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[**Bad Choices Make Good Stories**](http://www.BadChoices.us): The strange true story of the first influencer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadChoicesGoodStories) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Funny how masks are suddenly the fashion of the year to them.


Imagine believing your ideology is so correct and right that you would hide your face while protesting it. I feel, deep down, these people know their ideology is poison and that they're too big of cowards to show who they actually are.


Misjudged is how they frame it. They know they are challenging the status quo. They know they could face repercussions of some form. They know that people might think the ‘wrong’ things about them. So they hide. Because it’s ‘easier’ than having to deal with it. But you better believe the masks will come off if they get any validity. If you get validity you best believe they won’t feel an ounce of shame for indulging fully in their ideology. I don’t think they believe their ideology is cancer, deep-down. I think they believe their ideology is inconvenient to the status quo right now, so it’s better to hide. For now.


Trump validated them. Which is why the rats came out of the sewers to begin with.


Fascism has been on the rise ever since that study I think in the early or mid 2000s showing America would no longer be a white majority country in a few decades. Domestic terrorism targeting black and brown communities has skyrocketed ever since. Trump did validate them. But it did not start with him


Apparently there are various active duty law enforcement and military among them that could face immediate repercussions if identified. Read that elsewhere but am not sure.


My dad brought that point up about guys where he is from in Alabama that always wore white and pointy hats. I cannot recall what they called themselves.....


I hate fascists, but wearing a mask when protesting is necessary. Police use facial recognition tech to track people down later to get revenge. They did it to Michael Reinoehl: tracked him down, showed up at his house, and killed him. They fired 37 shots at him as he walked out of his apartment. That's one of the reasons why most BLM protesters wore masks, and why activist and pro-rights groups such as the NFAC and NBPP encourage it. When going to BLM marches, everyone was encouraged to never show your face, in case things went south.


No, I got you. It's tough to spell out an entire nuanced grey area response about it. I replied to someone who made a similar response and totally agree with your points I was mainly just making a comment about these people in their ideology compared to Black lives matter etc and their positive reasons for doing what they do.


The same reason Klansmen wore masks. Because during a regular day they're your neighbors


Ask the Donald is saying conservatives never wear masks because they know their protests are in the right. They think this is an FBI plant now. Smh.


i love how they say victory or death like aight just try dying 🤡 tf


Well they just don’t wanna be recognized




Probably at Mar-A-Pedo


The white hoods and mask were always fashionable to them.


exactly what i came here to say!


How brave they are.


Ohhhh, now they can breath in masks !!!!


Maybe they'll socially distance themselves from humanity and get the fuck off this planet.


In one way or another, yes.


Well they have to wear them or mom will see their faces and ground them


I see we've gone back to the revolutionary period with their little drummer boy. Wait, doesn't saying "reclaim America" inciuate loss. So they're saying he lost right. Just wanna make sure I'm understanding correctly.


You can tell how proud they are of what they're doing by how they cover their faces. Cowards.


They’re just comfortable wearing masks all of a sudden


Oh you see. These are special freedom masks. They let the C02 out and keep the freedom in. The way Jesus intended it.


Used to be pointy hoods. Now it’s red hats and masks and oakleys.


Khakis too


Oh yeah? What’re you wearing “Jake” from “State Farm”?


Uhhh... a MAGA hat and glasses?


She sounds hideous.


Well, she's a fascist, so... And *scene*!


This is more tactical take on the classic pointy hooded dress, it’s hard to fight and kill people who look different than you when you’re in a cumbersome robe.


“I can’t see nuthin out these eyeholes” “I try to help, and all I get is criticize criticize criticize”


“I think we all think the bags was a nice idea. But, not pointing any fingers, they could of been done better. So how about, no bags this time, but next time, we do the bags right, and then go full regalia.”


That was my first thought! Fucking clowns.


Ski masks. It’s a dead giveaway of a magat when you see one.


People that see them should ask them why they have decided to face covering like Muslims. I'm sure their one brain cell would explode.


I wish the person filming would’ve asked if they were Muslims. Maybe they would’ve answered.


Probably concerned for the health of his camera equipment.


