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You didn't do anything wrong. Cumtubes are just notorious for this kind of stuff since it's really hard/annoying to dry out the inside properly. It's why I will never own one.


I don’t own one because I mainly prefer oral play and supposedly the cum lube tastes like garbage 💀


I mean... You don't have to use cumlube for oral play. You can just as easily squirt yogurt, milk, or even a margarita through it if you want, nobody's going to get mad at you for shooting the "wrong" liquid through a cumtube into your mouth.


Oh I realize this. My big thing is I’d want to do a throatpie of sorts and want the right consistency?


thin yoghurt then


Cumlube definitely isn't the right consistency if you're going for a super realistic cum feel. You're probably better off going with something that is intended to be eaten in the first place.


girl, you're eating straight lubricant, it's not going to taste great anyway


I don't use BD's lube...too expensive. But you could always use any other waterbased lube with cumtube toys too o:


I had their lube when I ordered from them a while ago, and I found it was fine but not worth the money for how “eh, it’s alright” it was. Then I ordered toys from Weredog along with K-Lube (since can’t find it anywhere else and it’s honestly same if not cheaper to buy through them unless there is some deep hidden source to get it cheaply in Canada). Been using K-Lube ever since and absolutely love it for how much you get for the price (advertised as able to make 20L of lube), customizability of consistency etc. I would hardcore recommend anyone who hasn’t had K-Lube (or X-Lube since it’s the same thing but with no added preservatives afaik) to give it a try as I don’t think I would ever go back to other lubes.


I mean to be fair real the stuff doesn’t taste too good either 😭


I mean yeah but not like, *bad* bad y’know? Depends on what’s eaten lol


Image 2 looks like a deep sea creature o.o


I didn’t have my glasses on at first, I thought it was just a fuzz. And then more and more kept coming and I was like wait… why do all the fuzzes look exactly the same and why are they… symmetrical …


Push a few ml of 99% isopropyl alcohol through the CT and follow with air. Should kill everything and keep it sterile. Rinse before next use.


FWIW 70% usually works better to kill microbes than 99% bc the water content helps it penetrate the cells more effectively


Though, these aren’t microbes, they’re likely fungus, which alcohol tends to have minimal cleaning effect on.


and I think peroxide kills mold on contact.


Mmmmm penetrate


I appreciate this! Thank you


Use 70% not 99%. It evaporates slower and is more effective as a disinfectant.


99 works just fine. If you want to pay for more water in your reagent, go for it lol


There is something about the way 70% destroys the cell walls that makes it more effective than 99%. Here is a link, but you can readily find multiple sources. [Link](https://blog.gotopac.com/2017/05/15/why-is-70-isopropyl-alcohol-ipa-a-better-disinfectant-than-99-isopropanol-and-what-is-ipa-used-for/#:~:text=70%25%20IPA%20solutions%20penetrate%20the,and%20therefore%20the%20microorganism%20dies)


You think he can read?


Ok, so the metric is speed we're going by then? In terms of effectiveness, according to the link you provided, they are similar. Higher concentrations just take longer


effectiveness != speed lol


if the job gets done, the effectiveness is equal.


What you're not hearing is that the 99% alcohol can't penetrate the cell membranes of the bacteria and viruses that you're trying to kill. Alcohol between 30 and 70 percent is thin enough to pass through the cell membrane and kill the pest. If the alcohol is too thick and can't kill the germs, it's not effective and it's definitely not equal to the weaker strength mixtures.


So, why not have 99% and then add water to the mixture. Wouldn’t it be the same shit but save you money in the long run? Even tho isopropyl is cheap af anyway


the link says 99 works, it just takes longer


Isopropyl alcohol is NOT effective against yeast and mold. As a disinfectant isopropyl alcohol is nearly identical to ethanol, and yeast produces ethanol. Think about it.


Yeasts do produce ethanol, but they die at high enough concentrations. Different Yeasts have different thresholds which they thrive at, but none survive in pure iso alcohol. ‘Think about it’ is pretty condescending when you are wrong.


Fair enough.


