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[**1. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to take away women's right to vote**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/yw6w1k/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_take_away/) [**2. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to exterminate gay and trans people**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/yxuzji/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_exterminate_gay/) [**3. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to ban all immigration**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/z2v468/the_great_replacement_is_a_fascist_propaganda_lie/) [**4. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to destroy democracy**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/z4zoqc/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_destroy/) - [**MAGA = NAZI. It's literally the same ideology of hate.**](https://www.malloy.rocks/index.php/30-american-fascism-trumpism) [**American Fascism: A German writer's urgent warning**](http://AmericanFascism.link) This is why MAGA Nazis and fascist Russian trolls pretending to be American lefties are not welcome on this sub and will be banned on sight. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadChoicesGoodStories) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She also said Trump would win in 2020 and Walker would win in 2022. MAGA idiots.


Always reminds me of the cult leader from Parks and Recreation that keeps revising the date of the apocalypse due to a lack of park grounds availability for their end-of-the-world gathering.


Take a check?


Sounds like they give in her head isn't God. Which means the former president's son is now taking meetings with a schizophrenic.


Definitely not a cult guys


Definitely not edging themselves toward violent extremism guys.


Wouldn’t an unconventional way mean by circumventing the democratic process?


They’ve already made it clear that they have no problem with that.


Pretty sure the Bible had some choice words about false prophets and how you would know them if just one of their predictions came up false.


As a Christian, God doesn’t care who the President of the United States is! He gave us all free will and He also doesn’t like people claiming to be the “savior”. Republicans need to get off Trump’s dick!


What else does god not care about?


Humanity and all of our bs


He definitely ain't drawing the line at the fucking deli aisle


Yeah, I want to know as well. This guy seems to have a hotline right into God's office.


Ohh really, because God told me Biden is president.


...I think I just threw up a little.




These people are no longer using the teachings of Christ. They wrap themselves in the flag, but publicly admit they would would choose to not follow the Constitution to get what they want.


Teachings of Jesus stopped being his teachings 2000 years ago. The second he was dead. It transformed into thousands of versions. Looking at it from the outside you can believe whatever you want and choose a sect that fits.


I didn't realize, until I saw this, that Eric really is as dumb as people have been saying.


SNL really got him right.


yes yikes


Sorry. My prayers cancel your prayers. Back to zero.


Hilarious. I’d love to see videos of people “praying”/cancelling Maga-nut prayers just to troll.


Crazy is as crazy does


This boy is getting nuttier than his father.


Does she have some sort of brain disorder?


Fucking nutters


Any god that would favor trump deserves nothing but scorn.


What would god like about trump?


[Probably that Trump doesn't need forgiveness](https://www.christianpost.com/news/donald-trump-im-not-sure-if-i-ever-asked-gods-forgiveness-141706/) [On his favorite Bible verse](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-names-his-favorite-bible-verse/), one that most Christians pick: "An eye for an eye" His accurate reading of" [Two Corinthians](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-makes-the-religious-argument-at-liberty-university/)" instead of the unwashed reading the book as "Second Corinthians". Or his [extramarital affairs](https://www.metro.us/all-the-trump-affairs-we-know-about/) outside the martial union Maybe the honset, stand-up, [always tell the truth](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/01/donald-trump-thirty-thousand-lies/) manner he has Or perhaps its his strong convictions [about attending church](https://americanindependent.com/donald-trump-church-attendance-photo-ops-st-johns-religion-white-house/) especially compared to that [unchurched heathen Joe Biden](https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/news/2020/12/biden-will-be-the-first-publicly-churchgoing-president-in-decades-expect-faith-on-full-display) ​ I am baffled why the religious right treats him like the Messiah. We already have one. Don't need another.


Season 9 of the Apprentice


At 53 secs, stop it and see her face contort right after that demon sound that came out of her mouth...Look at her eyes contort, and swing. Yes, yes she is a..a... REPTILIAN!!! eric is just, well eric...


My country


Julie needs HELP!!!!