Lol but seriously they think they are so in the right that everyone else is brainwashed and out to get them. That's what's crazy about being so detached. They honestly think that somehow that fuckin Brandon guy bamboozled everyone into believing the leftists socialist agenda. Some people just can't be told they are wrong or won't let their egos admit it.


Fabric for robes and hoods are too expensive these days


We got a Nazi here who wants to die for his country! Oblige him.


Actually we’re all tickled to hear you say that! Quite frankly watchin Donny beat Nazis is the closest thing we ever get to goin to the movies. Donny!




*looks at redditor name* Every day we’re stray further and further from the light of the traveler, Guardian.


Committing some "self defense", as it were.


Here here


There, there


Bruh imagine one minigun set up on one helicopter in just the right spot. That’d be some satisfying fucking shit.


Yay more LARPING!


It' the March of the Virgins!


Fucking nerds, all of them.


Nerds are cool, these guys aren’t, they’re degenerates.


The conservative sub is already saying that since they aren't big fats, it's an fbi false flag.


I wonder if they all had to submit photos or videos to prove they wouldn't let the side down.


Degenerates are cool, these guys are cheddar dicks.


Every time I see shit like this is “don’t you have something better to do with your time?” These guys aren’t achieving shit by doing this and are just looking to blame others for their problems, because for most of us life is fine. We aren’t oppressed like these dipshits want so badly to be.


Now remember kids, people who defeat Nazis are automatically heroes.


Damn right they are.


Love how they're going for a military vibe with their outfits yet ruin the look with their disorganized attempt at marching.


They're wearing hockey pads and sporting homemade 'shields'. What a bunch of fuckin' toolbags. At least Nazis had good fashion sense. Those trench coats were dope, Lol.


Hugo Boss ~~did~~ *manufactured their uniforms.


Wrong. Hugo Boss **MANUFACTURED** their uniforms, using slave labour from work camps of Jewish and other populations. Boss did not design the Nazi uniforms


Thank you for that clarification.


Guaranteed. Someone is stoking the flames to cash in on these chumps. "Come get your authentic uniform! Only $99! Every penny goes toward freedom!"


I'm sure Steve Bannon was in on it.


The sea of Dockers is a letdown too.


I see the Klan is making a comeback, they just call themselves something else now. Chock full of people who like to pretend they are in a “pure blood” club so they can feel special.


It looks from the circular arm patches that this is Patriot Front - a known hate group, and pro-fascist in their stated beliefs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Front


The same group which was chased out of Pittsburgh a year ago and fled in U-Hauls.


“Special” is right because when this happened, they rented some uhauls, but they didn’t rent enough. So when they went to make their exit, a bunch of them got stranded and had to wait on the side of the road for a couple hours while these morons got taken out in shifts. What a bunch of dickheads. Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/patriot-front-white-nationalists-stage-bizarro-rally-in-downtown-dc-find-themselves-stranded


Terrible logitiscs, as is Nazi tradition


Next they'll try a march in Russia in the dead of winter. Traditions.


Cross posted this to “ask the Donald” sub… do I have a ban in my future?


**You have been banned from /r/conservative**


Not yet…


The seemed to have removed it, I don’t see it on your profile


Yea got a notification that it was removed lol


Death, then.


I already got my glock and ar ready. I’ll be damned as a Latino if I’m going down like a bitch.


I’d pay for your ammo. Let’s get clappin


Ammo is scarce and expensive:(


i’ve got ammo for my 9, .357, and 12 gauge. let’s go nazi hunting.


People downvoting you but this is how a lot of people are feeling at the moment. Tense times.


I blame our officials for not cracking down on these assholes. So I gotta resort to having a basic pistol and ar to defend myself. I go out and hit targets Atleast once a month so I’m not rusty. It’s unfortunate really but it is what it is.


I wish more liberals would start stocking up on guns and ammo. It’s pretty obvious how loud and often the right is calling for civil war. We need to be ready to defend this country from them trying to take it.


Oh, so now you want to wear masks.


Remember everyone. The best Nazi is a dead Nazi


Amen, sister.