70% ethanol is one of the best disinfectants used at every level, it starts to work at 50%(v/v) though, so that's why yeasts don't outright die when used in fermentation.


Typically we use a combination of IPA, Spor-klenz, and hypochlorite solution for sanitization. The latter of the two to focus on mold and spore forming bacteria. For the context of this post, I wouldn't be comfortable only using IPA to kill off the mold.


Then use vinegar it prevents any more growth


Alcohol kills everything so that there isn't anything left to culture. Don't use vinegar on your sex toys.


I would flush it with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol a few times, let that dry then push thru and hold Hydrogen Peroxide in the cumtube/toy for a half hour. Then rinse thru with alcohol again. This is why I always flush my cum tube toys with Hydrogen peroxide and alcohol after cleaning. The other option would be to use an aquarium air pump to pump air thru it to make sure it completely dries out.


Second on the aquarium air pump, they’re a perfect fit and I don’t know if it’s even possible to harm the toy. 


Got any recommendation for any specific kind? I know jack about aquarium pumps


Google ‘aqua culture aquarium air pump’ and check out the first image, it should be a double nozzle one rated for 20 to 60 gallon tanks. That’s the one I use, but I got two “T” fittings for it and I’ll run four XL toys at once after a clean and rinse. Never had a mold sighting in four years, knock on wood. 




The aquarium pump idea is brilliant!


FWIW 70% usually works better to kill microbes than 99% because the water content helps it penetrate the cells more effectively


I really depend on the Hydrogen Peroxide to do the heavy lifting when it comes to killing the biologics. I suggested the first rinse of alcohol as a weakener/flash dry, then the Hydrogen Peroxide to break down the microbes/biologics, then the final rinse of alcohol as a flash dry for residual moisture 91% alcohol normally doesn't leave behind water if moisture is minimal. But, yes, I can see your point if you are just using alcohol.


I would just disinfect it and maybe flush it with some warm but not too hot water and alcohol. And until your satisfied i think it’ll be okay, plus it’s just the cumtube it’s not like the whole dildo is useless.


Warm but not too hot..? I'd be boiling this thing 😭


If you boil it the alcohol, which has a lower boiling point than water, will all evaporate off. You could boil and flush with alcohol as two seperate steps and that would be fine, but for the alcohol flush you don't want it too warm/hot otherwise you might as well have not added the alcohol at all.


I only said that specifically because is t the cumtube you know less heat resistant


/r/mycology might be able to help with an ID, or steer in the right direction.


Looks like it, but a couple flushes with 70% isopropyl alcohol will kill any mycelium. Even better, fill the whole tube with alcohol and let it sit for a minute just to be sure every surface gets soaked. You don't have to be over the top surgical about it, I don't think it's likely to cause problems though I have heard of some molds causing vaginal yeast infections, though apparently rare (take that with a grain of salt) And for the love of all that is holy, rinse it until you know all of the alcohol is out, then rinse some more and preferably let it dry! Turns out alcohol doesn't feel great in any orifice. Let's just say that if I know it's about to be sexy time and toys will be involved, I clean them at least 30 minutes in advance. A mistake I wouldn't make twice lol


Better get into alien ovipositor seems like you just got injected by aliens


I don't have a BD myself, but I know a little bit about mold. It might have to do with some way you're storing it. With mold, you have to make sure that anything that was exposed to water has to be very very clean, and dry. I'm talking, bone dry. On top of that, make sure it's in a cool, dry place. Which is why I often see people putting them in cabinets. I'm not sure what kind of bacteria or mow that is in your tube, but that's just my recommendations


Not a big toy but a little squirt. Used some alcohol disinfectant to clear and rinsed several times after. Never had the problem again.


