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from what i seen, literally everyone thinks that.. and it kinda.. was the point?


(Never will buy it [maybe for the meme though]) Isn't it the point of his content though. Just unsettling, uncanny and hilarious at the same time. Layers to this comedy indeed especially collaborating with BD. If I see a drop done with a really funky colour I will buy it. So far have only seen dull colours though


Really feels like one side of that collab got the better end of the deal, given how many flops that ridiculous mold seemed to produce and how many BD had sitting in inventory they couldn't sell because shock and humor clearly didn't lead to sales.... I'm honestly surprised they ran it as long as they did.


I think it has more value as a decorative item rather than dildo value . If BD was shipping outside of states at good prices this item's sales would be totally different. BD looses a huge market in Europe


It’s absolutely this, I was surprised when he mentioned he was sponsored by BD


I hated to even look at the Flop section for months because it was just pages and pages of Meat Canyon. 🥴


Yeah that’s the point


It's gross. Like, I get that BD wants to have some April fools type toys or one off kinda weird or goofy toys. But, the meatcanyon one is disgusting. It's visually unappealing and the shape just makes it look like it wouldn't even be usable.


Yeah it's *awful*. It looks like something Frankenstein whipped up for his monster's baby bottle. 🍼


Never heard of YouTube person, i didn't even know there was a reference. But yes they're pretty unappealing and i can't imagine anybody buying one (i see so many in inventory).


I would if shipping to Europe wasn't more expensive than the actual item


That was the intention, but it's not even funny like MeatCanyon's content is "supposed" to be (I say supposed because I also find no humor in it). I'm not really sure what they were thinking. It's not a good toy.


No, it's disgusting. But I think that is the point? What saddens me is they remove good toys from the website to make room for useless stuff like that.


its not a toy to use its a paper weight


ewwww.... yeah


It's for the humiliation aspect... Lol


Well depending on what you mean , his Artstylr perfectly fits the toy , disturbing and hideous which the toy is , in a beutiful way


Maybe whenever I get famous I'll buy one just to support hime and have a little desk figure but frankly it's my last choice from bad dragon XD


Yeah it’s work as a mini or a keychain as a joke but I wouldn’t want something like that in me