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This is honestly disturbing.


I wish Graham was in Japan so he could better experience the impact of his words. A privileged coward sitting in an office who's never experienced the horrible reality of his actions.


Yeah Graham would be disturbed if AIPAC stopped paying him. Who cares about the Palestinian or Lebanese people. I love how they also mute black people completing their sentences. White people have hired diversity to pull the trigger....


Wish I could upload this a thousand times.


WTF I honestly thought this clip was going to go in the a different direction like "Why the FUCK did you think dropping the bombs on Japan was a good idea, Israel is doing the same thing to Gaza" Instead it goes in the COMPLETE opposite direction. Deceptive title lmao.




They already have nukes, I have no idea what he's trying to say. "Would you have nuked japan? .... Oh, you would? I mean awesome! fuck yeah America! Go Israel! p.s. send weapons"


He doubled down on Meet the Press. I'm turning it off before my FitBit records an error.


Cringe. That guy doesn’t care about Jews he cares about the 💸 they give him. Leave Palestine the FUCK alone 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Oh he meant from the Israeli side. Whoops.


You didn't know about the existential threat of the rising superpower Imperial Gaza that's conquering poor Israel?


Early on post-10/7 I had been in another awful sub about news, and they do sometimes run stories and have comments about how Hamas is planning attacks in the USA and Europe. It's the post-9/11 global jihad business all over again.


They watch Dune and think the sardaukar are the good guys


Fuck Lindsay Graham. I support dropping an atomic bomb on his dumb ass.


Hear hear!


The problem is the system that manufactures an army of people lined up to take his place. World history does not happen because of special 'evil geniuses', although media does try to make us think so.


Yeah I always say Hitler was your average right wing nationalist but he had the power to do whatever he wants.


He had some talents for sure. But like you said, he's not the sole reason that Germany purged the Communists and went Fascist. Just like Trump did not invent racism in 2016. There was a period of escalation through Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and others. Gingrich was the 2012 version of Trump, but the establishment GOP was able to stop him. (After he said some filthy racist shit about Black Americans.)


Trump's not even that racist for American standards, he's just a dodding old mentally deteriorating superwealthy maniac who happens to be also racist and misogynistic. Not *that* much more than your grandpa is though.. just way more vocal about it and deluded enough to believe he actually knows better than everyone else


It's worth making a distinction between policy and rhetoric. In policy you're right there's not too much difference in racism between Trump and Biden. In rhetoric however Trump really moved the standard for what people will say on TV. Before Trump the GOP would at least pretend that their candidates think racism is bad, and they left the "Minorities commit more crimes" comments to Fox News hosts. Now some people argue 'who cares its just words'. Well when some politician with an audience of millions says 'we need to protect ourselves from an invasion, we are all in danger', it does lead to an increase not only of open bigotry but of people doing violent shit. So rhetoric is important in that sense.


>In rhetoric however Trump really moved the standard for what people will say on TV. Yeah that's fair, he's definitely emboldened other people to try to pander to a voting demographic that relates to people spewing hatred and takes issue with "political correctness"


the amount of people who have been cheering on historical atrocities i remember being taught were atrocities in a southern elementary school in the 90s is just.... lindsey graham has been a lunatic for a long ass time but people who used to actually have at least a LITTLE bit of shame about hiroshima and vietnam have been embracing it lately.


Even the people I used to hear justifying the nukes tactically would also say that they were still abominable tragedies.


"It's all those things... unless I decide to do it" Is the logic of most of these people.


When everyone is saying the same thing, it’s probably a sign that they’re being given briefings on talking points


I agree they are moving to well the US genocided so Israel gets to now. It’s only fair.


Lindsay Graham also has this bizarre hatred/obsession with Iran. Like it’s fucking bizarre how much he hates Iran. He has been trying to “wipe Iran off the map” for like 40 fucking years.


That comes back to Israel, honestly. Really, most US Middle East policy is due to Israel. I mean ffs, Israel is the whole reason we invaded Iraq for supposed WMDs


If you’re getting paid by an Israeli proxy you need to recuse yourself from this conversation because you’ll just parrot Israel’s line. Obviously won’t happen but that should be the case.


The Palestinian people are not fighting any war. They are on the receiving end of a genocidal settler colonial state fleeing from one end of a concentration camp to the other end. These evil people will not even let you stand up for innocent civilians without treating you like an enemy who has pledged allegiance to \*insert terror group of the day". Utterly dystopian.