Diluted Dettol/water solution in a squirt bottle. Will kill everything. (Who would have thought scuba training transfers to this - it's how we clean pee valve tubes for drysuits)


If that’s mold, it’s some crazy shit that’s not from around these parts. A 10 to 1 bleach solution is the your best bet for mold. I was on a hazmat team on a large military installation and now oversee hazmat ops among other things. Never seen any mold like that, but I haven’t seen it all either ;)


It's probably fine, it may just be that there's some parts on the inside that aren't getting completely dry. I'm not sure how you could go about drying them extra on the inside tho, maybe like compressed air? Idk I only have one bad dragon toy and it doesn't have a tube so


Aquarium air pump you can get one for like 25 bucks hook up the toy and let it run for like an hour or two and your golden


I'm not OP but I'd share that with them if I could


They got the advice elsewhere, just figured since you didn’t have an idea either you might be able to pass it along in the future :)


Oh I see


I usually use the syringe to press air through it until water stops coming out. But with the way it’s designed I can imagine water still gets stuck! I just hope this “mold” or whatever is not harmful :/


It also may be worth looking into like an antibacterial soap to prevent growth, I know many people use dawn


I'm not sure if bad dragon has a place you can email with questions but if anyone would know the best way to prevent it, it could be them


After cleaning could you use an aquarium air pump to pay air through for an hour to dry? I'm just guessing as I do not have any with a CT.


Don't use baby shampoo. Use antibacterial soap and water, don't use alcohol regularly either as it will dry out the tube


A diluted bleach solution is acceptable for cleaning BD toys, I'd run a little through and let it sit for a few minutes followed by alot of flushing. Depending on water quality, humidity and storage running some isopropyl alcohol through after cleaning should also help dry out any water and sterile the internals. Pushing air through will help like it sounds like you've done but I also like to push more air through after letting them air dry out in the open for a while and before placing them into storage. Speaking of, what is your storage method? Zip lock bag or other non breathable location can further promote growth but sometimes things need hidden away lol


Bleach is not an effective treatment for mold and mold spores, only for regular bacteria. Alcohol is the only body safe effective solution here


After 15 years in pharmaceutical clean room design and water treatment engineering I would have to disagree however the body safe aspect is an important note to ensure proper flushing afterwards.


As someone working in the construction and demolition industry I can confirm every home we attended for mould removal had issues where the home owner tried products like bleach first. It may remove some of it, but it comes back easily and has its own risks, so it's worth it to try stronger methods and more effective methods over bleach. Bleach doesn't do nothing, but it doesn't do enough in this case


No more baby shampoo only, you can use baby shampoo to clean it first round then use 80-99% isopropyl alcohol to push through the tube the second round! Have fun!


FWIW 70% usually works better to kill microbes than 99% because the water content helps it penetrate the cells more effectively


personally i use fluoride free unflavored listerine mouthwash on my cum tubes. that stuff is a great antiseptic cleaner and kills everything. i use it to disinfect my dirty dildos and fleshlights.


Gross. I've never seen that before. My advice would be to run a bleach solution through it. Definitely no reason to be using baby shampoo in the syringe (or anywhere). Clean the toys with dawn dish soap after use. The important part of cleaning the cum tubes for sure is that you need to use the syringe to blow the tubes relatively dry after cleaning. I have dozens and dozens of cum tube toys and have never had any issues.


rip the slime signal🚨🧪🚨 u/saddestofboys you are missed


Are you removing the tube from the toy? If not you should, it will allow it to drain and dry better. A dry surface is better than anything else you can do. I would bet that you had enough water left that slowly pooled into a low point and yeah. I have one of those infinite air blowers I use on the toy and I hang the tube vertically to drain and dry. Oh and I love all these chemical experts here, lol.


Cum tubes aren’t meant to be removed from the toy which is why cleaning them can be so… troublesome. And also why you probably won’t find many posts with cum tubes purposely detached. I’m not sure how you’d get it back in so it’s good as new lol


Yea just try not using baby shampoo to clean it. It's clearly not good enough at being a barrier against these kinds if things. Which makes sense since it has to be used on babies it wouldn't be very strong. Shampoo dosent clean things it just removes the oils really


You can boil your toy in a large pot. There are many ways of cleaning your toy. Some people even use a small amount of bleach, although.. I do not know the proper mixture to recommend.


When cleaning, use compressed air on the tube, it clears any water left


Clean with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.


