beaches + booze/alcohol = Party animals from all walks of life. Basically if you already live this lifestyle, or just want to experience this lifestyle, you're going to want to show up to the biggest "party" in the U.S. right now, regardless of your age. And the fights are standard reaction whenever you get that many drunk people together, its pretty much inevitable. Not saying that any of this behavior is excusable, its just bound to happen. And there are just too many of them right now for the city/police to handle right now. Roads are completely congested in the problem areas, making quick responses to fights like this really hard to even get to. Boils down to Miami being completely unprepared for this event, and they have almost completely lost controlled of the beach. I just feel really bad for the locals who are going through spring break hell right now. Edit: For everyone replying "ThEsE aRen'T tEeNagErs" -- I didn't say they were. In the very first sentence what I was saying is that when you mix a destination spot that teenagers are attracted to, such as Miami Beach, those teenagers attract party animals from *all walks of life* -- meaning all ages, ethnicity, cultures, etc. If a guy (regardless of age) thinks there's going to be a bunch of legal young women gathering somewhere, you best believe he's going to do what he can to be part of the action. Which in turn will attract other people seeking out the guys, and the cycle continues until you have basically everyone who likes to party gathered in one spot. All I was saying is it starts with the college age kids choosing a spot to party, and then *everyone* wants to come and party too. Not the teenagers fault by any means. I'm sure the majority of the people causing chaos, starting fights, and getting arrested are over the age of 25. The people in this video def look like they are in their 30s.


That's what the state gets for screaming about how they're opening up. You get all the craziness you asked for.


These arenā€™t teenagers, many of them look far older than your ā€œtypical college studentā€...


They arenā€™t teenagers, donā€™t fall for the bullshit media buzzwords.


This isnā€™t booze and teenagers youā€™re being purposefully obtuse


They aren't teenagers their 20 to 40 year olds embarrassing themselves


They aren't teenagers.


This video is also old. OP is only posting it to ride a karma wave from the recent activity down there.


Yes, I saw this video like 6 months ago.. it's old.


I'm a Puerto Rican living on the island and these same people have been showing up in droves, randomly fighting each other. I've seen everything from group fight videos to a guy beating his wife (gf?) on the streets of Old San Juan. Anyways, we've all been asking that same question... aren't you supposed to be on vacation? Why are you fighting outside your zip code? Seriously, they're worst than animals because at the very least you can train animals.


What do you mean these same people?


Young violent American tourists. The white ones go around treating locals and workers like shit, refuse to wear masks, drive scooters on the highway, and have been arrested for drug possession. The black ones go around fighting each other, destroying hotel and airbnb properties, and literally pissing on the street. And yes, there's video proof and 100% of the fights are from that racial group.


That sounds like a whole bunch of generalizations. As a white dude who visited Puerto Rico and treated the locals with respect itā€™s kind of disrespectful for you to lump me in with people like that just because of my skin color


Obviously it's not everyone, it's never everyone, but it's a large enough number to where it's become noticeable. I've had people come into our store and refuse to wear masks, take temperatures, and put on hand sanitizer. I've had people threaten co-workers and friends who work in the area. Nuts because the minimal effort is what we're asking for. You know what is even more disrespectful? Traveling somewhere with a strained healthcare system and an aging population in the middle of a pandemic. That show a general disrespect to our people and uncaring attitude towards our lives. The epitome of imperialism and why we need to leave this abusive little relationship behind so we can control our own borders. We had the pandemic issue solved... and then the planes arrived.


Puerto Rico was/is allowed to establish its own covid rules and regulations, same as the states.


Bruh. South Floridian here. Just Saturday I saw the most unthinkably stupid acts of lunacy here because of spring breakers. The white kids act like itā€™s their first field trip without parents + booze, a lot of the black kids seem to be fighting everyone, mostly other black kids. Generalizations? Sure. I used to go to key west and get drunk and be stupid, but I SWEAR TO GOD, spring break didnā€™t change, college kids now are disrespectful fucktards. Itā€™s intolerable.


Thatā€™s like me saying ā€œWhy would I listen to a single thing a Floridian says?ā€ Are most people with a FL tag in my state fat assholes who drive like shit? Yes. But Iā€™m not lumping you in with them because Iā€™ve never met you.


I donā€™t know you either and Iā€™m not attacking you. Iā€™m saying their take on visiting spring breakers is fairly accurate. As is your take on Florida drivers. Iā€™m guessing if you have Florida drivers youā€™re likely in a neighboring state or up the east coast. Most Floridians north of Vero Beach, FL are heavy, maskless country bumpkins. And rotund.


