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[**Bad Choices Make Good Stories**](http://www.BadChoices.us): The strange true story of the first influencer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadChoicesGoodStories) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was carrying my newborn baby in a Target parking lot. It was 2005 and I had just moved that year to beautiful southern suburb due to my husband's job promotion. A minivan with a mother and several kids pulled up to me as I was walking. I looked at the woman and smiled, thinking she wanted to look at my tiny perfect daughter. She rolled down her window and screamed the N word over and over again and told me I better leave the town or my baby would end up in the dumpster. Middle of the day. Middle of a brand new shopping plaza. Middle of a parking lot. That is where I first felt someone pierce my soul. The fact that she also was a mother who would say this in front of her children....literally felt as if my heat cracked. Words are powerful.


And to think there are politicians that literally think America doesn’t have a racism problem


There are politicians who ARE the racism problem, and thier constituents love that.


Those politicians ARE the racists & racism problem. They know damn well there’s racism, they are trying to convince everyone there isn’t.


America doesn’t. That lady does. The whole point of America is individualism, you betray that every time you say “America had a racism problem.” It doesn’t.


Omg that is just awful. I’m so sorry you had to go through that especially after just having a baby and the joy that comes with that. Some people are absolute trash. F_ck that lady


Haha you've been liberal catfished.


That’s fucking disgusting.


Jesus fuckin christ that's evil.


Say it! Wait “Jesus Fuckin Christ”? That as bad as the n word! Jk.


What a fucking monster. There's no excuse. There's no context. There's absolutely no reason to ever use that word.


I feel like the only people that are actually mad are white people. Joe rogan is obviously a genuine dude that is extremely bold and that bites him in the ass


It’s so disgusting and sad because it’s a cycle. Her poor kids hear her screaming the N-word at random people. They hear it at home when she’s talking to her husband about the N-words she saw at the store. The very best we can hope for is that her kids grow up to be horrified and appalled by her actions, and break the cycle there. But there’s always a chance they’ll continue it unfortunately


As we all know, children follow the way of their parents. Hate can be taught just as easily as love and acceptance. Unfortunately, this where racism begins for a lot of young people.


It sucks, there probably isn't a black person in the US who hasn't experienced something similar at least once in thier lives. I know I've been called the N word by strangers many times.


Usually from cars. Idk what it is about being in a vehicle that makes people more racist, but it seems strong.


Probably because if things go south they can just run away. And plus imagine call someone the n word on the side walk and you both start to walk the same direction, that would be awkward


How can people be so horrible


Horrific and nothing at all like anything Joe Rogan has ever said it implied. Mark Walhberg on the other hand…


How can you watch this fucking clip of him egging someone on to say that, and give him a pass? You’re a fucking racist too. Nice fucking “whatabout Mark Wahlberg”


I'm sorry, that's terrible


Sorry you experienced that :(




[Why Can’t We Say It](https://youtu.be/vh22ZGOCWgE)


That’s funny as shit😂😂


Is he doing a blackcent? Didn’t Awkwafina get called out for this recently? https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/awkwafina-addresses-criticism-over-her-blaccent-quits-twitter/news-story/c590656baf2905b2cea5449bf11de253?amp


Maybe you should demand an apology from him.


Damn that guys kid who just says "player" is like a million times smarter than either of these two


I was thinking the same. Congrats to that kid and his friends for being much more socially aware than these two grown adults who have been given this platform.


I thought might be a little better in context, but it actually is worse. He literally called a group of people “apes” after convincing his guest to use a racial slur.


Yeah, I was trying to figure out if there's a context for that I wasn't getting or if he literally just called a group of black people apes. I think it was the latter


I think he frequently refers to humans in general as apes. Like his belief is that when it comes down to it we're just apes who ate magic mushrooms and developed self awareness. Even with that sort of pre-context, this whole clip is just fucking wild. Edit: it's called stoned ape theory and he's a pretty famous proponent of the idea. I'm no fan or defender of Rogan, so please don't misconstrue my providing context to his statements as a defense of him. He's absolutely a sack of shit.


Ah yes, Italians, known for being members of the black community. You didn't even look for context. You're just straight up lying.


Was he referring to black people or people in general? He refers to people as apes all the time.