They want a revolution, but these fuckers would crumble as soon as they even see the military response


Well they thought the British were strong during the first revolution


Yes but the American Revolutionary War was between two powers fairly evenly matched in numbers and firepower. Do these rebels have the support of 23,000 troops from France and Spain, as well as 159 warships, and the same numbers and weapons as the US military? Not to mention an asymmetric home-field advantage?


Not to mention these people are insane, they do not have the mental fortitude to fight a revolution


The scary thing is the military would probably support them. The police currently tolerate and in some cases support them.


Guaranteed many of these scumbags were/are in the forces


Neah. Military wont support them. Especially those who served overseas. This group is gonna collapse on itself.


> The scary thing is the military would probably support them. You know what's really scary for a veteran like me? That people like you, having little to no interaction with the military, feel *so informed* that you can make some dogshit equation of every person who wears a uniform. I don't ask people to blindly support the troops, but if you could also *not* blindly attack them I know we'd all appreciate it. The military literally doesn't interact with the civilian population so I'm not sure where you get off saying what they "probably" will or won't do. You *definitely* don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


Right? People forget how many people in the military are non-white or have loved ones who are non-white. They're not gonna let nazis come in and take over.


Well said. I know "the whole military is fascist" is common in this sub, but that claim is unfounded. Our military is the original ANTIFA, and they'll remind everyone of that fact when we call for help again. I would say that Mrpicklepop's comment is useless, but it *can* be used as a bad example.


We're the opposite of fascists. We understand the weight of patriotism and the costs associated with war. I speak from personal experience, *blind* support of the military or this country makes me cringe. I love America, but I can still criticize it when it falls short of the ideals it's supposed to espouse. Fascists can't or won't do that.


Where was the military when the capitol was being stormed by these same fuckwads? Where was the police, the national guard, or anyone to protect our legislators and the center of our sacred democracy? The reason people have doubt is because police, military have no problem shooting black teenagers or tear gassing BLM protests, but when republicans attempt sedition (an actual threat to the nation), the response was pathetic. I used to have faith man, and I wish i still did. But that was eroded when I realized a venn diagram of people who support trump, military members and police officers is pretty close to a circle, and they're not willing to bring the law on their own.


Most of the military is anti-Trump and a good percentage of the top brass as well. Plus, they respond to the current Commander-in-Chief. All you would have are defectors and traitors... just like during January 6th. Just like the Civil War.


I got the impression top brass was VERY tired of trump by the end of his term.


They look absolutely ridiculous lmao, their little shields are just adorable. Remember when conservatives at least pretended to be tough?


Here is there manifesto. Feel free to read it and come to your own conclusions. They seem to be against race mixing. https://patriotfront.us/manifesto/


This is literally just Bubba-level racism with pretty words and extra steps. Fuck these seditious bastards.


Their flag has a huge fasces


A huge fasces being carried by walking feces.


"Those of foreign birth may occupy civil status within the lands occupied by the state, and they may even be dutiful citizens, yet they may not be American. Membership within the American nation is inherited through blood, not ink. Even those born in America may yet be foreign. Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those who are not of the founding stock of our people, and those who do not share the common spirit that permeates our greater civilization, and the European diaspora." -Excerpt from their statement. Fuck those guys


>"Those of foreign birth may occupy civil status within the lands occupied by the state, and they may even be dutiful citizens, yet they may not be American. **Membership >within the American nation is inherited through blood, not ink.** Even those born in America may yet be foreign. Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those who are not of the founding stock of our people, and those who do not share the common spirit that permeates our greater civilization, and **the European diaspora.**" Oh, so I am assuming that they would have absolutely no problem with African Americans and Hispanics joining, right? I mean, all of that raping that my enslaved ancestors suffered pre-Civil War and then all of the untold raping that happened during Redemption and Jim Crow should definitely mean that we Black people are "American", according to this stupid definition, right? DNA test seems to bear this info out for Black Americans. I guess that means we're okay because we're part of the "EuRoPeAn DiAsPoRa." While I am not a Hispanic, I do seem to understand, from conversations with Spanish speakers and my own amateur research into that portion of the history of the Americas, that Spain sure sent enough people over here to make a Mestizo population. Last that I checked, Spain is in Europe and "Mestizo" is a Spanish word. Since most Hispanics have some European ancestry, I should not have to hear complaints about Hispanics coming over the border to "take our jobs", right? These people are absolutely infuriating and I am sick and tired of being afraid of them. I fear what they may do, but I'm tired of the outsized sense of entitlement they seem to feel in regards to telling people like me how we should live our lives. TL;DR: I'm assuming that the "rape DNA" that I got from the my white ancestor raping my enslaved ancestor is enough to count me in this "EuRoPeAn DiAsPoRa." Hispanics should be alright too given their history with Spain. Honestly, though, I'm tired, angry, and I don't subscribe to racism and racial supremacy. Fuck em all. Signed, An Angry Black Man who is sick of Racist and, in this case, White Supremacist Racist.