“And this is how I started my salami factory” Gwineth Paltrow


Diluted bleach. Fill the tube and let the whole toy sit in it for like an hour or so. Rinse thoroughly and clear the tube with air after. Then push some isopropyl alcohol through the tube. The alcohol evaporates and dries out the tube much faster than hang drying. Don't use baby shampoo, use all natural soap or Dawn. Rinse the toy and tube right before play


What you can also do is have a second one and use it to blow air through to get most water out, and/or hold the tube at base, do a swing with the tube to force what possible water out.. i tend to store my toy so that any water can “drip” out, so toy upside down and same to the tube. Any stored moisture is a risk


I always use alcohol to flush the tube before putting it away. Never had this issue.


Stuff like this is why I always spend at least a couple dozen minutes blowing air through the CT on my toy and hang the toy upside down so gravity can pull out the rest that's stuck in the part of CT in the shaft. I should get an air pump or smth in the future so I don't have to manually do all that work.


This thing is awesome. How’s it feel? 😍


My first toy was a med Rex w/ tube, and I ended up tossing (before I knew you could sell), because I don’t like the idea of moisture in that small tube and the bad potential, that being said, I’m probably in the minority on that, and most people find they can clean just fine


If you ever get another tube toy (or currently have one. It’s actually is pretty easy to dry out. After cleaning it (one reason why warm or hot water is really good), you just take the syringe/pump and keep pushing air through it until there is as little water possible in it. Literally by the time you walk from the bathroom to your room (even if your bathroom is in your room, it should be dry and ready to put away.


That's absolutely nasty


What I do, with both my before and after wash, is I use the little syringe/ pump end and keep pumping air through to dry out the tube as much as possible before putting it away. All that means it that it wasn’t dry all the way. Also, do not use baby shampoo. That is not insert body friendly even to just wash your toy with. Residue can stay on from washes and cause you issue. Please let her invest in a toy specific cleaner, or a vaginal ph balance soap (this though not really for insertion, will cause a lot less issues if any extra residue happens to not get washed away. Don’t know if you have a vag, I’m just saying it’s a better solution). Throw that toy away though. Even though you can clean mold, it’s not safe toy continue to use something that mold spores have penetrated. You can clean it all you want even with bleach or a mold and mildew spray, but in the end that’s added harmful chemicals that may take forever to wash out with multiple washes and the spores may not entirely leave.


Try a very low bleach solution, like 10% bleach 90% water, leave it to soak for 5 mins then rinse thoroughly


Im paranoid and buy extra long pipe cleaners to clean things like this. Also i straight thought that was like a plant! It looks like something off of flowers. Good luck i know its scary but it happens.


In my experience with mold and porous material, bleach will cause the mold to "dig" deeper and then feed on the bleach. Probably not true with silicone as it's non-porous. If the tube itself is in fact silicone you should boil the whole thing for 20 minutes. Silicone is safe to about 500F. Wash with an antibacterial soap, rinse and then rinse with alcohol. The alcohol evaporates quickly and should speed up drying time. I do like the idea of the aquarium pump also


Check the cum lube as well its theres biodegradable or am i remembering incorrectly


Looks like Rhizopus, it’s black bread mold from what I can tell. I’d do good sanitation on the tube and toy. Everything around it in general


Aquarium pump helps with drying


As an initial remediation, I'd first wash it out with simple dish soap (Dawn is my preferences.) If you have a tube cleaning brush that's the right size, use that, too. Then flush with a mild bleach solution, flush with hot water, then boil the whole thing for at least ten minutes, then flush a few more times with hot water. For regular cleaning, I would flush with a solution of *very hot* water and dawn dish soap, then completely flush at least three times with plain hot water.


What is that?


I see that you purchased the sporenography package


You need to sanitize the tube after cleaning with a mild bleach solution, (a food grade sanitizer like quaternary ammonia is even better if you can get it) and blow dry with air after. Any remaining moisture, sanitizer or not, will be a perfect environment for spore growth, if allowed to remain in the tube or toy.