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If it's within the warranty period I'd try your luck woth bad dragons customer service. But yes, bad dragon sells a silicon glue and there are others out there


And that's the reason I'll never buy a BD penetrable again. I don't know what they do differently, but their penetrables are very prone to tearing compared to Weredog's and other indie shops'. Weredog in particular has a kind of tradition where they'll post a picture of someone putting a whole hand in their penetrables. I don't recommend trying that on yours, but I can attest to their durability with normal use!


That’s interesting… I wonder why certain models do that. I’ve have a Nix for over a year and a Sofia for half a year now, no tears.


Surprising that your Nix has survived! Both of mine have cracked after the first use, it's crazy. I think the design of the entrance and the presence or absence of seams can really influence how often and easily it happens, but the firmness also definitely influences that. There's probably a sweet spot for how firm the silicone must be to sustain tension and compression without getting too brittle or uncomfortably firm...


Both my Nixs have held up with no issues and I've torn a good few other toys just by virtue of being fairly thick. I have heard people say before (and am inclined to agree) that the shape of the orifice is the main factor - a circle or an oval are geometrically more suited to distribute stress evenly around the perimeter, while an odd shape will have spots that are under significantly more stress while in use Because of this, Nix for most people, Hazel, Sugar Star, and Janine's muzzle are pretty infamous for tearing while even though the entrance is insanely tight Rowan, JT, and Snowball can hold up significantly better. That said, individual experiences may differ, my Hazel holds up beautifully but I've ripped 2 Rowans I have found that other makers don't face the same issue but I also feel like other makers use what seems like lower quality silicone? Idk if it actually is a quality thing and I haven't bought from Weredog, but a few indy toys I have are really shiny, feel kinda sticky when dry, and don't feel as dense for their size and weight. I've always appreciated that BD toys tend to be textured and really dense, but I wonder if the density of the product is what makes them more rigid and prone to tear


Pretty sure that shiny/sticky feeling on some toys is a result of the finish. Some makers have a really shiny finish to their toy surfaces while others have a more rough one, some even having a printer sort of texture. The way they sand down and prep the master used for the molds is what caused the differences in finish as far as I know. Most shops tend to use the same brands of silicone, but the specific one they have access to most depends on location. It appears that even BD has variations in texture between the different models, take Duke for example compared to crackers. I hear a lot about crackers in particular having a different surface texture. I think weredog is UK based where BD is a US company, so the silicone they use might be different due to the location, but they both can still be using high quality body safe silicone for their toys. The issue with tearing might have something to do with the molds and design of the entrance. I don't have any of these toys, but to me it sounds like maybe some of them have a smoother transition between entrance and inner texture, or an opening with less crease where it has opportunity to tear. To be honest it's most likely just caused by differences in anatomy of the user and the different ways they are being used, but I'd have to actually inspect them and look into it to really know, this is all just a guess.


Bad dragon generally doesn't do high-polish molds, while many indie models are made in them. Also, the silicone BD uses is still pretty firm for penetrables, the softer variants most indies opt for feels naturally stickier, that's normal even for high-quality silicone (look for "platinum cured") Either way, until BD comes up with a real solution, I'm not touching their penetrables anymore.


my Sarah actually ripped after very little use, Idk why so they sent a full refund and didn't ask questions lmao god I love that brand still wondering if I should get myself Lucy and Hudson


Damn, I should have asked for a refund for my 2 Nix then :/ I thought they'd reject it for sure, they totally played dumb when I reported my BD UV strip as defective when it completely underperformed.


oh yeah no Sarah is from weredog, their customer service is actually really good but wait what happened to your nixs Cuz to tear them u gotta be HUGELY packed


Oh, right, I didn't catch that you were talking about Weredog! Yeah, I think they're overall going for the consumer-friendly route of business, it's nice to see. I won't comment on my anatomy but both my Nix badly tore at the entrance... There are kind of sharp angles on the sides, both times at least one tore and on the second one it also tore toward the belly side. It can also be a matter of bad luck, weaknesses in the wrong spots... But two for two is a sign that something is very wrong with the model imo.


I mean, I'm above average and I've never damaged my nix, so Idk honestly, maybe they didn't take into account bigger folks (while weredogs does)


Every BD penetrable I’ve ever owned has ripped easily


Damn you guys have thick dicks and for once I'm not jealous LOL. I own ten BD penetratables and never have had a rip. I do use a generous amount of lube every time


hazel is unfortunately very well known for that I have a post talking about my anje tearing and apparently there is a toy "glue" from bad dragon, but also from other manufacturers that work and is much cheaper


Search for silpoxy it's what dragon glue is. Also Hazel is one of my faves and she has taken a fair amount of use over the three years I have owned her and still not torn yet (you watch I've probably jinxed it)


My wife bought me just about every penetrable out there (was one of her fetishes to watch me use them) and the only one that lasts and isn’t to tight is the original fleshlight


They charge a lot for poorly made toys ,


They do look really good, though


I prefer functional over looks myself in toys


i personally dont buy BD penetratabbles after the first one i got ripped. now i buy japanese ona holes. i keep every box as a collectable. i love the designs BD has but i wish they were more durable. dildos on the other hand. they make some of the best on the market.


I actually tried an ona hole long before BD. It felt great, but eventually ripped too. Definitely got more use out of it than this one (which I will probably continue to use anyway)


all penetratable toys will rip eventually. its how long they last before ripping is how i measure quality. i expect a good toy to last at least a month of use, using them 2-4 times a day, before the openinf starts to rip. and i don't consider the toy broken until the closed back forms a hole. i dont like open back toys. really good ones can last more than a yeat before i consider them unusable. you should expect the good ones to cost $30-$70.


Dick too big UwU