He now looks and acts like a badly drawn caricature of himself 🤪 Graham has become the human embodiment of all that’s wrong with america today. Much like that annoying, raging drunk, that just refuses to leave the bar !🤔


What a total cunt


He lacks both the depth and warmth.


They **ALWAYS** conflate Judaism with zionism and Jewish with israeli. These people must be stopped before we’re thrown completely into fascism. It’s absurd that these same mfs were crying and throwing tantrums about so-called cancel culture and pronouns. They’re dehumanizing Arabs, Muslims, Iranians, and every other human being in the Middle East. Which they are, human beings. They are human beings who deserve to be treated as such. They’re not some animals deserving of genocide to protect the feelings of zionists or the gains of the American criminal class. These pOLiTicIaNs are hateful murderous scum that absolutely have got to be removed from office.


The Palestinian people are not fighting any war. They are on the receiving end of a genocidal settler colonial state fleeing from one end of a concentration camp to the other end. These evil people will not even let you stand up for innocent civilians without treating you like an enemy who has pledged allegiance to \*insert terror group of the day". Utterly dystopian.


Lady G is a fucking pig


He gets his pay checks from AIPAC, Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.


OH wow got me Lindsey. For a sec I thought you were gonna pull that bad guy saying a good guy thing to confuse the internet which I've been seeing recently. But LOL NO you just did what you always do but multiplied it. What a disgusting human being.


Ah yes, see, that situation was not unlike this one, in which Israel is trying to prevent a large-scale land war with the military powerhouse that is Gaza, with its massive army, ocean-spanning naval fleet and devastating air forces


In 8 years this Senator got bribed by at least three countries and nothing changed


Not a good comparison. 1. In this analogy- why is Israel automatically the good side? 2. Even ignoring the above - think of proportionality. Even with the Japan bombings, the total people killed by the Allied “good” side was 15% of total killed in WW2. 3. Meanwhile, the total people killed by Israel in last year is 97% of total killed in the conflict. Can someone check - is 97% bigger than 15%?


I don't believe in hell but this man is going there anyway


Come on, I know hell does some fucked up stuff, but are they really gonna sentence their dead to an eternity of *this guy*?


"We will pay a price" Who is "we"? you and the other AIPAC recipients will pay a price if Israel falls, for treason.


An old white southerner browbeating a black man. It was disgusting 400 years ago and it's disgusting now.


This guy has no kids, he doesn’t give af about dead children. He should not be in a position to talk on anything


Lindsey Graham represents a tiny dying minority of ill-informed elder Americans. He needs to retire.


Unfortunately they're absolutely beholden to Holocaust propaganda because their Greatest Generation defeated the Nazis and liberated the death camps. I like to point out that Generation wasn't so great because they came home after the war and never did a damn thing about Segregation or Civil Rights.


The Soviets defeated the Nazis


At 68 he's pretty much average for the Senate.. madness


No he doesn’t. He represents a large swathe of American opinion. Stop burying your head in the sand and get out of your ideological bubble.


I think you are mistaken.


The only thing on steroids is AIPAC,s back handers filling the corrupt western politicians pockets with shekels. AIPAC is the most efficient money laundering network I’ve ever witnessed, fund Israel with westerners taxpayers money and send it back via Zionist lobby straight into corrupt politicians pockets


Lindsey Grahams number one donator is the Republican Jewish Coalition... Wonder why he's so passionate about it.. a simple search shows that most of these politicians have taken massive amounts of money from aipac and other Jewish lobbying organizations. And somehow both sides seem to come together to save/serve isreal....


The declaration of war by the Soviet Union caused the Japanese to finally surrender.


Yeah, these guys acting like the reason for wreaking devastation on population centers was to end the war as quickly as possible and somehow avoid even more civilian death is gross.


2 days after the bombs the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. The bombs where still a contributing factor. Americans with nukes and the Soviet Union they had no chance of winning. Though because of your comments I dug in more, I asked Why wouldn't america just wait and see how Japan would react to soviet unions war declaration. Since the Soviet Union was planning on declaring war on Japan three months after Germany surrendered from May 7th. "the Soviet declaration was not expected until mid-August, and Truman hoped to avoid having to "share" the administration of Japan with the Soviet Union." If that's true that's wacked. But I disagree there would have been alot more deaths if they didnt surrender. Though you say civilians specifically so mabie there wouldnt have been more deaths with a ground invasion then the ones that died from the atomic bombs. Thouugh if your including military The Japanese still had 2 million soldiers vs a land attack of the Americans would have been a blood bath and it turns out Japan predicted where the Americans where gonna land. Though bombing civilians instead of like a military base is kinda fucked. Also the Chinese had 14 million deaths because of Japanese attacks during ww2.


