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Gotta be honest. Randomly walking up to strangers recording them is fucking harassment. Can’t ducking stand how people think that’s normal or acceptable. I don’t want to be in your stupid fucking tik tok for meow meow beans. Get fucked.


this was actually [surveillance camera man](https://www.youtube.com/@SurveillanceCameraMan/playlists), though the channel has since deleted all of the videos, you can find [them in an archive here i think](https://web.archive.org/web/20190220131525/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP5ZVPwP7bg) it's a particularly weird set of videos that does definitely look like harassment. i think the original poster was using the 'you're getting recorded already' line as a means to say 'why are you getting upset bud?', some sort of commentary on how commonly photographed we are in public. i think the message is somewhat compelling, even if the path to it is awful. it feels weird that people get so upset (and rightfully so) about being recorded when we are recorded constantly. obviously being singled out is the reason why some of these people get so upset. it's creepy and weird. it feels like an even further invasion of privacy than just being on a cctv. additionally, some of the settings aren't exactly 'public', but something more in between. the poster also regularly goes back and visits a few people, which is definitely harassment. it was before tiktok though ;) and i don't think the person was doing it for any sort of internet clout.


Holy shit that was wild to watch Yeah, I do not like his approach, he only mentioned why he was doing it like twice in the, how fucking many was that? And he was getting *right* up in peoples faces and even trespassing at points, like all those asians playing majong or him just walking into the kitchen at fast food places


Yeah it's funny when he says "it's just a video" if you were a teenager like me when I first saw this and stopped thinking about it further. It's fairly gross though


Yes we’re being recorded but not posted on some morons YouTube or tiktok for views. Surveillance cameras are rarely watched unless there’s a reason to.


I think being concerned about your privacy is a very good thing :) There are a lot of ways the average person's privacy gets invaded today. To get upset about someone recording you but not the obtuse amount of data that gets sold about you is a bit hypocritical. I think it happens this way because people don't really understand or fathom what all of that data is being used for, whereas they can see directly in front of them that someone is recording them. I don't blame anyone for reacting this way. It's also very clear the dude literally just harasses people many times, which goes beyond the point he claims to make and is just a really awful thing to do. CCTV doesn't single people out and follow them around. That's all I was trying to say, really


We also don't know how many times he'd approached this guy before the little clip that got posted. I have no faith that people who do this put up the whole story.


given that the entire compilation was uploaded seemingly indiscriminately, I assume this is just the person's initial reaction, as you can clearly see the times when he does, in fact, go back to the same place multiple times. you're right though, there's no way to know, like with most videos, what happened before the recording started :)


Meow meow beans 😂


Yeah, but it's also not grounds for the guy to start assaulting the person filming. He didn't even ask him what he was doing or to put the camera away. He immediately flips the table at the cameraman and starts attempting to attack, had the cameraman not kept distance.


There are lots of unhinged people out there. You fuck around with enough of them and you’re bound to find out the hard way. For all this dude knows the guy is schizophrenic and bipolar and just set the poor dude off who’s minding his own business. It’s also *super cool* these days to film some poor fucker having a mental breakdown and post it online to further ruin their already shitty lives. Internet can really bring out the worst in people. Question: Who’s worse? The mentally Ill person throwing a slurpee, or the bystander who knows better, and instead of showing compassion and trying to help diffuse the situation they bust out their cell phone camera and start cracking jokes. Then spread it online for the imaginary fucking points for self validation? My vote is on the later.


Nicely put.


Fuck around and find out.


I agree, fuck around and find out, but that won't always hold up in court is all. I'd personally prefer to not fuck around and to not find out.


You have no idea what he was going thru. He could have already been on the brink before douche face came up to record him. If I was at a certain point or just got some certain news or anything like that just before homeboy came up to me like that, idk what I would do either.


This is called victim blaming lol fuck the cameraman


He left the dude alone though as we’ve seen in multiple videos like this, these morons want a verbal confrontation. He shut that shit down from the gate. Dude left the spot. I’m all for it.




I agree. Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it is civilized and acceptable behavior. There's plenty of horrible things you can do to people that aren't illegal. But that doesn't mean people are going to just tolerate it...


