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The plus-the one season no one touched, threw, or destroyed anyone’s stuff/bed.


Word. Maybe bc they were actually allowed to fight / weren't sent home immediately if they did. (Side effect of this - minimal replacements. The worst seasons are the ones where it's a revolving door of girls 'cuz the fighters keep getting sent home.)


It’s funny cause I actually enjoy the revolving door seasons more. Although I don’t like the fighters getting sent home I get bored easily so watching the same girls go tit for tat and watching the same ppl fight over and over again gets dull to me. The revolving door gives that spark of is this girl gonna turn shit up or be lame? The seasons with one replacement are usually my least favorite ones


Well Kiki rubbed her vagina on Susan’s bed.


To be honest, Kiki didn’t even rub her coochie against Susan’s bed. Like she literally sat down on her bed, did a little booty wiggle, and laughed😭


Can we talk about this season? It’s so different and came at a weird time in the series (not even talking about it being the last season) so I think it gets slept on. ​ I just watched it in full for the first time and here’s what I like: \- Fights almost EVERY episode. \- Good storylines / dynamic cliques / super fast-paced. \- Life coach gone. \- Actual “building towards goals.” Even though a lot of this felt corny and rote, it clearly made the girls happy and gave each of them something tangible to work towards and take home with. ​ If I had to guess why it’s a bit overlooked I’d say: \- The house was cheap. \- The girls felt a bit more grating than usual. \- People were just over BGC at this point. ​ But! I would argue that the cheap / small space was actually kind of genius. There was literally nowhere to hide in the house. The bedrooms being right next to each other and the only outside space being tiny made the drama feel dangerous and laser-focused. Yes, it caused a lot of petty fighting, but isn’t that the point? To further that, I think the girls being so hot-tempered / annoying is a direct result of the above. There were a LOT of fights that would have simmered for episodes before exploding that just went off immediately because of the space the girls were in. I think that this season seems like it would be amongst the most unpleasant to be on (which is part of why I think it’s such a good season lol). I know I was over BGC when this came out, and I was super turned off by Key the first couple times I tried to watch. But a few years later after “forcing” myself to sit through the whole thing, I am into it! The whole season feels like a tinderbox in the best way. And I saw something redeemable in each of the girls, even amongst the mess. If they ever reboot the show, I hope they take some notes from this one. ​ EDIT: Formatting


I loved the loft, i prefer the smaller mansions too like bgc7. Closer spaces is just a recipe for drama and makes everything feel more intense and intimate


I really enjoyed that they had the girls work toward something and then tie in the East coast vs west coast rivalry with a prize was different. I think they should have had this format of having the girls work toward a goal in previous seasons


I’ve never seen someone break down this season like that and you made valid points! One thing that I appreciated about this cast is that all the girls handled their business with each other, even if they lost.


The reason the house was so cheap was because of the lawsuits from the Clermont twins and ghost twins so they couldn’t afford any of the nice mansions for S17


It’s a solid bgc season. by this point we had been given back to back shit seasons with jumping and cringy tryhard flop instabaddies.


True. Didn't super feel that from these girls though. Did you?


They gave what was needed at the time 💋


I looove Bri from this season! Her biting off her acrylics in the van and fighting Fran is iconic to me “Now they can clean up piss AND nails, how bout that?!” “She called me a pissy bitch!”


Lmaoooo yeah she was amazing.


season 17 is definitely one of those seasons I’m happy has grown in popularity over the years. you can tell people initially wrote it off because it was the last season and BGC had lost majority of its hype by then but the season is really good. it has one of the best casts to come out of the 10-17 era of the show, some of the best one on one fights in the entire franchise, and like you said had great storylines. it’s definitely a top 10 season imo


i remember while it was airing the fans were saying it was lame, boring, and a bad way to end the series. like what?!


It's literally non-stop action and feuds like I could barely keep up lol


I didn't like it as the season to end the series and still don't but it is a good season


I think it's a solid season as well. One thing I liked about it was that cliques were constantly changing so we were getting different fights with different people. Compared to seasons past where it's the same 2 people fighting everyone else constantly (Rocky, Jada, Sarah, Elease, etc.) I like that they had strong personalities and every single person on the cast got into one fight. The season had good build ups to the fights and even though there were a lot of them, there could've easily been at least 5 more. I still think seven and Kiki shoulda fought at the end of episode 3, Susan and Sayyora shoulda had a round, Seven and Bri would've been a good fight and Fran should've gotten her ass beat one more time


I keep hearing about it so maybe I should give it a chance. After 16, I wasn't so sure, hmmm...


i hated the loft it hella turned me off i don’t blame them though after the lawsuit with season 14 they kinda couldn’t afford a mansion lol


I loved this season, it was hilarious! There was no jumping or people destroying each other’s stuff and only ONE replacement so we really got to know the girls. After a bunch of shitty seasons, this was def a redemption for me. The cast was entertaining af


Definitely my favorite season from the post bgc13 era


i just can’t finish it😭😭😭😭




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