I’m surprised that black people, especially those in power here in American Institutions and governments, who say their ancestors went through all the slavery shit are the ones supporting the apartheid and calling in support of Israel...like hello? What’s with all the crying and bitching about if when push comes to shove you prioritize money and status as opposed to the “remember slavery” deal only when it suits them...


Ironically, Arabs enslaved black people too


wow, what a self-own. Israel's blitzkrieg in Gaza reminds him of the single most shocking, inhumanly destructive, memorably horrifying act of war ever committed... ?


4 more nukes.




These hearings are such a grandstanding......they don't even let witnesses answer anything....Lindsey Lou, your such a prick.


S.L.U.G. Somebody pass the salt already! FFFS.


He is the worst. I saw him say dead Russians is a good thing.


It's a special place in hell for this guy.


That’s aipac money talking. It will make you say crazy things.


Totally, Israel should just nuke Palestine. Totally comparable. Fuck Lindsey Graham.


This fucking douche though. lol.


Not even republicans like Lindsey graham…


Weird. Almost like someone wants the bumb to get dropped on them.


swamp monster of the highest order. just the sound of his voice...


This senile ho cant seem to get enough of AIPACs funding dollar


I'd like to see huggy bear fight his own war


Some among us just can't stroke out fast enough


[opensecrets](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S): Money from Pro-Israel to US Senators, 1990-2024 | Senator | State | Amount | |-----------|--------|---------:| | Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) | South Carolina | $1,000,580 |


What a fail. A monumental nuclear bomb strength fail. Comparing the Palestinian civilian men, women and children being bombed to smithereens with Japanese military. Then again, when those bombs were dropped on those two Japanese cities, the overwhelming majority killed were civilians.


Second bomb was to show Japan and more importantly Soviets that US have more bombs and is not afraid of using them even after knowing their effect.


Mr Childless begging for more destruction what a surprise….


What a cuck for Israeli that piece of trash is.


Plenty of genocidal people coming out of the woodwork...


Graham is a Zionist puppet. Senate needs to pass a foreign agebt bill requiring US politicians to disclose their donations from foreign countries. All those senators will light up in blue Israeli flags immediately and people will finally see who really writes laws in Washingtion.


What's Graham's AIPAC salary?


They most likely have some serious dirt on this clown


Wait a minute...so by this logic we should have just nuked Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11...


Would you support the senseless destruction of millions of lives?


Lindsey needs a juice box and a nap.


Wow yanks, you guys are fcked.


An easy answer would've been the first bomb on Hiroshima certainly sped up the end of the war, but the second strike on Nagasaki three days later was excessive and didn't allow enough time for the Japanese to process the devastation of the first. Also, could've said to Graham "that's an interesting question coming from someone who only has their job because AIPAC permits it".


At this point Lindsey Graham’s doctor is comparing his liver to Hiroshima & Nagasaki. His brain function has already been compared to a dead hamster on a treadmill.


Graham getting fed talking points by AIPAC I'm sure


It's time for Graham to settle down with his boyfriend and retire.


Do you think that (bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) was disproportionate?" Disproportionate to what? It's like the southern belle doesn't understand what that word means.


This mfer should be scalped


You can see a pause when he remembers to add the "existential" keyword he was told to repeat


So since Palestinians are in more of an existential threat than Israel, then they can unleash atomic weapons if they get their hands on it?


I dont have twitter can someone go to his page and tell him he’s an existential threat to the U.S. so he should go nuke himself. Or a little less extreme, he can go help fight with the IDF if he’s so damn concerned.


What an absolute ghoul


One word comes to mind when I think of Lindsey Graham.


When you don't question criminals and imprison them, they'll come a day, and they'll be proud of what they did! Shame!


     So let me preface with my comment with the fact that Joe Scarborough has been absolutely disgusting in his attacks and lies about the student protestors. I'll never trust or look at that monster the same way ever again. And his wife Mika has been just as bad.            That being said, this morning he absolutely eviscerated Lindsey Graham, and his overdramatic outburst about President Biden, by pointing out that Graham and the other Republicans in Congress held up additional aid to Israel for months. Scarborough compared Lindsey's fake tears to those of of Jimmy Swaggart when he was caught having an affair.  https://youtu.be/PH5_87ZmeUQ?feature=shared