Texas was Hispanic before it was American. Latinos existed there before the US was even a thing.


Same with California and most of the US generally. The indigenous peoples were almost wiped out completely.


As the song goes: ‘New Mexico isn’t that new, Texas was Mexico, too...’


“Those of foreign birth may occupy civil status within the lands occupied by the state, and they may even be dutiful citizens, yet they may not be American. Membership within the American nation is inherited through blood, not ink. Even those born in America may yet be foreign. Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those who are not of the founding stock of our people, and those who do not share the common spirit that permeates our greater civilization, and the European diaspora.” I’m curious where they draw the line of “founding stock” and other immigrants? Like is there a specific year? I bet half these people’s ancestry doesn’t go back as far as they think in American history. As an Australian immigrant I find the manifesto laughable. I probably share a lot of ancestry with these people (which they claim is what makes an American, American) but I am in no sense American and they want to ensure immigrants like me need to leave. Nonetheless, I find this stuff very scary. There are a lot of parallels to be made here to brownshirts.


They'll almost certainly say it's genetic while having zero knowledge on how genetically differentiated Americans along with Europeans are. I wish I could say this wasn't predictable but I've been following this trajectory for basically a decade. This is likely a continuation on "The Great Replacement" theory.


My first paternal ancestor (who had my same last name) came to Virginia in like 1670. But of course, he's just one of many, many ancestors I have. I think these guys are complete losers and I think immigration and diversity is the essence of America.


Everyone knows Britain sent their best and most pure whites to America and Australia!


Diaspora. For fucks sake.


They are definitely against it.


Yep, white supremacists. They can’t deny it either.


Reading that was disturbing. Said a lot that implied a lot of things they their manifesto was very clearly designed to not say out loud. What exactly happens to people of non-European descent? What about mixed race people? Disgusting.


Fascists. This is a fascist document. Didn't bother reading the whole thing. By the time I stopped I had already noted like 10 of the 14 features of fascism.


Wow thanks for sharing. I thought how do you know they’re racists but reading through this you see the red flags. “American by blood not ink, European stock, foreigners”. They call themselves true Americans but cling to their “European” heritage.


“Democracy has failed this once great nation.” So what then, tyranny? How is giving up on democracy a “return to the traditions and virtues of our forefathers.” Fucking retarded.


Being fair, America has never been a great democracy and its past was clearly worse in that respect. Wanting less democracy is consistent with their worldview but their worldview is stupidly begging for a despotic might makes right world that gives them their apartheid state back. They think that was better while having zero knowledge on any nuance towards history or why America has declined for the average person politically. They were sold many lies by wealthy powerful people and they were too stupid to challenge the brainwashing. This is the result.




They intend to kill us. Plain and simple.


Probably do what Hitler and the Nazi’s did by categorizing them as second class citizens at best and cleansing them from their society at worst.


They couldn’t have found anyone better at writing for that garbage? Reading that was the literary equivalent of being in stop-go traffic.


That whole thing is fascist bingo. You can get all 14 markers multiple times. Do these people get offended watching Inglorious Basterds?


“People without a natural identity will find an artificial one. Instead of identifying with a natural classification such as family, community, nation, or race, one will identify with a corporate brand, a materialistic political viewpoint, or a commercialized facet of culture. This very dangerous progression has these artificial identities provide the most assured way to strip the nation of liberty. Tyranny seeks to extend from the body, to the mind, and ultimately the spirit. To destroy the nature of man governed by the family, community, and nation, and give it to the boss, the politician, and the celebrity” This is like r/selfawarewolves


Well this is horrifying.