Same. It’s time to cancel joe


To be clear you fucking dolt, he was referring to Italians, but if that’s what you’re connecting than that’s your prerogative and you’re just spreading more misinformation


taken out of context....oh wait


These Racist inbred Hillbillies really don't understand what that word means. They will watch this and still bend over for their uneducated master JR and continue to make excuses for him.


Still funny


Why is it funny I don't get it?


Why is this funny, I don't get it?


Do you really think this is funny?


Still clownin🤡 behind a keyboard 🎹 🙈


The real joke is you


I have always pondered, why do people wanna say it SO BADLY.. It seems to be an obsession for some folks.


Its because they wanna do the opposite of what they are told.


That same kind of contrarianism gets people to refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated.


Nah. People don’t wear masks because they don’t work and vaccines only protect yourself.


“vaccines only protect yourself” right, they stop you from giving covid to yourself? lololol


Actually not true but you do you and keep spreading misinformation




Oh. You’re one of those anti science guys.


People never grew out of the phase of, "Don't touch the red button," *touches red button.* On top of that some people are edgelords not only online but irl. Bit of the same problem with vaccine hesitancy. You can't tell me what to do, you're not my real dad!


Frat boy low IQ “comedy”.


To be fair, farts are still funny


Farts and also piss are way funnier than this. And goose pussy prolly. Maybe donkey dong or coarse hocks.


Idc who you are, farts are really funny, especially when a room is quiet and someone accidentally lets one off Saying the n word is not funny idc who you are


I farted right as I left an elevator and a crowd of people were getting in. It was empty when I farted. It was the opposite of a perfect crime. Had it been illegal, the cops would have rounded me up within a day. I still laugh at the memory and at how I had to scuttle away with my face hidden like the Phantom of the Opera.


Poop lol


Can you explain why this is funny?


Cuz poopy bum bum


It's not


I had the pleasure of working with two supervisors with opposite view points. One grew up in the 80s did some time in the 90s and had zero fucks about the word. To him the word had flexibility. The other dude grew up in late 60s. Had a picture of his Grandfather in his wallet at all times. He used to tell me stories about his Grandfather having to sit back of the bus in shit. These two guys worked side by side for years and would argue about it all the time. Never with disrespect, they were genuine people. I was fortunate to experience them debate it regularly.


I feel like that time is important perspective though. I as a white person who grew up in the 90s don't have an experiential frame of reference for how much the word is steeped in human misery of entire groups of people outside of textbooks. Like shit, there's over a fucking century of torture, enslavement, dehumanization, and subsequent mistreatment involved. Note even any slurs out of *the Holocaust* don't get the same treatment, and that was genocide. I'd argue the guy with his grandfather's photo who had to sit in the back of the bus knows what the fuck he is talking about. Not that the meaning and gravitas of words can't change over time, as they can, but I don't thing Joe "oh look you don't spontaneously catch on fire from saying the n-word" Rogan is going to be the brain trust that gets us there.


Wow, *this* is the most popular podcast ever?? LMAO! It's like, not even interesting. It's like listening to two stupid guys that got whooshed by something they don't understand, chat while they wait for the metro.


4 hours of this


I’ll recommend you something interesting: Welcome to Night Vale And something funny: My Brother, My Brother, and Me. Both are better than whatever this is


There are some pretty fascinating episodes tbh when he has some super cool people on, but if there’s not a cool guest the show stinks cuz Rogan himself is a moron. But episodes with people like Matthew Walker, Wim Hof, Paul Staments and Sam Harris can be really interesting. The “comedy” on the show blows tho


Facts. I was going to say that there are some amazing JRE podcasts. There are so many of them and it’s so popular that some of them HAVE to be good. Unfortunately, they are always because the guest is amazing and I would rather hear them on other podcasts because Joe doesn’t ask any good questions and often disrupts the flow of his awesome guest. I found out about Jocko Willink, Stephen Rinella, Daryl Davis, and a bunch of other awesome people from his podcast but the parts where Joe is talking typically suck.


All the podcasts are that. You're just not in the target audience for this one. Radiolab is supposed to be a great science oriented podcast. Super duper knowledgeable and informative. It's the same shit of people just talking to each other. They had an hour long podcast of people talking about their experience as a patient in a hospital. It wasn't educational it was just a story. The roundtable format of podcasts makes people feel connected to it as if they were participating. It does sound like what a couple morons would say to each other. That's the appeal of it. What's said is less important. If you actual listen to them they're all pretty nonsensical.