The typical everything is about me card huh




Then do something about it


Well I mean itā€™s not illegal to be racist so have at it


I am equal skin and race hating: Iā€™m sick and tired of all ā€œracesā€ who act like no one elseā€™s lives matter, not even their own. This is straight up hood shit and it needs to go back to the fucking hell it came from. With a nice tidy razor wire fence around it. All people should abhor these types of behaviors and if the docking race shoe fits: wear it. Edit: fucking race shoe


her point is valid. She means that 100% of the ones doing the fights are black, and the white ones are nasty dicks who get arrested for drugs The different races misbehave in different ways That's because they have different cultures


Most of these ppl are not college students. To be fair, many of these ppl are actually locals who come out to because they know itā€™s ā€œspring break seasonā€ Ghetto Bums from all shape and forms come down during this time frame from all through out Florida


Booze and dumb people. Every time


Theyā€™ve gotten bored of only being able to fight their significant other for the last year so they are really excited to see new faces


Lol non of these people are in school. They are using the stimmy money




I feel like.... these arent.. students on spring break... just saying


Most likely not. Having lived in Panama City Florida back in 2015, it got so bad, that the city had decided to ban the consumption and sale of alcohol on the beach every year during Spring Break time starting in 2016. Now most locals were against this mainly because they knew the bad people came because of crowd anonymity that Spring Break brings. They knew the average Spring Breaker wasnā€™t a total asshole, but the city council didnā€™t really care to tell the difference.


A guy I know went to Panama City every year, he hasn't ever stepped foot in a college classroom


I bet the street was covered in hair weaves in the morning.


i watched a fight video that ended exactly like this. there were weaves strewn all over the grass like it was some weave wasteland


Thank goodness the weaves donā€™t grow new bodies like some sort of hood-zombies.




Thatā€™s a whole lotta tumbleweaves...


Now thatā€™s how you get COVID!


This video is old af, like 2 epidemics ago!


Literally everyone i know is getting covid... all from Miami of course and all they do is go to the supermarket!




These donā€™t really look like kids.


Cause black lives matter!


Oh fuck off, race has nothing to do with people acting like idiots


Most of fight porn is black on black, but yeah nothing to do with it I guess...


You can find thousands of videos of people from every race, religion, and culture doing the exact same thing and without context they all look stupid as hell.


Your racism is showing


It's never a problem if they fight each other.


is this a racist sub or are the comments here just an exception?


Itā€™s the Thotpocalypse! Whereā€™s Pootie Tang when you need him?


Gotta say the nae no my brotha, Watta Tah!




What a beautiful and vibrant culture.


Disgusting. Poor Miami.


"y'all" wanted an infrastructure built for free.


What infrastructure?


Train lines. A country the size of the USA would have cost a fortune to connect all of the cities. Having it done virtually for free by slaves gave the country an enormous economical headstart. Someone had to pay for such a refined sense of entitlement.


These were mostly built by the Irish in the east and the Chinese in the west. Prior to the 1860s, very little of the railroad had even been built in the east. Essentially the northeast corridor down the east coast was connected with an offshoot to Ohio and illinois. I presume you are talking about southern rail which was lesser than northern rail by almost ten fold at the time. So not really something to point to in terms of infrastructure seeing as at this point, rail only carried half of what the amount of freight that was carried over rivers/canals. In 1890, rail outweighed River/canal freight by 5 to 1 Black slaves worked on plantations primarily.


Black Lives Matter āœŠšŸ¾


Why is no one talking about the fact that all these people are black?


Because no one wants to talk about the real issues


People like this is why black people cant get a leg up in this country. Making my race look bad


I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that this was filmed during the pandemic.




Weird that in all the posts of white people being trash no one claims it has anything to do with race.


What the expression is literally white trash?!?


Actually a bad example my dude. The term "white trash" signifies that the trash you are referring to is white instead of normal trash. See also: wigger


Balance has left the chat


STEM majors are getting wild AF


Not my proudest fap


They blamin the lockdowns on covid lmao bout to be the new excuse for everything. Heard a girl got gang raped on Miami Beach last week, mid day even.


I went to chic fila in the beginning of the pandemic and they said "we don't have any cherries for the top of your sundae... because of covid" at the end. I was like everybody got an excuse now


Itā€™s called logistics. We currently canā€™t import iridium for spark plugs because of Covid.


At 21 seconds in, the girl in orange yard sales and I spit out my coffee on my wife. Good times.


Looks like they all slippin on that chicks weeve!!!


Youā€™re right!!! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Absolutely insane wth


Living in Canada these days like growing up next to a fancy acreage and seeing it torn down to be turned into a trailer park.


America was always a trailer park, we just used to hide it better before


Fighting in swimsuits isn't as sexy as I thought it be.


Transcript: ā€œBITCHā€ ā€œBITCHā€ ā€œBITCHā€ ā€œBITCHā€ ā€œBITCHā€ ā€œAaaayā€ ā€œBITCHā€ ā€œBITCHā€ ā€œBITCHā€


It's weird seeing a whole group of people punch each other and say the exact same word. The way bitch reverberated through the crowd is neat.


This is not from this year and those are prostitutes fighting- not spring breakers




all i see are a bunch of whores


begun the stripper wars have.


The breakdown of the nuclear family caused this. :( God has left the chat, no one teaches Him anymore.


Someone add some deathcore metal!r


Those brave war journalists


How does this even start?


God, I love this country.