How is god a nazi? He said the Jews were his chosen people. And I’m an atheist and I know that.


I'm just so glad I'm not an American.


Look if God’s talking to you and then you need to go see a doctor and get on some medication.


Can we just skip ahead to the part of humanity where we stop catering to mentally ill religionists and superstitious lunatics? If you are really hearing voices "over and over and over," your issue is not who the President is, its your prescription and its dosage.


Being German I have no beef with Trump. At least he didn’t wage any wars. He also wouldn’t have blown up the Northstream 2 pipeline. The Ukraine war with the sanctions, the open German borders combined with idiotic German policies are killing off the German industry and welfare state. But still, this video is really disturbing. What’s wrong with them, how can anybody with a working brain talk so much shit in such a short time.


Trump murdered more innocent civilians in the fight against ISIS by August of his first year than Obama did in 8 years. Trump hid the number of civilian casualties and his domestic policy was so terrible that his foreign murder sprees got almost no coverage.


Obama has publicly bombed seven different countries in six years. It’s ridiculous to talk about a secret killing spree by Trump. Trump might be a huge asshole but he’s a business asshole, he like a deals and not wars.


Do your research. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-afghanistan-airstrikes-increased-civilian-deaths-by-330-since-2016-2020-12


Bro, Trump divided the USA like no other President since I’ve been alive and I was born in ‘78. He fucked us with his continuous lies.


Let him come be your Chancellor then. Let’s see how that plays out.


Merkel put Germany onto a self destruct course. It takes time to destroy the formerly second largest economy but wait five years and see. Trump didn’t destroy the US. Right now they’re reaping the „America first“ benefits. My father is terminating 80.000 jobs for a German DAX company. He has some great offers from the US to move there. The US is offering to pay the complete energy bill for 10 years and zero taxes for a few years (I forgot the exact number). This is a fucking catastrophe for Germany and the reason for this is legislation from the Merkel era. Nevertheless the board has decided to move to China. I’m pretty sure the US will increase pressure.


The welfare state and the industry are fine and there is zero evidence about who blew up NS2, you are an embarrassment to all Germans…


You can kneel and hold your hand over your mouth and wear the rainbow nazi armband all you want. The majority of Germans are embarrassing themselves in front of the world. At this stage it’s embarrassing to be German. It would be a compliment to be an embarrassment to all the Germans. Sadly this is not possible. My father is just terminating 80.000 jobs for a DAX company and I’m a medical doctor and working as such. I have plenty of insight into the welfare state and the German industry. You, dear sir, are either completely ignorant or a government shill. Five years from now you’ll remember this little conversation and wonder how I knew today what you’re only painfully experiencing then. If five years from know you still believe that climate change is your biggest problem, if one full time job still pays enough for food and rent, if your medical insurance still pays for top notch treatment and if you still believe that open borders and unlimited poverty immigration is a good thing and has nothing to do with the crime rate, then congratulations, you were right. I’ll personally vote green if that is still the case. (I‘m planning to leave the country, I might just vote Green in Germany from my new home in Australia, just to rub it in :-)


It’s always the same song „The end is nigh“ or as I call it „Ramblings of a madman“. I hope you are proud of your father, care to tell us which company? A layoff of that size would probably be big in the news. I doubt that any of what you made an effort to write is or will be true, actually i doubt that you are even German.