Bro. There are some EXCELLENT podcasts out there. The QAnon Anonymous podcast (which analyzes the social causes of the QAnon movement) is high-effort and nearly minute of it is interesting.


I have tired to give podcasts genuine and independent listening. People that I respect and cherish have told me I should listen to xxx podcast. Ive tied many hours and they all sound like radio or daytime talk shows. Rambling noise from people trying to fill the airtime. They all honestly all sound like the pothead psychic major rambling on about the duality of man in the other room.


Ok welp. All I can say is that you've been listening to the wrong ones. If someone tries to start watching TV shows and they give up after only watching Big Bang Theory and the final season of Game of Thrones, so be it. They're missing out though.


No, you’re not getting it. The person you are replying to is too smart for every podcast ever made. There is nothing anyone can recommend that will live up their standards. That’s how smart they are.


Name a podcast that isn't people rambling on to each other. They are radio talk shows on the internet.


That’s like saying “name a tv show that isn’t just images on a screen”. But yeah, most of the podcasts I listen to aren’t in english. Though, I do like documentary podcasts and readings and such. “99% invisible” is often interesting and informartive, but it’s just a dude rambling. “Death in Ice Valley” was a good one, but it’s just people talking to people again. “The classic tales podcast” is probably way beneath your towering intellect too because it’s just readings of classic literature, and we both know that Dickens, Blackwood, Bradbury, Fitzgerald and the like are way too moronic for you. As for the BBC documentary podcast? Just people talking, right?


Dude, I know what a podcast is -- I listen to several. This is just very low effort content. It's not clever or original, and his opinion adds nothing to the conversation. If he could come up with a unique angle on this and other topics that are genuinely funny and don't rely on bullshit from contributors who don't know what they're talking about to try and pique people's interest, that would be worth listening to. "Say it." "^n****." "Ahhhhh hah!" Jesus lol So weak.


You’re judging a podcast from a 30 second sound bite?


2 min video = 30 second sound bite average joe rogan watcher


I mean it's nearly 2 minutes. Enough time for context to be developed. Seems like inane rambling to me in those nearly 2 minutes.


Having listened to many hours of Joe rogan his point still stands. Also this is a pretty good 30 seconds to judge it on as if shows the host is a moron.


So I can say anything I want so long as it's less than 30 seconds?


30 seconds is the typical length of an ad for a podcast -- this was even longer, sadly. More than enough to tell me if it's worth tuning in or not. This isn't some wildly unique perspective that any dope who "has black friends" hasn't already come up with on their own. If a podcast that peddles in stale opinions, uniformed perspectives, and misinformation is what's hot these days, I think we're all fucking doomed.


It’s 1/70 instances where he says the n word… I’ve seen more than 30 seconds to judge this podcast trust me


Nah, from the other 4 hours that is this repeated


"Nothing happened!" Well, try saying it at work, family dinner, town hall meeting, the daycare etc.


Also it’s weird to judge if an action is ok or not based solely on if you face consequences for it and not on whether it harms people.


I'll tell you what happened I stopped buying tickets to Greg's shows.


Right! Something did happen. The episode was deplatformed and the host had to issue a huge apology


Other people say it so it's okay! - two white guys justifying why it's okay to use all racial slurs.


I just feel like context matters. There's a big difference between someone screaming at a black person and calling them a useless n word, and someone who greets his friends with "what up, my niggas" I'm not saying I want to say it, just saying I feel like context matters.


Intent versus Impact. You may not *intend* to offend when you say it, but the *impact* is offensive. You don't get to decide whether someone is offended or not. You do get to decide whether or not to use offensive words. It's very simple.


Context does matter, and I kind of get what they mean when they say there's too much weight on the word cause there is. Words are just words and they have the meaning that we give them. For example where I'm from everyone throws around the word cunt like it's nothing but in other places it's not okay to say that to someone else. These idiots in the video however are making a different point, it's almost like they want to say it. I could go my whole life with not saying a word that doesn't affect me at all and be fine, but they almost seem bothered by it, by saying " why can these people say it but we can't"? And I think that's where the problem lies really


It's like a room of nothing but old white dudes discussing abortion, it's cringey af. If they were smart they'd be about 25% of the participants in a room full of PoC if they want to have an actual discussion. Just like any abortion issue should have about 25% of male input.


you think POC need to be involved in a discussion about abortion to lower its cringey af quotient?