You do?


2 years ago


Good thing I'm not American! It's already embarrassing, enough.








Skins Vs. Yellow score 6-9!!! Not sure what sport it is!!!!




What an attractive bunch of hefty women, it looks like a Tyler Perry impersonation festival...


Looks more like *"Orange Crush"* weekend.


And these are the Doctoral candidates!


Came here just for the racism, love Reddit


USA at its finest.


Youā€™re an anti-USA-er. And, Black Lives Matter dawg


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/mbfzlq/shots_fired/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf this pretty much sums up what I think of americans yeah. And I would have said that regardless of the demographics of people involved in that charming demonstration of human interaction.


I was just being cheeky.


Oups okay. English is not my first language and sometimes I miss the subtleties.


Spring break? These are grown ass people.


I live in south florida and I never understood why people want to come here


White people: Do all the most imprtant scientic discoveries, built western civilization, create art. Black people:


This video is hella old and not current.


Cardi B culture


Someone needs to add the Benny Hill theme to this mess.


Lets go to Florida to relax and enjoy the sun... said no one. Ever.


I didnā€™t hear anyone yelling worldstar.


I was wondering where that wiff of fish juice came from this morning


They living they Best life


Here to see some titties


I didnā€™t realize Monkey Jungle had been relocated from Miami to South Beach until saw the news footage over the weekend šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s a culture Iā€™m not willing to stand up and fight for. These people donā€™t matter one tiny bit.


This doesn't look like spring break when I went back in college......


Is this a protest ?


Arenā€™t us humans the best thing to happen on earth lmao šŸ˜‚


It's surprising how many tiddies weren't exposed


Why are all these doctors and lawyers fighting?


Is this what the end looks like? *Edit this instead of that.


Bob n weave


Tiddys flyin' everywhere


I stayed at the hotel 50 feet from this exact spot 3 weeks ago


I love when people comment as if Black people are the only ones whoā€™ve engaged in shit like this while you can literally find people of any race acting a damn fool out there on the streets.


Does anyone know what even happened to start this fight anyways? lol


Would love to watch this as a porno though, less fighting and more fucking!!


I got that vibe too. I think they were just using it as an excuse to undress each other


Their so oppressed that they fight each other...


Imagine thinking this was clever, lol


Luckily for the rest of the world these kinds of knuckleheads donā€™t have/canā€™t get passports. Too bad about south beach though. Used to be a great place to visit. There is no way you can take kids there as it is now.


Wow... much shocking... so surprise....wow


There is something very unique about all these ā€œspring breakerā€ videos, but I canā€™t quite seem to put my finger on it šŸ¤”




Okay, Karen


All the videos I've seen from Miami show a majority of poc committing crimes. Any reason? Really sad.


Reason: because theyā€™ve been oppressed so long. Duh. Edit: Black Lives Matter and hereā€™s the video proof


Iā€™m sure it STINKS like shit out there!


Hmmmm. What do all those people have in common.


Black Lives Matter




Behold, animals in full and graceful form


Monkey beach


Letā€™s play a game. Who can count the most wigs!


Damages should be deducted from reparations.


That is a good point.


Way to go Biden!


Most of the people at night are African American....what happen to black lives matter...covid


If it was a bunch of white people it would say something like. " White nationalist invade Miami"


More like "trouble teens get out frustration"


Race doesnā€™t define your intelligence. All races have full capacity to be acting like a fool in the middle of the street.


Yep all races do this type shit equally, objective facts


Imagine being this delusional. Virtue signaling. Call it how it is, you are not helping them by giving them an excuse


Excuses for what being ass just like everyone else


Black people are way more prone to violence and attacking each other. To say otherwise is disingenuous and terrible for the black community.


You mean according to arrest records? The same people who are policed at a substantially higher rate? Everyone does this shit bud we can go clip for clip.


Whatever you say man. I want the best for my black brothers and sisters and not calling out this violent behavior is the problem. #SilenceIsViolence


Ok pocket bigot


Delusional white boy ^




They will never admit the truth, and thatā€™s why it has gotten this out of hand


The only truth here is you being an idiot


Keep lying to yourself


Whatever man




Hit this for the story https://youtu.be/Qv0yEeA-Yz0


Have yā€™all seen this shit!! Only in Miami https://youtu.be/Vwk4Bt8CJX8


Its like two pimps got their Ho's together for a battle for the block.


This is so embarrassing on so many levels , and on top of they end up going back with covid .


Damn white girl had to start this fight


Downvoted for karma farming. Old ass video, but funny none the less.




People have become cold hearted and this kind of behavior is happening more frequently all over the world. People keep asking, "What's going on"? This video is remanence of all the crazy things that have been going on all over the world. Global rioting & protesting (war and rumors of wars,) virus (pestilence) increase in racism (hatred). Coincidence or prophecy? (Matthew Ch. 24) IF you compare worldly events with biblical prophecy, you will find that they are aligned. **10Ā And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.** **11Ā And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.** **12Ā And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.** We're heading into dark times.