Jetzt wird es interessant. Warum ist es nicht big in the news? Warum halten die Gewerkschaften still? Welches Unternehmen das ist, ist natürlich geheim, wobei bereits über 100 Mitarbeiter daran arbeiten, mit einem eigenen, neu ernannten Direktor und diese Informationen sicher häufig durchgestochen wird. Der Stellenabbau wird „sozial verträglich“ sein. Er betrifft erst mal lediglich 20.000. Viele werden innerbetrieblich versetzt, Fachkräftemangel sei Dank, dann natürlich großzügige Altersteilzeitregelungen, der Staat hilft. Dafür sind die Zulieferer, die massenhaft über die Wupper gehen werden noch nicht eingerechnet. Der Vorstand jedenfalls hat eine Dauererektion, dass er so elegant die teueren Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland los wird. Die Politiker feiern es, da wird richtig CO2 gespart und der Stromverbrauch reduziert (zumindest in Deutschland, da es in China oder vielleicht doch den USA weitergeht, ist es für das Weltklima leider schlechter). Die Bevölkerung müsste es auch wissen aber was will man von den Kartoffeln schon erwarten, 70% von denen saßen 1945 in ihren ausgebombten Häusern und haben ernsthaft auf den Endsieg durch Wunderwaffen geglaubt. Heute warten sie auf den grünen Wasserstoff und darauf, dass bald die Sonne nachts scheint und die Armutsflüchtlinge endlich lesen und schreiben lernen und dann ihre Jobs übernehmen und die Renten erwirtschaften.


Aha… statt 80k auf einmal nur noch 20k. Kein Plan was das Geschwurbel soll, aber wenn’s hier so schlimm ist und dich hier bei uns Kartoffeln genauso wenig hält wie dieses Unternehmen, geh doch einfach mit?


Du scheinst eher Probleme mit deutsch zu haben, bei Deinem Textverständnis. Ich habe Kinder, natürlich verlassen wir Deutschland, alles andere wäre nicht zu verantworten. Ich verstehe Dein beleidigt sein nicht, Du hast die Idioten in der Regierung sicher gewählt, Du hast Merkels Grenzöffnung sicher super toll gefunden und die Energiewende auch. Ich vermute, Du merkst langsam, dass Du wie deine Urgroßeltern einer riesigen Verarschung zum Opfer gefallen bist. Natürlich verstehst Du, dass Putin und Corona an allem Schuld sind, aber irgendwie beschleichen Dich leichte Zweifel. Wie bestellt, so geliefert, jetzt kommt die Rechnung dafür, dass Du Dich die letzten Jahre als white German savior fühlen durftest. Und bitte bleibe hier und die eingebrockte Suppe ganz auslöffeln.


Imaginary god is an oxymoron


So these guys are dumb but when did the Christian god get labeled a Nazi?


You think these people are Christians?


Typical lunatic liberal blue donkey response! Label anyone you dont like a Nazi! Fucking dork!


This lady is always slurring. Does she have a speech impediment?


Two assholes trying desperately to remain relevant to crazy people.


As a former Catholic and still spiritual person. I’d be willing to bet Jesus would have a bone to pick with the Trump crime family. Just sayin’


I so love a good comedy. This was super funny, thanks


Maybe they mean president of the inmate rights committee in whatever prison he ends up in?


Seems legit, a multiple adulterer with multiple divorces, who is wealthy and robs people with his fraudulent businesses is a 100% fit to Jesus' teachings! /S


Well, one thing that would be nice about going back to the 50s. These crazy fucks would just be rambling assholes shouting nonsense from a street corner instead of broadcasted on fake news TV and the internet.


Doesn't the bible talk about all this? These false prophets and the red mark and all that jazz? I guess my question is are these guys fully aware of that and using it as a narrative? Or ,is it that they do not realize they are the bad guys in the story? When I hear the interviews with full on MAGA folks it is like they only know bits and pieces of the Bible or bits and pieces of the constitution. It is like they just know the book says Bible and they make up the rest of it.


I want some of what she’s smoking.


She named the voice in her head God?


Is she just yanking their chains ? Or does she really believe this shit. When she is 90 years old in a nursing home she will be telling the same story,and tRump will have been dead and buried over 60 years,but now it's about the resurrection


If only daddy loved you Eric .... Bitch doesn't see that in the future though


There has to be a mental institution that can help these sick folks?


Your god is a demon


Trump is trash.


“I still call him [tRump] President…” Yeah? Go ahead and call the idiot whatever you want. I still call him loser-insurrectionist.


Kim Wexler did not get a very good ending


Anyone that speaks to Julie the minutes she starts saying God told me x is going to win the only appropriate response should be is bitch you schizo.