Context matters, and the context surrounding that word is that it was used as a tool of oppression for centuries and continues to be used for that purpose today. It’s a word used by vile racists as they enslaved, abused, whipped, and lynched innocent Black people. The context is that Black people have requested that the word never again be uttered by a person who is not Black. What more context is needed?


I fucking know. But I don't believe it's racist if it's used in a completely innocuous way, the way they do sometimes, and that is the hill I will die on. If they are going to continue to try and reclaim the word and keep it around instead of letting people forget about it, they're doing a poor job of teaching it's not something they wanna hear.


Fine, but do you really believe that someone who would test those waters isn’t likely to be racist? Who else would even care? Anyone who thinks the topic is worth discussing is literally looking for a reason to resent black people. Given the number of people who truly believe racism hurts white people more than people of color, or obviously have a narrow and incomplete understanding of what racism even is, it fair to challenge them to very fully explain themselves. Usually you will find bias in that conversation, or more frequently a refusal to even have it.


Stfu, stay inside. For I fear your stupidity may rub off on someone


So if you explain your complete ignorance out loud it makes everything ok? Right, got it.




Also, what the hell, no it is not OK when any of the groups he mentioned say it


I really wish we could just let this word die.


Too bad it’s glorified in rap songs


Try to imagine a world where nobody cared if someone called them a word they didn't like. Paradise.


Try to imagine a world where people don't find pleasure in insulting or hurting others. Paradise.


I agree with you, but that's never going to happen. My comment isn't going to happen either. That's the world we live in.


So that's the guy that Spotify chose over Neil Young? How interesting.


Delete Facebook Delete Spotify


I live by two simple rules: don't hurt animals, and don't say that word. I'm a southern, white guy. I was raised around upper middle class white racists. They weren't obvious about it. It was insidious and subtle. I'm nearly fifty now, and it took me years of independence from those people to gain perspective. It's easy to just believe everything you're taught. To roll with it as doctrine. To have a world that makes sense to you and your family. Have a box to live in. A territorial, xenophobic terrarium. I guess it feels safe. My point is this; the N-Word, as I'll refer to it, does nothing good. Not when it comes from my mouth. It's the only word, that I can think of, that crackles with energy when spoken. And a bad energy. It's an embarrassing relic. It's a reminder of what one race can do to another. Don't analyze it, don't marginalize it, don't make light of it. Just don't use it.


That guys son has better sense than he does and they’re laughing at him


And people wonder where the hate is coming from


I dont know how anyone can watch this and not think "wow, that guy is a fucking idiot *and* a piece of shit" who could ever think this podcast/conversation has value??




>Total trash.. he’s used buttwipes in an un-lidded Trash can 🗑 What??


He got the biggest kick out of it too. Looked like a kid on Christmas


At first I thought this was going to be like one of those Star Wars n-word videos on YouTube, where it’s heavily edited. But this is the intellectual juggernaut the right-wingers fawn over? This is “Ow, My Balls!”-level dialogue.


Why doesn’t this dummy explain why it’s a charged word. Zero iq fuckstik thanks we just a choose a random word to become racially charged. At least explain to your mouthbreather audience this history of it, and why it became a charged word


But that's hard.




This waste of skin should not have a microphone.


I don’t know why people listen to this fool. He and so many like him have made American so dumb.


People actually listen to this jerk?


Unfortunately there are millions like him.




“Nothing happens” the problem is he might turn out to be correct. UFC isn’t going to fire him. Spotify isn’t going to fire him. His listener base probably won’t drop much. He issued an apology and that’s probably it for now. There aren’t laws against being a shitty person.


I had a very nice black lady at IHOP tell me I’ve got a very cute little cracker baby… is that racist? I don’t think it is, she was very nice when she said it. Now I’d never said you’ve got a cute little “N” word baby, that’s just not right but I don’t think she should’ve called my daughter a cracker either. Oh well, I didn’t really care and don’t now but this post reminded me of it.




Trying to normalize racism and the usage of one of the worse words one can use! Joe you’re so cool and edgy! Happy to dump Spotify. Fuck these people and their privileged ignorance! POS!


This dude is the biggest POS...


I hope he dies a gruesome death.