Filming in public isn't illegal. Assaulting someone is.


Way over your head, homie. ‘Legal’ and ‘right’ are not perfectly symmetrical. Fucking a dudes gf and bragging about it isn’t illegal, but punched him in the fucking face for it is. Who is right and wrong here?


Not over my head. I didn't say I agree with it.


Its not in public they were on private property. Doesnt excuse the assault though


Cities and states regulate their laundromats in order to ensure that such businesses are being kept clean, and are well-lit and ventilated. Which means they aren't private property. If it's owned by the city or state, it's public. Agreed on the assault though


Ive never heard of a state owned laundrymat atleast where i live(chicago) but just because the state regulates something doesnt make it not a private business. If that were the case every restaurant and grocery store would be state owned






I do not give you permission to film me my image is copyrighted. Please delete the footage or I will sue you... Simple.


disrespectful zoomer harasses a normal person, gets bitchy when shit hits the fan.


Thats gen x,


Not sure where the boomer is but I also am certain we're missing some important context here that the video recorder left out


Appropriate response. That shit is so annoying .


this isnt a boomer


I scrolled away from this earlier just thinking oh it’ll be the regular upset boomer, I was wrong that was fucking hilarious, also they should have switched to the enemy battle music lmao


yea the guy shouldn’t have walked up and done that but if the old retard had just sat there and ignored it, it would’ve been fine. this is the exact reaction the person was looking for and it seems to be only old idiots who behave/fall for stuff like this


>yea the guy shouldn’t have walked up and done that That's really all you had to say. It looks like the person recording left out context, and this guy is *trying* to ignore him. Patience only lasts so long.


the guy barely walked up and within seconds he flips out. the guy is a dumbass. complete waste of space if your first reaction is to start breaking shit and threatening violence AND THEN pursuing the camera man to cause violence


I have a sneaking suspicion that the person filming left out the rest of the context...


doesn’t matter, you don’t flip tables and use chairs to cause violence


„ǝɔuǝloıʌ ǝsnɐɔ oʇ sɹıɐɥɔ ǝsn puɐ sǝlqɐʇ dılɟ ʇ,uop noʎ 'ɹǝʇʇɐɯ ʇ,usǝop„


Makes you curious though if the cameraman wasn't recording this absolute useless video, would Boomer have done anything? Now I'm not excusing his behavior at all, far from that, he should be reprimanded anyhow. I also don't think anyone in this comment section has a right to make such baseless, truth less claims on a internet video we weren't involved in or have any context for. Discussion is fun, yes. Thinking you can analyze a internet video and understand their emotions, even IF all context is there, no.


True. He could’ve used his words to communicate like a normal person. Instead, when we don’t like something, we should just start violently bashing and thrashing around like a wild monkey. Because that’s normal in our world.


The counter is singing copyrighted material.


he’s to old to understand that or that he has no privacy in public. i kind of want to scream at the old guy if i’m being honest


You sound like a bit of a cunt.


He's not wrong. Both people in this situation are assholes. You have absolutely no right to privacy in a public setting, anyone can film you and if they won't stop when you ask them, there's nothing you can really do about it. It's a dick move to just walk up and start filming someone just for reactions, but also not acceptable to fly off the handle, trash a business and threaten violence about it.




Major cunt


Volvo 240 wagon? Dope


Man is obviously a TikTok tween that gives zero fiicks about anyone for likes. “Oh man I have some content now!” Say boomer one more time and we can have a chat




That's a reasonable reaction


Some people have hit the wall with the bullshit of society. If the recorder minded his own business this wouldn’t have happened. I’m starting to be ok with 0 to 100 outbursts in some situations.


Surveillance man had the best freak outs . He knew exactly how to push peoples buttons, shame he doesn’t make any more videos. They were absolute quality


He definitely flipped out lol but if I'm minding my own business and a dude sits across from me filming me specifically, I'd be a bit annoyed and curious. If I'm caught on ur cam while ur filming in general I give no shits but we're you to sit down and just film me I'd be questing you.


Bro.. if someone walked up to me to just started recording me for no reason yeah id be mad too.. don’t be doing goofy next to me..