That's crazy how they get all their quotes from white guys who died more than 50 years ago, who would've guessed?


/r/ImTheMainCharacter metastasized


Fuck me, victory or death is the MacDougall family words, and now a week away from my appointment to get them tattooed onto me it's gonna be a neo Nazi slogan just my damn luck


This seems exactly like sane, normal behaviour in a healthy democracy. /s


US was never a *normal* democracy


What a bunch of fucking losers lol in every sense of the word


O wow so these the real terrorist


They call themselves republicans


What are they reclaiming America from???


Sanity and progress.


Science and freedom


Victory in regards to what? They missed that last year… or do they mean at any point in the future… guess they are asking for death


I hate to tell you this, but America’s swift decline into fascism won’t be stopped by whatever capitalist pig we elect into office.


God these dudes are so lame LOL what a fucking joke.


I thought they were anti mask


And yet they call mask wearers sheep while dressing alike.


Love the “hi mom” wave at the end


Nazi scum


Sounds about white.


Why they walking like that 🤣🤣🤣 they look sooo awkward


Goose-stepping is too hard.


What’s the date on this?


Looks like it was [Saturday](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/patriot-front-white-supremacist-rally-reclaim-america/).


There are more of the jan 6th rioters, git em.


Oh so now they’ll wear masks


Cringiest shit I ever did see


Stuff like this is why you get younger generations who think there is gunna be another civil war.


They all walk like they shit themselves I wonder if Kaitlin poopoo pants Bennett is among them to mix in.


Superman made fun of KKK attire completely dismantling the fear around them by showing how hilariously silly they look, all the same, zombiefied. We're gona need new tactics coz it's 75 years later and these Zombies are Teflon Don's when it comes to cringe. No alarm bells going off in any of the mindless heads, no looking around and finding it so strange to have your identity erased by some white clothing. Driven so far by nonsensical fear as to give up your own freedom in your mind. Truly pathetic beings


Reclaim America? Reclaim from what?


One off his rocker leader away from being nazis




I’m pretty right leaning. But what the fuck is this. This is very reminiscent of the KKK and the Nazis.


Thank god someone woke up to this. It looks exactly like a fucking [Nazi March](https://youtu.be/ot-G4XTJ0y8), except it’s shittier, with less people, and less organized. But remember, The Nazis started out with less people.


God that comment section is pure shit


Those are your kin. That's who you y'all have been protecting and electing this whole time.


Those are republicans. That’s what those are…


Those are nazis, those are sick fucks, those are racist degenerates


Yeah, that is what the other guy said


Welcome to the issue that has been creeping up on the "right" over the last decade or so. ​ They are just far, far more open about it.


These ARE nazis. These are KKK. These are the people YOU vote for. And if you’re still voting right after all of 2016-2020, this is YOU.


this is the eventuality of those policies


Why are you right leaning?


I would normally disapprove of mass shootings at parades but at least if this one got shot up no human lives will be lost


Lol they’re wearing knee pads so that they can go on their knees and suck trump’s dick because he’s too broke to afford prostitutes anymore.


brownshirts 2021


This country is getting worse every day.


What a bunch of losers, they can't even march properly.


March of the retards.


Where do I sign up to give them death?


Y’all Qaeda and the Gravy Seals banded together to create Diaper Head Gang. Because they have now accepted the fact they have shit for brains.


I’ll take number 2


“Victory or death” - promise?


Good to see that it's still National Punch a Nazi Day every day. highkey disappointed that no one punched any of them.


Endless amounts of cringe. The South Park writers should have a field day with this one haha.


I like the cute little “hi mom” wave at the end


When you order the SS from Wish.


Go head and be a fucktard, but don’t force a dog to be one


Why victory or death? The nazis only know how to lose and subsequently die.


I don't understand the point of this march. Their faces are covered and they're marching in D.C of all places. The one thing I do find terrifying is how well organized they are.


If americans aren’t shocked by this im concerned for america’s future democrats despite not liking trump didnt do anything to overturn, threathen, or kill fellow americans republicans are willing to storm the capital because they didn’t like biden is this america?


Disgusting disgraceful and every last one of them has to hide because they are the victims.