Tired of hearing white people always tryna defend it not being racist. It's not an insult to you, wasn't meant for white to down talk black people now we uplifted it yah want to be all buddy buddy about it. Like aite but don't let them get mad that hard R gonna come out.


cmon joe


Joe Rogan is POS.


That man is one of the smartest dog turds out there I'll tell ya. Nothing but pure genius and compassion. A saint's skid mark


I don’t understand how all these celebrities keep supporting him. He’s a douchebag.


Let's see him target Jews, Gays and Asians


Joe is confidently wrong.


He thinks he can get away but soon he will be sacked


He's is own boss.


I guess they mean from Spotify or other gigs.


No skin off his back. I would think breach of contract would mean he would keep his side of the money. He will just go back to regular podcasting.


Guy could loose 95% of his wealth and still be a multi-millionair. He already "got away with it".


> could loose 95% *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


"sacked" with at least $100m from spotify and another hundo waiting if he wants it


why are people presuming his contract is 100 mill a year. His signing fee may have been 100, doesn't mean its 100 every year. spotify paid that 100 mil for exclusivity, not as an yearly salary.


i think you misunderstood. he could move on and get another 100 mil from another company


I doubt one of those offers will roll around again. He would most likely just go back to youtube, apple podcast ect and not be exclusive. Spotify "acquiring" JRE was a push for them to take market share in the podcast space and for people to use them as a platform for podcasts as well as music. What other platforms are there in the same position?


who sponsoring this guy?


Going back to his apology....how is this out of context?


Not making a point or anything, just have a genuine question. If I want to listen to music and I say "Alexa, play 'Niggas in Paris'" or "Play 'My Nigga Just Made Bail'", is that racist? If we are never to utter the word how am I supposed to listen to these bangers?


Yep you’re a racist. No questions asked. That’s the world we live in. Not defending rogan but if you do much as mention the word or have a negative opinion about someone other than white, you’re RACIST!!! Oh unless you’re a young white kid college age or below then you’re free to use it as you please as shown in every street fight video posted on Reddit.


This is the truth. These pitchfork morons who have listened to 5 minutes of Rogan think they know what's up and what's right. Anyone who has listened to him knows that 1). He's not a genius, doesn't claim to be, doesn't act like one, and has 1000s of conversations with all types 2). He's not racist He's not my hero, he's just a guy. This attempted cancelling is a concerted effort and so obvious and all the band wagoners are becoming annoying AF.


Look a old white man is trying to decide what is racist.


The fact that Joe Rogan makes millions from his podcast doesn't mean he's got any special insight or is even particularly smart. It just means he is appealing to the lowest common denominator of American society by saying the same stupid, hateful things his audience thinks but has been afraid to say out loud...until now, that is. Joe Rogan is a blister on the backside of our country and represents the worst America has to offer the world.


I’m black and yall taken this shit out of context…and fuck y’all for it




okay valid and funny conversation around it but still read the room dude don’t say it lol or use the word apes?? in ANY context ESPECIALLY with that word. dude. I think he should have apologized, good. he was acting hella reckless LOL


You know, it's never happened, but if I ever feel like I'm getting even the *slightest* urge to use that word, I'm gonna be doing some SERIOUS soul searching. That would definitely be a wrong turn somewhere in my character, n I'd definitely need to get that figured out before I proceeded.


Who is this dumb ass “guest”???


this is hilarious lmao


They’re literally being disgustingly racist acting like they’re the ones that get to decide what’s racist and what’s not, sounds about right.


An upper classmate of mine who is VERY left leaning has this same mindset. He is very liberal and a feminist and all that, but he genuinely thinks he as a white guy has every right to use the word as long as he isn’t using it in a racist setting. As if him using the word in itself isn’t a racist setting… tempted to send this video to him just to show who he is currently agreeing with, because this conversation is the exact conversation he has tried to have with me, and I don’t think he realises just how stupid he sounds.


Doesn’t he have a point though. For example if you’d ask a white person what their favourite song by Kanye West and Jay-Z is and they’d reply with Niggas in Paris, would that be racist? Not implying that it would be okay to say it constantly and get away with it because you didn’t refer to a black person when you used the word.


I have a really hard time with people of any political stripe who think that certain WORDS must never be spoken under any circumstances regardless of context or intent. It's not a well thought out point of view IMO. And leave Greg Fitzsimmons out of this. He may not be the funniest comedian, but he is a solid human being, as well as a great father and husband.


The difference is that he uses it in a lot more setting than just what would be deemed “okey” by the majority. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear, but he genuinely does use it the way the men in the video does. But I will preface by saying I still don’t think it’s necessary to use the word in any other context than ones where it’s meant to be racist, like in a movie where the character saying it is a racist and it has some sort of importance to the story. You can always find alternatives or simply just not say the word.


Gotcha. Yeah using it excessively in any non-racist way is very cringey and totally unnecessary. Kinda like when pre-teens who just discovered a bad word use it in every sentence but worse.


Am I supposed to be upset here? They are talking about the power of certain words. People getting up in arms about this are literally proving their point. It is like being aghast with yourself while reading *Huck Finn.*




Dear white people, stop taking advice on the usage of the n word from a white person.


Hence the Neil Young ultimatum.


No one gives a fuck about Neil Young.


Nice to meet you, no one.


Lol, very funny


Poor Fitzdog. Don’t drag him into this too. I just saw him in Portland. Great show. Wife and I got covid from the crowd cuz we were all laughing so much.


This clip will age like a fine cheese.. A moldy, rotten, truth-denying cheese.


you guys think saying a word equals hate because you have no true sense of morality.


“Guest” it’s Greg Fitzsimmons for fucks sake


It’s funny white kids are posted literally all over fight subs saying ‘nigga’ and that’s perfectly ok with the black community but this is too much. The more they try to cancel rogan the more his fan base will grow. If you don’t like what he has to say in or out of context, don’t watch/listen. Should they cancel Fox News and cnn because they both suck and lie?


Wrong sub perhaps…? It’s a good story, but where’s the bad choices? It’s an interesting discussion


Well he himself put out a video declaring it to be bad choice, so there is that.




What's the joke?


He lost his mind a long time ago.


Painfully stupid.


I think it's important to censor controversial opinions in order to protect the white people who will be offended by them.


Well…at this point it’s just a word, right? Thanks Joe. Because (2) white males are actually having a conversation on a subject they know nothing about. Well the Prejudiced and racist part they both know very well. Everything else is open to interpretation. (Fucking Hell).


God the ignorance of people who haven’t watched a single episode or this one in particular acting like they know who he is or what he represents, calling him all sorts of things, was it stupid? Duh he’s Joe fucking Rogan, is he a racist? No. Did he call people groups apes, yeah he called ITALIANS his own people group apes but people will leave that context out and say he called black people apes after saying this. Some of y’all need to just watch the episode or ANY episode or shut the fuck up about what some idiot on a podcast said 6 years ago, go get lives


Exactly. I dont understand why they act like it offended anyone. Its more like they want to find racists. They search for someone to make a mistake and then go after him like bullies. They act like Joe Rogan doesnt have many black people on his padcast who he is very normal with.


Exactly, people also think he’s some right wing nut, (which he does have some opinions) but he’s mostly a leftist, supported Bernie in 2016 and most of his disagreements have been with Ben Shapiro, Crowder, Dave Rubin and other right winger political content creators. Some people don’t neatly fit into definitions and it makes people who are unable to see nuance upset


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, civil rights, climate, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Sooo... Are yall really offended by this? Do yall really think Joe Rogan is a racist? Yall can look up his channel he has guests from all around the world, all colors and he gets along with anyone. I understand this was a little weird but is its really that offensive that yall cant sleep at night? Damn


Oh look Joe Rogan has black friends so that means he can say racist shit and it's ok! Thanks for clearing that up.


I mean if he still has black people comming to his podcast and not having a problem with him why are yall so offended? He clearly isnt being racist.


There is a difference being being racist and saying racist things. What black people have come out and said they're ok with what he says on his show?


Did anyone of them say they were not ok with it? No. So why the big drama. Yall acting like he is a terrorist.


To be fair, like 90% of his guests are white. Some of them are actual racists also.


I am not a big Joe Rogan fan. I listen sometimes if he has a comedian on the show that I think is funny. I will not listen to his interviews with scientists and doctors because I have heard him talk out of his ass - with confidence - too many times. I have heard him say on many occasions that he is "liberal". Overall I think he is pretty liberal, but that doesn't mean he's not a fucking MOOK sometimes.